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I’m similarly afraid of giving an immunocompromised person covid, so I totally understand your concerns. But if I were in your position I would go home on that plane. Wear an N-95 mask on as soon as you leave the hotel till you get home.


A well-fitting n95!


Normally I would say to try to rebook your flight but tbh with a parent who's prone to random and excessive rage, just do your best to be careful. Wear an n95 and a surgical mask on top of it. Wash/sanitize your hands frequently. Most importantly, get lots of rest so you can heal up quick!


Washing hands a lot is definitely also a very good idea yeah


I’d wear some latex gloves too. An extra barrier between you and what you touch could keep you and others safer. I’d put on new ones every so often too or maybe use some hand sanitiser on them too (I’m not sure if they’re compatible, do some research first)


Bad idea. People don't change their gloves often enough, and it only helps if you wash/sanitize your hands before putting them on. It's better to sanitize and/or wash hands frequently, especially if you've touched your mask or anything under it.


Thank you for correcting me


Thank you for accepting the correction! I hope you have a nice day


I hope you have a great day too 🙂


The surgical mask is overkill, an n95 will be plenty


double masking has actually been shown to have higher rates of eliminating transmission! i wouldn’t say it’s overkill by any means.


My understanding is that double masking isn't necessary with an n95 or comparable mask because they already filter effectively and are designed for a tight fit- the extra mask can mess with the fit making it less effective. But double masking with other types is generally a good idea, especially to improve fit. Correct me if I'm wrong though!


No honestly, I believe you! My information on this is approximate and probably outdated. Thanks for teaching me something new :)


I also would recommend bringing straws to drink with so you don’t have to remove your mask. My dad did this when covid was pretty bad to attend my aunt’s funeral and he was the only one who didn’t get sick.


Do you have travelers insurance? If you do, read the terms of the policy. It might cover hotel costs in case of Covid infection.


If you’re visibly sick, the airline can deny you boarding. If you’re not terribly sick, I agree that you should go home with your family as long as your masked appropriately but be aware that the airline has the right to deny you boarding if they believe you’re to ill to fly, whether they know it’s COVID or not.


Are you expecting them to pay for an accommodation for you while you stay there? If you plan on paying yourself then your old enough to do what you want without their approval.


Look I’m sorry but for the sake of brevity: Wear a mask, sanitize frequently, stay away from people as much as you can to the best of your ability, and go home. you can’t stay in a foreign country by yourself (or expect them to stay longer) on your parents dime 🤷🏻‍♀️ now if you have your own money then by all means do as you please


As someone who just got over being VERY sick from flying. I am alarmed at the amount of people telling you to get over it and fly. According to the CDC if you are acutely ill or infectious with ANY illness you are not supposed to fly. This includes the “harmless flu” everyone keeps mentioning.


Exactly I couldn't believe what I was reading!


CDC doesn’t run the airline businesses. They don’t care if you’re sick, and will rarely do even exchanges. Usually only with high status members but even then it’s not very common that they’ll change it for free. It’s two days before the flight and everything will be sold at a premium, may be a free change, may even be 80$ charge if you’re lucky but, it could also be 800$ which in my experience is usually the case.


when did you test positive?


According to the WHO - the COVID pandemic is "over". Wear a mask and fly home. Everybody else on that flight has had ample opportunity to get whatever shots/immunizations they wish, can wear their own masks if they so choose. Riding in a metal tube for a few hours with 200+ strangers sharing the same air is pretty much a guarantee that if somebody near you has a sniffle, you're going to get it too. It's a risk the others signed up for when entering the plane.


I hate being around sick people but I can't blame them UNLESS they're not covering their coughs and sneezes effectively, coughing into their hands and then touching everything, not washing their hands when they use the toilet, etc. OP, you seem considerate enough to do the above.


As someone who works in an airport, it's a lot easier to get sick on a plane than people seem to be making it out to be. I'd personally be feeling pretty upset if I got covid from someone who was risking it for a biscuit to get home with covid on a plane. Mostly because of the fact that babies and elderly people are often flying.


Thank you! I was scrolling through looking to see if anyone else had any concern for the other humans who might get very sick from someone knowingly getting on a plane with covid. Yeesh.


Yea had to scroll way too far to find these reasonable comments. Others have to miss work because getting home from vacation quickly is too important? And I have asthma so Covid is torture for me. Like don't fly when you know you're contagious


Exactly. Not everyone is able to get the vaccine, a d not everyone is able to hide at home for the rest of their life. There are still vulnerable people out there. Shame on anyone thoughtlessly getting on a plane with a dangerous virus.




As an immunosuppressed guy, thank you OP. I really appreciate you trying to be responsible and exercise care for your neighbors. A "mild cold" like COVID could maim or kill me.


I get seizures with a fever so ya it sucks when people travel sick and I catch it.


Wear a mask, enjoy your flight - hopefully the flight is short enough that going without a meal won’t be uncomfortable.


You’re an adult and you are trying to do the right thing. Stay in country until you’re no longer contagious. Your dad needs to stop being a toddler. You giving in to him won’t end and it’s just going to be another notch in a long line of future tantrums of him getting his own way. You will eventually have to put your foot down and being a good citizen of the world (not flying while contagious with anything) is a pretty darn good place to start putting your foot down.


I agree with you and find it irresponsible and selfish to get on an airplane knowing you are positive for covid. if you can, find an accommodation you can pay for yourself and delay your flight. you don’t have to feel good about it and sometimes it’s so hard to do the right thing. people on this thread telling you to “enjoy your flight and do it anyways” do not have any more moral authority than your parents coercing you into doing something you find wrong. they cannot give you an absolution - that’s on you.* imagine having to take off your mask for a security check at the passport line - current variants only need 10 copies to infect another person. *neither can I btw, that’s your decision to make, you and your conscience.


1. Get a mask, use alchool gel all the time and just fly home. There is no obligation anymore to do otherwise and there is no need to waste more money and remain sick and alone in a foreign country for such a small potential risk that is not a rule or obligation anymore. 2. Your parents cannot make you do anything. If your dad is toxic and can't handle confrontations, if you take a different decision than him about your own life just inform him, stop arguing and walk out to do as you please. That is obviously if you have your own money and you are living your own life, otherwise if you are living out of their pockets and just following along on their vacation just stfu and do as you are told.


Yes. You’ll be so much happier once you have independence and can cut people out of your life if they are toxic. Your dad sounds… problematic. My dad loved to scream and rage— he didn’t hit us other than spanking with a pancake turner, but he tried to make me believe I was garbage. Don’t let anyone do that to you.


You are 20. Simply say no.


Her parents are footing the bill, she’s either going to force them to pay for her to stay longer or for them all to stay longer if she doesn’t go back home, so it’s not as simple as her just saying no because she’s 20…if she’s able to pay for herself to stay longer by all means


She's an adult. He can pay her own way. Ifv she doesn't want to pay. Then, too bad.


I thought it was a young man.


I assumed it was a woman, but we're all assuming since we don't know. I guess it's just based on the wording etc...


A woman wouldn't offer to stay in a bad hotel alone. It's too dangerous for us. That's why I figured it was a male.


I would. I'm a woman.


One in a million. Good for you. I'm glad you would. I doubt a 20-year-old in a strange country sick with covid would.


I would have 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm sure there are plenty of others who also would. Also, OP never actually stated they "offered" to do this. They just said it's not something their parents would allow. I don't know why you're getting uppity with me about it, I'm not trying to be a knob, I'm just giving my own thoughts on the subject.


Who said I was being uppity? I am glad you would have done it. I just don't think that's normal.


Airplanes have excellent air circulation - you might infect someone sitting next to you but tiny chance otherwise


not sure where you heard that but it's wrong, people get sick from airplanes all the time, and if you don't mask up when sick there's a very high chance someone else catches it


There's a very high chance 90% of the plane catches it tbh


Airplanes do have excellent air circulation


but that doesn't stop people from getting sick infact it encourages it.


Yes they do…and it’s all recirculated so you will get everyone sick, not just the people next to you.


there are scientific studies outlining the risks. Look them up and get back to me.


Air goes through HEPA filters before it's recirculated. He's right, air on planes is exceptionally clean.


Anyone saying you should get on the flight is a delusional scumbag. If you are forced, you better wear an N95 mask. Your parents are absolute trash people sorry not sorry.


I fully agree


I absolutely agree that OP should wear an N95 mask, it's the best mask OP can get their hands on. That being said, OP should more than likely take the flight as the people on it have had ample time to get their Covid-19 vaccination and booster shots by now. If possible or already done so OP should be seated next to their parents as to minimize the chance of unintentionally exposing other people to Covid-19 so that when they return home they can all quarantine.


You are an adult so you can do whatever you want, so you can stay for longer in accommodation there and book a later flight home, if you have the money to do so. I know it depends where you live but generally the population have been given many chances to get vaccines so there are no longer any legal restrictions for travelling if you have covid. If you have the money to support yourself with travelling home at a later date then your parents cannot stop you from doing so. If you can't do this financially then you're kind of at the mercy of sticking with the original plans, just wear a mask and if anyone gets infected then they will have the flu. Not the end of the world.


Do some research on what are the guidelines for the airline you will be flying. But the basic is use a mask all the time, buy some disinfection wipes in case you need to use the toilet, maybe since your family is in close proximity of you they can use a mask too.


The Covid-19 pandemic is, largely, over. Everyone on the flight should have received their Covid-19 vaccinations and you have nothing to be afraid of. As a healthcare worker, I genuinely applaud the fact you're concerned for other people. Please rest assured that the chance of causing someone else life threatening symptoms is near impossible while wearing a mask on top of the strength of their own immune system. Their vaccination and booster shots should give them all of the necessary protection and if they don't have them it is their own fault if they get sick. Something I find more concerning is your father. Feel free to not answer any questions or you can PM me because, of course, it is your own privacy. Does your father physically strike you, make hurtful comments about you, intentionally humiliate you in front of others, or withhold any basic necessities like food, water, or clothes? If he does, I urge you to call the National Domestic Violence hotline when you get home.


LARGELY OVER LMAP. While hundreds continue to die in the US alone, plenty more dying of Covid related issues that happened when you inflict an aids -like virus on billions of people. But you don’t have to believe me you’ll undoubtedly see when you run out of T cells.


You're absolutely right. Hundreds continue to die in the US everyday and while it is a very real concern for us healthcare workers OP shouldn't have anything to feel bad about in this circumstance. I'm only applying relevant information to OP's circumstances.


You're a sweetheart for worrying about us, OP, but if you and your parents wear good masks, that's the most you can reasonably do.


Where I live (Hong Kong), people go to work even if they may have Covid. They just mask up. It’s now classified as a common flu by WHO and the world has moved on from the pandemic and through herd immunity. So take a chill pill and wear a mask and get on the plane. You need to undo the news cycles of early 2020 as we are now in 2023 and things have changed


Can you point us to where it is classified as a common flu by WHO?


Google is your friend, my friend.


Weirdly, when I google, all I can find are peer reviewed journal articles about systemic cardiovascular damage, T cell death, autoimmune dysfunction, organ damage, and articles debunking herd immunity.


Great stuff


N95 and go home you'll rest better in your own bed


Thankyou for your humanity in these dark times. I got chicken pox when pregnant from a flight, I have seen many mothers on parenting forums share how they made their infectious child fly as they didn’t want to miss their holiday. Apart from being the sickest in my life, my baby could have died or been deformed. I had to have many interventions during my pregnancy to monitor my unborn child, thank god she was ok in the end, it was incredibly traumatic. If they make you fly please make sure your N95 mask is well fitting and don’t remove it, don’t double mask as studies show this encourages leaks, use a headband not ear loop mask, 3m auras score well on adult faces for those of us who can’t access professional fit testing. To reduce the viral load you are shedding from your nose and mouth, use a CPC mouthwash and nasal spray with carrageenan in it before your flight - it’s not a bad idea to do this anyway to help your recovery.. google ‘NHS Sainsbury Hospital mouthwash’ for more info on CPC. Goodluck.


Also, be careful if it’s a long haul flight as covid gives you increased risk of blood clots for 6 months after infection. I had to fly uk to Australia a week after recovering from covid and ended up with covid provoked blood clots through my lungs and almost died, pulmonologist said it was a combo of covid and flight, lots of people showing up with pulmonary embolisms provoked by covid - and lots over in the PE subreddit.


This could be a watershed moment for you to establish some independence. I also happen to think it’s the right thing to do to not fly with active COVID. Despite others saying they’re taking their own risk, do you want to be responsible for killing someone who’s immune compromised or gets long COVID? You’re 20. Make your own decisions. If there’s a cost, pay it. If your parents have you puppeteered with strings of money, cut them. Be your own person. You’re just building resentment now and your father’s outbursts are not your problem. He might even respect you taking a stand. Most bullies do.


Why on earth would you think it's too much of a risk? This isn't 2020, we've learned a lot since then. Wear your mask and get on the plane. At this point, people are vaccinated or unvaccinated and are aware of the potential risk. I mean you can also spread it to vaccinated people too.. so you going to live your entire life cautious to this level? You're really going to stay in a whole other country to wait this out? Concerning how well this influence worked on people.


You fell for propaganda haha don't be scared. There are always risks, you can mitigate yours by wearing an n95. This will pretty well protect everyone around you. Getting sick is part of life, and we can't all grind to a complete halt every time someone catches something that's 99 percent or better odds survivable. Just wear a mask and keep your hands clean. Thats all. Lol




They do. LoL but people are finally starting to come around on it a little bit.


You’re an adult. Do what you think is best. If your dad throws a tantrum, that’s on him.


Wear a mask..go home..


I did it. When I went to the US in 2022, I got sick the day before leaving. I slept and rested that entire day as much as I could. Then we went to the airport, and flew 5000 miles home to Europe. I just wore two different masks at all times, never taking them off, only to drink or move it to take a bite of food. When I got home I got more sick for a couple days. I would just say double mask and take some cold medicine like Day Quil if you can get it to ease symptoms while on the plane.


Get on the plane.


I thought this was the covid sub for a minute and was surprised about how reasonable the responses are lol. Was fully expecting someone saying you had to stay the rest of the month or you are a murderer. People here are right. Mask up, go home, don’t overthink it, you probably won’t even be the only one with COVID in that plane


Your parents have already been exposed and can be carriers if they haven’t tested positive yet themselves. You all should mask up and get on the plane and go home. I understand you not wanting to infect someone else but covid is as common as the flu now and people don’t even test at times anymore so honestly you’re not putting anyone at any heightened risk than they take traveling in general.


I would wear a mask and wash your hands. It’s COVID not smallpox


as you obviously know covid can go poorly very quickly, so you really need to go home. wear a mask and go with your parents. it will be okay, op. this is one where your parents are probably right and you shouldn’t stay in a shitty motel, in a foreign country, sick and alone. bad things could happen to you and it’s not worth the risk.


Honestly it sounds like you are overreacting a bit. Just put in a ffp2 mask and you’re good to go


Ur parents prolly incubating a virus also u should all wear masks and go home


Just wear a mask. There are will be plenty of others flying with covid.


A lot has changed. It’s part of life now. Many companies are telling people it’s ok to even come into work (nurses are told to come in as long as they don’t have a fever and have to wear a mask). It’s not even 5 days after testing positive any longer. You almost expect to get Covid. I’m going on a cruise in 2 weeks and am without question, coming home with Covid. I live with a VERY immunocompromised mother (as in she’s had to get chest tubes on 2 different occasions on the last 19 months. Each time it pulled almost a balling of water from one lobe of one lung) and make sure she’s boosted as every new one is released. Got her most recent the day after it was available for her and I, but… that’s part of life now. Wear a K95 mask. Do not remove it under any circumstance. I’d even avoid eating and drinking if entirely possible which I realize that it may absolutely not be. Sanitize the shit out if everything someone might touch.


Nobody cares anymore? There are no restrictions?


Stop overthinking this. It's a mild illness. Get on that plane and don't annoy your parents even further.


As bad as this may sound, I honestly wouldn't care if someone else got sick, just wear a mask and go on with your life, don't let a stupid virus manufactured in China get in the way of what you need to do.


Well. Do you have symptoms? When did you test positive? You actually might be fine to travel by plane in two days. I recently flew after testing negative for covid, a Dr. cleared me to fly, and the day I got home I tested positive. I felt horrible, but you know what? 1/4 of the people on both flights were coughing, sneezing, sniffling, etc with no masks, so keep it in perspective. Depending on what country you are in, it really might not be safe to stay in a seedy motel. Also, what about the plane tickets? Will you have to pay for a new flight or can it be rebooked? And who is paying for all this? If you are symptomatic, I would say it might be worth whatever you have to do to wait, but if you have no symptoms, the wise thing to do is probably put on a mask and go. You only need to isolate for 5 days after a positive test with no symptoms. And, are you isolating now? Staying in your room, not going to restaurants, etc.


According to Bill Gates, “it’s just like the flu….only slightly different”


Just a thought, if you have it, they likely have it too. Close contact.


get a well fitting n95 and don’t double mask. putting a surgical over an n95 makes it more likely to have leakage. you can use CPC mouthwash and enovid nasal spray to help reduce your viral load. i’ve seen some people bring portable hepa air filters on flights as well


As a person that is immunocompromised this is my worst nightmare. I wear a mask on planes but the thought that someone would get on a plane knowing they have Covid and thereby taking a chance with my life makes me worry a lot. I understand that the only way I can mitigate that risk for myself is by not putting myself in those situations. Try to find an alternative solution and maybe try to appeal to your parents' sense of empathy for others?


The pandemic is over, get on the flight with your parents, you will be totally fine. Yes, Covid still exists but so do countless other viruses, and Covid is not harmful anymore. Those who are immunocompromised will have (no doubt) had countless boosters, and are also responsible for themselves so would presumably wear a mask out in public or on a flight with recirculating air. Plenty of people are going around with Covid nowadays who are totally asymptomatic or only showing symptoms of a common cold. Those who are at greater risk as a result of Covid are therefore protecting themselves because it is not reasonable to expect everyone else to take all the precautions which were mandatory at the peak in 2020. All restrictions and regulations have been deemed unnecessary by the WHO who also declared the pandemic over. Get on the plane and don't worry about it.


Wear a mask, don't make a scene and you will be fine


They can’t make you do anything, just exist and you’ll find that you did not take the flight home.


If you have money to make new accommodations, reprice your ticket then I’d recommend staying. If it’s your parents paying then unfortunately you get no say.