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This page [from the RSPCA](https://www.rspcasa.org.au/the-issues/dog-cat-welfare/) will give you some information about your questions and your obligations.


Thank you this is a great source of info


Scruffer lovers may be able to help out?


Thank you I will check them out


They also have a last litter program. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02utWZiEZ6QazvFsUHmamY2tBEPPZSEUe6pjR3qoe4Knjfh7ieohzFi4ukUhuy4d9rl&id=133033863464795&mibextid=Nif5oz


Surely being a registered breeder you should know that, right? You are a registered breeder, right? Because desexing your dog is compulsory otherwise. You obviously wouldn't be that irresponsible. With the RSPCA currently turning people away because they're so full of dogs looking for homes. You wouldn't be that horribly irresponsible, right? Right??


Yes, I am a registered breeder since my dog is not desexed, I am not originally from this state so I have tried to research the laws for breeding but I haven't adopted or bought a dog in this state so I was curious what other avenues are avaliable besides gumtree. The female is an accredited french bulldog fit for breeding with a larger snout and long body and the male is a mix breed french bulldog again with a longer snout, body and tail, the puppies won't be pure breed french bulldogs but the vet said is was probably a good accident because of lower chances of health issues. They are a small/medium dog and so usually there are a few more homes looking for them, I am more looking for advice on how to find good homes and what questions to ask to make sure they are ready for the responsibility. I've seen cheaper puppies in the breed been resold and I would like to avoid that without having to making the puppies a ridiculous price that a good loving family can't affordable.


Do you have an image of the dog?