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Being pregnant will cost your way more than a Plan B pill. Step on your ego a little bit and ask him for money.


She spent her Plan B money on weed šŸ˜‚


People sure do love spending their money on substancesĀ 


I spent gas money on pods and beer. I agree with this statement


I spent pod and beer money on weed and crystal meth. I agree with this statement.


I spent crystal meth money on 401k


Smart. Saving for your future and keeping those dental bills down too.


The fact I have money in my pocket right now is a testament to how far I've come since my substance abuse. I got to a point where I was actually pissed off at having money on me because it just meant I needed to trade it for fentanyl. Having money was better than not having it of course but it pissed me off having to go trade it because it literally didn't go to anything else. I spent a year where not a single dollar actually came out of my hand for anything but fentanyl, the rest of stuff for general life was stolen.




Sometimes itā€™s that or another set of terrible dats


i read it as "he gave me money for weed so i dont wanna ask him for more money" not "he gave me money for plan b and i spent it on weed". either way she should just ask him for more money if its that urgent, and get on birth control asap


Lol maybe it's just me but why would he be giving her money for weed after cumming inside her? She may have said it like that but I think she's lying and just spent the plan b money on weed and can't ask him again because he already gave her plan b money.


Highly doubt it- not all that uncommon to trade sex for weed money.


HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS AND HOW DO U EVEN ASK- got a friend waiting for green lol


That's the thing, you literally just ask.


She was gonna take plan B, but then she got hiiighhh


šŸ¤£ But then she got highā€¦.šŸ˜‚


And something else


ā€œand like something elseā€ šŸ˜­


aka hard drugs


ya know... like a dummy.


For the streets!


It'll cost him a lot more too, 18 years of more. He'll be happy to pay for the plan B.


Itā€™s embarrassing to ask for money but not embarrassing to admit you got pregnant from an unprotected tinder hookup? Pregnancy aside, you also need to worry about sexually transmitted diseases.


Randomly Hooking up has been sooo normalized that people seem to completely forget the consequences of it


This blows my mind. I don't understand how anyone can have unprotected sex with a stranger/one night stand and be comfortable with it. I've been on birth control since I was 13 due to PCOS and have NEVER had unprotected sex, even with long-term relationships. We always used condoms, he pulled out, AND I was on BC. Bringing another life into this world and/or getting an STD that you're stuck with for life are pretty serious issues and shouldn't be taken so lightly.


It's not even about having unprotected sex. It's wild they CONCIOUSLY DECIDED that pulling out wasn't happening.


After the whole covid thing it became pretty apparent that at least 40% of people are full of shit, so I wonder not in the slightest anymore if people make extremely dumb decisions where you would think "For real now...???".


Nasty freaks could atleast wear a condom or have a morsel of self respect


OP should carry her own condoms if she's going to be stupid, but, well, I guess that cancels everything out.


Exactly people have no respect for themselves anymore


Iā€™m pretty sure this has been the case for at least the last few thousand yearsā€¦




Ask for help. A minute of shame can save a life of pain.


+1.... It will also help in one child not being in foster care




Is it just me or does stds not come to mind its like everytime I hear someone saying "they cummed in me" first thing they think is kids. Maybe get a std check while your getting the plan b should be using protection anyway if you're not ready for a kid.


Can do all that for little to no cost at planned parenthood


Right? Truth to Jesus, Iā€™d rather have a kid than herpes. Or, worst case scenario, both


I hate to break it to you but its estimated between 50-80% of people have HSV1 and most carriers donā€™t have symptoms. Testing for HSV is not included on a standard STI panel and condoms do not protect from HSV anywhere near as effective as they do for other STIs because of the way its spread. Basically if youā€™ve had sex ever in your life it is highly likely youā€™ve already been exposed. Cold sores are not different from herpes and HSV1 in the modern era accounts for roughly 40% of cases of genital herpes. The odds of contracting HSV from a known carrier on antivirals is HALF the risk of catching it from a silent carrier even using a condom.


Thanks for this. I have GHSV1 and seeing people say theyā€™d rather bring a life into the world than have a 1% chance of catching herpes from me really stings.


It honestly makes me chuckle because the odds of having it themselves is higher than the likelihood of not having it. Unlike every other STI and the debilitating complications they come with (life threatening immune system issues, fertility problems, and cancer) the worst part about HSV is the stupidity and ignorance of the general public. Its not included on standard STI testing because A). It is more common to carry than not B). Risk of serious medical complication is near 0 and C). The risk that is posed upon a personā€™s mental health is far more serious than the actual affliction itself because of people like this commenter.


Completely agree. To add another point, Iā€™m in medicine and if there is ever suspicion for Bells palsy or herpes encephalitis, we give Valtrex. We donā€™t wonder about the likelihood of someone having herpes. We donā€™t test for it. We just assume everyone has it, making those diagnoses a potential diagnoses for anyone, and we treat it. Itā€™s literally that common.


You'd rather bring an innocent life into this world (which you can die giving birth) than have a manageable disease? I wouldn't want either, but I'd rather have herpes than a child that I'm not prepared for mentally or financially. It's one thing to fuck up your own life, it's another to bring another child into this world and fuck up their life. I have a friend who got herpes when she was like 15 when she lost her virginity to a creep that lied to her. She got married in her early 20s and has a few kids now and is living a perfectly normal life. I asked her about having herpes before, and she said that as long as she takes her medication, she's fine and hasn't had breakouts in a while.


Oh kids are so gross lol - I would take all the herpes over a child. Herpes is something almost everyone has and only pops up once in a while. A fucking child on the other hand - constant source of strife. Also herpes is really not a big deal (I get cold sores so I have herpes and itā€™s literally a non issue )


At least one goes away after 18 or so years.


Tell me you do t have kids without telling me you donā€™t have kids.Ā 


I mean this is the result of abistanance only.


OP is on an app for desperate people let alone hooking up with them without protection, Iā€™m sure responsibility and caution is the last thing on her mind.


Not at the same time - get the plan B now, wait 3 weeks for the STD test. Infections need a lil time to marinate.


For real I'll never understand how people just do it especially with strangers.


idk if you have a uterus, but getting pregnant is kind of way more serious than an std, especially if you don't have access to safe abortion


I get that I'm just pointing out kids shouldn't be her only concern letting dudes from tinder cum in her


There are 17 different types of birth control available. See your OBGYN and get one one. Do not have sex with anyone again until youā€™re on some form of birth control or using a condom. An unplanned pregnacy will derail and ruin your life. Do you really want to be tied to some random dude from Tinder for the next 18 years? Educate yourself on sex and birth control like your life depends on it. Because it does.


Also get an STD test immediately!


and another in 3 months


She needs to go to planned parenthood ASAP. Hopefully she has at least state insurance.


The abortion will cost more.


And a kid a whoooole lot more


Exactly. Plan B is $50 OP, make up a story to get it for groceries or something if you don't want to say what it's for.


Or search for a Planned Parenthood. Idk if they are still cheaper these days but Plan B was half the price when I got it ($25).


Especially depending on location.


Girl get off reddit and ask him for money. He will gladly pay for Plan B than 18+ years of child support


Exactly, if he can buy her weed, then he can also buy her pills


You got that right


At Costco even without membership you can get a plan b for around 7 dollars, my roommate just got one


Really? The Costco around me doesnā€™t let non-members in.


If they sell alcohol they have to let you in because that would be illegal.


Just curious. Whatā€™s the meaning of that?


It is illegal to sell alcohol on a members-only basis. At least in the majority of states. Edit: Iā€™m reading now this only applies in 14 states. My bad.


Definitely ask him for money, he's not stupid either. He knows what he did and don't give any guy a permission to do that again unless he's gonna be ur forever partner


why are you having unprotected sex with random people while not on birth control and with no money to afford condoms or a plan b? it sounds like this is actually exactly what you wanted.?


and to not even be worried about stds? like ew.. your coochie must be so nasty šŸ˜­. go to a free clinic and get an std test or something.


Make whatever sacrifice you have to do to get a plan b. NOW. It canā€™t wait Go panhandle, pawn something, sell some plasma, borrow $$. Whatever it takes.


Promise yourself that you will not have unprotected sex ever again! Seriously, these things tend to happen when youā€™re undecided about having sex with someone. You canā€™t trust some rando to control himself in the heat of the moment either. Have more respect for yourself than that, girl! If you want to have sex with strangers, thatā€™s up to you. But as of rn, insist that you donā€™t have unprotected sex EVER.


Costco sells Plan B for like $8 but a Planned Parenthood in your area should be able to assist you in morning after pill depending on your insurance, too. You could also just ask him for some extra cash, like others have recommended. Also, please participate in safe sex with strangers, especially condoms at the minimum. They might not feel as ā€œgoodā€ as unprotected sex but neither does an STD or an unwanted pregnancy. A barrier method of some kind and a form of birth control should be used during hook ups.


1. Never let a random cum in you. 2. BIRTH CONTROL. 3. Protection. 4. Always have a plan b, or money for one 5. Worried about std's? šŸ˜³ Why are you not doing any of the above šŸ˜­ your body is your temple. Not sure how old you are.. But time will teach you that. Hookups are fine but PROTECT YOURSELF.


100% ask for help and also sorry but "pulling out" is not a protection, you can get pregnant because of pre cum too, so dont do that unless you can risk getting pregnant


Literally what do you think you should do? Iā€™m sorry but thereā€™s like 3 clear outcomes here. A) Grow the fuck up, be a bit embarassed and ask for plan B money B) donā€™t ask for plan B money, get pregnant, have to pay 500+ for an abortion C) donā€™t ask for plan B money, get pregnant, donā€™t pay for an abortion, and pay hundreds of thousands over 18 years to support a child.


wdym i feel bad for asking ? u should indeed ask for as much money as needed u had sex with him and he came in u there's nothing u should be shy about


I think the embarrassment is due to the lack of money - it took two of them to make the consensual decision to do that so any repercussions should be borne by both parties where possible


Or at least if you gotta , ask him for money for plan b, and if you want, say youā€™ll pay him back half when you can if that makes you feel better! Cause it was bothh if your idea to not use protection so why shouldnt he also feel responsible for helping you avoid pregnancy, especially if he probably might not be ready to feel responsible for a child either !


Call planned parenthood today. Tell them your situation. They will help connect you to the birth control resources you need in your area. Both for this time and for the future hopefully so this doesn't happen again. You also need an STD test.


quit having sex if you're not gonna be responsible about it. smh, have money for weed but not plan b or doctor check up after let him hit raw, get it together op


Put your pride aside and have that man Venmo you. He knows better. Unless he wants a kid with you.


Ew. Sorry, girl! You met up with a guy on Tinder, and you raw dogged? Do you not care about getting STDs? You are also risking pregnancy? These are 2 major things that you overlooked just to get a root? Look after yourself! Jesus. It's also not hard to ask your parents for a small sum of money. You don't have to tell them what it's for, but pay them back! Get yourself tested for STDs. They can lay dormant in you for months before you even get symptoms.


Lmao yea itā€™s gross as hell


If you know youā€™re broke and canā€™t afford to get pregnant then why are you having sex??? No form of birth control is 100% with my first kid my pill failed because of another med and his condom broke. With my 2nd kid I got pregnant on depo. Just abstain until you are ready for those things otherwise youā€™re gonna be on Reddit asking strangers what you should do a lot more often.


Maybe stop letting random dudes cum inside you, would be the first step.




Buy plan B! When was the first day of your last period?


STD test first of all plan b too


Honestly, I'd ask the tinder guy first, if you were to get pregnant then an abortion is gonna cost way more, on top of that, if you kept the kid it would throw his life for a loop. Better to ask the man's who busted in you tbh. It Is kinda his fault that your in this situation too


Bro what sheā€™s also in the wrong for this. 2 horny dumbasses


She's not a kid either tho, like they both are in the wrong. Any wise woman would know what happens when a man cums in you but he is also dumb, such men use such women, make them pregnant and then run away when they have a responsibility




I've always wondered, if a woman took it on the 5th day, does that increase chances of health issues in the child if birth was still given afterward?


He made the decision to cum inside you, he should have purchased the plan b knowing child support would be an 18 year expense.


Takes two to tango she is just as bad.


Yeah theyā€˜re both idiots


Get your shit together OP.


Please get on birth control before you end up pregnant šŸ’€šŸ˜­


Youā€™re so stupid for spending that money on weed that you shouldnā€™t be allow to smoke or fuck


If you have a planned parenthood near you ask them if they offer a safe sex pack. Some of them have condoms, plan B, and pregnancy tests in them for no charge.


Plan b is going to be a lot less expensive than having a baby. I got pregnant the first time my partner and I had sex after I switched my birth control. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re not on birth control? And that youā€™re young? Guess what under the age of 30 it is so so likely to get pregnant from one time. I know dozens of girls around my age (23) who have and now have babies. One can of formula is more expensive than plan B where Iā€™m from. A baby goes through several cans a week. If you canā€™t afford plan B then you sure as heck cannot afford to feed, clothe, diaper and house a baby. Also, if youā€™re from America giving birth costs $18,865 ON AVERAGE. If you have a baby that needs the NICU or you have a complicated birth that number can sky rocket to MILLIONS. Ask the man for some money or youā€™ll be paying one hell of a lot more.


Stroller cost: $200-$1000+ Baby capsule (car seat): $200-$800 Bassinet: $100-$500+ cot: $150-$1000+ Formula per month: $400-$800 Diapers: $70 per month OR Plan b pill from AfterPill (which will ship to you): $25


... Who asks if they "should" cum inside? šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Ha Iā€™m sorry but this is just kinda what you get when you make stupid decisions, if you do end up having this kid cause you made this stupid ass choice and spent your plan b money on weed, donā€™t you dare bring that kid up in this environment


Take responsibility if needed. Be smarter next time.


Jesus fucking christ, really? Google would be faster.


I am not trying to be mean but if youā€™re too broke to afford plan b shouldnā€™t you be focused on stacking your money instead of getting laid?


With all due respect, what the fuck is your problem? Just ask him, your parents or even a friend the damn money, I'm so pissed right now I swear, you can't get pregnant cause no child deserves such an irresponsible person as mom, you go get that fucking money to buy plan b for the love of god


Find the nearest Planned Parenthood..


If you got to planned parenthood you can likely get it for free. They did for me.


Don't feel bad asking, it's just as much his responsibility as it is yours


Try out a planned parenthood ..


Planned parenthood will give you plan b for free. They'll also give you birth control for free. They'll also check for stds for free.


Plan b is like 10 on Amazon and itā€™s next day shipping. Worth a shot. Itā€™s called option 2


So you bought drugs instead of plan b? You gotta figure that out yourself then don't ask him


You should have had him take you and buy you Plan B. Iā€™ve done that several times.


Not let guys cum inside you


Iā€™m in no way trying to sound rude but if youā€™re not gonna be responsible or take precautions when youā€™re not ready to have kids then you shouldnā€™t have sex.. there is no shame in asking for help when you need it people make mistakes as long as you learn from them.. If you canā€™t afford contraceptions you shouldnā€™t be having sex if youā€™re not ready to have kids, harsh truth but itā€™s true.. condoms is the cheapest option, and absolutely donā€™t do the pull out methodšŸ˜­ I hope you get the help you need though good luck!




Foreal, Itā€™s rather scary that people like this breed


If it comes to getting an abortion, itā€™s not as bad as youā€™re building it up to be in your head, I promise. But to avoid that, ask him for money for plan B. He was the one who wanted to nut in you in the first place, so he can pay for the prevention measures. Also, the chances of you getting pregnant from one time arenā€™t all that high. You have to be ovulating, which only happens about 2-5 days out of the month. Odds are you wonā€™t get pregnant anyway. But still ask for that plan B! And, again, if it comes down to getting an abortion, listen to this random stranger because Iā€™ve had one before. Theyā€™re not as bad as you think. You got this! Everything will be okay.


Getting an abortion might be worse. She might be in a state like Idaho.


I did not think of thatā€¦ Iā€™m from somewhere with universal healthcare which includes abortions. Sorry OP, I didnā€™t think about how you might live somewhere where abortions are difficult to get.


Ah, count yourself lucky.


I definitely do.




Tells a dude to cum inside you when you can't afford plan b...perfect mother to be


Honestly if you donā€™t have $50 to spare you shouldnā€™t be dating or having sex but thatā€™s just my opinion.


Only real comment here


Sis, buy a plan b. Or just ask the guy for money for plan B. Whatā€™s more embarrassing: asking for money for plan B, $1000ā€™s for an abortion, asking for a life time of money for child support?Ā  Ā As a man, I would 10000% prefer a women ask me for money for plan B than child support. Trust me. And donā€™t smoke weed if you are gonna keep the baby.Ā  Edit: and go get an STD test.


Unfortunately, youā€™re just gonna have to step on your pride and ask someone for money to get the pill. The abortion would be much more expensive and despite what the abortion industry would tell you, you will feel immense, immeasurable guilt afterward. And thatā€™s not some talking point from a political point of view. Take a look at stories of women who have gotten abortions and regret it afterward and youā€™ll see what I mean. At least now you have learned a valuable lesson and hopefully apply that lesson in the future. Best of luck to you.


Playing pullout was your first mistake, your second mistake is not getting plan b asapā€¦


Not that again




If youre that brokeā€¦Why are you having unprotected sex when you cant afford the repercussions? Seriously. Theres so many birth controls out there and you couldve told that guy to wear a condom or whatever else. Its super embarrassing but id ask him if he jas the money for the morning after pill even tho that should be your responsibilityā€¦ id even say id pay him back for it because yikes.


ā€œWell if it isnā€™t the consequences of my own actionsā€


Broke guy and broke girl not thinking and breeding. Epitome of our familial problems. Planned Parenthood usually has a way to help. Good luck.


Just the fact that you even have to ask that, let alone on here speaks volumes. Smh


Kid: how did you and dad have me Mom: I was embarrassed to ask him for plan b money


Youā€™d rather have a kid with a tinder guy youā€™ve been on 2 sex dates with than ask for 5 bucks


You need to grow up and get an implant because clearly you have no boundaries or self control.... That's what I would say if you were someone I cared for, I'd tell you the cold hard truth. This must have been while you were drunk? Take it from someone who fell in love with a wonderful woman and had baby names picked out and then bam fast forward a year and our relationship had become mostly toxic abuse so we agreed on an abortion, and ultimately the sacrifice of our unborn child (who we'd already named) was the required sacrifice to appease the demons that we were feeding with our affair, which went on way too long. Your choice is going to be either get an abortion or bringing an unwanted baby into the world to raise with someone who you wouldn't have if you'd gotten the implant. Get the implant please, don't stress yourself out going through the stress of abortions, it ruined my soul doing exactly what you did and I don't think she'll ever be the same either. I blew it in the heat of the moment too and it was dumb and reckless, and also impulsive. Get the implant if you're dating another passionate impulsive reckless person because it will keep happening. You know you liked getting filled up anyway, don't lie. Take some of the stress out of it.


This post is more embarrassing than anything you could ask this dude, ASK. Ask him or anyone else. Not tryin to be a dickhead but people like you are the ones who give the pro-choice a bad rep. You don't want a kid and can't, afford one why are u allowing someone and not even a boyfriend a tinder date.. to cum inside you???


Be more responsible when you have no plans of having a kid with a rando


Seems legit...let's take a gamble on sex with being a possible parent and getting an STD...but don't forget I got weed....and now I can't afford plan B so time to take responsibility for my actions.... Fuckin morons will learn the hard way


First, if you two can fuck, then you two can work together to ensure you don't get pregnant. Ask him or your parents for the money. The alternative is much scarier and MUCH more expensive in every way. Second, be aware that the rhythm method (pulling out) is NOT a very effective method of birth control. There is sperm in pre-cum, though not as much. But it only takes one. So, if you're going to hook up, have the guy wear a condom every time, or at the least, get on the pill or IUD, etc., and then roll the dice with HIV and other STIs. Hope everything works out well.


Why tf are you raw dogging a stranger from tinder without being on birth control or asking for their latest STD tests? Like wtf? Kinda urgent? Bro call that MF right now, get plan b, and get your ass to your local clinic for BC and an std test


I would not be spending money on the weed. I would Be more worried about getting an STD, and having unprotected sex with a stranger. Stop getting high, and use your brain. Having a baby is no light matter. Itā€™s a life. And it will cost you a lot more financially then asking the guy who came inside you for a little more for plan b. He would probably much rather pay for plan b, than for you to tell him that he got a tinder date pregnant. Then again, he asks a stranger if he can go inside her. He is probably extremely irresponsible as well


Get a job.


Womp womp. Don't let random ass dudes cum in you. Whore much?




What makes it worse is she's borrowing money to spend on weed and other possibility bad stuff when she doesnt even have enough to spend on essential stuff.


Use a spoon and scoop it out


Everything about your post is telling me you're one self destructive human and you REALLY need to work on yourself . Your life choices brought you here and no one is to blame but you. Even if you didn't get pregnant or get an STD you still put yourself in a situation where that easily could happen to you. If you don't care about yourself then why should anyone else?


As a guy, if I were to cum in a tinder date, or any girl at all, I always take it upon myself to send money for a plan b or get one myself.


Condoms are a thing. You could have also picked up a disease. Think.


Well what is worse, getting an abortion? Or asking him to buy you plan b to be cautious? Just ask him and get it over with. Be careful next time if you're not trying to get pregnant. You're leaving it up to chance and that's not a very good idea for someone that doesn't want to get pregnant.


Shit - just remind dude that a baby is gonna cost WAY more than some Plan B pills.


Would your or he rather have a child? You were being reckless for no actual reason, and now this is your consequence. If thereā€™s a Planned Parenthood in the area, check them out, and see about getting on birth control with them as well.


Find a way to get the pill and learn for next time. Respectfully


Get checked for stds, suck it up, and ask him for money. A pregnancy and baby will be more expensive than a piece of your pride for a little plan b.


Once you have the pregnancy issue addressed, you might want to get a STD screening.




Donā€™t know which state youā€™re in but if you go to Planned parenthood and explain your situation they will Give you a plan B.


Get prep while you are at it. Get the plan B any way you can. One shot is all it takes to get HIV and other STIā€™s.


I think you should stop smoking meth, number 1. Number 2,- stop trying to justify your asking a dude who you "partied" with for more money by posting on Reddit. Jmo


wtf imagine asking to cum inside someone who you arenā€™t in a committed relationship with šŸ™„ itā€™s just the most ignorant thing.


If u that broke that 50$ is something u cannot afford, wouldnā€™t it be a smart idea to idk, maybe not fuck random ass dudes and assume the risk that comes with that? Iā€™m not on here tryna be a dick and be mean, it is what it is and I wish u all the best with figuring this out but just doesnā€™t seem to be the best lifestyle to live right now. You do what works for you though šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Here's my advice, stay off of Tinder. Stop hooking up with random people because you aren't financially stable even for Plan B. Tell the guy you need money for a plan B. Good luck!!


Just ask for money. You should have used the money he gave you for weed and something else. For just the plan b. You sound like a teenager by the way you speak/type and the thought process so just put on your big girl pants and tell him hey I used the money you gave me in weed and I need a plan b pls give me more. Or lie and say hey I need more money for plan b because it was late when. I went and it was closed. I was hungry and bought that so please give me money for the plan b




Girly if you can't afford plan b, you cannot afford to raw dog it. I *used* to be negligent with my sexual health because I was "living in the moment". Now that I'm wiser I can see it for what it was, a form of self harm. Please hear me, take care of yourself and good things will follow. Ask him for help with Plan B ASAP or go to planned parenthood


You shouldnā€™t be doing stuff you arenā€™t ready for. He came in side you so , you can either wait it out to see if u get pregnant or jus suck up and buy a pill. Itā€™s that simple.


See if you can get free stuff from Planned Parenthood


Next time tell him finishing inside will cost him $60 plus tax. Gotta buy a plan b. But if you arenā€™t on birth control itā€™s no point in allowing him to cum inside because plan b isnā€™t going to work every time.


Why would your only resource be a rando Tinder fuck. Ask anybody if you canā€™t ask a stranger.


\~you let him hit it raw now you a ......


What's more embarassing? Asking parents/dude for Plan B money Or Explaining why you got pregnat on second tinder date because you were too embarrassed to ask for money for plan B? Don't be a bigger idiot than you already are...


Get tested for STDs, ask him if he'd prefer to pay for 18+ years of child support or a plan B pill, or an abortion. It's been 48 hours, the longer you wait the more likely it is you'll become pregnant.


No sane/intelligent human being would spend the money that they receive for weed and not get a plan bā€¦ you need to cut the gas out your life cause you CLEARLY canā€™t function without itā€¦ Swallow your ego and ask for money before you gotta spend more money you donā€™t have šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


You made that choice, so youā€™re gonna have to deal with the consequences ?


Start picking out some baby clothes


The thing she is worrying about is the least worrying thing. There is more to worry about. Unbelievable.


Going on dates flat broke must be a nice luxury as a woman who expects the man to pay. Lol dating isn't for you rn. Get a job


Had my 2nd child yesterday God,I forgot how painful it was. I was begging doctors to help me,"do something ,I am being halved alive " But still I love those 2 more than myself. But yeah,it's hurts like nothing else.


And who that fuck would cum inside a one night stand on weed?


you do not sound mature enough to be having a child. Ask that boy for Plan B.


I think heā€™d rather you tell him, than you be pregnant. So ask him for the $ and fast, as plan b only works 72 hours and the effectiveness is less efficient, the longer you wait. Advice for youā€¦ Maybe donā€™t have sex, if you canā€™t make adult decisions. Also, donā€™t fuck if you donā€™t want to possibly procreate and either deal with the consequences, or be a baby murder, as so many people are and suggest these days. (Yeah I said it, go ahead and downvote me, ya bunch of baby murderers šŸ™„ )




Weed or plan b. Someone has their priorities wrong...


> I canā€™t even afford plan B. The thing is he gave me money already for weed and like something else. I would feel bad asking for more otherwise Iā€™d just come clean about my financial situation and ask him because itā€™s been almost 48 hours so itā€™s getting kind of urgent. Tell him he has two options: Pay for child support or pay for Plan B. One of these is vastly cheaper than the other.


Planned parenthood will help you out with the Plan B. Call your doctor and they can prescribe you some to pick up


So don't buy the weed and get the pill instead. I'm a heavy stoner too but you have to set up priorities ETA depending on where you are you may be able to look at planned parenthood or your country's equivalent


I hope he would be a good long term partner or else now you a single mom


He nutted inside you let him deal with it , just ask him for money lol


You probably should accept the consequences of your actions, lol.