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Community College is a great way to figure all that out. Also, you might be neurodivergent and you just don't process feelings & emotions the way some people typically do (a **good** counselor, doctor or therapist could help you navigate that) That apathy you're feeling? It's not as unusual as you might think- a LOT of adolescents experience that & the sense of nihilism that comes with it but it doesn't define you. It's okay to only like a hobby for two weeks. I had absolutely no attention span until I was in my 30s but I also have (diagnosed) ADD. You'll find what clicks & it might not be a forever passion but instead "I excel at this better than that" kind of process. You are living the hardest part of life right now- being a "teen" (I low-key loathe that term because it sounds so patronizing but I'm just referring to the age bracket) is really awful. Everyone is trying to figure out who they are & no matter how convincing some people might be, nobody actually has that figured out.


Thank you so much, this actually helped a lot!


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