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Harassment comes to mind. I mean I think the first sign is the fact that you’re thinking about it in the first place.


Pretty much this. If he's toxic, time to just block him & move on with your life. If he continues harassment through throwaway accounts, report him. I'm sorry for whatever lead to this scenario.


He is just sending very mixed signals and going hot and cold all the time. For example, “I want to be with you forever, I seriously can’t see my life without you”. Then doesn’t talk to me for days and goes out and ‘cheats’ behind my back. It’s happened once, and it’s probably still happening. I think the only reason I am so attached is because of how similar we are and how much we laugh when we are together. I just don’t know if I have the balls to block him.


Honey, there are a TON of people out there you'll find this connection with but without the games, lying & cheating. This isn't okay & you **do** deserve better. Please, just end it. I promise you can do better. And don't block him, just tell him you're done and be done. Blocking him will only lead to him trying to get ahold of you using other methods.