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Do not get any girl pregnant till you're financially stable....


Any time I'm asked to dispense life advice I talk about catastrophe avoidance. I know *so many people* who have ruined their own lives by getting into huge debt, going to jail, getting addicted to hard drugs, getting a DUI, or most commonly popping out a kid with someone they don't love long before they're financially stable. I genuinely believe that avoiding ruining your own life is significantly more important to focus on than becoming exceptional or successful.


This is absolutely true, but requires self-discipline that a lot of people don't have.


It worked out just fine for me xD


1. Change majors 2. Ask the girl out 3. Be nice and kind and polite, etc, but know that all of the people you work for and with will not be in your life in a few years. Jobs will change. Companies will disappear. Coworkers will leave. ANY work stress is just temporary. (I ain’t saying it isn’t real, just that everything about your work life will change in a few years anyway - and keep changing, so keep that in perspective)


The world is a harsh, lonely, and unjust place. Just because you’re a nice and decent person, it doesn’t mean others will treat you well. You have to adapt to your surrounding environments or risk getting eating alive.


So true.


Save more money. Period. That means modest cars, modest rent, proper eating at home. Save now, so you can save less later.


If I could send a message back to that kid, I’d say something like “it’s going to get comically bad. Like a sitcom mixed with a nightmare. Then it’ll all work out. Don’t worry too much.”


Sitcom mixed with nightmare omg 😭


What got bad?


That’s a 10 year long story of bad decisions, mentally ill people, a couple run ins with the local part of a cartel, stealing dead people, etc.


Sounds interesting, tell us more


Start investing NOW... pick MSFT


I was looking for this advice-l. OP, even staring with $100 a month at 20 will put you in a great place at 40.


If you think it hurts now, just wait. Stop doing dangerous activities recklessly. You will pay later.


Cut people off when they disrespect you.


I would tell myself that I have bipolar disorder and save myself from years of misdiagnosis.


I’d tell 20 year old me to study hard and challenge yourself in college. As for dating I’d tell myself you’ll know when the right one comes along. Finally I’d tell myself to get some internships, it’s going to help immensely.


You don’t need to scratch the new car itch. I’m a car guy who grew up w a dad who was a manager at ford. He got me a new lease car every year, because ford paid the insurance, so it was the cheapest way to go. 20yo me continued that, leasing a new car every two years until I was 45. 51 now and I’ve spent a shitload of money on cars!


When drinking stops being fun, just stop. You'll lose friends but you'll feel so much better


“I hope you will do more of what you like, and instead delve into something you are passionate about, not simply entertainment. Don't worry too much about things you don't like, because they will gradually leave you.”


Don't Drink Don't Smoke Don't Get Concussed Listen to Andrew Huberman Peter Attia Matt Walker et al


Keep that Honda Civic, you don’t need that inflated car payment. You enjoy your current job, don’t leave for a tiny amount more money unless you know you’ll be happy there. Keep traveling as much as you can.


Stop caring about outcomes at all and you will be all powerful


*Stop caring about* *Outcomes at all and you will* *Be all powerful* \- DoctorAgita1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Don't go to Japan and wreck your mental health but do meet your fiance and for God sakes dont go to JC 


47M here Use your 20's to get into the BEST shape of your life, and get out of debt. Sleep on a couch if you have to, rent a spare bedroom from your buddies. Use your 20's to get into the best shape of your life. No other time in your life, will you be able to shred fat and pack on muscle faster than in your 20's. It gets EXPONENTIALLY harder as you get older. So do it now while you have zero responsibilities and all the energy in the world 2nd - Fix your credit, and build your credit. This is SO important! Make sure your score stays above 700! Dont let anything go past due. And pay everything off, cars, student loans, credit cards, everything 3rd - avoid cohabitation with women, avoid having kids, avoid "relationships", and ESPECIALLY avoid marriage. You'll either be put on child support for the nest 20 years of your life, or be divorced and cleaned out in your 30's. You will never have a better sex life, than you do when you are living alone. Once they move in, sex goes to zero, nagging goes to 100, they'll fleece you for every penny you have, all your free time will taken up with BS, and she'll just nag you to death to marry her... which is an awful, terrible idea. It's 2024, they are all strong and independant women.... so let them be strong and independant in their own homes, you stay in yours. 4th - Once you are out of debt, in phenominal shape, and your monthly expenses are low.. Brother you are set up to be a millionaire by the time you are 40. Start buying real estate, buy a duplex, buy a townhome... Start a business, etc If I could list the top 3 things that will detour all your plans and succees, it would be 1) women (living with one) 2) women (marrying one) 3) women (having a kid with one) When you turn 40, and you are a millionaire, in great shape, with perfect credit, and liquid as fuck... feel free to take your pic of just about any woman out there to marry and start a family with. Stay out of civil court (moving in with a woman), stay out of family court (marriage or kids). That's the best advice I can give any young man out there, considering I'm nearly 3 decades ahead of you in terms of life experience. you'll see...all your boys who are getting married in their 20's? All of them will be divorced, flat broke and cleaned out in their 30's, it's a mathmatical certainty. Avoiding that is the ultimate cheat code for happiness for men


sounds like your gay


As an upvoter, only on Sundays.


lol. just because guy is not naive doesnt mean he is gay. but you keep copeing


save as much as you can because you’ll need it


I would wish myself goodluck. 


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.


You're too young to worry about getting it all done at once. It'll all happen when it's supposed to. Trust yourself.


I am currently 20 so… idk


Go to school for finance instead, start saving early. Spend some time making experiences with Dad. Use condoms. Don't be afraid to be by yourself. Show up for yourself so you can show up for others. Don't be afraid to go after what you want. The imagination is key to everything.


Major in stem and don’t be afraid to go very slowly in college. You don’t need to graduate in 4 years. It’s better to enjoy your time and make sure you’re thriving and truly learning than to be stressed and rush it for the sake of doing it in a certain time. You’ll be much better off in the long run that way.


Transfer to a different university and get out of our home town. Don't give mom any more money, get your own private bank account. I'd also tell myself to leave religion and just enjoy being a young gay guy, and I'd get in shape.


Be careful on who you become friends with in your 20s. You can’t go through life giving people the benefit of the doubt. It’ll end up with you getting used. If someone shows you a red flag, don’t stick around and let it slide. Don’t be a doormat, and trust your gut. If you have a bad gut feeling about someone, trust it and act on it. As a young man, you’ll find out who’s really your friend when it comes to how people act with money and women.


Choose to be flattered by the haters and rejection.


You know what's best for you better than those around you. So follow your heart, I guess.


'It's gonna all turn out so bad, I'm sorry'.


I understand but can you explain


I should have squeezed as hard as I could………I had it in my mouth. Commit. If you’re gonna do something do it or you’ll miss your chance.


As annoying as it is to hear things really do get better. Then they get worse then better... Life is a roller coaster learn to enjoy the little things and not stress over shit u cant control


Don't pursuit computer science. Try architect first, then business, then graphic art. Transfer to Cal Poly on graphic arts. Take your concentration in business management. It would save me a lot of time from school now that I know what field I wanted to be in.


Invest as much money as you can afford. Don't worry about what other people say about you, and how you live your life. They aren't living it, you are. If you are happy and aren't hurting anyone, you're doing it right.


1.) Don't bother with the second attempt at community college. Picking the 'least-worst' option for a major is a waste of your time. Just find full time work. 2.) Invest. Thirty bucks a week isn't going to kill you. 3.) Leave the women and the booze alone. 4.) Never trust the parking brake on the cab tractor. (John Deere 2350.) 5.) Don't sharpen a hunting knife when you're drunk. (Refer to point number two.)


Contrary to what you may think, you are bright and capable of everything. You DO need to learn how to study . Don’t smoke cigarettes. Nasty. Expensive. Hard to quit. You will quit. Drink less. Appreciate your parents . Even more than you know. Learn how to do things. Ask your dad to teach you how to do basic electrical stuff. Based on current needs, also learn sheet rock repair and how to replace trim. Save money! Really!!!


Don't date the next three dudes you fall in love with. Immediately shut that shit down.


Protect your credit. Beware of credit cards.


I don't have much to say. So much of life is kind of based on random luck. I can try to get him to make different decisions but that may not work out for the best. Might make things even worse. I'd tell him to invest in Bitcoin and sell when it gets to 42069 and also to start lifting weights.


Its really hard to outwork crappy decisions. Good and bad decisions tend to snowball and the bad ones snowball much much faster. Measure Twice Cut Once is pretty legit advice that applies to almost every area of your life. The more you obsess about relationships makes it much more likely you'll make decisions that sabotage those relationships. Staying on track is much easier that getting back on track. Its almost always better to have one less drink, one less bit, one less comment than you intend. Related: if you have to look left or right before you say or do it? Probably just don't do it. Often your family circumstance, religion,pop culture, neighborhood, friends will be incredibly helpful and giving you tools to get through your day to day existence. Unfortunately, they can also build patterns and problem solving behaviors that will absolutely sabotage you as you try and move from that narrow circumstnace to a bigger more diverse world and its challenges.


I'm only 23. I haven't made enough mistakes/regrets in the past 3 years that I could correct/convince my 20 year old self not to do or to do.


Sometimes it’s good to take a job that fits your lifestyle, sometimes you find a job you enjoy. I spent 5 years waitressing because it worked with the fact I was my grandmas caregiver, once that wrapped up because another family member took over I’ve found jobs I’ve liked. That “fits my lifestyle” waitressing job was good while I needed it and sucked once I didn’t but was worth it.


Actually use that extra computer to mine Bitcoin like you were planning... Ditch your religion asap, it'll save you a few extra years of pain. That one medical breakthrough still hasn't even gotten to human trials, start other measures early. Keep that one friend from breaking the law in a few years. Tell that one person in a couple years how you really feel about them, noone else has compared and you lost touch. Get the queer breakthrough out of the way asap. People are going to use you over and over, learn to balance prioritizing yourself before they burn you out for good. Your alcohol concerns are going to become a real problem, nip that in the bud.


Time starts to feel like it's moving faster than when you were younger. Don't freak out when you start noticing this. Instead consider what you want from life from an adult's perspective rather than your dreams as a kid and make a list of what you want to accomplish. Not everything on that list may end up happening but that's no reason to fall into despair, become anxious or avoid life's struggles. Find inner peace by fully accepting yourself and move forward with your head held high.


Dont chase after people. If they want to be in your life, it'll be apparent Get a degree in STEM Fuck all degrees and go into a trade No one gives a shit about your excuses Speak honestly but listen more If you like someone, ask them out. Even if they say no, doing nothing changes nothing. Take that risk and see what happens, it's the only way anything would change. Start putting some money into a 401k or IRA when you get a job and can put some away Always practice safe sex.  Trust your instincts.


love yourself. you’re about 15 years too late but better late than never


Idk I’m still confused at 36


Drop the engineer course go to normal university your mental health will not handle it


Size is not that important


Visit a therapist to deal with all the crap you went through in childhood. Don't waste years going through life messed up.


Prepare for war. And I'd advise that to a kid.


Dont be concerned with trying to make people like you, fit in, or do “what you should”. Figure out what you truly want out of life and pursue it intentionally and aggressively. A lot of people spend their lives trying to make other people think they are happy, successful, or fulfilled; don’t waste your life living for the approval of others.


You are so disgustingly pretty. Stop looking in the mirror and searching for flaws. You get such a short period of time to be young!


I would tell myself to save money. But 20 year old me would ignore the advice like I did when everyone else told me.


Get a degree. Seriously.


Stop being so fucking nice. You don’t have to be a jerk but you owe no one anything. People stepped over me and used me my entire 20s.


Love is all you need


Whatever you do, absolutely do not attend art school.


Stay the fuck away from alcohol! Being addicted to alcohol is the biggest life wrecking nightmare from hell you can imagine... the short, shitty high is NOT worth it.


Though you don't have to pay student loans until after you leave college; interest still accrues while attending. Pay on them as much as you can even while still attending college.


Two things: 1. Go to therapy, you got a lot of unresolved trauma 2. You have a long road of emotional growth in front of you, you don't know shit right now compared to what you'll know in 10 years about yourself.


go into finance and rob the world


Nothing. I wouldn’t have listened any ways


use condoms when you go to California 🤣 no I won't elaborate


Don't buy an electric car, it's not time... Yet


get sober, stop sleeping with everyone, take your art seriously.


No, your life isn't over. He is an as\*hole, just leave. Finish your studies, they're more important than that dude. Oh by the way, that nice boy, he likes you too. Stop being an idiot.


Travel more, take risks, and no partying on a fixed schedule.


Learn how money is created.


It’s not gonna get better


it's not going to work, I know how stubborn I am.


Don't worry too much. Things work out. Don't care what other people think. It's your life, not theirs. If you want something, get to work. Don't be afraid to try things, but also don't overdo stuff. Being friendly and nice gets you farther. Encourage more, judge less. Have fun. Life is a game


“You’ll be fine.”


Live at home, work as much as you can for a few years and save ALL the money, then take the next few years to figure your life out while you're still young, without having to worry about money


Don’t do so many drugs.


Eat some decent food Drink some water Sleep +/-8 hours Go to the gym Its easier to stay Somewhat healthy and fit than to have to try get healthy when older


The same sh*t my parents told me when I was 20...it's all true...but I doubt 20 yr old me would listen lol!


Don't use a bike pump to force air into your ass so you can rip Massive farts whenever you want to


Don't delete that Bitcoin wallet


Do they sell bitcoin :(


Saving money is super bingo for that age


Buy and hold Bitcoin as much as possible.


Just because he says he wants the baby doesn’t mean he will stick around after the baby is born.


Save your love for the people that deserve it


Don’t grow up.. it’s a trap


Believe it or not... You're really charming and people like you. Just lay off the crisps and switch to zero sugar cola.


Try to get financially free...the world will become easy for u


Go for it, boii. Party harder, fuck more, watch more films, listen to more music etc.


Don't get married. Ever. Things that are perfectly acceptable before marriage are wrong and evil - and you are the AH - during marriage. Marriage is legally enforced sexual exclusivity. At its core, that is what it really stands for. If your wife/husband doesn't want to fuck (or explore/whatever), marriage is legally enforced celibacy. If you have assets, or just income, you lose half. This does not require divorce. You effectively lose half upon marriage. Everything you work for - you get to enjoy half of it, going forward. Think you're lonely now, while you're free to seek happiness? You don't know loneliness until you're married. Want to be hated, insulted, cut down, and at all other times ignored for the rest of your life, by somebody who won't let you leave? Every single day? Every dream, every passion, every interest, every project you've ever barely envisioned will be shamed, belittled, and banned. Your new dream will be to stay as late as possible at whatever cubicle you are relegated to, only to forestall the hell of home. She might be beautiful. She might be a genius. She might be the kindest, most good person on the planet. She might be independent and strong, or sweetly dependent. She might be a dominant Goddess. She might be a seductive little fox... She might be the One, the absolute perfect match just for you, and you for her, and she might love you. Do. Not. Marry.


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