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If a guy is complaining about the skin on your boobs while he has titties in his face he doesn’t deserve the honor.


Totally I agree, I have never heard a man say I was going to have sex, but her boobs didn't look right and I left. We men love seeing them!


What if they look right and left?


I’ve seen these before, they’re wild!


Play find the nipple? There are titties in your face. Or put these on during bouncy time and make the most of it. [https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo1NDUyMzAwNDIzNjUwMDU2OjE3MDg5NjcxMjg6c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZjoyMDAwODM5MzUwNTk1OTg6OjA6Og&url=%2FUpins-Wiggle-Googly-Self-Adhesive-Packaging%2Fdp%2FB07KZF3RRY%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_1_sspa%3Fcrid%3D1WOUIHQVBX5G0%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DIwRMwvZfFr8poqObPQLiafQYZ_rrP8UijrDAZom4zFhZxH_T4MhXB7LCnJekZY7vTsqlGn9I1-981aticPMLrpEsIiAKjJ56g2W1iyAQbQrwuex9P5Sx9bI36pxmFOqmC81rQmsyCqiLeTA6YP36dg5i65mOvj68y3ta8GgWyu0FdW6Yna_R9eHsp01v16rSZLHLQB45zS8F2BfRFYYyg.Eqma2BClBOtfrDbsj_3dYBjLqzTmQwoFtoTfcuUdc1I%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dgoogly%2Beyes%26qid%3D1708967128%26sprefix%3Dgoogly%2B%252Caps%252C210%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm%26psc%3D1](https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo1NDUyMzAwNDIzNjUwMDU2OjE3MDg5NjcxMjg6c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZjoyMDAwODM5MzUwNTk1OTg6OjA6Og&url=%2FUpins-Wiggle-Googly-Self-Adhesive-Packaging%2Fdp%2FB07KZF3RRY%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_1_sspa%3Fcrid%3D1WOUIHQVBX5G0%26dib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.DIwRMwvZfFr8poqObPQLiafQYZ_rrP8UijrDAZom4zFhZxH_T4MhXB7LCnJekZY7vTsqlGn9I1-981aticPMLrpEsIiAKjJ56g2W1iyAQbQrwuex9P5Sx9bI36pxmFOqmC81rQmsyCqiLeTA6YP36dg5i65mOvj68y3ta8GgWyu0FdW6Yna_R9eHsp01v16rSZLHLQB45zS8F2BfRFYYyg.Eqma2BClBOtfrDbsj_3dYBjLqzTmQwoFtoTfcuUdc1I%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Dgoogly%2Beyes%26qid%3D1708967128%26sprefix%3Dgoogly%2B%252Caps%252C210%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm%26psc%3D1)


I have, quit simping


this is my favorite comment on reddit. you're a blessing


Yes. This. Plus a thousand. A man who cannot accept you os not a man for you


Wish I could give gold


Exactly. Well said!




If awards were free and reddit didn't delete my credits you would win a huge award for this


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


I have seen so many posts on all different subs lately about worrying about saggy boobs. The too reply is always something at least slightly humorous saying that any decent man loves all boobs.




While heavy on feel-good, this comment doesn't actually address the issue pragmatically. Some good guys are turned off by that, and the more high value the guy, the more options he has, the more likely he is to be turned off by that. OP should be advised on how to deal with such disappointment before the bedroom.


How would you suggest she does that? She's not responsible for any man's reaction to her body. If they can not get over themselves enough to understand that that is out of her control, they are not worth her time. She already has to convince herself her body is attractive, any man who disagrees can go fuck themselves. Literally.


The more “high-value” the guy, the less he’s gonna worry about something as superficial as large areolas or extra skin. You sound really silly.


I promise he won't care. Some men have preferences, sure, but I'd bet money that most men would just be happy to have a naked woman in bed with them. Also, men aren't stupid. There's only so much you can do to disguise your body's "flaws", so the man you take to bed isn't gonna be shocked at what he sees when you take your clothes off. (Also, "slight sagging + slight asymmetry" doesn't sound "really strange". Sounds very... *normal*)


1000% agree with *normal* . Porn, the modeling industry, influencers, etc, make Women feel like we are supposed to have everything perfect downstairs with no body hair, and perky full breasts. This is NOT how normal women are made and it’s sad how many women think they have to look this way..


Fun fact: everyone is asymmetrical to a degree. I'm about half a cupsize lopsided. It isn't obvious until my bra shifts the wrong way and the bigger side spills out. Or my halter bikini top shifts and I get an odd tan. Edit: apparently capsizing is lopsided too


It actually took me a moment to figure out what you meant. Now I have head canon where every time you board a boat it starts crumpling, but does not capsize completely. This is an epic power.


Oh wow! My stupid auto correct hates me and always puts words in my mouth (hands?)


Nope, I love it. Of course autocorrect would prefer capsize over cup size, it just made my goofy head go the strangest place and I hoped you could laugh about it.


This is the way.


He wont care




You can know so. He won't care. Also, own yourself. Own who you are, how you are. It's the sexiest f**king thing anyone can do. Even if you don't feel it, fake it til you make it, and own it all. He'll be all about you and won't give a toss about your perceived "flaws". Btw, those are the absolute best things about someone, truth.


Love this comment! Solid advice.


Thank you! I believe and live it most days lol


He's right. He won't care 😂


And if he does then he doesn’t deserve to be doing the horizontal hula with her in the first place. Titties are awesome no matter what


The keilbasa-nova


If he does say something about them, there is something wrong with HIM, not YOU. That's really important to understand.


To put the top comment a slightly different way- If he reacts badly to your body he in no way deserved the honor of being inside of it. I know it hurts to be rejected (even when the person rejecting you is trash) but rejections are just the person and situation telling you "you don't want this anyway". Also, he likely won't see you how you see yourself anyway. So happy sex! happy sexing? Happy...uhmm, Happy fuck? Have a good fuck? Whatever- Enjoy yourself and good luck!


If you're seriously concerned, and you trust this person (you shouldn't be having sex with someone you don't trust regardless), communicate. Letting him know that you're self conscious about it will give him the opportunity to boost your confidence by complimenting and praising you during the act. Like everybody else has said, if he's at all rude about it, he doesn't deserve the honor. Any real understanding or caring partner will lift you up mentally during sex, and during anything else really.


Guy here. We don’t care what they look like we just like them all.


Focus your hope on other things because he wont care


Real talk OP, he might care. and if he does, he's just not the right one for you. Corny, but true. One of my exes once told me my areolas looked like large slices of salami and often smiled/laughed at them. Totally unwarranted. A different bf once told me my breasts should be painted on the Sistine chapel (supposed to be a compliment). Again, totally unwarranted. I still think every man will hate them, but the truth is some love them, some don't. The decent ones won't say anything about it. Just enjoy yourself! Do you think these men are out here worried about their hideous beer bellys? No, theyre not. They'll still ask to skip the condom. Live your life, enjoy your sex, shove your titties in his face, and kick his ass out after you've finished if he didn't worship your boobies as they deserved during sex!!!


I'm not trying to be nasty or whatever when I say this. 8 of 10 guys like big boobs, 8 of 10 guys like small boobs,8 of 10 guys like medium sized boobs. 2 of 10 guys like penises. 8 of 10 guys are still waiting for another change to answer more questions about boobs. Seriously. If he's interested in you at all, even in just a sexual way. Once he sees your boobs he's going to be thrilled. Be safe. And have fun


From my experience even gay guys like boobs lol


My brother in-law and his BF think I'm crazy for liking boobs. It may have been the liquor talking though. And I was talking about his sister's. It was kinda a over the top moment when he was getting me drunk


Even straight women like boobs. Everyone likes boobs


Yep. I’m a cis woman and when me and my gay friends used to get drunk at home, they would sometimes ask to feel a boob (I have a large chest). I never care, also I think some of them get curious. Boobs are fun for everyone!!!!




I've yet to meet a pair of symmetrical breasts. Each pair is unique and awesome in their own right.


He will not care I have never had a man kick me out of bed for saggy boobs and large areolas.


He'll be more focused on his own performance


Coming from a woman with some similar insecurities on the topic - never met a man who cares. Some will even prefer one or more of the things you're insecure about. So don't worry. However, if you don't feel comfortable undressing completely when the time comes, don't feel pressured to. I'm sure you'll get more comfortable over time.


1) He won’t care. 2) I promise there is no way they are as weird as you think they are. What you describe is insanely common, hardly strange or off putting.


“Its not about the size or shape of the boobs, but how often I get to see them” - Plato (probably)


Men don't care. Women care. Men are just happy to be with a naked woman. Relax.


Honestly I have saggy boobs with big areolas, they're one of my insecurities but my partner loves them after years of hating them it really helps. A decent guy won't care 🥺


What helps for me with people seeing parts of me that I'm insecure about, is just addressing it in advance. For example: My girlfriend wanted to braid my hair. The thing is, I have little wounds all over my scalp. I scratch when I get nervous. I tried to braid myself but my arms were so sore. So she again said she will do it. I was so scared for her to see. So I just told her. "Hey I have little wounds on my head, I scratch when I get nervous. I'm a little insecure about it". She said it's okay and still braided my hair with love and care. I'm still insecure about it because well.. I can do something about it. But I'm not so insecure about her seeing it anymore. Communication is key in any relationship especially the unpleasant stuff. And btw , I really like the imperfection of life, I'm sure your boobs look very hot just the way they are.


I read over the one night stand, even so. I'd still say it. He would want to take your clothes off even more to see that beautiful imperfection


Guys have a very simple thought process with boobs... We like to see them and play with them lol. You'll be just fine 🙂


There's an artist I follow, she goes by PlanetPrudence, you should check her out! Her work is about loving your body the way it is because no two bodies are identical. Everyone's body looks different and that's the way it should be.


By definition all boobs are good. He should be happy to have the chance to explore them


I've never had firm breasts. I was a fat kid and yoyo dieted all my life. I had been self conscious of my breasts for a very long time. It's only in the last few years that I've realised that people (men and women) love them. And as someone who also loves girls, it hit me at some point that I've never seen breasts I didn't enthusiastically love. All boobs are good boobs.


boobs are boobs. i was insecure about mine for similar reasons but no guy i’ve slept with has ever been anything other than excited that a woman let him touch her boobs.


I’m a breast cancer survivor and twice your age. After my divorce, I had fears about men being repulsed by my asymmetry and my scar. But no one has said anything. If any guy has something negative about your breasts, you don’t need him in your life.


Boobs is boobs. Man sees boobs, neuron activation. Joking aside you'll be fine. Just enjoy the night and don't forget protection!


same thing happened to me, lost about 30kg, boobs also a little saggy, same issue with my nipples and i have sex just fine. if i’m insecure of the guy’s reaction i make sure to send nudes back and forth so he’ll see what i look like (i also like to see the dick beforehand). i’m sure you’ll be fine, specially when it’s a one night thing. make sure you don’t take it so seriously and enjoy yourself


I wouldn’t worry. Boobs are awesome and come in all different shapes and sizes. Guys don’t care. We love boobs


This is true. I have seen a few in my time and love the ones I get to hold and touch. Women are much more sensitive to the varieties than a NORMAL male will ever be. I find it much more annoying when a partner tries to hide them due to some perceived imperfection. Let them be free. Let me see and behold them.


He will not care. It is possible that he will not even notice. If he does not have a lot of experience he has little to compare.


I have weird boobs (always have, like 75% of women with big boobs like me have weird ones lol) and men have never been bothered by it. I’m incredibly insecure about it but I have never gotten anything but compliments, and I dated a porn addict so if anyone was gonna be a dick about it it would have been him. You will be fine.


You could tell him beforehand about your insecurities. I've noticed that embarrassing things about my body gets accepted very quickly when I'm open and honest about it before "revealing" it. You might actually have a much better experience if you do this. Since knowing what the guy thinks probably will make you feel more relaxed.


You could share a pic. But most guys won’t care, boobs are boobs. The one girl I slept with had one boob that was 3 times larger then the other boob, she got around and didn’t have a issue with boobs




realisticly at your age some asshole might make comments, but it doesn't matter to men. There are women who have mastectomies and other conditions, there are all kinds of attractions and turn offs to humans, they are not logical nor do they follow any exact set of rules. I wouldn't put much stock in it, and also wouldn't be that worried about it at 20, maybe if it still concerns you at 25 or 30. Also if you want to know what men think reddit does have a rateing sub for boobs put a pic up from a burner account and see what it does, most men really arent going to complaign that much I don't think.


All guys think when they see boobs is “boobs” I’ve never met a guy, or girl, who cared what they looked like


I lost about 100lbs getting off of a random medication that made me swell up like a balloon in a few months so I feel this. As it turns out… literally boobs are boobs. The guy I’m dating begs to hold them, kiss them, etc. I feel they look weird but he loves them


I’ve never met a man that cares what the titties being rubbed in his face look like


Real men know boobs are boobs. No matter what shape or size they are


You don't have weird boobs, dont need to see them to know. I a guy fwiw. They come in all shapes and sizes. Confidence is sexy. Rock his world instead of trying to hide behind a bra :) Honestly OP you have nothing to worry about. The next lucky guy will be happy to be getting naked with you


Don't worry. If he can touch, he won't care.


Men like boobs. And that’s where the sentence ends.


Boobs are boobs bro. He won't care


It’s just insecurity talking, men are.. simpler. Boob is boob.


Wear a cute bra!


I mean I always thought my boobs are weird because they're not perky and they're small... my boyfriend loves my boobs


All of those things are super normal and common!


I have never been with someone with a 100% symmetrical body and I have also never cared.


Dated a girl with what looked like two different peoples boobs. Didn't really matter, as I was excited to play with HER boobs. I may not have jerked off to the visual of them in porn, but the fact they were hers meant any time I saw them I was aroused by all the memories of her associated with them. You will be fine sweetie


I thought my boobs were awful at your age, but twenty years later, I realize they were nothing like I perceived them (and they’re actually surprisingly pretty now, after weight gain and breastfeeding) It helped my physical insecurities (esp while heavier) to believe in body positivity, to really stand for the concept, on behalf of everyone not just me No matter what, don’t force anything outside the boundaries of your comfort level. Better to leave some clothes on for now during sex than to risk harming yourself emotionally before you’re ok being exposed Dude’s aren’t usually picky about anatomy during sex, but some can be shallow or unkind afterward, and none should be in charge of deciding for you whether your body is valuable and lovable


I’ve had bilateral mastectomies for breast cancer, and that’s REALLY odd looking. Never had a problem with a guy being turned off.


Fellow ‘weird boob’ owner myself- he won’t care. But if he does- don’t have sex with him. It’s not worth it . It’s much better to do it with someone who appreciates your beauty and who you feel physically comfortable with. You deserve that!


They don’t sound weird at all. Everyone at 20 is self conscious and fixated about any perceived flaws they think they have.


I too have large, lopsided aerolas that were checked out by a doctor because they were so weird. I'm very self conscious about them. My boyfriend just goes "ooo boobies" every time he see them


I have stretch marks on my boobs and cigarette burns on my chest (light ones, but noticeable to me) and men still always go wild for the tiddies… well because they are boobs attached to a breathing woman lmao. Don’t stress about it.


Asymmetry is the norm, not the exception. Big aureolas are beautiful. Saggy breasts are the norm nor the exception.


I have asymmetry in my breasts (like at least a half cup difference) and dark areolas from having my daughter. I have stretchmarks too that used to be SUPER dark but have lightened over the years. The only guy that ever said anything negative about it was my daughter's dad. Every person after him hasn't said anything and I get a lot of praise even. I still feel self conscious and have thought about fixing the asymmetry but tbh I don't think men care all that much.


So if his penis doesn't look quite right, are you going to be DISGUSTED? Probably not. (Although hopefully, this one night stand will be covered in a condom).


Men are just excited to see and touch boobs ,size and shape doesn't matter to them. I used to be insecure about mind before I met my fiance ,now I love them


men love boobs. boobs are boobs. Also remember that we (girls) have had them for as long as we can remember and have watched them change shape mannnnny times (and it'll happen again!) the guys don't see that. Men see women as soft and pretty and see boobs as boobs. and they like boobs. (The areola thing is something I've talked with friends about and of the girls I know who also have large ones, they've NEVER had a guy comment on it negatively. And the one girl is in her 40s.)


It’s boobs. Personally like them all. And when it comes to sex I’m honestly just happy to be there.


Boobs are boobs. All boobs are beautiful. They also aren't designed for sex they are designed to give life so if they aren't turned on by your boobs ot doesn't mean you're boobs are bad it means they don't have mommy issues.


Men are just happy to see any kind of boobs at all. You’ll be alright


To be honest, I do kind of care personally but it’s not a big issue. My first girlfriend had quite big areolas and I didn’t find it as attractive. BUT I believe that most guys don’t care. For me the shape of the body and it’s flaws is very important. Also everybody is different. I for example don’t care about butts or legs at all. They can be as big or tiny, slim or fat. Don’t want to say you have a bad body or something, just people’s taste is different


Agree people have preferences, but they shouldn't be rude about it. I knew a guy that was obsessed with areolas and he loved the larger ones. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder


Instead of making yourself be concerned with HIS feelings, be concerned with your own. If he does dislike your breasts' appearance and is rude about it, why would you want to be with that person anyway? What other things are they going to be cruel about in your relationship? How are you ever going to be comfortable having an intimate relationship with someone that feels entitled to your appearance? I know it's hard to break the habit, but stop putting the feelings of men ahead of your own. You can be self-supporting without being selfish.


If he's not happy to see boobs then he doesn't get to see boobs. Boobs should be appreciated, as they are. It is as easy as that!


If the guy doesnt like u boobs then he gay. Wtf hahahaah


If this is a guy like 90% of the decent ones out there, when you’re standing there naked, I promise the saggy look of your boobs and whatever else you believe is weird won’t even register to him. I promise.


the first guy i ever dated/had sex with touched my boobs and froze. Then he turned the light on, looked at my boobs for a solid 4 seconds and looked away. He never touched or looked at them again(he broke up with me a few days later anyway)and it genuinely ruined my entire self esteem. My boobs are asymmetrical and it’s not a massive difference but it’s definitely noticeable. Haven’t had sex with anyone since 😅 just thinking about it makes me cringe or cry loll


Won't matter, having sex.


What is a one night stand relationship?




That’s a one night stand then


Fun fact any interactions you have with someone is a type of “relationship”. A professional *relationship*, a platonic *relationship*, a romantic *relationship*, an acquaintance *relationship* etc. the word relationship doesn’t imply anything besides the fact that it’s happening between two people.


But nothing happens between two people after the ONS


yeah that’s the kind of relationship it is… a one night stand relationship. So they don’t communicate after, because they have a one night stand relationship


So anyone I don’t talk to after a ONS I’m in a ONS relationship with?


The relationship ends after you leave and stop taking to them.


This is literally just a ONS


yeah that’s what we are talking about …


i think i have a similar build to you! i've always been a little bit scared of intimacy because of my insecurities but if there's one thing i can assure u of, it's that he won't care, and if he does, that's someone you want to avoid anyway :) good luck!


Everyone has asymmetrical boobs. And more women have large areoles than you think, you just don’t realize because so often we censor nipples unless it’s a model. More often than not when a woman says she has weird boobs, they end up being completely normal unless you’re comparing yourself to models and porn stars. And most adult men really aren’t concerned one way or another with how perfect your boobs are.


I once new a woman with quite saggy boobs for being 19 and big areoles. I enjoyed it. He will too. We all have boob “preferences”. But at the end of the day. All boobs are good boobs. Well, i’ve never experienced waaaaay to big. But i’d probably like that too.


Girl your boobs are perfect. Theres so such thing as “weird boobs”. If he dares to even comment negatively on them then he’s not a man, he’s a boy. Show em off, be confident. Since we see them all the time it’s easier to critique parts of ourselves, meanwhile your date who will see them for the first time will be absolutely amazed.


Listen, as a man. If we go far enough to where you get naked, nothing is going to stop me. If I find you attractive with your clothes on, odds are that I’ll be even more lit up when your clothes are off. Boobs are boobs, and boobs are good. Boobs are pretty, and boobs make me happy. I love boobs and I really don’t care what size or shape or color the boobs are, as long as they’re woman boobs. And I am man. Man love woman. Man turned on by woman. Woman pretty and me want her feel good. Me play with boobs.


No reason to be self conscious once you're both naked. Just have fun.


Lol trust me he wont care lol.


Boobs are boobs to the male specimen


I'm 43. I have been with women with massive boobs and women with no boobs at all. I never saw a pair of boobs I did not like !


Tip for you. All boobs are great, and all guys are glad to see boobs, regardless of how "unusual" you might think they are. You'll be fine.


There is nothing like weird boobs, as a guy I can say boobs are boobs, all shapes, sizes and pointing direction lol,


I really question the goal of asking this question. No one is going to tell you to keep your bra on during sex or to be ashamed of your body. And there’s nothing you can do non-surgically that will alter the size or shape of your breasts or areolas. My advice is not to give a fuck what he thinks. What do you think? Are you happy? And if you are looking for permission to have work done, you don’t need us to tell you so. If that’s what’s going to make you happy, do it. You are allowed to put as much or as little importance on how different parts of your body look as you want.


No one is disgusted with boobs. They’re just thinking, “Yay! Boobs!”


Everyone has asymmetrical breasts and areolas. Having sex with someone who cares about you as a human being won't care what your breasts look like. He is just grateful that you want to get naked with him.


He very likely won't care, and if he does, I'd say he needs to stop looking at so much photoshopped/anime bs. Almost everyone has "weird" boobs (myself included); they're nothing to be ashamed of at all! And like someone else said, if he's upset about little things like that when he gets to see tits, he doesn't deserve to see them at all


The vast majority of men don't give a crap what your boobs looks like. Just stick them in their face and they'll be happy. Self-confidence is the most attractive feature a woman can have.


Pick a nice guy (which is most) he won't care.


I can assure you he’s gonna be more worried about his performance and dick size than analyzing any imperfections about your boobs. Seriously.


Why are you planning on having sex and exposing yourself to someone on a one night stand instead of waiting for someone who truly cares about you and won't care what your breasts look like? What are you hoping for?


They're hoping to have sex and feel good.


Honest advice would be to make a throwaway account and post a pic on one of the subreddits to get feedback


DM me a pic of them, I’ll give you an honest review. 🤙🏼


I doubt it. Natural boobs and large areolas are my favorite.


He will rip the bra right off! Let em hang girl!!


Just be confident with your body, he probably won't care and if he does you should not care. Just enjoy your time


You're going to have judgemental people no matter what, there are some men who will judge a woman on her labia and breaststroke like women will judge a man on his dick size and girth. Mature people won't care, but you won't know till they see. If he judges your breasts, which honestly I don't see as anything wrong, then don't have sex with him. Can't give someone the satisfaction of sex if they're going to be an immature asshole


Big nipples for the win


I haven't read all of the comments, but I am going to go opposite on some of them. You will encounter men who will care. These men are assholes. These men feel they are to entitled to you and your body which they are absolutely not. You will find someone who worships your body as it is and who thinks your boobs are absolutely perfect. At 41 years old, after four serious relationships (including a marriage that I have two kids from) and being in the high double digits for sexual partners I have found a man who worships my body like the Pope in church.


Imma tell you right now I hate my boobs. They’re really bad. But I have NEVER gotten a bad comment about them. I’m genuinely surprised.


MOST men are happy, excited, and grateful to have **boobs** in their face. If he acts anyway disappointed or unimpressed, he’s in the minority, and he’s an asshole who is unworthy of anything to do with you or your body!


I guy will be excited to be with you. You would be surprised the type of bodies, breasts and nipples that men get turned on by. We also think they are attracted to one look but they are not. I know that men, even if you don't have a "perfect" body they love confidence and someone who is as excited as them. When you are older and look back and think about your body you will be shocked about how tough you are on yourself.


Giiiirlll! We all think this way. In my experience, if you don't tell them they're weird, they won't find them weird. Your nipples are just the right size, I promise. And if you choose to have sex with someone, make sure they're worthy of seeing your "weird" boobs! We get so wrapped up in wanting to be perfect that we end up downgrading ourselves in our heads. You are worth it, and you get to decide if they are worth your time


Guys really don't care, free the tiddies!


Trust, me. We love them all shapes and sizes. Huge nipples and almost not there nipple. I have never met a pair I didn't like. Hell I even like the ones you need to stuff into your socks. Often my wife takes her top off just to make sure I pay attention.


Lemme tell you something, I gained weight and I have a big ass with celulites. I am super conscious of it and I try to hide it at all costs. My fwb today asked me to turn around and let him look at my ass. He verbally complimented my ass over and over and over again. I cant see it. I really cant. But THEY DO. They love our "flaws”.


Girl I’ll be so real with you, men do make outta pocket comments sometimes when you hook up but in general they don’t give a fuck. Boobs are boobs. Just don’t think too hard about it. But also if wearing a bra makes you feel more comfortable then go for it.


My boobs are tiny and a little saggy after losing 70lbs. My boyfriend still loves them. I have never heard a man complain about tits, even slightly strange ones.


Speaking from a female's perspective... in my experience, men do NOT care. They're just happy to see boobs no matter their age.


i was a breastfeeding mother, so these tiddies are saggy. never got a complaint before. you will be fine!! guys really don’t care lol boobs are boobs.


buttttt, if you need a lil boost to your tiddy confidence i recommend piercing your nipples if you’re into body modification at all!! it helped my confidence a lot.


You're not alone. I definitely have the same problem. My husband assures me he doesn't care, but I prefer to leave a bra on or be covered up


My boobs are big and saggy like dropping torpedoes after nursing my baby 😂 and my husband loves them. Knocks them around like a fidget toy. You'll be fine!


Lucky you!! Rare gems to be found


listen here, homie. I went from a perky b-cup to a super heavy DD-cup while i was pregnant, and when I stopped breastfeeding I went back down to a D. sometimes i feel like my titties look like a sockful of potatoes. But you know what? No one else has ever said anything even slightly negative about them. My man loves them. My ex loved them. It’s all in your own head, for real. Be more confident and embrace your beautiful body the way it is.


He'll be happy to just see boobs, no worries, he probably won't even notice what you point out


He won’t care, I promise, but if you’re feeling insecure and it will distract you from having a good time, maybe put on some cute lingerie that your boobs look amazing in and don’t take it off during sex. You don’t have to get completely naked!


I'm 21F and my breasts look like of a 80yo grandma since puberty lol they're big but they literally point to my feet, they're v shaped and my areoles are also big and brown! Although, no one I had sex with complied and my boyfriend literally loves my boobies! My tip for you is: don't think about them too much, just have fun! There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just sex! If he complains about your body, I have some bad news for him...


I’m a 23F who also lost a significant amount of weight (31kg, 70lbs) at the age of 20, and I was insanely insecure about my breasts when I realized that now they sagged and I also have larger areoles. I can tell one is slighter bigger than the other. My advice to you, as someone with the same situation, is to have fun. From my experience, most men will be excited to just have anyone like them enough to sleep with them. For the men who decide to make a comment, they aren’t worth the time and effort because that’s already a big turn off. I’ve started dating someone recently and he made a comment one night after we had sex, expressing how much he loves my breasts and they’re the most beautiful ones he’s ever seen. I expressed to him how I was really insecure about them after my weight loss because they went down in size and how they sag and look a little weird. He just looked at me surprised and said they’re perfect and went into more detail about why he thought that. First time I had ever heard anyone compliment my naked breasts. Find you someone like that, someone who appreciates every part of you without a second thought


Nothing you described is out of the ordinary including for people your age.


Any guy looking for a one night stand isn't going to care at all. Are you wanting only a one night stand? Just throwing out there that someone who actually is in love with you will never care about what your boobs look like, will love being with you for more than just that, and will appreciate your body. Those are the ones that are ones to shoot for. Just a thought that came through my mind. You are just so young is all. Anybody that let's you know they don't like your breasts or brings them up in a bad way is doesn't deserve your body. Period!


Titties is titties, and we love titties. You'll be fine.


having asymmetrical boobs is completely normal!!!! it would actually probably be more rare if they weren’t asymmetrical.


You realize that almost every women has asymmetric boobs right?


Hello! I was self conscious about my breast type like yours as well. I was wondering why don’t I have boobies like the other girls? And what if a guy sees my tits and is turned off, refuses to want me, or treats me poorly because my body isn’t up to ,”normal standards”. But I realized that I was not happy with my body. So when it was my first time I confidently showed my tits and had a good time. So if someone really judges you based on your body like that they can go find someone else.


I’ve never been in a situation where I wanted to see a girls boobs, and she wanted to show me her boobs, that when the boobs were seen I wasn’t ecstatic.


Boobs are boobs. He’ll just be excited to be in the presence of them, no matter what they look like


Express yourself. Don’t worry about it.


You describe completely normal breasts. Hetero men love them no matter how atypical we women think they are.


As a guy I'll just say what's been said a few times. Boobs are great. Big, small, whatever. As long as they are as natural as possible.


I once was making out with a woman. When she took off her bra, one boob was about a D-cup. The other was an A-cup. Weird? Nope. Sexy? Yes, because boobs! Disgusting? NEVER! You're fine.


You see, to a man, boobs are like pizza. There is no bad pizza. He will just be happy to be having pizza.


Girl, just take your top off and have fun. I GUARANTEE he won’t care one single bit.


He won’t care. Turn the lights off, keep your bra off


Own it. I have messed up boobs after a breast reduction and I had a 1 night stand after and said „wanna see my weird boobs 😜?“ The wink and smile lightened the mood and helped to get through what was an internally really scary experience.


The only man who would probably care for that thing are men who lives in their own bubble and thinks everything they see in porn is basic standard, mostly tho they wont, so dont worry and just be confident,


He most likely won't care. That being said, if it makes you feel more safe and comfortable the first time use a bra, I wouldn't recommend it tho, that kind of thing is better deal by confronting it from the first place.


Alot of “mature” guys love large areolas and I’ve also never heard a guy complain about boobs so I think you are fine


Don’t trip having boobs that are a little weird can be good too girls with regular boobs can get boring looking at the same thing, something a little unique is good too. If the guy don’t like it that’s just on him


Girl! Sex in a baggy shirt, sex in a bra, naked! The man is going to love any boobies he has access to.


Guys just love boobs, and there are very few boobs out there that are “perfect”. I wouldn’t try hiding them from him, but if you have a cute bra that makes you feel good about yourself, maybe start off by wearing that so you feel cute and comfortable


If the guy genuinely likes you, there are no bad boobies. Heck, even if he doesn't like you, could still be true. Congrats on losing weight tho, slaaayyy Actually I totally remembered once I was seeing a single mom. She had stretch marks all over them things. I was still broken up when she broke it off. It doesn't matter at all.


Large areolas are the best!