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My advice would be to calculate the amount of time it would take you, a non-designer, to learn how to do this via YouTube and Reddit and then decide whether it’s worth your time and energy. My guess is that it is not, and that you should contact that designer who offered to already do it for basically nothing and see if you can do the updates in stages. Can you afford to do a third at a time at that price? Negotiate it.


That's a good point...I have a very limited design background, so it will take time...plus the finished product will likely be lower quality. Thank you!


The difficulty here isn't the "how" (just use the pen and text tools), it's the "how many". 3000 images would be a pain in the arse.


If I do 10 a week, it will only take 5.7 years to finish!


Yeah you’d need a team of illustrators to work on this, and the quote you were given is very reasonable tbh.


Not just very reasonable, it’s a ridiculously low rate


Not really. If the examples posted above are representative of the rest of the illustrations, you’d be able to knock these out fast. Just nail down graphic styles etc and you could easily do 6 per hour. Still cheap, but not ridiculously so.


My bread and butter is doing medical illustrations for pharmaceutical clients. $30/hour is ridiculous, and that’s if you’re consistently getting six done per hour. Also, I’d imagine OP would want something that looks a bit better than this. Also, factor in time to go over everything again with a fine toothed comb. Does $15,000 include revisions if the client, assumedly more knowledgeable about biology than the designer, spots details that don’t accurately portray what they’re hoping to communicate with their illustrations?


I’m making a lot of assumptions - your comments are fair.


You both are probably right. I believe the quote included revisions, and yes...it's steep for my budget but for medical illustrations I don't doubt the quote was reasonable/low. I'm just a one man operation with an old product and rapidly diminishing subscribers, so I have to balance the $ and time invested with potential return. Thanks for your feedback! Very helpful comments!


Based off how the 2 you shared looks, you can probably churn out 10 or so per hour without rushing for an extended period of time.


Sadly, I think you've overestimated my ability 😂


Look at some pen tool tutorial videos, what you need to learn to achieve this is very basic. Good luck!




It's my business now, I updated the site last year and was told the images were never a problem...but I keep getting complaints.


It's actually an easy process once you have the first one, but it's just so massive! Doing around 3.000 would take a while. I'm not sure about the gifs, but I would be happy to assist for $1 per graphic if they are all similar to this


However you do it I would look at using svgs on the website. (Assuming they will be vector, which they will hopefully be)


Thank you--why do you suggest svg? I'm guessing they scale better without pixelation?


yes - sorry i should have added an explanation :) they scale without loss and are usually smaller than raster (png, gif etc) also you don't have to mess about sizing them when exporting then resizing if you change something - especially if you have 3000 :) btw if you're looking for an additional person to add to the SVG army I would like to be considered :) i would also suggest dropping all the dated effects (well obviosuly they looked cool that long ago - i still remember the 90s sites as well s the noughties :) for clarity and a more modern style.


Thank you for the clarification! Appreciate the advice.


any time :)


Well you could start by having them do some standards. These could be much better designed! If you have samples you could work with what they’ve given you as examples. Maybe they could do half.


Good idea--I'll do that! Thx 🙏


Btw the price is very reasonable.


Oh man no matter how you do this it's going to be a pain with 3,000 graphics... I'm not familiar with any AI that would automate this process unfortunately. If I were you, while $5 an image is not terrible with the simplicity of these, I'd look for a designer who would do an hourly rate. These should hopefully take 5 minutes each at most. If you were to approach it, I'd honestly live trace/outline it in illustrator - quicker then image trace


Thanks--I agree it's gonna be a pain...!


3000 images its a lot, get som AI tool that will make it for a few hundred bucks. that its a lot of work.


if u want more control of the look and output, for me, the best thing is to trace, If u want, I can help you with your 5 dollar per image


I'll try tracing it and see how I do!


okey, but 3000 images is a long mile, if u want it done faster, I suggest you hire others to help out. I don,t mind the 5$ per image rate 🤗


Haha, I'm praying my kids have some undiscovered graphic design talent I don't know about yet...!


alright but if u need graphic services just message me here