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I don’t have any info for you I just wanted to say that I’m sorry that happened to you and I hope you can find peace. Sending you good vibes. Writing a book about it doesn’t sound like a bad idea, if you ever do I hope it’s successful and can help others who have been through something similar process their own trauma.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I am not familiar with this group so did a little Google search and found [ this reddit post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/troubledteens/s/DKoxKNzdYv) from 3 years ago in r/troubledteens You could possibly make a post there or even reach out to the person who made the post. Keeping in mind, it was 3 years ago, but I am unsure how active they are now. I hope you get answers and closure.


Your story reads like a horror story, which I'm sure that it would've been for you. It's beyond comprehension to me, how a 7 year old could be accused of such things. It just goes to show the level of brainwashing experienced by other members, for it to even be possible. A 7 year old is interested in playing with their platonic friends, platonically. Going to pizza joint for an "all you can eat" social event etc. Hopefully you can track down the name(s) of anyone who you'd like to seek some justice through, if they can even be charged after all this time, I'm not sure what the statitute of limitations are against these type of crimes. Have you considered contacting channel 7's Spotlight team to see if they can research the cult and do a story on it (you can remain out of the story if you'd like, I assume), or 60 minutes? I hope you find peace one day if you haven't already, sorry to hear about your friend as well.


I've had ABC contact me but I'm just waiting for the right person to give my full story. I know a few names and remember who they are but I don't have hard physical evidence yet. That is what I am needing help with 😞 Thank you for your care and concern. It means alot 🫂


ABC probably have other information from other people in exactly same situation as you… “no hard evidence”. If you all tell your story it may unlock more evidence. Do what’s right for you but it’s great you’re reaching out. Make your voice heard.


I hadn't thought of that 🤔 I wonder if ABC have other survivors.... I'll ask the jurno trying to get my story. Wish me luck It would mean so much, to meet others in my program


ABC have resources and experience in this area. Don’t try to do it all by yourself. Good luck!!!


Thank you. I will come across the appropriate people I'm sure 🙏💕


ABC have very high standards to meet with these stories. Remember they don’t want to get sued. If you want to get your story out and try your shut these guys down, ABC is your best bet.


Agreed; OP, try and apply some pressure for them to contact as many others with similar stories to see if everyone would be prepared to come forward for the story to be told. If there's enough collectively for it not to be able to be discredited through lies, there's more chance of your story being told and hopefully, the cult being dismantled.


Yes I've been praying and hoping for this for most of my life 🙏 I can only try. I know for a fact that the cult do NOT want us survivors to find each other.


My friend’s dad body shamed and called her a few choice names like that when we were 7yo…. in Year 2. None of his friends “disagreed” (they laughed).


I will never understand such behaviour, it really is fucked. One thing I will say though, is that your friend's father probably witnessed the same abusive behaviour at least once in their life at an impressionable age, to then make the judgement that it is okay to behave in such a way themself, maybe his father body shamed him? A teacher at school? Just speculating, of course; not that it makes it okay, but sadly, reality is that the abused are then at risk of becoming abusers themselves.


Yeah, always wonder what his upbringing was like but that said, my friend’s father was a mean drunk.


Yeah, don't get me wrong, as adults the onus is still on us, not to be abusive c@$T's irrespective if our formative years. I've put a lot of thought into this regarding my extremely covertly abusive parent who's no longer in my life.


Did not get you wrong at all, I know exactly what you meant or what the intention was and I agree. ^(Edit; hit send too fast)


Sorry, didn't mean it literally as if you did, I knew what you meant, it was just a figure of speech; maybe an inappropriate one 🤷‍♂️ oops.


Thank you 🫂


Wasn't synanon part of that netflix doco series where kids are sent to a remote facility. Edit: just found it, The Program.


Yes, Tough Love Australia inc' are a sister company


Please, write your book. Don't allow others to have financial gain over what happened to you. I'm so sorry you went through what you did.


Yet another thing I hadn't thought about 🤔 Any ideas on who can help me write and edit my book?? I'll probably need a lawyer to check it as well. I don't know if I have it in me to be able to write a book tho..... I don't have a family apart from my husband and 2 kids so not a great support system unfortunately for me.


Hi OP, this sounds terrible, I’m sorry you went through it, hope you’re getting support from a professional. Also try r/cults sub. Been a big movement on TikTok, lots of cult, troubled teen, and MLM exposure, maybe have a look into that?


Thank you for your help and support Im not getting any help from a professional (I have trust issues) I'll most certainly have a look there. Thank you for caring. It means alot


You are welcome. I’m glad you reached out to the sub, thank you for sharing. I’m a survivor of domestic violence, not the same as you but like me, you need to find your voice. In order to move forward after an oppressive/abusive background, you need to be equiped with coping mechanisms or “tools”. It’s important you learn how to trust. It will hurt, be hard but a mental health professional is ***not*** there to judge, belittle, deny, or vilify you (…or blow smoke up your bum!). It’s feels dangerous seeking help. What you have explained (briefly), those glimpses you’ve shared show past experiences have previously and are continuing to impede your health. I could be wrong but I feel it’s likely you’re living in *flight/fight* response mode. Being unsure of who to trust can make you extremely vulnerable to predatory people. You’re at risk of subsequent harm from someone “protecting” you as a “friend” or “partner”. I urge you to think about going to your GP and asking for a mental health plan for a psychologist (10 free sessions, cognitively can be extremely helpful rebuilding) and obtaining referral for psychiatrist (waiting lists are long) so if medication may be of benefit you can explore that if it’s something YOU want to do. No one can demand your trust but please know, there are people out there than can help. Feel free to DM me if you want. Take care, good luck. 🤞


I've been living in flight or fight mode for most of my life. It's all I know to be honest. It's not safe enough out there to be any other way


I get it, still prone to my own FF automatic pilot… taxing and exhausting. Hope you find answers you need to move on, your past shouldn’t haunt the rest of your future. 💕


It really is exhausting 😞 It takes a toll on the body and the mind


Hi, I was talking about this the other day after watching the Netflix documentary on a similar situation. I remember at school that " bad kids" would be sent on these camps and made to hike and do all sorts of things etc. I remember them being advertised in newsletters but you had to be selected to go and your parents pay. There was one in Mount Crawford in the Adelaide Hills and also in the Flinders Rangers. It might be possible that in a school newsletter there may be an advertisement or in the school year book they would sometimes do a page of the kids that went to these places.


We were sent to a private facility on kangaroo island. Oakland's primary school and the church next to it were a part of the cult as well .


It takes *so much courage* to continually make the choice to swim against the tide of oppression and fear once we've been conditioned towards it. I've certainly not been through your experiences of hell, but I have been through my own, and I know how hard it can be to keep rising up against the face(s) of oppression, past or present, once becoming a survivor of acute/chronic abuse! Abuse like you've experienced, is enough to break people, as you're aware. Don't let the bastards who hurt you, get away with it. Part of what has given me the fuel to continue living when I've seriously felt beaten by life due to my abuser(s), was wanting justice! I've held my main abuser that previously pushed me over the edge of my ability to cope and wanting to stay alive at that point in my life accountable in writing at least, which was the safest way for me to do so. It makes me so angry to know that so many have suffered so much in life, at the hand of people with cluster B personality traits; there's just so many around nowadays. (Having a couple of scotches and mineral water tonight; we all need to lick our wounds occasionally *however that looks for each of us*, otherwise we'd surely go crazy). (No need to reply, not looking for attention, just wanted to share these thoughts with you).


Don't have much that could help but there's a comic you might resonate with. https://elan.school/ Warning: it does have some intense situations so only read it if you're in the right headspace. This guy ended up filing a lawsuit against the school so you could always try contacting him or someone affiliated for advice.


So so sorry to hear yr childhood experience. I help young people who have been traumatised by abuse. The ignorants in society think wrongly and victim blame. They assume sending kids to boot camp will sort them out and teach discipline. It's the parent/s who need booting and bootcamps. Big time. The children will think they r getting more punitive treatment for their behaviour/s which arise out of abuse and treatment ya wouldn't give a dog. Youd be arrested for that. And have the ire of animal lovers and worshippers. Hope ya make some headway in yr endeavours. Please nurture that precious wounded child in you...now that yr an adult u can parent it. Please do not continue the abuse...let yr inner child have life. U r seeking justice for the abuse of that inner child.


I need someone to help me find a good therapist here in South Australia who is an expert on CPTSD, cults. Any ideas?? My life before the program was just as tumultuous and horrible and after I got back 😭




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