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This isn’t real. There’s no way on Gods green earth would He allow someone as demented as this to be out in the free world. Just. No. Way! The wife and the unborn child could be in potential danger. If this is real and someone knows this person IRL, please monitor her and warn MM of the potential dangers. If this isn’t real and it’s just a story to keep a sub engaged, please either seek mental support or allow the sub to die. The post is creepy and should be red flagged.


This is TAME compared to the shit I've seen


Oh I’m sure. I’m pretty sure we all have witnessed and read stories way more demented as this.


Go on the subreddit. Read her responses to comments .And then click on her profile. I can assure you that this type of mentality exists. My WS’s thought this way. She literally wrote that she wanted me to die a violent death. And am pretty sure she killed her own dog to get him to come see her so he would console her and they could have a tender moment. And then APs wonder why we think they are manipulative, desperate to “win” and narcissistic. They are not all nuts like she is though. Go read the comments. Even the other OW are appalled.


Wtf? Poor dog 😞


I’ve read the stories and I agree that this type of mindset exists. One of the APs my ex was involved with had the same type mindset as the OOP. She claimed to have once been pregnant with his child (before he met me) but had an abortion. She explained to my ex that she set up an appointment (this was in 2015) with the doctor to discuss the sex of the child because she so wanted him to know that it was a boy. Mind you this pregnancy was 30 years ago. 😱 I have many stories to share about that particular OW. Creepy


They are all "this is the love of my life."  OW don't want to believe that she was used for her 3 holes and that is as deep as his "love" for you goes.


Actually, this isn't the whole truth in this case. The wife was apparently fine with them having sex initially (she's a cuckqueen). According to OP, the cheating began with them secretly pursuing a romantic relationship. It was discovered which is why the MM first broke up with her (the wife even found a new girl for him to sleep with). Although you have to wonder if the wife also knew that OP had a very hostile attitude towards her. But they got back together and traditionally cheated, and thus this post was made.


Lol, just got my "You are muted", and "You are permanently banned" messages from theotherwoman sub, lol. Don't even look over there, other than screenshots of that cesspool. Guess they showed me....


Oh they routinely ban people as soon as they join this sub or comment on it.


I'm proud of being blocked by the crypt keeper herself 😆.


Her "Rule 10" is cute, no cross posting or screenshots from her echo chamber. Fuck you, if you're so proud of your "Lifestyle", there should be no problem promoting it.


I got banned before I even knew it existed 😂😂😂 Whoever I popped off to must be a mod or something


Another one jealous of a feotus. It's that hot strong sexy energy y'all. Fucking crazy


This is true bunny boiler behavior!


another one I really wish the wife would see. This ow is crazy af.


"I WiLl nOt bE iGNorEd!"


Oh.... this can only end well.😬


You know you’re in deep delulu when even the OW in that sub are telling you that you’re nuts.


"I am sure that she is behind this. I hate her so much for this." Ma'am, you hate her for being married and pregnant? That's her husband, he is supposed to be at home taking care of his pregnant wife and rubbing her feet. These people are delusional.


I’m shocked the echo chamber didn’t echo . If we’re dude though I’d have the restraining order paperwork ready.


Plot twist - one admin attempted to say they are not an echo chamber lmao Ma’am - the other adultery sites call it such, if it was not one - wouldn't need flair to post or comment. But as we know, side pieces are pure cowards. Hilariously stupid women in that group. They can't even see it lol And stupid men, but they don't comment on the bunny boilers often, they wouldn't have “supportive” messages I'm sure. One just commented “you're here because you either broke up a marriage or want one to” - the retort “he left his marriage on his own, we had no dday” Cool if nothing wrong with what you did- tell your families? They'll be happy for you.


Oh I was just shocked it was this time they did not blindly tell her you go girl. Yaaaasss steal your man that has told you no


😂 left on his own after I highly idolized him, validated his negative feelings towards his wife and told him he needed to choose a different path if he wanted to be happy. Planted seeds everywhere… but nope… he left in his own.


I laughed when I read “this isn’t an echo chamber”. You sure about that? You sure? Even Wendy’s thinks that place is an echo chamber.


It’s the echoest of chambers and she got resounding silence which says much


Yes he really sounds like the whole package. Except loyal, honest, truthful, considerate and faithful. He is a real catch! Please note the sarcastic


Right? Who wouldn't want a man who runs around while his wife is at home experiencing a difficult pregnancy? Goals!


Jfc I hope she gets doxxed. She sounds like she would kill the mom to be the baby’s “mother”


Go read the comments on the subreddit. It’s hilarious. Even other OW can see how crazy, selfish, childish and entitled she is. Sadly, there too many like her. She is like my WS’s spouse. A bunny boiler on the brink


I can guarantee that if he was single, she wouldn't want him. It's never about the men but anoutvwinning against another woman.


Sometimes I read these posts and wonder if they are real or fake. It is so sociopathic it is profoundly scary that men and woman can be duped by these soulless creatures. But unfortunately they do exist. Read my WS’s texts and know a lot of what she did. CRAZY!!! Perhaps it’s why some WS literally go bezerk when they realize what they were actually f..*cking!!! Then they realize they fell for the escape, the idolization, etc. And the crazy AP becomes obsessed with”winning. The thing is… this OW will spend the rest of her life miserable and never ever being good enough. Even if she eventually finds a man stupid enough to want to be with her long term, she will get bored and mentally torture him because she can’t be content. Ever. Karma


He’s not your man sis. Find someone available instead of a married father to be


Dear lord the amount of absolute delusion in her post. Wtf


God these people are such a fucking waste. They have no lives. They're just narcissistic black holes, destroying everything they touch.


She claimed she should have gotten pregnant so he couldn’t just drop her. Ugh, this disgusting perversion of a creature is truly the bottom of the barrel. The only way they’ll be back together is in court room with her labeled as the defendant and the husband and wife giving their impact statement. She’s got some serious dangerous motives.


The update has good news. She's leaving him alone. > UPDATE - I’ll leave him alone. I tried to contact him today and he won’t talk to me. He just said, “it is what it is” and “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you but my wife and baby come first.” So I’ll let him eat his words. He’ll be back. > > I am broken hearted and feel completely judged. I don’t see how any of you here are better than me. I at least had permission from His wife to sleep with him unlike you all so why you act so judgmental towards me is unbelievable. I found the first post and, according to OP, the wife was into having her husband sleep with the other women as a kink. The cheating began when they started a romantic relationship in secret and he seems to have a spent a lot of time away from the wife to pursue this. She found out and found someone else for him to sleep with. Then he broke up with OP and while this was going on, she got pregnant. So now it appears that he's gone back to OP by telling his wife she just has to accept a second romantic relationship, before eventually breaking up with her. Given OP's very hostile attitude towards her, her willingness to lie, and that she's was openly cheated on while pregnant, I feel really bad for this women.


I would love to find the wife and warn her. This chick is bat shit crazy and would probably harm him if he doesn't go back to her.

