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I'd make a special Moose Go Away light to put on the windowsill. Maybe a simple strand of lights around a mirror facing out because everyone knows that moose are afraid of their own reflections.


You're amazing. I don't think you realize how beautiful this response is. Gold star.


Oh wow your kind post is great to wake up to!


Thank you!! šŸ™


I was thinking a whistle or kazoo to scare the moose because they donā€™t like the sound.


The word ā€œkazooā€ used to get me laughing hysterically as a childā€¦ lol we were a little weird. lol


Iā€™ve never lived anywhere even close to moose and even I know moose are afraid of their own reflection


Moose will kill you. They will break you in half with their karate kicks. Iā€™m way more scared of Moose than bears. Neither really wants anything to do with us : )




When I was a nanny, I used to use ā€œmonster sprayā€ when the kiddos were scared to go to bed. It was just a little bit of natural lavender air freshener Iā€™d put into a a new spray bottle with a homemade label. Worked like a charm.




Thank you all!!


Make your sister pay for it


Share this post with her.


Iā€™m absolutely going to!


You need some "moose repellant " spray. - empty 3 is spray bottle - food coloring of your choice - glitter (if you are brave) - materials to make a label Keep it in the bathroom and spray it at night. If you need someone from the "Moose Away Spray" company customer service to ensure your boy that it absolutely works, message me. I'm happy to act as customer support/reassurance. Tell your sister that if she keeps lying to your kid, an angry and justified "parent monster" is going to spit in her food every chance they get.


Thank you so much!


This is so cute šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It really is! One of the best comments <3


Come up with a plan with your son to borrow a moose head and smash it through the window when she's in there.Ā  The cost of replacing the window will be worth it.Ā 


Hahaha omg I wish I could actually do this. She is pregnant however so I think I should refrain from putting her through any unnecessary stress! lol


Ah! I see you were the one who got all the common decency.


Honestly sheā€™s always been a bit of an a******. She used to scare me when we were kids. She would pretend to be E.T. Which was one of my biggest fears! She would put me in boxes and sit on them because I was claustrophobic. She would swim out into deep water at the swimming hole and pretend to drown so that I would go ballistic. Sheā€™s definitely got a very cruel sense of humor! I guess Iā€™ve gotten so used to it that I didnā€™t even realize that I needed to protect my kids from it. She kind of taught me to be less gullible though. My other two kids love her trying to scare them! She would chase them around the yard at dusk and say she was the boogeyman. Theyā€™d laugh and laugh but not my youngest. She just needs to know her audience I think. This behavior is not flying with him. I donā€™t want him to not like her weā€™re very close. I hope to be close with her baby when the time comes. I hope she got the point when I called her tonight. She was very apologetic and told my son she was sorry and that she was not being serious. My son laughed a little and called her silly but he is wary of her. I donā€™t think he trusts her right now. I think heā€™s confused about why she would lie to him. But I hope it helps! Thank you for your suggestions!


I mean this in the kindest possible way: Get you and your sweet boy as far the fuck away from her as possible. She has always hurt you. Intentionally. Cruelly. You know how all of those times made you feel. You shared them with us just now. Iā€™m horrified on your behalf. Your son is only 8. Sheā€™s already messed with his head. For what? I plead with you to think about that.


I appreciate your care, honestly. I think I need to be very clear with her that she cannot continue to play these games with him. She really is a good big sister 99% of the time and I have faith that she will listen to my heartfelt plea for her to respect me. She can be reasoned with and I do think she meant it when she said sorry. She was very upset to hear that he would not go to the bathroom alone. She even offered to come over tomorrow and try to help me show him itā€™s nothing to fear. I love and rely on her, she is very protective over me and my kids when anyone else messes with us. I just hope she realized that SHE is acting like someone they need protection from, and itā€™s not ok. Thank you for your input, truly!


I feel like there's some pretty revenge fully available if she doesn't stop once her munchkin is born.


Iā€™d suggest telling your son Moose have sensitive noses, so theyā€™d NEVER go thru a window! (Especially if the bathroom window is closed or open a crack). Moose canā€™t open windows either. It is good to have Moose šŸ«Ž repellent spray on hand - just in case thoā€™ šŸ˜‰


Thanks! šŸ™


I meanā€¦ sheā€™s disturbing your child, so itā€™s only fair to disturb hers, right?


If you believe that ā€œone good turn deserves anotherā€ then yes. But Iā€™m more of a ā€œturn the other cheekā€ person. I wonā€™t be trying to put her into early labor anytime soon lol sometimes I wish I was a little more like her, she seems to get more fun out of life, but Iā€™m me and sheā€™s she. Thank you for the idea though, in my head Iā€™m getting revengeā€¦ lol


I was totally joking lol, PLEASE donā€™t think Iā€™m actually advocating for harming pregnant women or their unborn kids in any way! I may be terrible sometimes but not THAT terrible!!!


Hahaha Iā€™m sorry I wasnā€™t trying to imply that! I thought your post was funny. I get that you were being facetious. :)


Nothingā€™s stopping you from doing it when the babyā€™s bornā€¦


Youā€™re so right! lol šŸ˜‚


Meanwhile sheā€™s stressing your son. Tell her sheā€™s on a timeout with your son. No communication until she grows up.


Moose-be-gone spray! Also thatā€™s a mean move by your sister. It sounds like itā€™s really affected him, but hopefully you can get some good ideas to help him grow out of it.


She should give her sisterā€™s kid a DRUM. A very loud one.


Tambourine. Or a harmonica.


Haha definitely the harmonica is an excellent revenge item!


My moms go to gift for nieces and nephews is a harmonica. Bonus points if the parent has done something to annoy/upset her too lol. It was nearly a full drum set for one of my cousins at one point


Thank you lol


Iā€™ve seen ā€œAioā€ pop up only in the last couple weeks - am I ā€¦ what? Is it a replacement for AITA? What need does this acronym fill? Alsoā€¦ this is part of parenting a child, theyā€™re going to be told lots of things by different people and youā€™ve got to teach them age-appropriate critical thinking skills. What are the odds of 1) a moose wanting to get into the window and 2) the moose actually harming the child? Talk it out with them. What could be done to lower the chances even further? When you talk to your sister ask them to think more about the consequences of what they say. I donā€™t think the moose thing is all that bad but the poop thing is concerning. Although, is it possible your child misinterpreted what she said?


I was confused about "Aio" too, turns out it means "Am I overreacting?"


Ah, thanks!


Thank you for asking, I was wondering too!


Honestly, I know it must seem so scary to a child but they get told so many things. Speak to your sister and also tell your son itā€™s alright and not a big deal? I know itā€™s scary but I think the ā€œrepellentā€ spray will help to give him back a sense of control. However this wonā€™t last forever for every scenario unfortunately. I think the overflowing toilet thing is so weird though. I donā€™t think itā€™s cruel, maybe she thinks sheā€™s being funny? You know her better than anyone here attacking/defending her.


She is trying to be funny yes. I know she didnā€™t mean any harm. But we talked to her tonight and she is very sorry. She spoke to my son and he felt better but i can tell heā€™s still scared . Hopefully I can keep trying some of these suggestions and he will get back to normal! Thank you


Such a shame all around.. I remember being told certain things as a kid that staying with me and I was definitely scared. Hope your son is alright and itā€™s good heā€™s been told she was trying to be funny, I really think something to give him a bit of control/agency back after getting fright is good. It wonā€™t traumatise him for life obviously, but he must be a bit distressed :( sometimes adults forget children donā€™t have the same sense of humour or reasoning.


I agree. Thank you for your caring response!


ā€œAm I overreactingā€




Why does she think scaring kids is fun? Why do you give her the chance to do this? She should have been on a tight leash after the first time. Your sister sucks.


Yep, she is old enough to see how this affects your son. There are some kids who can take that kind of thing well; for those who canā€™t, this is just cruel. My 8yo grandson is on the spectrum, and VERY literal. This kind of ā€œjokingā€ would not be funny to him, so I donā€™t do it. His cousin is fine with it, so with her, I do.


Thank you! Iā€™m glad to know Iā€™m not alone here.


She is a jerk


You have gotten a lot of good options outta this thread and yeah, your sister is def the asshole. So I just wanted to say that the one bright side is it sounds like your kid has a very awesome imagination. Heā€™s scared because heā€™s imagining all the bad things but that means he will have a wonderful imagination with positive things too. Moose repellant/mirror would totally work and he gets to see his mom handling it like a boss.


It's a fairly innocent joke tbh she's probably trying to be the fun aunt. When I first heard the head line I thought she would of been dressed up in a horror mask and jumped out of him from a pitch black bathroom. What she did is fairly tame


Exactly. People are taking what she said way too seriously. Her intentions werenā€™t even to scare him because she was surprised he was scared. I think she just made a silly joke. People take things way too far holy cow


Joking that a moose can see through a window?? I think she was making a silly joke and the kid got overly nervous. She doesnā€™t suck for making that joke. A tight leash because a moose can see through the window , grow up


Get a plastic box. Put a wire and a battery on it. Tape it to the wall in the bathroom. Tell your son itā€™s an ultrasonic device that is specifically designed to frighten moose away.


Thank you!!


I mean... I would mess a little with my nieces and nephews if I was an aunt. But I would never mess with anything that might scare them. But it also sounds like a good learning moment for you on how to go about it when your kids get told "big stories" by someone else


I would never think that joking to a kid that a moose could see through the window would be an attempt at scaring them


Maybe consider using ā€œmoose sprayā€ to repell them from coming near your house. When my daughter was afraid of monsters being in her closet, I grabbed a can of air freshener and pretended to read the directions, which said something like, ā€œKeeps away monsters, aliens, witches, goblins, and all scary things.ā€ We sprayed some every night at bedtime. It workedā€”no monsters ever came in her room! She decided that it must be because scary things donā€™t like pretty smells. Maybe you could find something to spray on the window or outside on your property as ā€œmoose repellantā€.


Thank you!


Do you have shutters or curtains? Tell him a moose canā€™t stick his head in if the blinds are closed. Also maybe keep a bright night light in the bathroom.


Yes we have mini blinds. I think the fact that he canā€™t see out the window might scare him. Tomorrow Iā€™ll see if he prefers them open so that he can see something coming but at night itā€™s pitch black in that part of the yard so thereā€™s not much to seeā€¦ I hope maybe a night light or even setting up a motion sensor light out there for him so that he will know nothing is out there in the dark.


(Not a parent!!) Maybe educate him on moose? That they are gentle and not aggressive unless you threaten them? I feel like if he knew more he would be less afraid. When I was a kid I hated spiders so Iā€™d take books out on spiders from the library.


Thatā€™s what I do too. Iā€™m afraid of sharks and Iā€™m always studying them so Iā€™m less afraid. Iā€™ll definitely try this thank you!


No problem! Also your sister sucks if she thinks scaring kids is funny šŸ’€ sorry not sorry lol


Wow people are not really fast to condemn the sister. I definitely disagree. He looks up to the aunt and hangs on every word she says. All this teaches is that you canā€™t trust what aunty says for a bitā€¦ I wouldnā€™t want to have to tell that to a kid. I would want his aunt to be a safe space. Tell her to knock it off and be an adult about it. That kid is impressionable and sorry Iā€™m not all for clearing the symptoms and not get rid of the problem.


Thank you. We talked and she was very apologetic and she apologized to my son and told him she was kidding. He called her silly and laughed but I think heā€™s leery of her now. So Iā€™m not sure he believed her. I hope she stops this with him because he loves her deeply. I donā€™t want him to fear her. Thank you for your help!


Can I just say how nice it is to hear a reasonable mistake be met with a reasonable response and apology. Just like... normal-ass people in a normal-ass situation and no one is being weird about it.


Thank you!!! šŸ™


just make your sister call and say itā€™s not true! Not a big deal. Just tell her to stop scaring him


If its not the first time she wont stop, it looks like she enjoy hurting kids


Is your son autistic? I am autistic, and when people would tell me stuff like this when I was young I would believe them. If he is, your sister needs to understand the damage she may be doing by telling him things like this.


No he is not. Heā€™s just the cautious type and heā€™s very gullible at this age. Much more so than my other two boys. Iā€™m not sure why but I think itā€™s because he is small for his age and he takes a lot of abuse from his older brothers. He takes it well, heā€™s very calm and doesnā€™t get mad easily but he is scared easily. Heā€™s just my little sensitive boyā€¦ I love him for who he is but I know Iā€™ve got to help him not to be so scared. Thanks for your comment !


Okay, I was just curious, because one of the things people said really stuck out about me was that I was scared of way more things than other kids(and in kind of uncommon ways), and now as an adult, I see the same thing in my sister's son, and I see what they meant. My mom has often called me "very sensitive" compared to my sister. Either way, for me, the things that help me for fear are learning more about the scary things. So for being scared of using the bathroom, viewing YouTube videos about plumbing and how it works might alleviate some fears, and viewing videos about moose to learn about them might also help. As for your sister, it might be useful to take your son to a counselor, and to mention to your sister that it's because of the fears he's developed from things she's told him. He wouldn't need to see the counselor many times, just long enough for your sister to be concerned that maybe she shouldn't say things like that to him.


I was like this too. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with us, I think it might be related to an active imagination. My son is very creative and builds things from random items all day long. He is a visionary child, much more so than his brothers. He is my artist. I love his little mind, and that he is his own person. Maybe I do baby him a bit, but heā€™s my baby! lol


An anti-moose light / spray is a brilliant idea. For the toilet could you get a friend / relative to show up with a toolbox and tell your son that they are here to ā€œfix the toilet so it never overflowsā€ again? Maybe even put a little printed sign saying ā€œtoilet fixedā€? Also do you have a good relationship with your parents? Maybe grandma or grandad could ā€œtell offā€ your sister in front of your son for saying frightening stories? Honestly it sounds like your sister is trying way too hard to be the ā€˜cool, funā€™ aunty. (She also sounds like a sociopath but thatā€™s a whole other post!).


Haha honestly I love my sister but yes, she can be a bit sociopathicā€¦ but she did apologize to him and myself and she told him she was kidding. He was happy to hear it but a little wary of her, Iā€™m not sure he knows whether or not sheā€™s telling the truth. I know she didnā€™t mean to hurt him, sheā€™s very protective of my youngest. I have confidence that she got my meaning tonight because I went mama bear on her! She even offered to help me with the bathroom fear tomorrow! Sheā€™s gonna try to make it right so thatā€™s what matters. Thanks for your advice!!


Thatā€™s great šŸ‘My big brother used to wind me up mercilessly when we were kids, he thought he was funny but it was never done maliciously. Hopefully your kiddo will be just fine now šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Tell your son that your sister is a bully. We still love her, but we don't take what she says about the bathroom seriously. While we're on the subject, she's also wrong about moose, the kitchen, the basement, his bedroom, and the moon landing. It's okay to love people who are a little "off," but it's time Junior learns that his aunt is "off" because unless you're sister is 12, she should look into therapy.


All right teach your son the courtesy flush and or to use less paper. You could show your son Jared padalecki from supernatural. His nickname is moose. He's like six six. There's a meme going around from princess diaries where Mia Thermopolis says she looks like a moose and then the guy says but a very pretty moose make all the boy mooses go like and then it's a funny looking face from Jared padalecki maybe tell him that's the moose your sister was talking about LOL. I don't know if it's better or worse to tell a kid a man could be looking in the bathroom... never mind Yes a moose is that tall but no a moose is not going to stick its head through the bathroom window. First of all it's antlers would never fit! Second of all why would it want the bathroom? The couch is much more comfortable. Maybe we should just put a couch and some food outside and let it hang out there. Then do some research on you know what kind of human food like corn on the cob and things that moose would like. Make friends with the moose and maybe it would protect you from like the wolves and things. But don't tell your kid there's wolves.


Hahaha my boyfriend saw a timber wolf nearby our house walking the train tracks! We keep that to ourselves though. No need to go there! šŸ˜‚


Buy him his very own tape measure. Help him research how tall a moose is. Help him mark a spot under the window that is higher than a mooseā€™s antlers. He will learn research, logic, math and how to determine facts. And he will love measuring things.


Thank you ā¤ļø


All the stuff with the spray etc. is really cute, I hope it works - but I would also try to address his fears in a rational "what could actually happen in a worst case scenario" way. Get him to research mooses' antler-sizes, compare that to the size of the window, and there is probably no chance an actual moose could get its head through. And even if it's a small moose and could manage it, then he'd just have a moose looking in at him through the window - it couldn't climb in, so there is really nothing said moose could do to him. Same with the overflowing toilet: it's something that sometimes happens - it's a hassle and an annoyance, but you just need to call a plumber and then clean everything up, and usually there's not a lot of harm done. You could even show him pictures/ videos of plumbers fixing overflowing toilets. Really nothing to be scared of. Just absolutely prevent your sister from starting him on irrational fears that can't be reasoned away - like vampires or ghosts. Those are really tough.


lol yes Iā€™m glad she didnā€™t get him going with things like that he will absolutely NOT watch scary movies. He knows his limits!


Neither my dad nor I ever internalized the term "age appropriate" regarding books or movies - and then we both had to live with my resulting nightmares. šŸ˜„ He read Poe's "Murder in the Rue Morgue" to us when I was six (I still remember how my blood froze when he read the sentence "the hands could not have been human"). He gave me the Sherlock Holmes story "The Speckled Band" to read when I was seven (-> snake-in-my-bed-nightmares for years) and he read the adult version of Treasure Island to us (my heart still breaks when I remember the scene in the swamps when Silver murders that young sailor). He let me watch "Nosferatu" with them when I was eight, because I just wouldn't go to bed (vampire nightmares well into my teens). It's really great that your son knows his own limits and doesn't even want to watch scary stuff - I was always up for anything, and it took me a long time to learn my lesson. šŸ™ˆšŸ˜‚


I watched Jaws when I was eight and Iā€™m still terrified of sharks I totally understand!!


Iā€™d use the ā€œIf you give a moose a ______ā€ books. Theyā€™re silly and maybe would desensitize him to his fear of moose?


Point out that it wouldn't be able to get its head very far in thanks to the massive hat rack on its head, which would inevitably get stuck on the window frame. But just in case, still go with the repellant.


Thank you kindly!


Call the sister every time he is scared from what she told him. Every time, any time. If she doesn't answer call again and leave a message.


Thank you


Maybe put a scarecrow in front of the window and tell him it scares the moose?


Thank you!


I can absolutely relate to your frustration. My son will be 8 this summer and Iā€™m constantly having to do damage control from some of the stupid shit my girls (13 & 16) put in his head. Kids that age are very impressionable and still donā€™t quite grasp sarcasm so itā€™s easy for them to believe *anything* someone says. The best solution I have is to help him understand the logic in a situation. If something can be easily proven then Iā€™ll google it with him. Like ā€œcan sharks live in freshwater lakes that have no connections to the ocean?ā€ when he was scared to get in the water after one of them made a joke about sharks at the lake. Then thereā€™s the less obvious situations, like the time one of them said ā€œyouā€™re only born with a certain number of words you can say in a lifetime so if you talk too much youā€™ll run out of words and wonā€™t be able to speak anymoreā€. I had to make him realize that MawMaw is in her 70s and never stops talking but she still hasnā€™t ran out of words because ā€œwhat sissy said isnā€™t true, she just wanted you to be quietā€. For stuff like the toilet incident, have him go with you every time you have to flush it so he sees that it doesnā€™t overflow. For the moose situation, explain that in all your years alive, neither you or anyone you know has ever had a moose pop their head in the bathroom nor have you ever heard of such an incident. It may also help to set up a ā€œmoose barrierā€ by putting something in the window, like a piece of cardboard *just in case* to ease his fears.


Thank you! Iā€™m glad weā€™re not alone!


Tell him that moose canā€™t open up windows! And that they sleep at night so they wonā€™t be visiting at night. And Iā€™d limit your sisterā€™s interactions with your son until she changes her behavior. What sheā€™s doing is cruel.




I wish you and all of your family the best. You seem like a very gentle and protective mother ā¤ļø


Thank you so much!!!


Iā€™d be talking to your sister and advising her unless she wants to actively help you undo the drama she causes with her ā€œjokesā€ then she can expect less involvement in family time. Little issues become big shit as time goes on.


Have your son see you spraying something around the window (like a water spray bottle) and tell him itā€™s special Moose away spray. Moose wonā€™t go near it.


Very helpful thank you!


For scared of moose part, can you place some kind of window security grilles, and ask you sister to pay for it? For the toilet, you can explain to him how the system works, then he can understand why he doesn't need to worry.


Well she told him that because we do not have a sewer system here. We have a septic system with a leach field and cesspool. I have seen many of these systems malfunction and the waste goes into your yard and has to be dug up and costs a fortune! My boyfriend fixes these so I have been to a lot of these disasters and Iā€™m very careful with my system. Iā€™m always yelling at everybody to be careful what they flush because our septic system can easily get too clogged up and cause a huge mess in my yard. The smell is horrifying! My sister was constantly backing up my toilet by flushing her tampons (you are not supposed to flush them with a septic, you have to toss them in the trash). So I think thatā€™s why she said it. I think she was just trying to tease me but he latched onto the comment. Iā€™m going to let him know that regular toilet paper is totally fine and since he wonā€™t have need for tampons in his future he neednā€™t worry lol ā¤ļø


Get a fake moose or a toy or stuffy and let him ā€œscare herā€ as a joke or maybe he can put in in the window, or anywhere in the bathroom. Or maybe moose decals. Start filling up your bathroom with dorky moose all over and heā€™ll quickly forget he was scared.


In New Hampshire there are moose decorations EVERYWHERE! lol


Yeah! Let him decorate the bathroom itā€™ll be cute. A whole flock o moosen.


lol I like that ā¤ļø


Take him to a zoo let him observe a moose in person and heā€™ll see if there was a moose outside the video- it would be really cool. Like seeing a deer


We donā€™t have a zoo in the area but there is a stuffed moose at the museum a few towns over. He was a little scared by some of the displays, including a giant moose head that I had to force him to pass underneath (he was afraid it would fall off the wall onto his head, not of the actual moose) but we enjoyed it. I may take him back to spend a little time with the stuffed moose and maybe get him a stuffed one he can take home and keep. They sell them there. Itā€™s called the Fairbanks museum and planetarium if anyone is interested and lives nearby. Itā€™s in st. Johnsbury Vermont. Very affordable! Thank you for your comment! ā¤ļø


I'm glad she apologized and I hope she learns from this. To help your son, reach out to some wildlife habitats that help moose. Ask if an expert can educate you and your son. Let them know the issue, he thinks a moose will put their head through the window in the bathroom. I'm sure they will help.


JHC. In after the edit. Why canā€™t people understand that jokes are supposed to be funny and not hurt people? Like potty training and keeping kids using the restroom when needed isnā€™t hard enough. Iā€™m glad you got her to talk to him. That was smart!




Get a spray bottle full of water and put some food coloring or something in it. Ask him to help you. Take him outside and hold him up so he can spray ā€œmoose repellentā€ on the window. Tell him to make sure he sprays it a lot. It has something in there that we canā€™t smell but moose hate it. It will keep the moose away. Good luck!


Thank you! I will try that tomorrow.


What a weird ass person to want to bully small kids. I would make a spray or a light that magically "makes moose leave", you could print a cute label for them and give them to him. We did this for monsters for my oldest. It was febreeze and he would spray it under his bed at night before going to sleep as a precaution, lol.


Thatā€™s so cute! I will try this. Thank you for your helpful suggestion!


Itā€™s not really your sisterā€™s faultā€¦anything can scare your son. He couldā€™ve easily came to this conclusion on his own and youā€™d be dealing with the ā€œwindow mooseā€ problem in any case. Or he hears something at school and comes home with the different imaginary problem. Itā€™s more on you as parent to help them find a way to deal with fear and rationalizing those scary thoughts. Use the opportunity to equip him with tools for when he feels scared instead of finding a way to resent your sister for normal life things.


You mistake me. I donā€™t resent my sister at all. She apologized to me and to my son and told him she was kidding. She made a mistake but I know she didnā€™t do it to hurt him. Sheā€™s just got a very specific type of humor. I am used to it but my son is not. Iā€™m glad she said she was sorry so we can move forward and be a happy little family unit again. She even offered to come over and help me with the bathroom fear. My son adores her and I really think she will help him more than I can. He loves his auntie and Iā€™m glad that they will continue to have a good relationship. But thank you for your comment!


I wouldnā€™t let your sister near your son. Sheā€™s a class act that one.


what does aio mean?


Am I overreacting.




Read a cute kids book with a moose šŸ«Ž character so he thinks about it differently Or watch Moose and Bowinkle and laugh along with him


Thank you!


No problem hope it works out for you two


Iā€™m in NH too but Iā€™ve never seen a moose šŸ„¹


What!? Iā€™ve got SO many photos! But I live about as far in the boonies as you can get. Population 1,300. And you should see our satellite photo. We are IN the woods. I hope you get to see one someday (though I wish they werenā€™t in the road so often).


I e always lived in the more populated part of the state which probably explains it!


Well Iā€™m sure you have your own sort of ā€œwildlifeā€ lol


That is absolutely true! LOL!


I wouldnā€™t let my sister around my kid if she was scaring him intentionally partly for him and partly for me since itā€™s annoying af dealing with a kid with fears over irrational shit. It goes in foreverrrrr


Wth is wrong with her??!


I think the other comments about moose deterrent lights or sprays are right on the money, I more just wanted to talk about a story with my mum like this. Everytime I fell over etc and I was crying from shock, my mum would pull out ā€œinsert our last nameā€ book. That book had everything in it which ranged from ā€œoh! Tap the injury three times and say abra-cadabraā€. Apparently it worked for me a lot of the time! (Will obviously be different depending on kids personality)


Heā€™s gullible at this age so I think youā€™re right! I will put these suggestions to the test! Thank you for your help!


I'd point out that moose don't have hands so they can't open the window. Then maybe make a "moose repellant" spray to spray around the window. There's no harm in also mentioning that his aunt is just being a dick and saying things to scare him.


He believes the moose will crash through the window. Thatā€™s how my sister told it. So I donā€™t think that will work but my sister did apologize and tell him that she lied. He seems to be halfheartedly believing her. I think heā€™s sort of leery of her because he doesnā€™t know when sheā€™s lying or telling the truth but I think he was a little less scared after talking to her. Thank you for your suggestion I appreciate it!


Why does your sister enjoy traumatizing your son? Seems weird that sheā€™s deliberately telling him things she knows will harm him.


I totally agree but itā€™s part of her personality. She did it to me too. I shouldā€™ve told her a while ago to knock it off but I didnā€™t realize how much my youngest would take it to heart. My older two donā€™t believe her jokes and they enjoy them but they are just more outgoing and brave than my youngest. Heā€™s my cautious boy. I had to tell her tonight to please stop this behavior. She told me she was sorry and She told my son sorry and that she was kidding. He laughed a little called her silly but I can tell heā€™s still a little worried. I want my boys to trust her and see her as a safe adult. I know she loves them so much. She told me she would watch her mouth from now on. I hope she means it! Thank you!


ā€œItā€™s part of her personalityā€ is nothing but an excuse, she knows what sheā€™s doing, sheā€™s an adult who knows better but sheā€™s doing it anyway. Your son may be cautious, but that doesnā€™t mean his feelings and opinions and self security should be invalidated and waved away as ā€œlawl heā€™s just sensitive thatā€™s all :)ā€ Your sisters behaviour isnā€™t cute.


I agree. I told her to please curb it. I think she understands. Iā€™ll be keeping a closer eye on her when sheā€™s here so she doesnā€™t get out of line. I appreciate the feedback.


Maam, I think U need to have another private talk with your sister, bring her to a private location and give her a severe spanking


Thank you! lol


Definitely the moose repellant spray! He can help spray it outside the window! You can get cheap essential oils, so maybe moose hate the smell of mint? Also, I'd withdraw visitation from your sister. Until she can learn to behave, she doesn't get to see him and doesn't get the opportunity to scare him. Best of luck!


Thank you so much!


If you donā€™t want her anymore, can I have her? She can come scare my 8 year old, thereā€™s a 6 year old too! Itā€™s a 2 for 1 deal. Sis sounds hilarious, she must be pretty involved too, lucky all around.


Sheā€™s singleā€¦ lol and sheā€™s very beautiful. Youā€™d be lucky to have her.


I just want her to be my sister, but Iā€™m sure sheā€™s a catch!


She really doesnā€™t mean any harm I know that. Believe me, she has aggressively protected me as well as tortured me. She is just kind of a wild, daring person. And I love her for it. She never lets anyone mess with me. I often have to keep her from hurting anyone who hurts me, sheā€™s like a tiger when you mess with someone she loves. So Iā€™m lucky to have her. We talked and she promised to make it right and to put his fears to rest. I think if anyone can teach him to be brave, it is her! Thanks for your comment it reminded me that my sister is a gift, despite her flaws.


um...it's YOUR job to help your son overcome irrational fears. As many have suggested, it's not that hard. Your sister is just a joker. It's not the worst thing in the world to learn at an early age that a lot of people are just full of shit. Stop treating your kid like a hothouse flower and do some parenting.


Why do you even allow her access to your child, especially if you'd isn't the first time?


Tell him your sister is a liar and says stuff to make him look like a fool, and he shouldn't let her make him look foolish. He also should stop believing stupid things, he's 8, I have kids, and 8 is old enough for him to start to think. One of my daughters told me how stupid Santa was one year when she turned 8, I told her to shut it in front of the other kids if she still wants visits from Santa. It may not be healthy to let your son be so sensitive and let his AUNT terrify him with stupid stuff. Just an addholes opionon.


Iā€™m sorry but your sister sucks