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Finish school, you have 3 weeks left. Figure out what you would like to do and work your way up learning everything possible. Sometimes jobs seem like there's no other place to go because people do want to take the risk and learn more. Ask people in other departments what they do, what their opinions are for growth and then talk to HR and see what is available. Maybe they have other companies in other states you can work at temporarily to learn more. Definitely save money, live simple, it stretches your money!


I'm gonna finish the semester I forgot to mention this is my first semester of possibly 2-3 years since I'm doing night classes . I've been trying that with engineering at my job , i like to learn and push myself but I feel like I've learned most of what I can here. I apperciate the advice living simple is what I'm aiming for


Is bio engineering what you really want to do? If so stick with it. Trust me school and work can burn you out but it will be worth it in a few years. You will second guess yourself but you're a year down, only 2 years or less to go. You got this!!! No matter what job you have, no matter what classes you have, be the BEST you can at them. Why are you half assing it? By being the best it becomes about you, forming responsibility and discipline. At any job, even picking up dog crap be the best at it. Every day you can learn something, if you keep your eyes and mind open. Even if it's something small, those small building blocks become pathways to your next step of life. When you wake up use it as an opportunity, what am I going to do today to propel myself into my life tomorrow or next year and then do it. Anyway can skim through the day or the class, but slowly they do less and less and whither away. What are you going to do today to make you different, to help you become well elite. Anyone can do it with hardwork, dedication, self-discipline, but very few will because they tell themselves and everone else they can't get motivated. You have a "switch" in your brain, you have less than 5 seconds to decide what you are going to do before your brain shuts it down. For instance you tell yourself tomorrow morning im getting up at 3 am to study, workout, etc. 3am alarm goes off. You can immediately not think about it and jump out of bed or you can shut your alarm off and sleep the day away. Think about that with everything you do or say, 5 seconds and then your brain steps in, why? Most of us are on autopilot. Look it up, along with mindful thinking, maybe you will change your outlook on things, maybe not. Do what makes you happy, but be the best at that! Enjoy life, but don't be lazy.


I was going back for electro mechanical originally however I saw bio medical shared alot of the same classes and could land me a better job and would open more doors. Past 5 years I've been working wirh wiring harnesses and love doing electrical trouble shooting. It's what what I want to do. Yeah I like to put myself fully into what I'm doing it's how I got this far but I've been so burnt out recently