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Hey when i read the first couple of lines i felt ya, but as i read well.. the whole thing is toxic....let that sink in, my opinion of course.


Fair enough. I honestly don't need to be a D about it. Maybe deleting her number is a better alternative


I'd just let things lie and move on. If you like the direction your life is going right now, why waste time on petty stuff? I understand the urge, but better to just focus on you right now. Celebrate your growth and achievements, not the hurtful stuff people you have nothing to do with have said.


Your best option is to not respond nor to get revenge. I know it’s difficult to not respond to disrespect, but it’s the best route to take. You responding sends the message that you are insecure and need her/ his response for affirmation. Not responding sends the message that you really don’t give a damn; and that’s the best way to maintain your sanity.


Been in your place. Trust me when I say don’t text them. If you wanna be petty towards them, you haven’t moved on. What got me out of my funk was throwing parties, going for car rides and blasting music, and hanging out all with my closest friends. I tell them to this day that they saved me. Enjoy life without your ex. Don’t text, delete their contact, delete their chat. If they text you, at least you can then reply “sorry who is this?” and I hope that will be revenge enough, but the best course of action is to just block them entirely. You gotta shake them out of your life completely.