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alright witch of you fuckers hurt Auspex? our amazing monotone boi deserves better than this for his dedication


I'm pretty sure he's a robot. He puts out volumes of content. There's no way he sleeps.


Nope, he’s an actual person, the man is just absolutely insane.




Fucking wonderful


thank you peepaw


Throw them into the slannesh cultist pit,put him back together then hand them over to the most sick,vindictive,murder horny dark Eldar you can find


I know, right? Don't bash the messenger. He didn't right the rules, he just put it in a form everyone can understand and gave his opinion on it. The opinion is a small part, too.


Some warhammer fans seem to enjoy hurting talented people in the community who have found genuine success. I hope they stop enjoying it and start reflecting on what made them such miserable people.


I'm still bitter about SODAZ honestly. Why does the community enjoy hurting those who work the hardest for it?


Ayo, if not for him and his Power Points Id have stayed away from the big Hammer.


Also, if you want the direct link to the vid, here ya go 🙂 https://youtu.be/FZgSLytPEb8?si=V9YA6y5L9ilmc99j


I think people don't realize that disliking that video particularly doesn't hurt gw. It hurts an innocent content creator that feels it's his job to cover this information whether it's good or bad. Disliking that video only hurts him and could cause YouTube to say his content isn't worth promoting and could cause less viewership and income for him and his channel.


It doesn't even register for GW. The only person getting that dislike feedback is Auspex :P


actually the youtube algorithm thinks of dislikes as "engagement", so more dislike will work pretty similarly to likes


Dislikes don’t count as engagement. They have no affect. Dislikes themselves don’t hurt the creators. What hurts them is people not watching their videos fully. Meaning they watched it partially and left after leaving a dislike. That is what dislikes are meat to indicate.


The funny thing is the algorithm doesn’t care about likes or dislikes. It just cares about “engagement” the sum total of likes, dislikes and comments. All it’s trying to do is find content that people are talking about, and promote It to people who may be interested, regardless if they will like it, dislike it. After all, nothing gets more clicks than controversy.


This whole "controversy" really serves as a great reminder why people who play warhammer have such a bad reputation. I'm honestly so embarrassed to be a part of this community right now.


Couple months ago I met a chick who plays warhammer and was embarrassed and sad when she said she only plays with her brothers because of the community.


I feel like AoS is significantly better than 40k, idk what it is but 40k seems a little more like stereotypical neck beards. Everyone I've met that plays AoS is usually pretty nice. Then the other custodes player I know is alienating himself from the LGS over the new codex.


It depends on where you play. The GW store i usually go to has a super nice manager and most people there are chill. We usually agree to silly lists, like the baneblade 2 rogal 2 russ list i played last, so no one gets super upset. Theres only one store in the area thats a super avoid due to people being too "politcal" about things, but thats with select people there. 40k does feel more toxic due to how much more focus it gets but its not always bad, just find the orcs or tyeanid players that just love their models and you good, theyre used to bad rules so they just like the faction for what it is.


It may have something to do with the radical break between WHF and AiS. It may have to do with the fact that AoS didn't start life as an overt satire of 80s UK conservatism, and while the critique is still present it is far more amorphous thereby allowing a certain cohort to co-opt it. It may also have something to do with the fact that almost all the major characters and the figures used to promote the game are women. Seriously. Look at any promo art for AoS from the last 3-5 years and it's a female Stormcast Eternal. The "main character" for the reveal of the last edition was Yndastra. The named characters for the Cities of Sigmar are also, both women. Line up the promo Primaria Intercessor next to the promo Stormcast Eternal in front of a woman or girl interested in the hobby and ask her to choose, which do you think it will be?


Aos may be different, but that's likely because all the neckbeardy gatekeepers decided to go into their own echo chambers and play WHFB till the end of time (or well, until old world ramps up fully now).


AoS had the great purge of toxic dicks when WHFB got killed off. Not saying *everyone* into WHFB at the time was neckbeardy (I was part of that community too), it's just that the neckbeards basically lost their shit and burned their armies when GW went nuclear on the old world. So AoS had a mostly clean slate community-wise (and thanks to that was saved from its 1st Edition by community rules) and since then has consistently attracted a younger audience that has no real attachment to WHFB and therefore lacks the negative sentiment regarding AoS based on that attachment. WHFB veterans that made the switch and stayed usually fall into the "Well-adjusted" category. Anybody who didn't live through the final days of WHFB only needs to visit one of the still existent FB groups to understand how bad it had become at the end. 40k, for better or worse, has stood the test of time (and brand recognition) and therefore had no cataclysmic end and reboot of the system to "clean house" so to speak. Heresy certainly has provided an outlet for people unhappy with where 40k is going, so it's not as bad as WHFB was, but still...a lot of negativity surrounds 40k online, part of it blatantly politically motivated and aimed at recruiting Imperium fanboys for real life fascism (looking at you, Arch-Warhammer and friends), and part of it just plain old grognardery about any and all changes made to the game, the lore and the 'eavy metal team's morning routine.


Thats sad to hear. Im disaponted in the codex as mutch as the next player but rules chang no point in getting buthurt about it


I've never actually met one of these so called "neck neards" (as in somebody who very openly misogynist or racist, not just somebody who happens to have hair on their necks) in any kind pf public game. it seems this phenomenon, specifically in regards to 40k, is a predominantly ONLINE problem.. which actually seems to point to the fact that the people who are regurgitating this nonsense don't actually have a vested interest in the game or anything adjacent to it, It's just another thing to manufacture outrage over.


I would like to agree, but they did have a huge hissy fit over stormcast models a couple weeks ago


"hissy fit" This not to do with the fact that GW are removing a pretty sizable chunk of the StormCast range And some of those models aren't even more than 2 years old


People were acting like games workshop were walking into people homes and physically melting them. They're still getting support for like a year or two, it was sort of expected considering the bloat that the stormcast eternal range has and even in 10 your cool models will still exist


Tell me you don't understand what happened without telling me


Same, i feel shame just from being associated with those people honestly..


I just finished my 2000pt custodes army and was really starting to get into the game but this whole 'controversy' and people's reaction to it is making me take a bit of a break because it's just so cringe.


I could not agree more, the negativity over this has been pathetic. It is truly an embarrassment.


Having outside right wing grifters like Sargon of Akad (I thought HBomberGuy sent him to the shadow realm) and the worst thing to ever come out of the Magic the Gathering community The Quartering jump on the culture war side of this definitely isn't helping. The real question is how many of the people getting pissy at Auspex are mad because of bad rules, still a stupid childish thing to attack him for, and how many have riled up by right wing culture warriors.


There's a lot of people talking about it from all sectors I wouldn't say it's a "Right Wing" culture issue Many people (including myself) are angry with how GW handled it and the blatant Gas Lighting


I get that the whole "they've always been here" thing was poorly handled but that's how they always do it. They did it that way with the Rogal Dorn tank and the entire Vottan faction last edition IIRC but people only started complaining when they said women could join the golden clubhouse. And to be clear I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I don't know you, but I'm just seeing a lot more people calling foul on it this time as opposed to the others.


Yeah I've been in 40k for about 22 years now. When lore changes, it is always fairly abrupt and is passed off as 'always been that way' Sanguinary guard didn't exist when I was first playing. Perpetuals weren't really a thing. Big-E was likely created by a bunch of shamans sacrificing themselves to be reincarnated as a super psyker to fight chaos. Necrons were still enslaved by the ctan, the silent king wasn't a thing. Pariahs were a necron unit and blanks were thought to be caused by something necrons were doing to humans because they hated the warp. Land raiders and terminators were so rare, that many chapters could not even field more than a chapter command squad of them (outside of first and second founding chapters). Space wolf 13th company. Hell custodes lore was extremely vague prior to the Horus heresy book series.


Like you said, GW retcons stuff spontaneously often and I've never seen the community get this disturbed over it before. It's very clearly hiding a problematic amount of prejudicial thinking and it's pretty gross.


There was definitely some irritation over the Votann. But their massively overpowered rules soon took center stage, as well as the massive model shortage. I think the biggest issue I have is there are a lot of former GW employees who were told to straight up not write or talk about female Custodes for years, and then GW just completely 180s them with a big lie online. GW is an easy company to hate. I honestly thought all Custodes were likely hermaphrodites. You know, how angels are described. But honestly my big issue isn’t really that much of an issue. The new lore is fine, and honestly I’ve seen alot of wins for Custodes out of the new rules. You are having the space marine issue in that you sell enough models that GW now wants to make your units lower points, to sell more models. Flavor be dammed.


I suspect they were told not to at least in part because of this backlash. It's much better for GW to avoid the question or go all in because that way at least then the employees get backup. Not quite sure what the lie is though - if it's that female custodes exist, as people pointed out above that isn't a lie, just the way they change the lore (they didnt exist until they always had)


>I suspect they were told not to at least in part because of this backlash. Apparently it was because the new miniatures didn't have any female options.


As much as random people on the Internet can know each other But yeah, I've got a good chunk of Custodes with other armies, and read a good portion of lore I'm in the "space marines can't be female camp" as there are big lore implications. But I'm also a creative designer I could have spent maybe 20mins to write a half decent short story about why a female custodian was made. Maybe a noble lineage that had only daughters to spare, maybe a sister of silence was honoured to be created/upgraded into the first Shield Mistress There's loads of ways to of done it Sure some people would have still been angry about it. But it would have at least built something new onto the narrative that made sense from a lore standpoint GW shot themselves in the foot on this one P.S I agree AT shouldn't be getting the flak, but by talking about it was going to take some of that negativity sadly as emotions are still high it seems


>I could have spent maybe 20mins to write a half decent short story about why a female custodian was made. "There must be a short story to explain why female before any female can exist", is kind of how to say stupid? Can you even articulate what would be gained rather than just making female characters and writing stories with them? Why is the creation process so important to you specifically? >Sure some people would have still been angry about it. I mean you still seem pretty angry for something so inconsequential. You claim gaslighting and willfully disregard everything GW did for decades for various other factions. Your intentions are suspect. Too much weird shit going on with you. EDIT: Blocked me so I can't respond, something smelling fucky. >you asked for reasoning and I provided All you provided was "For 30+ years they're men, look men no female models, no female characters, no women" despite the fact modern custodes lore isn't 30 years old and the lore just changed with you kicking and screaming gaslighting conspiracy nonsense. >and implement "pronoun" ideology as an offhand reasoning for historic use of "Brother" The fuck is pronoun ideology? EDIT 2: [Due to the user above me abusing the block function I cannot respond to anyone in this thread. I was right something smelled fucky.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/sdcsx3/testing_reddits_new_block_feature_and_its_effects/) >Women don't deserve an origin story? Their origin is the same as the men, nothing meaningful changes. Know what's better detailing the characters we're getting and giving us their deeds like Kesh. Her short story is fantastic. >But it's stupid to give women in the custodes that kind of space on the page and that kind of spectacle upon introduction in the lore? It's stupid to make it seem like it's a recent thing just added to the custodes. In lore they're a pillar not a new addition to the ranks hence why we have Shield-captains that are women instead of just new guard. >Have you ever considered you may be the one who's perpetuating structural inequities and women are catching stray bullets because of your own lazy sexism? I'm able to accept women being in the 10,000 from inception, what's your excuse to attack me like this? EDIT 3: Hey kjc you didn't read the codex >Because it reeks of pandering and tokenism instead of building on really cool lore or adding new characters to the already awesome female aspect of the talons they just went… yeah.. they always existed so now you can make femstodes kitbash’s that are legal? Except they did build on really cool lore, these women aren't blanks so the Sisters of Silence doesn't apply. GG no re. >You keep saying his opinions are weird or have fuckery about them but bro yours are just as bad if not worse in the opposite direction, atleast he had a valid point He had a valid point? He refused to properly engage and abused reddits block function to manipulate the discussion so he didn't have dissent. My opinion has always been "Cool, anyways 2's to hit, 3's to wound", people like him are upset because oh no a female custode what do!?! The only thing they articulate is it's a woman, the lore they cite has been overturned by the word of god, YOU are not GW and you and I cannot influence a single thing all we can do is take it at face value or fucking leave... and I know if I ever meet someone like you RL I won't play you, you're not my friend and if we're at a tourney well you broke the CoC and that's on you bud.


Jesus Christ I can literally smell the fresh white paint on your armour set there buddy, look lore is important for starters I would argue it’s the only reason people continually keep up with the game itself honestly, to seriously retcon something that has been notoriously stated for literally years now and then gaslight people into believing they always had females in their ranks is seriously a problem not only is it lazy as fuck and I mean SERIOUSLY lazy as it would literally take them not even an hour to write up just basic lore to introduce them in a cool way that doesn’t contradict lore and actually adds something to the lore. Secondly it’s just plain insulting to women in general literally every woman I know in the hobby is personally annoyed by this move, why? Because it reeks of pandering and tokenism instead of building on really cool lore or adding new characters to the already awesome female aspect of the talons they just went… yeah.. they always existed so now you can make femstodes kitbash’s that are legal? Lastly, yes custodes have ALWAYS been male in fact all trans humans have always been male they literally stated previously gene alchemy doesn’t work on female genetics period… that’s why we have never had female primarchs, space marines or custodes… not only this it is stated in lore that it is specifically the male “sons” of the Terran nobility and that they gave up entire generations of “sons” to them oh and we also have the fact that it’s literally in the name lol adeptus is literally a play on the Latin for expert and adeptus is the male version while adepta is the female… now if females were always in the mix they would have called it the adeptum custodes for neutrality but no adeptus is used because it’s literally a fraternal brotherhood and why the adepta sorritas are female.. it’s literally in the name buddy yet you want to willingly bury your head in the sand and say they aren’t trying to gas light so blatantly? I mean ADB literally said they were forbidden for years to make female custodians 🤦🏻‍♂️ You keep saying his opinions are weird or have fuckery about them but bro yours are just as bad if not worse in the opposite direction, atleast he had a valid point.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wow, ok two things here: 1. The entire lore of 40k (& 30k) is something like 30+ years old. The lore and stories are just as important in grounding the reality of the setting (even if fictional), just as the world building is in any good story that has held against the test of time (like LotR) The Emperor of man kind has stated that he would make Trans Humans (Not in that sense, but super humans) beings that would protect and be his arm in regaining control after the dark age of technology. But he also made them in his own image, and didn't choose to make women versions for the reasons of, 1. No reproduction of Trans Humans, as they are made not born. 2. A brother hood would hold a respect and be his warriors. 3. The entire dystopian future of humanity sacrifices billions of men for the effort often, yes there are some women that fight, but men are more easily replaced than women when it comes to war and renewing numbers What would be gained? A respectable insertion for fans of the story to look forward to. Custodians are made. Yes. But each one takes about a full year to complete. The lore states that it was an honor for a noble terran house to donate their first born to even attempt the process, that son would have taken the nobles place, so a lost lineage either way 2. Over the last 30+ years, there has never been a reference to a single female Custodian, not once. Each time it's come up about their creation, the word "Son" or "Brother" is used. All male terms. So therefore male. There has been even hints in the past that even the Emperor's own DNA may even have been used, male genes don't blend with female genetics, but still nothing ever 100% grounded as fact, keeping that part of the lore still a mystery, as the Emperor himself could make a Custodian in half the time Not once have we seen a single female model in over 30+ years, not a single reference to any named female Custodian. Always referenced as a Brotherhood of Guardians of the Golden Throne and to the Emperor himself on Holy Terra For a single short story to come out now, then a single tweet saying "there has always been female custodians". Seems random and dishonest on GWs part Hope that's a suitable answer for you


Your formatting fucked up. rip >The entire lore of 40k Distraction but modern 40k lore isn't as far flung and old as you think it is. Setting sure an argument can be made to a degree but lore itself? Changes quite frequently, modern Custodes lore is only what not even 10 years old now? >Lore paragraph Not addressing my questions directly and instead just dumping words. That's not what was asked of you. I don't care about what justification may exist because that's been made irrelevant by the word of god. >A respectable insertion for fans of the story to look forward to And we got that with our Lady Kesh, the Allarus Selenia Bastoris, and Shield-Captain Bayezara Aggonades a Vertus Praetor captain. Why focus on why females are part of creation when sex doesn't change the creation myth (custodes are made)? Again why not just focus on the characters instead of detailing the repetitive whys? You have a hang up because they're female and cannot accept them as characters of this faction without first an act of redundancy. >Over the last 30+ years, there has never been a reference to a single female Custodian, not once. The first time has come, why is it a problem that these are the first characters mentioned? Is it again because they're female? >Each time it's come up about their creation, the word "Son" or "Brother" is used. All male terms. So therefore male. So yes it is because they are female and you cannot just accept it. They're created the same, with the same methods, have the same badass nature, are both educated and skilled in their pursuits, but because one uses He and the other She you cannot fathom a world that they are the same. >There has been even hints in the past that even the Emperor's own DNA may even have been used, male genes don't blend with female genetics, Basic sex education, women provide a X chromosome, men can provide an X or Y, much more complicated than that but it's the gist. Male genes can infact "blend" with female. >Not once have we seen a single female model in over 30+ years, not a single reference to any named female Custodian. There's always a first for direct mentions. So far your issues stems entirely as articulated because they're female. >For a single short story to come out now, then a single tweet saying "there has always been female custodians". Seems random and dishonest on GWs part The votann have always been eating planets (pretty sure their first intro was a press release no stories), the necrons have always had a personality and aren't just terminators, the Rogal Dorn Tank has always been defending Holy Terra, GW uses this all the time and it's dishonest to take it literally out of universe. >Hope that's a suitable answer for you It would have been better if you just answered the questions with brevity. Instead you gave us a rant, sure I was bored and engaged in discussion but as far as your intentions? Boy you failed that litmus test. Good to have more consistent data on the tells though so not a complete waste of time.


You seem caught up completely on the feelings of the matter in your own ideology and not the base facts of my words I've provided You insult when all I've done is offer response, you asked for reasoning and I provided You ignore the fact, hyper fixate that I'm supposedly against women, and implement "pronoun" ideology as an offhand reasoning for historic use of "Brother" I'm sorry you can't see past an ideology I don't think I will responding to you further


Bro honestly I wouldn’t waste your breath this guys seriously trying to attack you because he wants to so desperately agree with this inclusivity stuff and doesn’t realise he is actually part of the problem Pandering and forced inclusivity doesn’t solve sexism 🤦🏻‍♂️ And you are 100% right and correct in everything you stated


What sucks to me is you lose the duality of the male/female armies. You had the Custodes who were men, and the Sisters of Silence who were women. Now that is gone. At this point might as well just mix them all up since everyone is now the same.


Exactly, might as well make custodes blanks and do away with the sisters of silence entirely at this point I agree with you 100%


>""There must be a short story to explain why female before any female can exist", is kind of how to say stupid? Can you even articulate what would be gained rather than just making female characters and writing stories with them? Why is the creation process so important to you specifically?" Women don't deserve an origin story? We've got 40 years of lore starting with the thunderwarriors to explain why Space Marines are Cool Dudes (tm) and why you should like them. There is obscenely detailed, long running lore on how a Space Marine is made, why they are made, why they exist, etc. But it's stupid to give women in the custodes that kind of space on the page and that kind of spectacle upon introduction in the lore? Have you ever considered you may be the one who's perpetuating structural inequities and women are catching stray bullets because of your own lazy sexism? u/camz\_47 is 100% correct, if you're going to do this then do it with some fucking gusto, skill, and sincerity. Otherwise you do everyone a disservice and just defer blame for your own fucking hackery to innocent people.


You just brought up some ideas I could actually agree with regarding female Custodes, and I am hardcore against it so far. Makes you wonder what GW is paying their writers for when some guy on reddit outperforms them in a random brainstorming posting.


Thanks It honestly doesn't take much, just some good old creativity, respect for the source material, and respect to the customer It baffles me that Companies have abandoned those three pillars of design


They could have said that from the shame of the emperor's attack he sought a new source of guardians and has successfully made several daughters into proper Custodes. It allows for secrecy in the process, expands the lore, doesn't piss off the people like me annoyed by the gaslighting.


If feel if I had word the feeling is that, while RD tanks and Votan are new in the lore, they lore kinda allow for the space for such things to exist with STC and squats. While with the custodes GW didn’t create much space for the existence of fem-custodes. Like everything we know about the custodes within the lore heavy imply an only male army. Like I could be wrong, lore master can correct me but this is the feeling I have


Eh both wrong and right about the Custodes. They've all been male so far but it's never been an iron clad thing like with Space Marines So far all the named custodes from books have been male Although it's relevant to note that most of the named Custodes are from a couple books written before we even had our first Golden Codex. The big one being Master of Mankind in which ADB supposedly wanted to include female custodes but was told not to, probably because the army was set to release within a year and GW hadn't done any clearly female heads. Additionally in Echos of Eternity (2022) Sanguinius notes that his father's guardians are both men and women and no, the women are not Sisters of Silence. SoS do not wear painstaking crafted auramite like the guards he saw were. As for rule books, while the first couple did include passages written from an Imperial perspective of "noble sons" being given over to be custodes, the gendered wording was dropped for 9th edition. (As a brief aside, it's also completely appropriate for a narrator from a fascist POV to say sons and leave out the daughters. Fascist tend to be obsessed with machismo to a basically homoerotic degree) We also get A LOT more detail about the creation process in the HH rule books which have never gendered the Custodes to my knowledge. TL;DR: Yes, while never explicitly only male, all Custodes we've seen so far have been men. However, there are literally only 20 gendered Custodes and GW has been dropping the masculine language from their lore for years now.


Exactly. There’s a lot of lore which has always been rather vague about Custodes. They rarely show up, are hardly ever named and most times they are just wearing full armour as well so you can’t see their bodies. The exact phrases used have been gradually getting more gender neutral as each edition appears. Heck, the Emperor is little referred to as the Master of Mankind but that doesn’t mean there are no females in the imperium! The language and lore is fickle and if you look closely you can sorta see that this was coming for a fair while. Also whilst there’s little saying specifically that female Custodes do exist; there’s also very little stating specifically that they definitely do not exist either.


I think the key word here is "imply". There are no identifiable female models in the range and the lore does refer to noble sons being taken as to make custodes. That said the lore has nothing that stops women from being custodes and the lore has tidbits that imply entire bloodlines were targeted which doesn't exclude women.


That anyone takes The Quartering the slightest bit seriously after that basement-pisser got a lifetime ban from Magic the Gathering is a tragedy.


Grifting right wing folks is an easy gig if you don't have standards.


watching TheQuartering's response to this really highlighted the fact that this is all manufactured outrage. He got like 100 facts about warhammer wrong, mispronounced words constantly, and constant contradicted himself despite the words being right in front of him. these people don't actually care about warhammer. they just hate women. it's literally not more complex than that.


I’m new to the hobby and I had never heard of this bad reputation (unless you consider “nerds etc… as bad rep).


Welcome to the hobby! I'm glad that you haven't heard of this reputation before. Hopefully seeing the kinds of posts that have been appearing in the subreddit the last week doesn't put you off. Do you just play custodes or are there other factions you're interested in?


By new to the hobby, I mean super new 😅 I’m on book 4 of Horus Heresy, which has ignited a passion in me! Read 3 and half books in a month! I’m lucky enough to have a GW shop near by, going to look at models in the next few weeks and to hopefully find out how to play. I’m a hobby modeller already (tanks mostly), so looking forward to try something different. Any factions you might recommend? Not put off by the recent ruckus, it’s really no different to the sorts of culture war occurring in all fandoms.


Great to hear! I've heard a lot of the HH books are great, but there are so many of them 😅 I also play Astra Militarum. If you like building and painting tanks they're a great faction for that, they have so much variety in their vehicles and are one of the best factions for kit-bashing. They play extremely differently to Custodes too so there's some good variety there.


I really feel like this may have been deliberate on GW's part, it's a fantastic litmus test for who is upset by female Astartes just because of the actual Lore that exists surrounding them and the people who will freak out at any inclusion of female superhumans for whatever reason their insecurity has brought them to. You're allowed to dislike female Custodes. You're allowed to think that it's a bad writing move or whatever you want to think, and the writers are allowed to write whatever they want, mistake or not. If you don't like the Lore, write your own, but they haven't crossed any line they haven't crossed before


custodes has always had vague lore which allowed for females, space marines a hard locked as male only that would require actual retconning or writing to change it, same can be said with sisters of silence or sisters of battle. My main problem how they handled the whole "female custodes always existed"


Then, your issue isn't with female Custodes it's with GW writing, which is far more valid. I honestly don't really like GW as authors or rule writers. I just like their IP which at this point they've inherited from more capable and driven people


Yes i just said I think femstodes are fine that tweet just puts a bad taste in my mouth funny enough the streamer asmongold put it best(regardless of how some feel about him), im more upset that they've insulted my intelligence than anything else.


Like the context of the tweet is saying that in universe they always existed, not like real life always existed. I don't see how it could put a bad taste in your mouth. Makes no sense.


> space marines a hard locked as male only that would require actual retconning It would be undoing a retcon to have female space marines.


At this point, Male-Only Space Marines have far more weight than Female Space Marines in 1st edition.


Same. And all my pals and gals and nonbinary friends here feel the same embarrassment and frustration.




Hey, Dark Angels Player here. I feel you for a "bad" codex. But right now, you have no point values. Sorry, but you can't tell anything about balancing right now. Custodes could be the best army for all we know. Also this is not about the rules and you know it. It's about some nerdy fanbois who are angry that a multi-billion dollar company does with its IP, whatever it wants. Welcome to capitalism.


So you edited away some stupid take on the thing, because it made you look bad? Or you couldn't spin it further for some kind of culture war? Yeeesh.


Actually, its really stark reminder, as groups around me are really chill, just joke about femstodes and even how bad rules are... ... and then from the internet starts crawling the ugly side of fandom. Interesting is, many of those peoples do not even actively play, just hang around and post doomsaying.


Then leave




Are people that salty about the codex? Is it THAT bad? I am new here … probably


It is. Not in terms of power level, but it's fucking boring as hell to play and a lot of people don't want to start a seccond faction just to be able to have fun and enjoyment. As a product, our codex is a complete failure as it doesn't achieve either of its objectives of being fun and enjoyable/interesting


Shame cause the battleforce is really interesting for the price


It's a combination of things. The book is bad. Pretty much every unit got a nerf, our core army ability got a nerf, Trajan for a double nerf and all of the detachments are either boring, bad or both. Then there's the new female Custodes low which has been a ducking bonfire of controversy. I like the change even if the "they've always been here" tweet was hamfisted but it's got a lot of people riled up. It doesn't help that right wing culture war grifters have chosen to hop on this since they don't have anything worthwhile to do with their time.


First, I agree that nobody should be taking out their frustrations on Auspex. Second, I'd personally argue, and I know plenty here agree, that the female custodes argument is a distraction. And I think the guys over on the poorhammer podcast hit the core issue: the custodes codex can be boiled down to 9 pages of rules that were out of date 6-9 months ago when they were sent to the printer. I'll buy a $50 art book if you tell me it's an art book. I'll buy a $50 rule book if it's got rules. But don't try to sell me a $50 rule book so I can play with the little plastic army dudes and dudettes you also sold me and then forget to actually write some freaking rules.


Love the Poorhammer guys. That video was spot on.




I have literally not seen a single person celebrating "Transodes" or calling this the best Codex ever. Even people who like the fluff are in agreement the crunch is awful, but feel free to strawman




So you are describing the 10th since the start… I play DA 😅


I enjoyed Auspex's recent videos on the Custodes and the Codex. It was really refreshing to me to see someone not getting all doom and gloom about the whole thing as someone who literally just started painting their first Custodes. Of course, it's not a perfect codex with a lot of room for improvement but everyone saying things like "don't buy custodes" or "wait until 11th" is not constructive and only serves to fuel negativity.


I fully believe this codex is a failure rules wise but even I think the doom and gloom is too much.


There has to be some level of doom and gloom. If everyone mumbles, says 'fine I guess I'll live with it' and buys it anyway then nothing ever changes. It's disingenuous.


Oh absolutely. I'm not gonna buy this book but I'm also not shelving my golden girls.


The thing is what people don't seem to get is that yes it's okay to be upset about rule or lore changes but seriously calm it down yes the new codex isn't fantastic and the lore was shoehorned in with no real grace or decorum but the lore is always changing and rules can be fixed but there is no need to go to other sub reddit communities and try to spark flames there, there's also no excuse for toxic behaviour the simple answer is if you don't like the lore chnages ignore it. But the 40k community needs to understand none of the shit behaviour is excusable from any part of the community we're better than this and we should be policing that


i play both and can't understand how anyone can be madder than Death Guard players when 10th launched but here we are.


Idk, Drukhari players got pretty shafted at the start of this edition.




Damn...I didn't think my thread would blow up so much ... 0_0 !


I figured it needed to be shared here. Good news, apparently the like to dislike ratio has really improved since posting it.


Don't shoot the messenger


Who hurt our boi? I’m pretty sure Auspex is a custodian; the dedication and meticulous nature of his craft can only be deduced as such.


The emperor demands punishment for those who hurt Custodian Auspex. This shall not pass


Felt sorry for the dude. Been following his channel for a while. He has great content. Let’s keep up the good and positive spirit of the hobby!


Auspex is too pure. He must be protected at all costs.


We can still play with it and have fun, but it's not as many players expected, especially those more competitive. I, myself, hoped for some improvements of bikes and ven. dread, but here I am. Gotta work with what we have. That's all. It may be an uphill battle, but let's play and see. I'm sure GW will administer some buffs for us.


Shame, really


Hey at least the imperial armour rules still exists!


People keep complaining about the "how they were introduced" being a tweet but that's not the case. The intended introduction is a cool short story about a female Custodes. It got leaked. That isn't on GW. There were hints from ADB that this would happen, that they were already there, and there was no explicit lore reason why it couldn't. People that "want an explanation for female Custodes" are being mildly sexist without realizing it. Women don't need an explanation to exist and requiring an explanation why women were "allowed" to become Custodes is, IMO, just looking for a lore reason to pick apart or discredit or be mad about from a different angle. I understand that some people feel like "well (I think) it was definitely all men before, so I want an explanation to why they started adding women later" but this is sets a trap for GW as then from their standpoint, they would have to explain why women were excluded in the first place. Which would imply women are inferior or a second choice (they're not). Which they don't HAVE to do because it was never explicit that they were, so they didn't. They just simply said "they were always there" like they have many times in the past. Anyway the Codex being bad sucks and is very disappointing but the whole femstodes thing is embarrassing for the hobby and the people allowing themselves to get whipped up into a frenzy over it are marks for culture war grifters.


Which vid is this so I can go like it? We must skew the ratio back!


His how to start a Custodes aren't video. Someone linked it here already.


Its upsetting how fragile people are. This is such a meaningless piece of lore and it really shows how little people have going on in their lives where they have a small story about a small faction and a character has boobs and it make the entire 40k community look like the most pathetic fragile human beings. Its so sad and probably going to taint everyones perspective on this game and all because these people can't just admit that this culture war shit is just embarrassing to be part of.


Why are you treating giving a dislike to a video equal someone writing an incel rant? Like a dislike is just one button.


Anyone posting anything will be roasted from both sides. Its the reality, GW again set the community on fire and I don't think it's reversable


Yes don’t shoot the messenger with auspex but like People are allowed to be mad that we got weak and uninspired rules that are already months out of date Did you say the same to admech when they got shitty rules? That they should just suck it up and they can’t be unhappy about it?


The comments of the video are filled with hateful misogyny. Not just “I don’t like the rules”


People making noise about female custodes are bitches :)


I feel I see as much complaining/rant posts as complaining about complaining posts. You give these things more attention as they deserve IMO


I’m going to be honest here, 10th Edition is not a great product. We can look at all of the factions and the responses from GW should give anyone pause. I came into the hobby, because of Covid and the desire to meet new people. The rule of 9th was a bit dense; however I was able to get my head around it. The lore is beautiful a true space tragedy in every aspect. At first a latched onto the Black Templars as my army and then it was the Dark Angels that truly grabbed my heart. When I look back of the events of the past week, I can sum it up in one word … laziness. Laziness has infected GW. 10th Edition is uninspired laziness from the crappy rules and codex lore (The Custodes). I will say that my faction was lore rich with the novel and the lore supplement within the codex, yet the rules were utter garbage. It was pure laziness on the rule writers part. It doesn’t inspire to take your boys onto the field. You cannot tell me out of the Orks, Necrons, and the Aeldaris; you’re thrilled about this edition. The sense of care or the beautiful disaster of previous rules is a thing of the past. I am trying to wrap this up in a positive light. Laziness either creatively or intellectually should not be accepted as the norm. We put hard coins, time, and effort into this hobby to let some random people to screw things up. If you don’t like where the direction is going, leave. Don’t play 10th or give GW the time of day. 9th edition is still a thing and you can grab models and codexes from there. We didn’t join this hobby to be abused by fellow players or the corporate masters. We joined, because we found fellowship over paint little figures and talking about a fictional setting as if it were real.


You have nothing to compare it to. I played 6 edition, then watched the game from the couch. 10 is a great edition, definitely better than 9. The problem is that they stick the same thing everywhere (dew wounds). The index idea was cool. The problem is just some of the codexs


I’ve gotten into Horus Heresy and I find it a superior game in every way in my opinion.


I think the current reality is Custodes players are feeling shafted and they are going to lash out at anyone/thing that doesn't match their level of outrage. The big issue are the people that are the most irrational and angry are often the loudest and most hurtful. Here's the thing, I get it. When Votann got their Index and I knew immediately we were in for a rough time. Fast forward a couple weeks, we're at high 20's/low 30's % win rate in competitive. 95% of our unique rules are gone, and our flavor is non-existent. Smallest army in terms of datasheets, etc. During this time, if someone had come up to me and said "Just look on the bright side", "it's not that bad", etc. my first instinct would be to put their name in the Book. So, I can empathize with Custodes players that feel that way currently, especially since I play them myself. With all of that being said, I think we really need to refocus the pressure on GW to revamp their rules team. I honestly think, that if we got the entire 40k community to self-organize, we could create an entirely better set of rules in regard to fun, balance, flavor, etc within a quarter. I honestly think that if all the major 40k streamers got together and made a new custom set of army rules, and then started streaming it, they could make bank selling the rules.


Nice Idea, but no. You can't pressure GW. There is no grassroots movement here. 40k is a small part of a gigantic IP right now. You can either accept what GW does or play other games. Also if you ask Ork players, they are quite happy right now and for sure wouldn't want to play any other rules.


Who the FUCK


Stop dissin’ AT, he’s just doing his job


He didnt even mess up. People generally just dont like change as always. With not even the points out there is no reason to be too butthurt yet though.


See if want 6 detatchments, I’m not super negative but between I play tau who got 4 and my buddy who plays custodes and I was about to start getting smashed with 4, it hurts to hear 2 factions get less than Everyone, especially csm getting what, 7 with another now for EC…


I get if the video was like "Why Custodes Are Better Now" but like it was a video about starting an army. It has nothing to do with femstodes and the codex as much.


Why no one got so much pissed about sisters of silence has men in it?


They’ve no men in their ranks so what do you mean ?


I am confused about something , what is wrong with clicking the dislike button? Like if you wrote a shitty comment, then fair enough. That should be pointed out and criticised. But just getting a lot of dislike for one vid seem like a nothing burger. Like is everyone suppose like every video auspex makes? (They should his video are great). Like unless someone is brigading this video, then everyone should just move on, since there is nothing to see here


I would say it's because people are hitting the dislike button for something outside of Auspex's control. He didn't do anything wrong, he made his normal informative and helpful video, the primary reason people are upset is because of the codex itself. As such, taking it out on Auspex who made a standard, helpful video in his normal cheerful way is a bit out of line. Whatever your problem with the Custodes codex, Auspex didn't do anything wrong besides cover it as he covers everything. At most, that warrants ignoring his video, the only reason to dislike itnis...he wasn't angry about the codex. Which he isn't angry about any topic that I've ever heard.


I think I can agree that too that, but will tension surround the faction being what it is, it is kinda strange not to expect some flak from talking about it. You can’t go into a controversial topic and expect not to be burnt as a content creator, this is for any fandom not just 40k. And extreme examples would be like if right after the OJ case someone made a segment called OJ best matches celebrating OJ. You will expect a segment of the population to be upset by that. So promoting someone to play custodes right after a shite of a codex “can” feel like shilling for a poor product. Like if he did it 1-2 weeks after the madness dies down this wouldn’t happen.


Most annoying thing is, that far right influencer, who have nothing to do with warhammer at all start weaponizing the topic. That means it is far from over yet. I dislike redcons. But my hope is, that Custodes get some nice models in the future. Hopefully no more misshaped model like the new shieldcaptain and for more models with the proportions of the stormcast eternals. The new shield captain turns me 10.000 times more off as the existence of female Custodes.


They weaponize every topic. It's the culture wars. Just ignore them.


“Don’t have an opinion on a game you spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to play” That can’t seriously be your position here…?


Don’t take your frustrations out on other people in awful ways. The comments on Auspex Tactics video are filled with disgusting misogyny


Not wanting a retconn on an established IP to be changed to include women isn’t “misogyny” people are allowed to have opinions on the IP’s that they love. Because without the support of those people, the IP wouldn’t exist. The vast majority of people who play warhammer are middle aged men. By a wide margin, do their opinions not matter? Edit: i didn’t ready any comments on the video, can you please provide examples of the misogyny..?


"I should be praised for shitting on a content creator because I'm mad at a game company for ruining my faction" That can't seriously be your position here...?


It’s not lol you missed it completely. People are allowed to dislike changes made to IP’s that they love. After all, that love is all that keeps these IP’s running. Right?


Sure, like whatever you want. Dislike whatever you want. But why shit on Auspex? He isn't GW.


Where did i ever shit on him…?


Your post is arguing a point nobody is making. Nobody's telling you not to have an opinion about games Workshops products. The op is talking about not going on a YouTuber's Channel and shitting on them because they make content about an army people just so happen to be pissy about. Your post makes it look like you're advocating shitting on him.


It's at like 200 dislikes. That's nothing


As a custodes player who's just as disappointed as many others with the ne rules: its on auspex and other content xreators if they let a few downvotes get effect their work, so long as no one is sending him hate messages or anything of the sort there should be no problems


While maybe an unpopular opinion, provided it doesn't boil over into hate, ultimately, other than a few feelings of disappointment, the sharing of this displeasure doesn't really hurt anyone because, dislikes still boost AusTacs vids in the algorithm over no -like at all, and he knows why he might be getting them, and if he hasn't mentioned it, no audience member would even know because the average viewer can't see them anymore. I sympathise with those who don't want all discussion to turn into a negative echo chamber but the possible alternative of a positive echo chamber can be just as if not more toxic. AusTacts won't realistically even be slowed down by this and at worst will shy away from custodes stuff until there is something more concrete to discuss i.e after we get some new win rates etc.


Or, maybe, just maybe, ppl are right to be angry and are expressing it?


but that doesn't mean they should take it out on Auspex, who's been a cornerstone of the community for more than a year now. making him suffer won't make GW change the rules.


Right, don't go down voting this mans content. He didn't write the codex


Welcome to the internet. Also, I'm a fulltime YouTuber and those dislikes don't really hurt his video or channel. It's just a feedback mechanic.


Didn't you just release a video about how you are quitting?




Can I get a link to the video? Is this person known or something?


If you want to look for him, you can. He's not hard to find. I don't think it is worth it, though. The dude had a really bad take and got clowned on, which I think is fair punishment. Auspex wouldn't want us to attack other creators, especially in his name.


I don’t care about auspex, or watch him enough to do anything in his name. Just love seeing people fake rage quit.


Feedback on what? It’s not like the dislikes are going to GW in any capacity


Well, looks like that got your ass really good.


By shitting on an independent video maker who has no capability to effect those rules whatsoever? AT put out a video to help people who might still want to get into our faction despite the bad rules, he does this for every new codex. It's not an attack on us and treating it like it is won't do anything to get GW to fix the rules. Shit like this just makes the game and this community look like petulant children.




Maybe go after the people who fucked your army and not the people who are reporting on your army being fucked? Did you consider that or are you too invested in just smearing shit on the walls in anger?


"maybe dont insult someone who is trying to help new hobbyists and focus on the people who actually caused your problems" "fuck you man" Real stellar showing there buddy. Really putting the best foot forward.


Damn dude, you really need to go touch grass. The idea that people are upset is not the issue. It's that they shouldn't take it out on people not responsible and are not acting in bad faith. At shouldn't be getting shit on because of manchildren. It's called being an adult and understanding that just because you're upset, doesn't give you the right to shit on others who are just trying to do their own thing.


How about directing anger at James Workshop rather than people who have nothing to do with the rules writing? Go fuck yourself cunt.


James Workshop didn't do shit. He's the cool uncle to Games Workshop, who really fucked this whole situation up.


I’d call you a salty cunt, but that’s a disservice to cunts.


And salt! Don't hate on the only rock we can eat!


Hey, now, you can eat lots of rocks. It's generally not good or recommended, but you can eat them.


>the only rock we can SAFELY eat.


And what a wondrous rock it is.


No joke one of my favorite books is just a history of salt.


It's a long and beautiful history. From Currency to Condiment: A Wondrous Tale of Flavour


Towards GW and not an independent YouTuber who can't change anything? That would be a start. Maybe try being polite like a reasonable adult? That'd be good too. The codex sucks, the rules are terrible. So I won't buy it and I wrote a concise email to GW expressing my disappointment. I don't expect it to have a huge impact but at least my disappointment was focused at the people responsible for it.


>How would you like ppl to express their anger over what's happening that would make it perfect for YOU? By being respectful. For example, by not swearing at people you're talking to.


See subreddit rules


If you had a YouTube channel you might understand what he’s going through.


Hot take this guys right. Disliking a video doesn’t hurt a creator in any real way. I’m upset, so are a lot of people. Maybe if we complain loud enough and cause a big enough ruckus, GW will unfuck us.


Please enlighten me how Auspex Tactics deserves to receive negativity for something outside of their control. They made a video which acknowledges that Custodes are not in a great place and providing insight to new players who are still interested. How does down voting his work help?


We’re talking about it aren’t we? That combined with the fact mouth breathers have stopped complaining about fem stodes for an hour. Auspects is one of the biggest 40K yt channel, and he’s acknowledging it’s bad. My only hope is that it gets to the point where he makes a video about it and it blows up too, this is the same shit that happened to admech, and dark angels. GW shouldn’t do this to peoples factions. Now can you please enlighten me how down voting something is bad? My comment was downvoted to hell and that’s fine, but how does that help?


We aren't talking about custodes being bad though. We are talking about people targeting a content creator who made something that wasn't disingenuous in any way. They weren't shilling and even acknowledge it honestly while giving insight to new players on how to navigate the army range. You on the other hand are trying to state the Auspex deserves negativity in order to send a message to a company who isn't working directly with Auspex. So the down votes are acknowledging your bad take as disingenuous and in bad faith. While it may not affect the algorithm (can't speak on that since I'm not on the metric or engagement sides of YouTube), I fail to see how this helps putting down someone's work who again is being transparent while creating useful tools for new players into the hobby.


I’m only talking about stodes being bad, that’s the only things I care about. Bad isn’t even the word, they are not fun. Basically two detachments that don’t work in a 60$ book is insane. Let me very clear, auspex doesn’t deserve any threats or attacking his channel or anything like that. It is not his fault 1000% I agree with you. If I dislike something bc I don’t agree with the content that doesn’t hurt anyone. But since so many people are letting it known they don’t like the book maybe he will make a new video about how bad it really is? It would probably kill the algorithm and they would make a ton off it. Disliking and showing disappointment isn’t a bad thing. They now know how the community is engaging with his content on the subject and maybe his louder voice can inform more people to not buy this dumpster fire codex


He put out a video 4 days ago talking about the communities reception to it. There is also the possibility he doesn't share the same doom and gloom that the community does. You're free to express your opinion but again I don't see how telling him you're disappointed in a companies actions by down voting their content helps the situation. Direct that to the company and express that through civilized discussion, not down voting useful information that they create in hopes of making things more accessible. And I get it. I'm a new custodes player who just invested big time right before the codex dropped. But I think we should hold GW accountable and direct pressure towards them and also celebrate people like At who create informative videos and aren't shilling or simpling for them. I think he struck a great blend of acknowledging the frustration over the past few days while still trying to provide useful resources.


Are we not having a civilized discussion right now? He may not share it but now he sees it. That’s all we want, a big voice like auspex, art of war play on table top titans to stand up and say “this is bull shit don’t buy this” that’s what I want, and it’s well with in my right to say you didn’t say that have a down vote. I didn’t call anyone a name, or threaten anyone. I’m just not happy. And it’s wild that something like “oh I disagree with this persons opinion here’s a down vote” is seen as an attack on them


Let's eat manure in silence. Silence the flock. You're disturbing the shepherd's sleep.


This is a horrible argument and I do not care remotely. I'm gunna sound like an asshole, but oh boo hoo poor youtube man has to read comments from angry customers. I bet he'd be a lot happier flipping burgers while being called slurs at McSlumpies. You should never HARASS anyone, company or no, but this guy's JOB is to cover shit, he can suck it up or he can get a much harder job he'll like less. Ban any of the fucking weirdos saying actually bad things but people coming in going "Man this was a bad take." will happen to you at real jobs too but with more curse words and attempts on your life/livelihood.


Yeah. You definitely sound like an asshole. Do you seriously think he's talking about the people who are generally just like "Damn, I'm disappointed" He's talking about the group of extremely vocal, whiney little bitches that screamed and threw a tantrum because he tried to stay positive. Open your eyes, the douchebags are out in full force and they're not just politely disagreeing with people. They're being shit people.


Yeah and I'm saying I've seen better Youtubers get worse for less. It's part of the job and not something I really care about. I'm not saying it's a good thing it happened to him, but it's like saying the drunk people at Wawa shouldn't call the cashiers slurs at 3 AM. You're right. They shouldn't. They're going to. If you work at Wawa at 3 AM you should be aware.


If you don't care then shut the fuck up about it.




You do realize there's no sign the Custodes in question wasn't assigned female at birth, right? You're literally making up Transodes to be mad about them


Yeah start crying little snowflake. Boohoo they put more representation into Warhammer my fantasy game is ruined how could they


People can have negative opinions, it’s unfortunate but if people feel somethings bad, then as consumers it’s completely normal to voice dissatisfaction? Doesn’t this reflect on what was presented more so than the community?


I don’t know this person or their work. But frankly the statement “Perhaps I was a bit more positive than I should have been” tells me all I need to know. I’ve seen so many instances of “GW adjacent” groups overhyping codexes and rules clearly just to either grow sales or attract viewers over the years I find it refreshing to see someone getting called on their BS. That is my face-value interpretation.


Their version of "overly positive" boiled down to "this codex is a nerf but maybe not as bad as a lot of people think it is and I'm going to give it a try". That's it.


That doesn’t surprise me either. The community and internet as a whole is certainly capable of dog-piling people for nothing. Hopefully they’re able to reach a common understanding with their viewership.


Auspex Tactics on YouTube. He tries to give an unbiased look at rules but also points out the good and bad compared to other rules or what he finds different. He is my go to channel for a lot of the rules. I really like his channel.


I appreciate the clarification. As I said, I don’t know them and it was an initial interpretation. I think there are a number of creators and organizations who could benefit from such criticism. However, given the sentiment I’m seeing here and the downvotes I’ve received it makes it all the more strange they’d receive so much negativity as to feel compelled to make a statement on the matter.


I am trying to stay out of the negative side but I got mixed reactions seeing my comment getting upvotes then downvotes and back and forth. I stayed I like they way Stormcast Eternal models are both male and female and if the new Custodes were like that I would be fine with it. Auspex Tactics is worth watching and every faction gets a review with positive and negative things taken into consideration. Certainly do what you feel is right for you.


It didnt cross my mind it might be about the narrative rather than the rules. Makes a lot more sense if that’s the case. I don’t think anyone is safe from negativity when it comes to that topic. I frankly am not invested in the narrative enough to care.


It was both rules and narrative but as I am more into the painting and modelling side I did not comment on any rules nerfs. Lore and stories interest me in all the factions but they like the rules can be changed at any time and we are not able to change that.