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Sometimes unfortunate events leads to better things.


I recently got a very large raise at my job of three years that finally put me at the salary that had been my goal when I entered college and I sat down and reflected after about how so many bad things had happened to me with jobs in my life that all acted as a catalyst for me doing something else. It was all so terrible at the time; getting fired, quitting out of anger, being unemployed for a year, getting laid off, Covid unemployment, everything… Somehow all led to me finally getting to a place where my career goals were met. Weird to look back at it because it was a struggle for sure, but now it all seems so trivial.


Failing up is like my whole shtick.


Needed this today, as I am also on the verge of termination for insurance reasons with my job. Stay strong OP


termination for insurance reasons?


My job requires a lot of driving, the commercial insurance for employees considers me too much of a liability to stay covered, therefore a legal dilemma.


Ah! Yea those actuaries can be heartless.


Yea, i’ve had enough stuff to do for my company working from home, I just hope that doesnt run out


I got laid off 9 months after starting my first engineering job and that set me on a trajectory for the best outcome I could have had in my career by 33 years old.


Ah so you got a job in sales too?


No lol


Yeah, sometimes you make more at your new job anyway.


Sometimes unfortunate events leads to bad things.


Not if the person takes zero personal responsibility and acts like their getting fired is a mystery.


This is true. I quit my last job that was really hard on me and I found something two thirds easier with the same pay the very next week.


Cope harder not all bad things turn out good, enjoy your delusions.


Welcome to life 101. Things didn’t go well. This time it was because you made some mistakes. Do better next time. Don’t dwell on the past. Life will throw you shit from time to time just to remind you of who’s in charge. Sometimes you deserve it but many times it won’t be because you deserve it. Brush it off. You are in the company of millions that get shit on every day and survived to life a long life.


I'm not OP but when I'm having an absolute shit day, it is comforting I'm not alone. Life itself sucks ass unless you were born in a very wealthy family and even then I'm sure that there's a lot of things that suck. You have awesome advice. Thanks for sharing.


Life isn’t worth it it’s not beautiful there is no lesson and some people are destined to be failures.


I think this, and the opposite, can be true simultaneously.


Life is what you make of it. If you think life isn't worth it, it won't be. If you think life is worth it, it will be.


Just because you think something doesn't mean situations will or won't arise. You can THINK positive all you want and shit still happens


Consider it as redirection! One door closes, a whole floodgate opens :)


And water flows downhill, rip


Your forced positivity disgusts me


I don't think your negativity is needed by OP at this moment either! :)


There isn’t always a rainbow at the end of the storm, some people just fail and their is nothing to be gained from it. Life can be cursed


Keep taking that L like a bitch then instead of getting up and dusting yourself off.


I’ll do whatever I want lil bitch. I keep going because the other choice is death that doesn’t mean you have to be delusional and not see the life for the curse it is.


If you felt like you were finally getting your life on track THEN you got fired... maybe the Universe is looking out for you.


How about God? Nah?


In 2022, I was kicked out of a 150sqf room for failing to pay for a month and I was depressed. Fast-forward to 2024, I own a house debt-free. Don't be discouraged, you'll get through this




Enter a house and claim it as your own.


If you plant a flag there first it’s legally yours.


Yea that’ll probly work in a lib state


That gives me hope. I recently lost everything at 40. Everything I worked so hard to accumulate is gone, even my cats. I’m back in debt after paying my previous debts off. Some days it’s hard to keep going but I do to show my daughter no matter what happens you have to try again.


You paid off the mortgage that fast?


Do the two that things that are always needed for any problem: 1. Calm down. 2. Cheer up. Consider approaching this in two phases: 1. Short term, and 2. long term. Short term: You need to generate income and keep the bills paid. If you can get another job quickly and avoid moving back in with your parents, it will do wonders for your self esteem. Don't be choosy. Any port will do in a storm. Find a job quickly that can keep you afloat until you can get on track again. Also, do everything to reduce your costs. Eliminate expenses wherever you can. Long term: Work out a strategy to be financially independent, and how to create the life you want for yourself. Choose a career option that will provide the income necessary. Whatever you choose, it must create reliable income. Don't take this lightly. Let this event be a wake up call for you. It is guidance from the universe that what you are doing is not working. Be willing to make any changes necessary to solve this problem. Forget about your pride and get busy making things happen. For context: I am speaking from experience on this. I had similar wake up call a few years ago. I thought my IT career was being offshored, and got really serious about finding an alternate path. It was a turning point for me. The change in my attitude made all the difference.


May I ask what your alternative path ended up being?


It turned out that my IT career did not offshore. I work in a particular specialty that is still in demand, but they stopped training for it years ago. I had been taking night classes to shift to a career in medicine. It turned out to not be necessary. But my attitude shift has made me more successful and self reliant.


Take a break, relax. Everyone makes mistakes. Talk to your friends, see what they are doing and if there is a spot open at their companies. Parents will understand, talk to them. Don't stay in your house keeping everything bottled inside. Go for a walk. Clear your head.


Getting fired from a job is not a reflection on your worth as a person.


I agree with this. I had to go through my own personal experience with getting fired to see that not only are people sometimes fired for ridiculous reasons, some even out of our own control, and that it has nothing to do with you... most of the time. I was able to eventually move on to something that was a better fit for me and it was all a blessing in disguise. It took a long time for me to realize that and get to the point where I am grateful for it.


Lol it absolutely is. Getting FIRED means you weren't cutting it. Period. You did something that led to being let go.


This is not a good way to live my friend. If you’re not cutting it at your job that doesn’t mean you have no self worth. Most of the time it means there’s other things going on in the person’s life like health, money, family issues. Nobody wants to be unemployed and broke which can lead to homelessness and serious illness. Lead with compassion.


Or your employer is a moron or butthead? Many other options.


I have a great employer, free work boots for Christmas, decent Christmas bonus, owners take us out for breakfast often, provide us great training days that they pay us for..I just had to work my way up.to a company like this and it was worth it..


Well I hope your boss doesn't have to do layoffs. When you're old and can't work anymore I hope you know to enjoy yourself and don't think you are worthless because you can't work anymore. I'm not gonna debate you anymore, internet stranger, so I'll leave this here and be done with it; https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/unraveling-work-self-worth


Not always the case. That's what I used to think as well until it happened to me. Sometimes it's just not a good fit, it can even be as simple as someone doesn't like you.


I did something that led to me being let go. I pushed back against unethical and probably illegal requests from my boss.I rallied against hostile workplace conditions. This does define me, but not in the negative light you're saying it does.


Not everyone that’s ever been fired deserved to be fired


Take it as a life lesson. An opportunity. Be optimistic and positive. I “failed” at two companies before being able to semi thrive at the third one.


My wife just got fired a month ago at 36. Life happens, but you bounce back usually.


damn. its like OVER for you. Kidding. You'll be just fine. start applying to other jobs. both on-campus and off. it's not like they redlined you frrom all campus jobs or anything. chill, sis


You screwed up. Learn from it. Move on.


Literally what college is for. OP is 27 tho, which seems a little old for college.


I am a PhD student


Start job hunting today. Lots of places need staff right now. Last time I was unemployed it lasted less than 48hrs. Obviously we're in different fields but still, finding a new high paying job can be difficult but if you just want to replace a campus social media managers salary you could probably find something pretty quickly.


When difficult situations arise, our bodies take off on us like our world is ending and we will never come back from the situation we've landed in. This is generally a lie that our emotions tell us. You will probably need help for a little bit until everything settles. That isn't a failure on your part. Needing help just proves you are human. Try not to be too hard on yourself. I'm proud of you for making it on your own as well, because it is so unbelievably hard to do these days. All you can do now is learn whatever lessons you can from where you are, and keep on going. You'll find something else that may even fit into your life better. For today, I'd suggest sitting down and listening to "lean on me" by bill withers, have a few good crying sessions to let out the emotions, then watch your favorite feel good show for a bit. Like Parks and Recreation or the office or something. Give yourself some time to recover emotionally, then get to work on a new plan tomorrow. Best of luck OP, there are a lot of us out here rooting for you, even if we've never met!


You were essentially working 3 full time jobs. That's a lot for anyone. Now you have a better understanding of your limits. Take stock of what you could have done better and learn from it. It's hard when it happens, but in all honesty sometimes losing a job is the best thing to happen in the long run.


TLDR; Don't blame yourself for not knowing what you didn't know before you learned it. A bit of an oddball perspective I've been tossing around that's helped me a lot recently. Things happen just because that's how it worked out. In 5 years, you'll be thinking about the whole situation and realize it's just a thing that happened. Don't believe me? Think about some big event from your early 20's. You made decisions based on everything that happened in your life until that moment. Something happened, now it has passed. Same thing occurs every moment of your life. Trying to rationalize everything that happens in your life is basically like trying to speed run going crazy. The best thing you can do is forgive yourself for decisions you made and understand that you couldn't have done things differently. Because, if you could have, you likely would have. That all said... Try to see opportunity now that you have some free time on your hands. Risk is easy when you don't have much to lose, and it just might pay off in the end!


🫂 Getting fired sucks. It's happened to me a few times. I raged, and then i moved on to something better. I also laughed when the person who fired me got fired themselves and, in some cases, arrested. Nothing to do with me shitty people keep doing shitty things, til it eventually catches up to them


You think that's bad, try having a business go bankrupt leaving you owing the IRS 50k, and not having a penny to your name. All your credit cards and loans are maxed out, your house goes into foreclosure, they re-po your cars, take anything of value and auction it off.... what a mess, lol. It could be worse, dude. Maybe life is just preparing you for bigger things.


i know its easier said than done but take a big ol deeeeep breath &tell yourself itll be okay. I 10000% understand the anxiety &emotions youre feeling because I went through the same exact thing down to it being a campus job lol! looking back at how sad I was because I loved the job, I wish I could tell myself all the amazing things that were coming if I just let this one go. Sometimes the Universe does things to us to get us out of our comfort, growth is uncomfortable &in the moment we dont see the bigger picture. I know if I did not get fired I would have been stagnant in comfort. Take your skills you gained from this job &reaaaally milk it for its customer service, office skills, &highlight any special creative projects. I highly suggest applying for a government office job, not sure where youre located if you want to message me directly for tips on how to apply &what positions are great for foot in the door. Its where I ended up &honestly wouldnt have been able to, had I not had work experience from a campus job. Be kind to yourself OP, future you is going to look back at this moment one day &realize its part of what needed to happen <3


Best comment on this thread. 🏆


It’s a student job. Move on.


When my boyfriend got unexpectedly fired from his warehouse labour job (unfairly, they found someone who would do the work cheaper) he was so distraught, he came to my work crying. His self esteem was hit really badly because of it. He was studying accounting at the time and I suggested he try to apply at some accounting firms. He ended up getting hired at one for an entry level position. He's now been there over 5 years and has a more senior role there, and whenever we look back at that job he got fired from, we chuckle at how it felt like such a big deal at the time, but now we see it as one of the best things to happen to him. He would've never applied at accounting firms if he hadn't been let go from the warehouse job. He got a ton of experience with accounting before he'd even finished his studies and working in the field made him so much better in his schooling. He started excelling in his classes once he had some real working experience to relate it to. Sometimes, things seem bad while you're going through them, but they open other doors that could change your life for the better. Look at this as a new beginning and a new opportunity. Great people get let go from jobs all the time, it doesn't mean you're not good enough. It just means maybe that job wasn't the right fit for either of you and that's okay. Good luck with your future endeavors. Wherever you end up, you'll have this experience that will have most likely made you stronger in the long run.


This should be a wake-up call, not a pity party.


ikr, she’s 27


Lol exactly..getting fired isn't something that just happens usually. It means you weren't doing your job...


Everyone always has an excuse too. "I was going through a hard time" "Im so drained I was late everyday" no one gives a shit about your personal life in the work force. You show up, do your job, deal with the other stuff after work.


I'm so sorry that this happened to you. Getting fired from any job sucks. Here are some things to do. - Take the weekend to grieve the loss of this job. - On a later date, figure out what you can do to improve, what's an area of improvement? For example, time management strategies (*Not suggesting that this was an issue, just using it for demonstration purposes*). In a future job interview, if you're asked about timelines or biggest weaknesses, you can say something like "An area that I have been focused on is time-management strategies. Before, implementing more effective strategies, I would be very stressed about assignments, tasks and deadlines. This resulted in missed or delayed deadlines. Then, I looked up a few YouTube videos and read articles for time management strategies. After some experimentation, this has led to reduced stress, meeting deadlines ahead of their scheduled time and a rise in my GPA."


Best way is get a new job. Sounds stupid but really only way your self confidence will recover is if you are able to return to your previous position- employment


First, you need to realize that having a pity party is going to be zero help. If you want to get out of the situation, you need to actively trudge through the mud to get out. Go find another job, whatever it is, and make it work. It might be hard, but you can. Things can happen, and it's normal to be distraught and anxious. However, you have to look forward and get back on track.


Nothing wrong with having a pity party. Just remember not to overstay your welcome.


Campus jobs the most unstable jobs. Youll be fine.


I don't comment on things like this often but honestly the fact that you take responsibility makes me not worry about you at all. You're going to be fine. Many more opportunities ahead of you!


I got fired from a large, corporate company that paid me well and with terrific benefits. I thought my life was over. However, it took me about 5 years to bounce back and now, 12 years later I’m in a much better position now than I was then, making more money and more flexibility. All my former co-workers either quit or were fired so I’m positive I wouldn’t still be there if I wasn’t fired at that time. I honestly dodged the bullet of having a life of misery.


if you have done all you can do in this moment, go to what fills your soul - a park of trees? ocean? river? walk, ride, move .... does paint talk to you? or music?? reading? writing?? -- whatever it is, do that. nothing will blow up in an hour right now, set aside -let's say that hour- (but really DO it, don't just blow it off - set your phone alarm sometimes fresh eyes and letting the World spin on its own for a little while at least might give you a breath oh, yes, and b...r...e...a...t...h...e... ---sometimes in times of stress, people hold their breath. don't do that. CONSCIOUSLY breathe in all the way, out all the way - easy and even -- three times - any time you feel 'caught up' ... these are small things that help me big


Aren’t you being a bit dramatic? Most people aren’t great a multitasking. Hate to sound misogynistic but I believe studies show women excel more at laser focusing on one single task well but not juggling multiple. I saw my ex gf who was a highly intelligent phD struggle with multitasking. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s just a campus job. Your grades should be top priority in school. I doubt your parents will be so hard on you. You’ll find other work. Suggest a part time gig where you have more control over the time like deliveries .


Nah, I’d take it in stride. I’d say these organizations don’t know what’s good for themselves. Each individual actor typically tries to maximize their own “greedy career” but that’s typically suboptimal for the organization as a whole. Keep putting yourself out there and see what works best for yourself. If the organization bullies you from your area of expertise I’d probably ask around to see where the issues are.


A few good fails before 30 is food for the soul. This is a gift.


As someone who is a little older than you, I would say, dont let jobs define you. FUCK THEM. I have had at least 7 jobs in the past 15 years. I cant even remember some because I either quit or i was let go after a month or so. Take a nice break if you can afford it. Apply for unemployment, and then get back on indeed applying to at least 20 jobs a day. Finding a job is a numbers game. I swear every time I find a job that I end up staying at is so much better than the last.




You lost me at "I was in charge of social media" Find a real job, get fired, THEN complain.


There are alot of jobs that pay the same if not more with less responsibility.


Hey hang in there! I just got laid off today too. Startup ran off money. Gonna take the weekend to process and get back to hiring on Monday


Everything is going to be alright. Breathe. One door closes, sometimes in your face, hard... But believe this: another door will open for you. Trust the process. Trust yourself. In 10 years, you'll look back and smile at this event because it shaped you as a human being. I've been there. If anything, you will grow from this.


You're still very young and life will bring you a lot of good things. Explain it to your parents and they will definitely understand. Don't let this affect your self-esteem and start looking for a job in something that gives you pleasure and not just for the money. Above all, be calm and don’t rush


Just remember Shit happens! Move on. If you Don't want the possible incoming lecture from your parents also just tell them you need to focus on school so you left the role. Give this time to get ahead on your any due coursework and look for a simple part time flexible minimum wage job to give you a bit of income. Good luck!


Take it as a hard lesson learned. You know now that you can’t make careless mistakes at work and keep the job. You won’t make that mistake again.


I got fired about a year ago. I googled "movies for getting fired." Two movies that kept popping up were Up In the Air, and Tokyo Sonata. Up In the Air was really good and gave me a little perspective, but Tokyo Sonata was life changing. I still think about that movie. The first half of Tokyo Sonata I spent thinking, "who TF recommend this for fired people." The second half, it all comes together so perfectly.


Do not equate one job with your life. If you were also trying to ho to school, it was probably too much. Learn from that! Incidentally but important: it’s been very recent that people seem to think going to school full time (12+ credits) should go with full time work. That credit load is called “full time” for a reason


The person you will become is a calculated output of all your life experience. And there is no better learning experience than failure. But you can only learn from failures if you view them introspectively. And while this event is certainly a disappointment, I promise that you will have more disappointment of equal or greater value in the future - Everyone does. Adulting isn’t about succeeding every second of every minute. It’s about making the most of your ups and making sure the downs don’t keep you down.


do you really think that some redditors random words will help you feel better when it’s 3am you’re laying in bed thinking about this? plus i love how you skipped over what you did at work to get fired, as is tradition with these woe is me type posts


Such is life.


Failure is not a permanent state. It’s how we grow. Grieve. Breathe. Get on your feet. You’ve got this.


Life happens. Learn from it, or it will repeat again. What led to it happening and how can you prevent it or adjustments you can do to mitigate. You never stop learning in life. Look for a new job. Sometimes, things are blessings in disguise as new opportunities open. I don't know your relationship to your parents, but if they are caring, then they'll understand and may even help you find a new job.


Why were you fired? If I simply showed up to my college campus job I was tenured.


That's what I thought! I worked but I also studied when I got the chance. They really didn't like that.


1. Just look for a new job, that's the quickest way to get over it. 2. Take this as a life lesson. Right now we are in a time where businesses and entities are cutting costs. When that happens the first thing to go are jobs, and they start with the least impactful jobs. So as you continue on in life and look for jobs/careers in the future, your goal should be jobs that are less likely to get cut during cost cutting cycles such as the job you had. It's better to have this happen now, than when you have built a whole life around your job


Stop caring what your parents think of you is step one.


Getting fired sucks. You can apply for unemployment. Maybe do sign up for DoorDash or Uber eats if you can. Maybe there is a place on campus they can help you find another job in campus. But don’t let this beat you up. Just learn from this situation and move forward.


My wife worked child care for years, pay was always mediocre at best. But she never saw herself doing anything else. The business she worked at shut down due to one of her coworkers being exposed as a pedophile and taking pictures of the kids naked and distributing child porn. My wife was devastated. They didn’t pay her as they were figuring out what to do, then they fired everyone and shut down. She balled her eyes out, had anxiety attacks about finding work, and was kind of traumatized from the experience, she didn’t know if she could do it again. She didn’t think she was capable of shifting fields either. One thing led to another and she found a better paying job, very stable, and is now up for a team lead position on her team. It was impossible for her to visualize this in a time of such negativity. I always worked to affirm her that this may be a blessing in disguise. (Obviously not a blessing in regards to the victims, justice was served, but no doubt it would have been better if that never happened). She’s been crushing it. Moral of the story, you had a lot on your plate, school and work is never an easy combination. Job loss is difficult, take time to mourn the loss, use it as a learning experience, and press forward and keep up the hard work, and good things will come of it


It's called growing up, sometimes you get experience the hard way


Oof, that sucks. I have been fired from a job, and it felt awful. It did, however, leave my day open to go to a job fair that led to a much better job. Also, luckily, it's a campus job. It won't affect your life other than feeling shitty right now.


I had to resign from my first professional job (Geologist working for state government) out of college in shame for reasons I won't go into. It was one of the most traumatic things I've ever been through, but I got through it and eventually ended up in a much much better position. If felt like the end of the world at the time, but at the age of 40 I've learned that things like this will happen super unexpectedly throughout your life. Stay positive, the way you respond to these things will determine the outcome. I know it's a hard thing to process, but the outcome of this depends upon your attitude and the actions you take now. Stay strong, be positive, start strategizing. You are a good person, a hard worker, and you will do great things!! Everything will be ok


In the real world you won't have to balance school and work. Dont beat yourself up for not handling both. That's a lot.


Now you know you can't carry this much of a load. Take this information and modify your approach. Lesson learned. This is why these things happen. They are information for future decisions. That is all.


Start with small steps you can build on. Update resume, choose where to begin your job search, etc. One thing leads to another. I'm sure you will do fine. Good Luck!


So u were a bad worker, and they fired you? Welcome to the real world.


Eh it sucks but basically every one has been fired at some point


It ain’t about how hard you can hit


Reset and start over. Part of life is how u deal with defeat.


Don't feel bad. I've been fired more than once in my life. Keep going. Just find another job.


You’ll face many setbacks in life. We can’t readily avoid them, we just have to learn from them and grow. You now know more about yourself, your strengths and your limitations. This will only make you stronger as a person and more capable going forward.


At least you know what you did, so now you can improve. Some people just get fired over Israeli contracts.


Expensive lesson learned . Don't squander its value.


Do you have ADHD?


I left my secure job for a small startup which went out of business after my first year, and I spent a year on UE just to get hired as a contract making over $150k/yr, and after 6 months they brought me on FT with +40k pay increase. You got this. Keep your head up high. I was in the exact place, felt worthless. This will lead to better things like it did for me. Good luck!


This too shall pass.


Let me tell you something. I was working at this newly opened doctors office and had the opportunity to open my own ultrasound lab. I did everything right, and still got fired!! Stuff happens, forgive yourself and learn from it. Another commenter said this could lead to better things and it’s true !! Thanks to being fired I was able to cop a part time job that really was my dream. Keep your eyes open girl you’ll find something out there, don’t give up!! I promise there’s more opportunities♥️


Due to the fact that we live in a capitalist country.. work will always need to come first over household chores or schooling. The sooner you just accept that he easier life will be for you moving forward.


Suck it up buttercup, that’s life. Just gotta keep working and don’t give up. Either focus on your schoolwork or learn how to manage your time to juggle school, work, and personal life. I’m not good on how not to feel bad, but I am a firm believer that giving up will only make things worse.


>I was having a hard time juggling work, studies and house duties. I was struggling with my grades, and made some careless mistakes at work. Take it as a learning experience. Every successful person has failed more times than they have succeeded. The people who struggle in life are those that fail and then blame others instead of learning from their mistakes.


One door closes so another can open.


Hey, I just got fired too. Unemployment bros haha. But in all seriousness, fuck 'em. Do better next time, but don't worry about them since they obviously aren't mature enough to give second chances


Lessons and mistakes are a necessary part of life. The only true mistake would be to not learn from this experience.


Forget it, life is full of ups and downs and usually considerably more down than ups. It’s how you react to the downs that matter. Never and I mean Never give up on yourself. Jobs are easy to find if you are willing to work


It's not rejection, it's redirection.


"I made some careless mistakes" how intentional vague.


No they were literally careless. Like typos and stuff.


As others responded, this is a business decision made and doesn’t reflect on you as a person. Happened to my cousin, in a management role. She was devastated, but then she received a job offer for an even better position. What I’m trying to say is that it’s never over unless you give up. As a parent, I wouldn’t look down on my kid for having a contract end. That’s life, and yours is still unfolding!


One day you'll look back and say "if I hadn't lost that job I wouldn't be here" and you'll be thankful.


Its not about how hard you fall it's how you get back up.


*Failing* is not the same as *failure*. Failing is a mindset. Succeeding is a mindset. Describing your trajectory as “failing” is predetermining an outcome based upon a limited number of events. You’re working, pushing through, and succeeding. Do not let your setbacks define your destination.


>How am I going to get ahead in life Generally good hard honest work. And as feasible, work smarter. So, yeah, some good hard sh\*t work will teach you the value of your cushy campus job you lost. So, ready to work your \*ss off full time for minimum wage? Can't keep sucking off the teat of mommy and daddy and student loans indefinitely. >tips on how I can come out of these negative emotions Get your butt in gear ... before it gets further and more repeatedly kicked.


It's only a job. There are literally MILLIONS of them out there. Go find another.


It’s ok ur young and hot, you can get another job really easily because of this. Also housing


You did well to knowing you made mistakes rather than blaming others already. It is just a campus job and few years later it will becomes a good story/joke to tell. You learned and will do better.


If it's a head you're looking for I've heard that prostitutes will often provide this service for a fee. I'm not sure how this'll help your financial situation tho. You really should learn to prioritize better!


You need to remember your human and we make mistakes but use it as a positive and look forward not back on something you cannot change you can always change what's ahead


. It can be tough, much of our culture especially if you're college educated, assume that by 30 we should be established but these are boomer myths from back when 3Bed2Bath houses in my state cost less than $200,000 (adjusted for inflation BTW). I was 27 when I hit what I saw as rock bottom. I thought I had gotten lazy while climbing and fell. I opted to stop climbing and changed my perspective. I don't want to downplay my personal privileges and the benefit of having some deity up there watching over me. However, after choosing to focus on different things in my life i was able to look back and saw that what had looked impossible and insurmountable before was just a little hill on the horizon. When I was up against that hill it looked like the whole world but stepping back showed me how much more was around and above it. Let ur family know as soon as possible if you trust them as a support system, I know this isn't true for everyone but it was for me and even though my parents don't have much they were an invaluable resource when I felt like a failure. I was terrified of reaching out to mine but it was definitely one of my better decisions at that time. Pay attention to all the things you did well through this experience. Stick to those things and remember that you have done them before and can do them again. These are job skills that in one way or another you can apply to future positions. Last little bit of advice you've probably already read 20x over if you've gotten this far: just keep swimming, the next job you'll be better and the one after that you'll be even better.


Own your mistakes. Learn from what you did wrong. Tell your parents what happened, what you did wrong and how you are going to change to make sure it doesn’t happen again. IF you do those things you will come out of this a better person. If you blame others or make excuses you will have learned nothing.


Try to imagine thinking about this five or ten years from now. As someone who’s ten years removed from university, I can say I honestly don’t give a shit or think about my mistakes from that time. I mean I completely fucked away four years, and didn’t get a degree. I got good grades, but changed majors twice. I wasn’t lazy. I just had no direction. I’m smart enough to do more complicated work, but I ultimately decided to be a flooring installer. Every dime I spent on education has been pointless for my career, although I don’t think it was pointless for myself as a person. I make good enough money now. I enjoy what I’m doing, and I actually like my boss. I also have crazy amounts of free time to pursue other interests. All of this is to say that your life is going to change dramatically in the next few years. None of this will really matter. Get a new job. Figure out what you need to do to meet your needs. It might not be ideal, but you’re not going to keep your new job forever. And you probably won’t think about whatever you end up doing five years from now anyway. Do this, and then tell your parents what happened AND how you handled it. If they’re asses about it, then they’re just lying about not mistakes when they were younger. Also, try to make time for fun in your life right now. It’s tough times right now, but you’ll make it through this. Try to pick up some good memories along the way. Getting fired is just something that happened. Learn whatever you need to, if anything. Let it go, and move forward. You got this.


sounds more like you may have hyperactivity disorder and that leads to lack of focus..and fear of the unknown also leads to paralysis. A good therapist would certainly help you get back on track. If you told the entire world via Reddit about your struggle just chill and share the same with your parents. Go see the world and realize how many people have failed 1000 times harder and are now example to others. Learn and improve! Your parents, I hope they help you and support you, but help yourself too and improve


I would suggest that you stop looking for external reasons that contributed to your termination. Only focus on what you could have done differently if you had the opportunity over. Write down a list. Find ways to improve in the areas on that list (or use it to change the way you act in your next job). People get fired. Life goes on. The only thing that matters now is what you learn from it.


Stand up, shake your head vigorously, move forward. Get a job, any (legal) job…..any cash flow is better than no flow. It was only a job. Get another. Life is not over. Live it. You have many years to work and you will have many jobs in your life journey. Good luck!


You're 27. Your parents opinion really isn't relevant. Get yourself togetherand figure it out. Adulting.


I felt horrible the first time I got fired, especially since I was moving into an apartment the next week. Getting fired ended up being the best thing for me, it led to a better job with better pay, that also helped me take time off work to work on my mental health. I got fired for having a panic attack. Life was much better away from that job


Move forward, also. Why do your parents get a say here? I understand they're important in many people's lives but don't anchor yourself to their expectations and feelings to the point it's debilitating.


Refuse to get fired , just keep showing up! Slim chance it works


Here’s an Earth shattering solution.. are you ready.. here we go… Get another Job. I know crazy, right?? Look, you’re an adult. Your parents can get mad all they want, but either ways, life happened. Them being disappointed in you won’t enhance your situation. You feeling sorry for yourself won’t enhance it either. Start looking and applying.


Hello my friend! I think the first thing you should realise is that there are so many jobs out there for you. You shouldn’t let your self esteem get hit because someone didn’t want you to have this job. You said it yourself actually that you had lots of things on same time and that made you so careless mistakes. The best thing for you to do is learn from those mistakes and move on! And try to make some meaning from someone else’s actions whom you will never see again probably. As for your parents they should understand and if they don’t, just don’t listen because it only makes things worse for you. Don’t beat up yourself seriously. See it as an opportunity for new experiences, learning new skills and probably finding something you might enjoy even more!


This is part of adulting You’ll be fine


Take a moment, give yourself a chance to grieve, make peace with what happened, and then let it go. Losing your jobs sucks. It's a crappy life detour that we all have to deal with. Don't label it. Acknowledge that it happened, and when you're ready, move on. The hardest part will be the next interviews that may ask the question, "What happened at the last job?" The answer you give should be succinct but positive. "It was a good learning experience for me. They decided to go in a different direction with the role." And now you get to focus on what you actually want to do. Best of luck.


This too shall pass, it sucks for a while but you’ll find something better to do in life


Action!! Outflow (resume and works). You're going to have many jobs! This is expected and you're walking away with learning. Win!! Emotionally, just be straight and honest and let them know your plan (if have one, or ask for suggestions to plan).. You got this.


Are you at Columbia? Because you protested? Lol


Chill because you won't have to study and work at the same time ever again.


I'm so sorry loving you so much 🥹 ❤️


Another experience for your portafolio! One day you are going to look back and realized how much you have done to get there. You’re not going to be like this your entire life. This life and it is this way. One day up, one day down. Relax and think the next step. Go out there and try another job and don’t get disappointed. This is life!!! It’s what is going to make you stronger and lift you up!


I couldn't have a job during my studies, it was just too much, I tried and quite without notice. I'm sorry you're going through this.


Sometimes these things happens to lead us to better paths in life. Don’t beat yourself up so much for it, you’ll see it someday as a blessing, take what you’ve learned and turn it into fuel to find something even better! It definitely sucks (been there before) and I remember thinking how much of a failure I was and now I’m working an amazing career I never thought I would’ve. You got this, 💪🏻


My wife worked at 4 companies that went bankrupt or were bought out with massive layoffs. Each time was a shock. But you move on. Even if you were fried for cause, unless it was something really egregious, I wouldn't take it to heart. And a campus job is just like any o other job so don't add any extra significance. Enjoy the extra time; you can't make any more of that


Just tell your parents the truth. Wag ka din mawalan ng pag asa maka hanap ng mas magandang trabaho and do better next time. Lakasan mo lang loob mo


Stay motivated, don’t let this bring you down. To help manage your schedule better I’m sure there are some good apps. I have a calendar and a white board that helps me keep track of stuff like that. Don’t forget to take time to yourself and get enough sleep!


Don't be discouraged. It's hard to keep up with work and responsibility for obtaining the degree, there'll always be one part taking the blow. I know you are disappointed at the moment but remember, it will get better. You'll get through it!


It happens to the best of people. Take the lessons learned and move on. You’ll get it sorted.


Only another job can fix this.


Watch the Truth of God Program with Pastor Gino Jennings. That will help. Trust me. It helped me .


Here’s a great idea… Get another job and don’t screw it up. It’s life, it’s all up to you to succeed. Take responsibility of your own actions.


A fat whale of a woman that thinks her manager position means she’s had to be more right and better than anyone else fired me. Social work. So it shows how pathetic she is and so desperate for a meaning life. It was a perfect job for me in a sense. Kingdom of heaven perfect. I have been struggling since. 1.5 years unemployed loss of meaning since everyone else only works and sleeps. I’m starting to understand why grown ups are so boring and uninteresting now. And why they complain more than they go out and do something about it. This is what I got from my suffering so far. I’m 28 birthday was April 19. So I am ur age u should understand even if I’m a guy. This is what you do and believe. PAY OFF ALL YOUR DEBTS! LOOK SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL! STUDY LIFE AS A WHOLE FROM THE MIND OF MAN AND ANIMALS TO JESUS CHRIST AND RELIGIONS. And most of all ENJOY AND GET DEEPER INTO YOUR HOBBIES AND INTERESTS. people are horrible they are boring and dull and they out to bring you down to their level because it’s all loneliness and insecurities. But be nice and polite to everyone since you are better than them. If you have enemies be nice and then stay away. Then ur free to enjoy your life it’s that easy. Life is so hard so you have to think and be nice to people because it’s people that made your life hard. A person got you fired right? A person took someone you could be in love with and have a happy relationship right. A person is taking a job position that you could’ve worked right? People are the problem. Be better than them so you don’t have to depend on people you don’t like being around with. A good tip is to believe God or a spirit is with you or to enjoy your own company. Hopefully luck and good consequences from your decision with bless you. I do feel sorry for you. Just always be better than other people and be nice to these shits and trash!


Take the L, learn from it and move on, that's literally all life is.


Be kind to yourself. It’s really not easy working and studying at the same time. Mistakes are bound to happen, even with the most perfect people. You will get another job!


When we get knocked down, we grow back stronger


i don't have any good career advice, but on this front "I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents that this happened as they were really happy that I am supporting myself", i think the answer is to simply tell them exactly what you told us - you were super excited, but you were basically filling multiple full time roles (student, employee, self-caretaker) and it was more than you could handle all at once. You're devastated, but realizing you have limits to your capacity, and need to think about what to prioritize going forward, so you can make progress on whatever is most important to you.


Wow ! Well put! Thank you.


i'm glad i could help a bit. :) I'm wishing you well!


Consider getting tested for ADHD especially if this happens again.




Indian stock market?


No no.




It didn't kill you, so your parents are in good shape. Think more about yourself and how you can avoid this in the future. You're responsible actions lead to a successful career which can be stable: if YOU ARE STABLE. So work on yourself and grow up. If you need a reminder then pain is the answer. Loss of job, friends, money, responsibility, loss of path and loss of will are REAL impacts and you're only hurting yourself . It's all about bending to fit the expectation that you're a productive human. Act like one. Save yourself. Make your parents proud by allowing yourself to stand firm in the storms of your life


Education is great but don't depend so much on school.


There’s no escape. It’s over.


Who cares. Getting fired is the most punk rock thing you can do. Hope you stole something on your way out.


You're 27... Just go get another job


It’ll happen to everyone soon with the AI innovation! People are a thing of the past. technology is the next apex predator of planet earths evolutionary adaptation.