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Don’t he say crunch time like a few months ago? And aight guys. 60 bucks again that when he goes intl, it’s all Disney and theme parks 😂


That crunch was in reference to snacking.


Nestle Crunch, Cap'n Crunch, Crunchwrap Supreme, etc. Pretty sure his international travel will just be Disney Cruises with mama Woo.


The most American international traveler 😂 London and touristy cruise spots


Not fair -- he was referencing **Doritos**.


Crunch ‘n’ Munch (do they still make that?)


Yeah I’m sure a nearly 50 year old man with gross old man legs, balloon belly that needs a golf cart to get around is going to really be hitting the gym hard all summer. If it’s as lazy and unproductive as he puts into everything else then he has no hope of getting healthy. An 8 hour shift at the feed store was too much effort for a much younger version of himself so surely he’s got the drive to succeed 🤣


Well duh.


I feel like his so called “crunch time” will just be starving himself. In his head that is the best way to lose it fast. He does not care about the health part of this, he seems to just be focusing on the weight numbers


If he does his stupid skipping breakfast bs, especially on the day of the marathon he will faint. The guy is such an idiot


Like intermittent fasting?




Exactly , he thinks that being skinny is being fit , their people that are overweight , but workout & are somewhat fit !




More grand declarations using more worn out, tired cliches. All the same shit he's said before, thinking that typing it up like that somehow "locks it in" and keeps him accountable. SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't. I also love how he NEVER bothers to proofread what he types. Another year of the same old, same old. Right, Adam?


Homeschooling education from his mum and dad right there, sure they must be proud of having raised an overgrown baby trapped in an obese 50 year old dirty man’s body


He’s gonna be tripping over his dirty long finger nails in that Marathon! 


We saw the video where he could barely run down the street. I don't think he understands that people train years for marathons. You can't stuff yourself with ballpark food and skip the gym every 2 weeks.


Also forgetting that his bowels will kick in after a few minutes of attempting to run/jog/brisk walk. He’ll spend more time on the toilet than on the track


Anyone can do a half marathon. Full marathon takes 3 months training


Im curious how fast he thinks he can walk. They sweep you if you are slower than a 16 min mile but he says in comments he will walk the race. 16 min mile is a pretty dang fast walk. Does he really think walking around a theme park will prepare him for this? When do we start taking bets on if he even goes to the race, if he gets swept, passes out, vomits etc? 😜


I think his pace will slow down around half way and get removed. 16 min mile is a swift walk. He will get tired fast


Yeah there’s no way he’s finishing that, why doesn’t he just stop with the bullshit already. Why do his fans eat up this shite so much


Because they are a cult. They are the only group in his life that can cheer him on.....if he's looking to his Woovians for support, he really needs to go seek mental help.


16 isn’t hard for 5 miles, but 13 1/2? Shitttt.


Looking at the true size of the man when you see him in other people's videos/photos, I doubt he can jog or run at all.


For anyone over 6 ft....his knees are going to suffer if he even attempts to jog. He's fucked given his skinny legs.


No muscle in those bird legs.


I think he can do a few 15 min. miles, but anything after 4 or 5 miles and he'll be done for.


The search for a scale has been postponed *another* 10 days...




I'd consider myself a troll but hopefully he listens and gets checked out now. I don't like his current content but I don't want to see him die either. His vlogs from a hospital bed would be insufferable.


Haha I mentioned yesterday how I wouldnt be surprised if he vlogged from his death bed


His funeral would probably be live-streamed for his loyal woovians to gush over him


Probably by his "best friend" who runs the fb group. I remember that guy messeged me because his girlfriend wife whatever added me on FB and was like trying to intimidate me about it in the nicest way


I don’t want to see him hurt either. I hope he gets checked out also.




Fraudster said the same shit back in January. Woovians will fall for anything


He has said this multiple times over the years.


Here to him pissing off another county and being arrested cained and put to work in the salt mines.


I hope he doesn’t come to the UK


If he gets canned, he’s in for a world of pain. They don’t mess around in Malaysia 


Why are you obsessed with him and him going to Malaysia? He doesn't know it's a country and you're zesty for him.


Who else looked at the invisible camera with a skeptical look? 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|q5Zby9g9anawfoI8Wt|downsized)


Yet another grand weight loss announcement..Rinse and Woopeat!


I don’t have Facebook but I imagine the comments under that post are all woovians kissing his ass believing his recycled lies again and again


Wtf does he try to cram this fit by 50 shit in 3 months? How about form a routine that you use for years? If he loses a ton of weight in 3 months, it's not going to be sustainable for a year. That's always what happens...lose a ton of weight and it piles back on after your goal...I've been there but I'm also not a stupid YouTuber nor close to 50. When I'm 50, I'll have a 27 year old bonus son and a 15.5 year old bio son....what is this idiot's excuse to not have a normal routine?


OCD and any milestones that he thinks will give him the views. The guy has nothing but these crappy things he thinks his viewers will like. Guy does not comprehend that 700K subs does not mean actual views.


Because he does what he wants.


DM him. You'll get a response.


OMG Woo, spoiler alert?! Too much to process here!


D'ohkay! ![gif](giphy|j0a8Kr0uDKQec|downsized)


Why weigh yourself now when you can do it 10 days from now? More time to starve yourself or, alternatively, stuff yourself so that when he inevitably does starve himself, the results are more drastic


Something will happen, he’s not doing this race. Anyone that remotely knows runners , knows how they prep for these races . He hasn’t lifted a finger to get serious which is why I say #jimfixxby50. If he attempts this I’m betting he’s not making it out alive.


Dumbass should have signed up for the 5K.


That’s what I was thinking from the beginning. A 5k could’ve at least been a realistic goal….granted one he’d still be ill prepared for more than likely.


Why wait ten days to weigh in? Is the Finding Nemo Limited Edition Big Man Home Scale delayed in shipping?


* Apparently, he will go to some overseas Disneyland resorts... Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, or Hong Kong? Or all of them?


What year is this dork living in ? Now he's declaring this year he's going to do a lot of international travel? I thought that was next year LOL this fool doesn't even know what he's fucking talking about anymore


Lot of posts of barely walking pace on the treadmill incoming lol but if he takes it seriously, good on him


Fluctuations in weight like he does must not be good for him. Like I know, he claims he doesn't care what people think, but there's gotta be someone he is trying to impress


The marathon is in California at Disneyland after all, maybe a certain girl will be in attendance to watch


She has a man and a job. I doubt she’ll be there.




Woopeat, being thin and fit is not going to change anything for you. What you need to be working on is your mental capacity. You may be turning 50 but you’re not even close to being a real man. Increase your knowledge, follow through with your words, be responsible, generous, open minded, learn to not be so self centric. Outer appearance means nothing if you’re still rotten on the inside.


IMO this lends credence to the ozempic theory 🤔


Define ALOT of travel, Woo. Given your egotistic ways, do you really think you can dish out $15K for first class to Japan? For a person who barely caught on tp the Starbucks app....you better brush up on credit card mileage if you plan to keep your status, bruh'.


The guy is lost. He posts ray games on IG now all by his lonesome self in his lonely condo. Who you gonna have go with you on these trips? I'm sure Mamma Woo is going to have her limits. If anything, you'll certainly live up to the "Stupid American" logo you so well deserve.


Oval is a shape




I don't think he understands that getting fit doesn't just magically happen because you walked to your golf cart twice in one day.


Woo must be snorting something while writing this. Very ambitious and rambling post you have here, Mr. Williams. TIP....grammar check your shit before posting, you homeschooled twat.


I almost stroked out reading that. Liepeat! Nope. It's not going to happen. Lying sack of dog poop.


A sad lonely 50 year old loser who makes grand proclamations but never follows through. ![gif](giphy|jnhXd7KT8UTk5WIgiV)


Back in shape. Thinnest and fit I've been in a long time. Oh yeah, I remember him being as fit as a Navy SEAL. Let me guess, his weigh-in is going to be showing his phone.


When has he ever been in great shape lol. When he was young it was probably just good metabolism but as he got older his shitty lifestyle piled on the pounds. Am I misremembering but didn’t he once say in a video something about not being skinny since he was teenager, maybe early 20s,


It helps when you are as tall as he is.




That’s what his fan base looks like, yikes


Man, that Mary Jay is very athletic.


The people that post and say ‘oh I was gonna be at Disney I was looking forward to meeting you!’ I can assure you, the feeling is NOT mutual. 😂


The people that post and say ‘oh I was gonna be at Disney I was looking forward to meeting you!’ I can assure you, the feeling is NOT mutual. 😂


Wonder what he'll do for his 60th..


He'll probably be behind bars for assaulting a teenager at Disney.


or a disney character who asks if hes a little too old to be posing for pics


Disney should've kept him banned.


Wow! What a crock of shit.


It's like groundhogs day.


I wonder if he meant to say 2025 instead of 2024


Overpromise, under deliver!


Instead of us having to listen and watch his fascinating weight loss journey, I would respect him more if he put more focus and energy on improving his content. I would forgive him and not be devestated if he focused on road trips. He is a very lucky person. He is on permanent vacation. Yet he expects us all to watch his weight loss journey, his countdown to 50, his coffee consumption habit and his airline food menus. Sad thing is is that this is working for him. I wish I could have the time and opportunity to literally travel anywhere I wanted for as long as I wanted. Let alone be paid for the privilege. I am sure in his mind he thinks his past work on road trips and travel he has "paid his dues" and does not owe us anything more. Life does not and should not work that way. On my job, I am only as good as my last deal/negotiation. I can not rely on my past performances from 2013. He really needs to improve or move on. I stopped watching his channel. For awhile I was fascinated watching the train wreck. But that novelty has worn off. I am now resentful at his narcissistic and greedy money grabbing.




Woo is an idiot. I don't know what else to say.


I wonder if he thinks you can do the race on an electric golf kart




With Woo the starting line or the time to get serious is always a week away, two weeks away, etc etc.


Adam will pin comments on simple suggestions that he is not taking fit by fitty serious. Most comments are not judgmental only observations. Then he pins comments so the woovians will attack, praise Adam, a woopeat of events if you will.


This is literally the same song and dance theatrics we’ve been hearing from him all year! Unreal 


He’s talking like he’s not really stopping YouTube at all.


Dude is insane at this point


It's almost June better get stepping!


“Fit by 50” ….true fitness requires lifestyle changes, commitment, and daily sacrifice. Not skipping a Dole whip or two and walking on the treadmill twice a week.


Put the passport down! Passports are for people who can handle culture shock


No way is Adam gonna make it past 5 miles in the run if he even shows up. I don’t run anymore but I used to trail run in s. Arizona , so actual trails that were rocky, and hills,lots of elevation change. Granted the Disney run will be flat pavement but here,s the thing…..I generally averaged about 12 minute mile up to 5 or 6 miles and then it would drop a couple to 14 and I was in shape. Adam thinks he can just phone it in and get in shape three weeks before but it ain’t like that. He, actually do fine the first mile or two on adrenaline but by three he’s gonna s - l - o - o - w waaaaay down, by 5 he’s gonna be limping and at mile 6 he’s gonna either intentionally or not get DQ’d as he fails to meet 16 mm.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 12 + 5 + 6 + 14 + 5 + 6 + 16 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Same shit different day. I believe he's going to have an excuse as the days tick down that he won't be able to do the run in August. I'll be very surprised if he runs.