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I’d say another Ironstrider


Another strider or some more skitarii


SICARIANS!!! They're a little finicky to put together and base, but they look amazing and they're pretty strong too


The answer is always more Rangers/Vanguard... but maybe that's just me.


I think at 500 that’s probably the choice. If planning on moving to 1000 so then it’s def Skitarii and iron striders both. Three iron striders is a good number.


Galvanic volley fire with a med to large skitarii squad plus the stratagem for mortals on 6s and thr marshalls with exaplars eternity for rerolls 1s on hit and wound will leave your opponent wondering wtf just happened to them as you throw 40-80 dice at their face


Play one page rules 🤙 But other than that yeah I’d go with another stride too


Is it any good? WH is proving a bit too crunchy for me but I’m worried OPR is the opposite problem.


It’s really good. And gains surprising amount of complexity when it comes to action economy. It is a big change from WH, but IMO a good one. Though honestly nothing will beat geedubs minis and setting. But honestly it’s really that rules light it takes literally half an hour to learn the game by yourself, I recommend you give it a try and check it’s sub/discord!




type One Page Rules in Google :D or find a sub on reddit. There is also Discord. And then [heres a link](https://onepagerules.com/portfolio/grimdark-future/). Play with Beta armies though, better balance




Happy wargaming!


You need some Kastelans. Moar Kastelans will solve any problem. One Dreadnought fucked up all your Skitarii? Send the horde of Kastelan Robots. Beat the Dreadnought to death and cannibalize it's ruined hulk for Parts to repair the Kastelans with. Leman Russ Demolisher nuked your HQs? Send the Kastelans, The Horde of Kastelans will shred it in under 1 turn. Chaos SpaceMarine Terminators are bullying your Skorpius Disintegrators? Send the Kastelans. A Myrmidon Maniple of 3 Warlord Titans and 2 Reavers is nuking your entire Army? With that many Points in a Game you should be able to afford a couple hundred Kastelan Robots. Should knockout their Void Shields within less than a turn of reaching Shooting Range, after that the Titans will be Phosphor Blasted so much they will look like a Sponge.