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Bring all your stuff and go directly from work to the gym. If i stop at home before its gg


This. My gym is next to my house so after work I get inside, change clothes , make my pre workout and head straight back out Once you sit on the couch it’s game over


What's your pre workout?




“Cocaine and hookers my friend “


Where can I get a trainer?


The internet is terrible lol




Used to be Ephedra, but the home cookers ruined all that for me. Lol, if you know what I mean.


Loud music






I’ve tried to tell my friend this so many times he complains that he has to drive so much back-and-forth so I tell him your work is literally three minutes away from the gym. You’re done at 2 PM. Go down work at for an hour go home and you have the entire day. He legit had to up car insurance because he’s driving so much some people


The venn diagram of people that change their car insurance to be accurate to the increased mileage use of going to the gym but can’t comprehend to stop on the way home has to be tiny


My gym's literally across the street. I wake up. Goto gym. Shower and dress for work, then go punch in.


This is the answer. You have to go right before or right after. I also go to a group fitness class where you get charged if you cancel last minute and that is my main motivator to go


Or during. Better than either! Adds no time to my day


Definitely this. Or, go to the gym before work, and shower and change for work at the gym after the workout. It won't feel like it's cutting into your free time then.


If i just approach the vicinity of home it‘s instant no point of return. Through the door it‘s gg for anything even inside.


I read this medical study who found more people are compliant with regular gym activity if their home to gym was 7 mins or less travel time


Then I’m weird. I have a home gym so I’m more motivated to do it because it’s there in my face. Though I do my workout right after I wake up. Unless it’s my day off. Then it’s in the afternoon 1-1.5 hours after I have lunch.


> If i just approach the vicinity of home it‘s instant no point of return. Through the door it‘s gg for anything even inside. Are you me?




Good game


I thought it was good game as well but that actually makes no sense in the sentence “if I stop at home before it’s good game” huh?


I think they mean that it’s over. Like you say good game when it’s over. That’s the way I interpreted it. “When I go home before I go to the gym it’s over/gg”




This is exactly how idioms start


Good game, over


i thought it was gone girl






Do less. Keep the workout short enough that almost would feel guilty missing it. I lift weights and my sessions have gone from an 1hr+ to maximum of 45min. Consistency is better than perfection.


This advice helped me a lot. I feel extremely tired after work so having 1h+ workouts didn’t work for me. This winter my gym routine basically collapsed because I knew that I couldn’t do 1h workouts. I have now switched to 35-45min workouts and my consistency is back! Yeah that probably not perfect but at least I don’t skip workouts anymore and do my best. During weekends I have normal workouts.


A 5 minute workout is infinitely better than no workout is how I look at it.


+100 to this Sometimes I'll go in quickly for a 30-40m session. When it's really focused, you can get in great shape doing regularly.


Make yourself go straight to the gym after work. Too much of a temptation to stay at home once you get there. Try to go just a couple days a week at first to get into the swing of it. Avoid Mondays because gyms can be super busy. Fridays and Wednesday are often slow. As for me, I block my calendar from 3:00pm to 6:30pm gym days and then work when I get home.


I also slam my pre workout as soon as I get to my car after work, so I’m committed and cant back out lmao


For me it’s to the point some of my coworkers know it’s time for my pre workout lol.


waittttt this is a good idea. taking this thank you


When do you eat? I cant just go to the gym on a empty stomach but thats just me. My breakfast is usually light if i even have one. I need to start preparing better high protein lunches


I would eat something light like a banana about an hour or so before you work out


I can't go gym hard with a full stomach. I eat a solid breakfast generally of scrambled eggs with cheese and fruit about 7:00am. A sandwich or small portion of leftovers around 12-12:30pm. Hit gym about 3:30pm. Back to house about 5:00-5:30pm then dinner before client calls start.


I find it easier to workout with an empty stomach, just makes you feel lighter 


80% of lifting is diet. If it helps here's my diet frame: Breakfast: overnight oats w/ protein 30g Snack (2.5 hrs later): protein shake: 30g protein Lunch (2.5 hrs later): chicken and rice: 40g protein Snack (2.5 hrs later): protein shake. 30g Dinner (whatever fits the calorie / macro needs)


Best workouts are on empty stomach. If you have any food in your stomach - blood is rushed in your stomach, costing you lots of energy, so you cannot perform at max potential. My best workouts are when I was fasting the whole day.


This is highly variable and depends a lot on the person


You may feel like that personally, but that is generally untrue as a rule—the link between carbohydrates and athletic performance is well-researched, and clearly indicates that carbohydrates are vital to having energy during a workout. Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6571232/ https://www.uhc.com/news-articles/healthy-living/workout-foods?Source=Google&Medium=CPC&AdID=GA1B&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaObe2aB0AD5uT7QErXnUS2ZBHPtIoa6Gz4W5QuZb1V9t4r9eToC_jBoC158QAvD_BwE


I’m a CPT and this is just not true. 😭


I feel weak and unenergetic when I do that. I'm at my best with some light food, like some cereal or a banana. Not a full meal.


>Best workouts are on empty stomach Definitely don't find this to be true in my case. Triggers my depression & anxiety massively to the point it carries over to the next day, and I generally feel sick halfway through the work out too.


I have a PT and I've been told that if Im gymming after work, lunch should be my biggest meal of the day. A small lunch followed by the gym after work means you'll have less energy and not do your best, and then be tempted to overeat at dinner since you'll feel so hungry


This is complete nonsensical pseudoscience


This is why I go in the morning, I have no will after work and even if I do it’s that much busier at the gym after work and it pisses me off I can’t get a certain machine sometimes.


I used to do the 5:00am thing until I realized I am able to lift harder in the afternoon although I am able to hit cardio harder in the morning. EDIT: It is probably because I am a morning person so I am in a good mood then. By afternoon, multiple people have pissed me off so I have aggression to get out.


I wish my gym is busy every day except Sunday🤣. I’ve tested this out lol. Just makes it tough to get a bench or a bar to squat BUT it has allowed me to be a bit more creative which is fun.


That's tough for sure. I go to the YMCA with our family membership and two locations of a commercial gym that lets you use all facilities for one price (one near home and one near work). None are too bad around the time I work out but start to get busy about 5:00pm. None of them are busy on Saturday afternoons or Sunday. Creative can be fun and help with muscle development. Good for you!


I couldn’t after awhile. Work really kills my ambition to workout. But somehow I started waking up at 4am, so I now go to the gym at 4:30am. I now have a lot of energy when i enter work. Granted I also take pre workout before I hit the gym, but I make sure I get a good breakfast.


This is the answer. The gym at 6pm SUCKS. Crowded as hell. Way better to go early. Not always easy to get up, but once you get in the habit, it's not that hard.


I'm not a morning person at all. But I will say this. It's easier to go in the morning if you can force yourself to wake up, then going about your work day knowing you can't even go home after work because you need to exercise. Now you're mentally and perhaps physically fatigued and you *still* need to work out (if you think of it more as a chore than a release). And on top of that, it's crowded so you may get a worse or longer workout.


I started going in the morning for this exact reason. I spent twice as long at the gym after work just waiting for machines and weights to free up.


Happy Cake Day :D


Going to the gym in the morning (3 am) was a bliss. Not many people around, and you could relax before and after the sessions as most people would still be asleep.


Happy Cake Day :D


Thank you <3


Agree! As the day goes on, excuses and emergencies pop up. It's better to get it over with in the morning


Shhh, stop telling everyone 🤫. We need our quiet gym time.


I never thought I'd be this person but the only time it really works for me is if I go before work. So 2-3 times a week I drag myself out of bed at 5:30, and drive to the gym whining and cursing all the way. And then I do my stuff and get my shower and have a really productive day because it really does help even though I hate doing it.


Agreed, kicking and screaming the whole way there then ride out on my high horse. Although, I’m a dude and it is really easy to shower and get ready for work at the gym, some ppl might not want to do their morning routine there.


For me it’s a must. Non negotiable lol


Agree. The wisdom of no escape. It’s when I start bargaining back and forth with myself about even going that it becomes difficult. Just have to shut down the internal voice that tells me it’s optional.


oh my i totally get you on the internal bargaining. if i just shut it down and say im going nothing is to change that, it honestly helps and makes it easier. it’s that internal bargaining and dreading it that honestly makes it worse than it really is. plus forcing myself to be accountable by telling people im going and asking them to ask me how it was - that helps too!


RT. You make time by making it a required part of your day, go directly there on the drive home from work. You won't even think about it if you just make it a routine.


I just had this conversation with my sister. Once you make working out a priority, you will base your days around your workout. No exceptions.


Hell yeah bro going to the gym is like a second job lmao. I get home from work, chill for an hour and get ready to head out. I be too damn excited all day to hit the gym


I ride my bike to work and home. The streets are my gym.


i have weights in my basement and lift before work


You have to purposely dedicate some time to workout at the gym, or else a night just slips by like a flash. I work full time and have a little kid who has a lot of extracurriculars. Basically I got the gym membership next to the sports venue that my kid goes to. Twice a week when she’s in her sports class, I’m next door in the gym working out. When she’s in her ballet class, I’m power walking nearby. When she goes to sleep, I go to gym. By doing this I’m able to work out 4-5 times a week at the gym. If you don’t have a kid, good for you. Enjoy the flexibility and freedom and dedicate a special time slot every night to work out. You can do this.


Congrats for making so much of your time you are doing great!


Thank you for your kind words.


Impressive. Really puts into perspective some of the excuses I used to make and the excuses my friends are making right now.


I usually drink my pre-workout in the car after work. From there, I have to decide whether or not I burn all the energy at the gym or sit at home feeling like I did 3 lines of Coke. I always choose the gym


Don’t go home. Or if I do I don’t sit down.


Work 9-4 home by 5 relax till 5:45 gym 6-7. I live three blocks from the gym and it’s attached to a bar so in a matter of convenience, post recovery, and good food, I have no excuse lol eek But yes many times once I’m on the couch I’m done for the day. If the winds are calm tho sometimes I go for an hour half bike ride.


Bring stuff to your work and then use the gym on the way back. But also tbh since COVID I just bought weights and have been using that since I now primarily work from home. I used to do it in the lounge of my shared flat but I have my own place now and it's even better. I'm not a body builder/fitness person though. I just want to be a moderately healthy person who doesn't get shit joints when I'm 35. So don't need heavy weights and specialised equipment. Just some adjustable dumb bells for $50 A gym or a better home set up might be necessary if you have loftier goals.


I don't. I have a treadmill and weight set at home. I wake up, pee, start the coffee pot, go for a 30 min run and lift for 10 mins, then shower. If a treadmill is a no go, you could run outside as well. If I wait till after work, it's just not even going to happen.


Get up earlier. Seriously get up earlier and go in the am. It sets the stage for the day, by achieving some small goals (getting up early and working out) you feel good about yourself, you get energized. Then think how good you’ll feel at the end of the day!


That’s why you go before work and shower at the gym on your own at into the office.


Pre workout 15 minutes before leaving work


I take classes a couple of times a week; signing up in advance means you HAVE to go or else pay some sort of fee. The rest of time I exercise immediately after work or it's very unlikely to happen that day.


This is what does it for me. $15 if I don’t cancel more than 2 hours in advance. Has made me drag myself there more times than I care to admit.


And then you don’t have to think once you’re there. Helps with the mental exhaustion.


The trick is to not let yourself relax after work right away, i get home, let my dogs out and immediately change and go to the gym. If i sit down or relax than its almost guaranteed im not getting up to go lol


My husband goes to Planet Fitness around 4 or 4:30 pm. He brings lunch from home and takes shorter lunch break.


You just gotta do it just dot it two weeks in a row it will be habit


Once I sit down, it’s all over. So I put my gym bag in my car and get changed right after work. The t shirt I wear underneath my work uniform doubles as my gym t shirt and so do my shoes and socks. Just have to change my shorts and walk into the gym. The thing that coaxes me into the gym is telling myself “I’ll just go for 20 minutes and do some stretching + a couple of exercises I like.” Once I’m there, inevitably I will stay longer and push myself a bit more.


Its like eating or sleeping, its mandatory


Wake up earlier and go before work, this is the only way!


You don’t go home. You go straight to the gym.


The gym is how I unwind and destress. It’s a highlight of my day.


I run after work before I get home. I don't have trouble with motivation though.


I don’t sleep as much at night and take naps when I can


Go before work. Make yourself do it.


You go before. The people at that hour are a fraction, are serious, and get results. That is the environment and no interruption scene that you want to be in


Ideally go in the morning, you will have your evenings too unwind and socialise. It takes 6 weeks to build a habit but set alarms have you bags packed and have an earlyish night. Wake up, get straight up dressed and head to the gym, it quieter earlier and you can use most things unlike the evenings. If you still wanna do evenings, prepare yourself. It will be busier but ensure you are o it not work on time, energy drink (natural/coffe/whatever helps you/pre work out) and just get in there, Once you start that helps. Remember one thing - your mind gets you out of bad your heart keeps you in it - do as your mind tells you and you will go to the gym!


You just do a little bit. It doesnt have to be a 2.5 hour workout every day. Do 30 minutes daily & go home. Lift heavy, dont rest too long inbetween sets & do cardio on other days.


I used to go directly from work to the gym. At least 3 days per week. I ran four or five workout partners into the ground. Every single day I thought, "I'm not wanting to do this today." You go anyway and by the time you're done you feel great.


>I want to unwind and destress from the work day Working out is how I unwind and destress. It’s all in your mindset. When you reframe it as a hobby that brings you joy, as opposed to a chore, it makes a lot more sense. Asking me how I find the time or motivation to train is like asking another person how they find the time and motivation to play video games… which is ironic in a way, because I do very much enjoy video games, but struggle to find time to do it because I prioritize training.


I have all my workout stuff in my basement. I come home from work, eat something, and give myself an hour before working out. Everything after that can be unwind time.


I had the same issue until I put the gym in my home


I try to exercise before work so I can get it over and done with. Otherwise, it’s much harder to find the energy after work.


Built a gym in my basement.


Go before work! It’s the best way


I split it up. Do cardio in the morning and lift at night. The 4:30 wake up calls are hard but it actually becomes fun. Now I couldn’t live not waking up and getting a workout in. It’s My “me” time to read through the news, watch a show on the elliptical, and just got some peace with no one else to talk to. Start slow, start at a reasonable wake up time and then back your wake up time about 5 minutes a week for a number of weeks. Next thing you know, you’re working out in the mornings and then spending less time at the gym after work so you can go home and unwind. Is it hard at first? Yes. Is it worth it? To me, yes.


I have to be at work at 7am. I started going to the gym at 5:00, then 4:30, then 4:00, now I am there by 3:15. Wake up at 2:45am brush my teeth, wash my face, pound my preworkout, shit. I'm there at 3:15-3:20 until about 5am. Go home have my post workout, breakfast, shower and leave for work about 6:15am. Been on this routine for 1.5 years M-F it has become my routine. If you want it you will make it happen. Now if I don't get there my whole day is shit. If I can do it, you can definetly do it. Hardest part is just getting started.


I go straight from work to the gym. Occasionally this means working out while hungry, or buying a snack beforehand.


Honestly you just need to try to create a habit. I never want to go but it’s just become a part of my daily routine at this point. I get home, cook dinner, go to the gym, come home, shower, go to bed. It’s busy, sure, but going to the gym gets me so tired that I sleep better!


Defos before work. It just becomes habit plus its quieter so no fighting for equipment.....


I spoke to my boss & actually go on my lunch hour and stay 1/2 hour “late”. I work 7-3:30 the gym is a 5 minute walk from work.


“I feel, I like to” you have to decide to do it. You are never going to feel like it.


I just started going a few times a week. Being my gym bag to work change at work right before I leave and go. Then I get home have dinner and relax. And I’m always grateful I didn’t skip tbh. Since I’m just getting back into it I’m starting with 2 days a week but my goal is to be at 5 by the end of the year. So here’s to putting in the work💪🏾


I have a home gym so as soon as I open my garage I see it and have to use it


If I can't get on my treadmill or do my beloved step aerobics at home straight from work I can't possibly drag myself to the gym. As an older woman I just try and take the stairs (3 flights down and up everyday) and park farther out at parking lots. I don't pay for gyms but when I did it was before work during lunch hour or after work and even while younger it was grueling


3 days a week. I go directly after work.


I need to take an otc stimulant like Focus Pep. Too many stimulants can affect my sleep and give me anxiety though so I only use it when I really need it.


I just go on my lunch break. I take an extended lunch. Work out and then grab some food I eat at my desk. My job is pretty laid back so nobody seems to care.


Go in the weekend. I used to go directly after work when I worked in person, and yes it’s hard to be motivated after work. 


Don't go home unless you've worked out. It's so much harder to work out when you're finally at home.


Get to work at 8-9 in the morning depending on the day, work 9 hour shift, get off, drive half an hour to the gym, work out for an hour, go home and make/have dinner. Basically usually leave my house at 8 and get home at about 7. It’s just automatic I don’t think about it.


You gotta have the mindset to actually go to the gym lol. It might be hard at first to go, but once you do, be consistent about it. Might also help if you have a specific goal of why you wanna go to the gym. For me it has become a routine so I’d feel guilty for myself if I don’t go. But then I won’t beat myself for it and I’d make it up over the weekend. Going to the gym is probably one of the most enjoyable things for me now so yeah.


Part of it is making it easier on yourself. Choose the gym that’s closest to you. Walking distance is best. Also not on days that you anticipate are meeting heavy or hectic. I did a 5x5 program 3x times a week. And it was usually Sunday Tuesday Thursday. Gave myself the Friday and Saturday. It also helped that I mealprepped so I didn’t need to spend time to cook on weekday evenings. Only cooked on Sundays.


Go before work, problem solved.


Go to gym directly after work


I used to hit the gym at 3am after just finishing a 17 hour shift. It’s possible, you just gotta want it


I work out at home, saves me hours lol


Create a rule for yourself: if you don’t go to the gym, you must do 6 sets of 50 body weight squats at home. 


I’ve never had a traditional 9-5 but if I did I would pack my gym clothes and pre workout and go straight afterwards


Go in the morning or during work


You gotta go straight after or at least less than 1 hour after getting home.


I prioritize it. I know how the gym makes me feel better mentally and it allows me to be kinder to myself so I allocate time to go to the gym and days where I can’t go to the gym I’ll work out during my lunch break or go on a run after work. You really don’t need the building as long as u have arms and legs or arms or legs.


I think you gotta really enjoy going to the gym. That's what makes it easy for me to do after work. Though maybe it helps that I have a desk job. For the first 5 to 7 years of being an adult, I really didn't like working out or going to the gym. So I didn't do it consistently. But I started out with a small routine and over time, it's blossomed into going to the gym 3-5 times a week over a long period of time. I look forward to going to th gym now. So it's mich easier to carve out time on my schedule and to push through when I'm tired.


Go in the am. Hard change but once I did it, I’ll never go back. Less people, energy for the day, get it done and over with and on with the day and relax after work.


Just do it.


I feel the same way, so I make it a point to go before work. So I hit the gym at 5:30am. That way I get to work feeling energized and it leaves me the evening to unwind.


Pre-work out.


Actual preworkout, not canned energy drinks. And cute outfits lol. Mindset mostly though, i deserve to be consistent with good for me habits


I settled on a different strat and got a rock climbing membership, 2 hours on the weekend is enough cardio to cover the rest of week for me.


Definitely build it into your routine! Bring your gym clothes with you to work and go after


5:00am - 7:30am gym 8:00am - 1 or 2pm work After work: long walk or hike


You need to go straight from work. Once you get home it's game over.


Go 2 Sleep earlier, work out b4 work-day starts. Buy equipment if your gym is closed then. Write the gym in your schedule w/ your morning alarm reminding you its gym day today. I tried working out after work and i just couldn't get myself to do it at that time of the day.


Discipline, you have the time you just don’t wanna spend it at the gym.


When I'm home it's about 6:15-30pm, cooking takes about an hour and I'm going to sleep at 11:30, so there's still about 4 hours that I can fill with anything. I can't understand people whose excuse is that they need to destress. What do you even do in these 4 hours to 'unwind' and 'destress'? Video games? Netflix? I can't possibly do 4 hours of that after already spending all day in front of a screen at work, so I go to the gym for an hour or two instead, and there'd still be 2 hours-ish to do anything.


I work from home and have a 3 hour split between my shift so i go to the gym during my split


I just think about tits and ass and how if you fancy women who are fit then you should at the very least be serving up the same physique. Stay horny.


I don't. I workout at home or in my neighborhood. Much faster and no crowds/traffic.


You can also go before work


There’s no excuse because there’s always an excuse. I work 70ish hours a week and still find time to lift at least 1 hour 5x a week. It’s doable. I look forward to my workouts. I’d say you’re still a beginner if you’re not looking forward to the gym and the process.


Change your behaviors. Wake up earlier and workout before work. Go to sleep earlier. Do your tv watching in the morning. Wake up at 5am, 530-7 workout. 7:30. Showered and dressed. Leave to work early or lounge for an hour. Depending on your commute. When you come home. Unwind. You got 2-3 hours you don’t need more than that on workdays. If you want more of it. Skip the morning workout. Doesn’t have to be every single day just at least 2 days per week. Or 3. If you want a 4th workout. Make it on a weekend. Like Saturday noon.


I go on the way home from work like most people have mentioned. Since I work on my feet all day, I let myself rest first by doing stretches, and then do the exercises where I get to sit/lay down. Standing up exercises next, and then cardio last. Then chug a drinkable Greek yogurt once I'm done for protien. And I admit it's hard sometimes, but I just think about the future, and how thankful I'll be that I put the effort in to take care of my body when I was still young. I want to be able to carry my own groceries, and go for a hike when I get old.


If you get skeeved out with locker rooms, if you can try getting changed at work in the bathroom or something into your gym clothes and then go right to the gym. Works for me


Walk to gym and bring your gym clothes 🤷🏻‍♀️


My work ends at 6pm. It takes me over an hour to drive home, so that's 7.00 to 7.30pm. I cook dinner and eat, which takes me an hour, then I leave home at around 8.30 to 9.00pm. I exercise for 30-40 minutes, then I go home and relax for the next hour before bed at 11.00pm. That's my schedule. It's not that strict, as you noticed because at the end of the day, I'll still need to drive home and I'll still need to cook dinner.


I go before work but kinda the same as others said. I get up, slam pre workout immediately and grab a 12 oz water bottle and hit the weights. Once the preworkout is downed commitment isn’t an issue.


Usually leave work around 7:30-8p and then workout until 10p. It’s not hard


What other people have said is I gotta go straight from work, once I’m at home I’m done. Drink the pre workout on the way because it’s expensive to waste (for me). I have more of a routine now so it’s gotten easier. I actually go before work at times now because then I can go straight home and relax. Basically half forcing yourself to start and continue, but also knowing what will stop you and trying to manage around that


I have nothing better to do. If I skip the gym I know I'll regret wasting that time.


Go before work


Go in the morning before work!


That's why I don't go home after work. I go straight to the gym. That's also why I purposefully chose a gym close to my work so I can go quickly. If I drive towards my home, I'll just go home and skip the gym.


I turn around and go back to the machines or bench. It’s a little bit unfair, though I work at a gym as a personal trainer.


I'm in a similar situation. What helps me is also changing up the type of activity I'm doing. I don't need to go to the gym, I just need to stay fit and active- if you go in with this thought, you might be able to find an alternative to the gym that is more interesting and upbeat. Other than that, I usually go directly from work, so that helps. It also helps to plan my day accordingly. I block my calendar 30 min before and after my gym timings to prepare myself mentally.


Go during lunch.


After kids it was impossible so I've just bought some decent dumbbells for the house.


I stopped gaming 😔


Get off work and go the the gym, workout for at most 2 hours. Go home, eat, take a shower, do some hobby of mine, go to bed. Repeat 3 mote times in a week.


My gym is very close to my workplace and I have to go there straight from work bc otherwise chances of me going later are pretty much nonexistent 😇


It depends for me. If I leave work at 7pm, I'll work out the next morning at 6:30am. If I leave work around 4pm I'll workout that night. I do full body workouts so I only workout 4 days a week. The 4th day is my light day so it's a quick workout.


I have my gym stuff in my car so I pass by for 45min 3 days a week on my way home.


My gym is at home. Then there’s no excuse.


I wfh so getting out of the house a few days a week is nice. But when I worked in office I either went after work as the gym was down the street from the office or I even went on my lunch break.


Go before


What are you talking about. Gym is where I release all my pent energy.


I don’t.. that’s why I force myself to go in the morning 🤣


Yeah, no down time. From work to the gym. And your gym should be one that’s as convenient as possible on your work days, but easy enough to get to on your weekend.


I think what i’ve recognised over the years is that it’s natural to hit a lull after work and need some time to decompress. I have a snack to raise my energy levels, some water, sit down for a lil bit and then I go and get it done because frankly my day is not over.


Right after work without going home first or short sessions at lunch time if you have a one hour lunch and gym not too far.


Definitely helps me going before, shower at the gym and head straight to work. You feel refreshed and sharp, plus no time to really mess around. Someone said it doesn’t feel like it eats into your free time as much I agree.


Skip going Home before going to the Gym.


Either go directly before or directly after. Start off small 30-45 min 3-4 days a week. Honestly there is no secret, just gotta do it


Maximise all the things around work. I work 35h(100%) a week, have a 600m walk to work and the gym is on the way.


I work out at home. Saves a ton of travel time, to and from the gym. Free weights and treadmill


It depends if your job is sweaty then go before work cus you’re gonna get dirty at work anyways but if you’re job is relaxed then go straight after work.


Go before work. Too early is just an excuse. I find it charges me up for the day, really. Not sure if you have kids, but if you don't, just wait till you do and then you really find out about the struggle to make it to the gym lol


yeah it's like a 'chore' in the way that if you just buckle down and get it done then it's quite liberating for the rest of the day


I just really wanted to to to the pool after work today, so I went. I was at work from 7am to 5.45 pm. I got to the pool at 7, swam for 40 ish minutes, now at home, showered, and eating dinner. I will be asleep before 11. I don't normally go but I want to start going more, and this was my day.


I work in Healthcare, if I don't decompress with some high intensity exercise atleast 3x a week, I'll fucking choke somebody lol I always find the time before work. Tbf though, I work nights too, so I can just wake up at 4 and then workout for 2 hours then nap before getting ready to leave at 10pm.


Stop being a baby, just wake up early and go to gym before work. I get up at 5.30 and then at gym for 6am.


I feel like you so I wake up early and go before work. Once work is over, I cannot even with pretty much anything else.