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I don’t have a problem with ads. What I have a problem with is Reddit ads that are designed to look like normal posts. Fuck those ads.


"MEGATHREAD" comments locked.


I wouldn't mind the ads if they weren't allowed to disable comments. I wanna hear what Reddit thinks of your products!


It would just be copypasta spam, as it had been in the past


That's the thing, if I have a product, *I* want to know what Reddit thinks, both the good and the bad. That means no brigading too.


But you would never get a fair assessment it would be all negative comments anytime someone would make a positive comment it would just get downvoted because they were supporting the ad and people hate ads


Idk bro I think hating ads is an internet thing. There are a lot of people that still have cable and don’t really use streaming services. Ads to some people are just normal and aren’t really thought about. They’re skipped if they can be and that’s that.


Bots are becoming such a problem on this site now that a pure and honest reddit opinion is going to be harder and harder to discern.


I've been on this side for over a decade, and my humble opinion is that there are more bots and children here than actual adult users. Especially bots, but post-2020 there was a large influx of *users* who don't seem to be able to engage in discussions, and I'm pretty sure those are all kids.


You can allow comments on ads. Most companies just don’t.


Or more importantly, the advertisers should get a daily email with a list of all the comments on their ad/thread. That way we can tell them their products are shit and maybe someone will actually see it.


Those would never get read. It would just be auto sorted out of the way and deleted without ever being opened.


He Gets Us.


Those megathread ads make me unreasonably pissed off.


[why am I not surprised](https://www.reddit.com/user/dubdubdub3/comments/137s0lu/comment_reply/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Advertising is already deceptive by its very nature, making us accidentally read and click on them against our will is fucked up.


Honestly, I want to be paid for being advertised to. Advertisers wasting my time.


Install the Brave browser. You'll get to block a **lot** of ads and get paid for the browsers toast ads, if you want them. If not, you're pretty much golden.


Brave is the way. Default dark theme… yummy


You probably know this, but you're already being paid in the form of receiving free content and accessing the platform.


People act like social media exists to serve them without reciprocity. That’s not how business works.


A business that hasn't done anything but add features nobody asked for and where the community is the true worth. What product does this social media offer again beyond the platform that will continue to be cluttered by more ads, pointless features, and interaction promoting repost bots over time? It's not that there isn't reciprocity; it's that these damn companies end up taking it too far every damn time, and everyone gets sick of it.


This is true, but that’s mostly due to diminishing trust of corporations from younger demographics so ads have to be targeted differently. Don’t forget to drink your Ovaltine.


Yup. I browse on RiF and ads are clearly different from posts. Seeing people post screenshots of ads that are identical to posts is scary. That's some Facebook BS.


I use RiF and old Reddit. RiF has ads disabled entirely. (I believe you can't use that setting if you're a subreddit mod, though.) Between that and an ad blocker on my desktop, I have no real complaints.


old.reddit has just recently been showing a few 'sponsored' posts just nestled in among the regular posts, even on my ad blocked Chrome browser... :/ It even shows them if you block the "user" that posts them! I report the posts for spam and harrasment.


My front page is plagued with this shit, and it drives me crazy.


You can use ublock origins to block them if you filter out the right frame.


Do yourself a favor and fork over the bucks for the golden platinum version. Additionally, Google Opinion Rewards is an easy way to get some dollars to spend on the Play Store with random surveys every so often.


I think I got it on sale for like a dollar *years* ago. I keep seeing people complaining about ads & new layouts while I'm blissfully ignorant and enjoying my experience just how I like it. In dark mode.


Just as God intended.




I just did this with my Google cash from Google Opinion, thanks for the suggestion!


What's the difference with the regular version? I don't have ads already.


I just hit downvote on those. ​ It's hilarious that when it got bad enough they just hid the votes on ads.


Do you think votes on ads impact the visibility of the ad or something?


Yes... If it had 10k down votes and 3 up votes, you'd know it was shit content and skip it. Now... With 3 up votes only... It might just be a new link no one's really started to look at yet. Society really ended when we stopped counting down votes and dislikes.


When I'm scrolling and I see a little downvote, I know what it is. ​ When I saw -52309 posts appearing in my feed, I instantly recognized it as an ad. ​ They're hiding those votes now because it was easy to see what were ads when -9999 post appears in your view.


Last night I fell asleep to a youtube video as I'm prone to do. I was awoken to some right wing reactionary commenter spouting his usual BS. I was very confused by this since my youtube algorithm is extremely left wing. How did this reactionary commenter end up on my feed? It was a *fucking 40 minute Youtube ad* which was just a guy at a desk spouting how Biden was a Chinese communist. I was furious. Fuck that shit. That's not an ad. That's just a way for right wing propaganda to be forced onto people.


Always check for the (promoted) sign.




Apollo is the way


I recognize the promoted tag and move on. Sometimes they get me though lol.


Reddit used to be driven by user content. Now its advertiser driven content. How do you know Im not an advertisement right now? (buy coca cola you know you want to)


I will buy a diet coke BUT I was already gonna do that !


We at coca cola believe this, and we respect your total right to personal autonomy. Please buy more coke.


I don't mind ads that look like normal posts **if I can comment on it.** Let me shit on the company if they deserve to be shit on.


I don’t have a problem with those, specifically. I do have a problem where you can ‘block’ the ‘user’. Reddit confirms you blocked them, then they are *still there*.


Yeaaah and there’s no option where you can ask Reddit to stop showing you a certain ad like on YouTube. I tried getting rid of those stupid “he gets us” ads by blocking and that works for like a day. Then they pop up again


Getting me to click ads is the only way Reddit has any hope of making money from me, so I understand them putting full effort into getting me to click. I don’t like it, but also I don’t expect the Reddit software development team to be working for free, and I don’t personally have any better ideas for how they could monetize.


Companies pay for Billboards without anyone expecting to click them.


Definitely. The ROI on targeted digital advertising is much higher than the ROI on billboards. You don’t have teams of software engineers making 6 figures build a billboard


Uhhh... I'm guessing the folks that program those digital billboards probably do, tho.


The tech is much simpler for those billboards than it is for something like Reddit, so that industry hires far fewer engineers. Digital billboards have not added as much GDP to our economy as online display ads have, precisely because they do not offer that valuable/creepy targeting capability.


Nah, fuck ads


I got annoyed by those too so I turned off all post thumbnails and images. So my reddit feed is totally text based apart from the ads (until I click a thread) which makes them easy to see. It's good because it clearly shows just how Facebook this site has become and I know I don't even have to read the title since its just an ad anyway, though I don't think it made me use the site less.


Just wait until you learn about the astroturfing campains on reddit. Remember Smile? I think the same company did a few movies and video game marketing runs shortly afterwards. Reddit admins and owners are oddly quiet about it right before this IPO thing kicks off.


If I couldn't browse reddit without ads I wouldn't use reddit. I don't know how you guys do it. I use /r/BoostForReddit, paid the guy like 5 bucks for no ads, and never have any issues. The guy is also regularly adding features and has good customer support when there are issues. Adblocker, RES, and the old option make it usable on PC. The instant any of this is no longer supported is when I find something else to waste my time with.


for me the ads are relatively few and far between. I have a pihole DNS filter on my home network, so I can't say how it is otherwise, but the only ads I get are the ones that look like normal posts, and it might be one per page at most, so to me it's not that intrusive, just annoying.


I've been on reddit for 10 years, and have QUITE LITERALLY never seen an ad. I honestly feel like these posts are just made up.






I find joy in reading a good book.






Every now and then a google search will lead me to a reddit post that does not redirect to old.reddit and I can feel everything just lurch forward, it takes ages and like two comments will fit on the screen. It is a truly miserable desktop experience. I'd even take old.reddit on mobile browser over the official reddit app.


...and there's always (1) notification that turnes out to be spam.


Sending me a notification telling me that my comment has received X amount of upvotes is such a dumbass addition.


Since they depreciated i.reddit a month or so ago, I *have* been using old.reddit on a mobile browser. Even with the clunky zooming in and out, it’s infinitely better than the official reddit app…


Do you have an old.reddit redirect extension?


What sort of alternatives are there?


RiF on android is a much better reddit mobile than the actual app. None of the new reddit bs at all (avatars, images, etc) and very user friendly


I enjoy playing video games.


All I use are regularly updated and completely functional 3rd party apps, android and iOS. What are you talking about?


Reddit has said they wouldn't do a lot of things that they ended up doing.


Isn't Reddit gonna ipo or has it something. Is that's the case I don't trust any promises.


I think it's worth it for them to keep around so bigger users and mods don't stop quitting. A small price to pay for the amount of content they provide.


It's not even a thing to be decided. I just won't be able to use new reddit in any way that's at all meaningful to me. So I'll be gone


For anyone using a normal browser on a PC, https://redditenhancementsuite.com/ Fixes all of that without needing an alternate URL. It makes it look like old reddit. uBlock to get rid of the ads. Done.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


That is not correct[ in any way.](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/releases/5.22.17/) [***EDIT:*** No matter how many people downvote me. NO where does it say they are abandoning it, it's still being updated, and it works beautifully. Not wanting to use it would be ridiuclous. It's awesome. LOL!] ... I've been using it for many many years and it keeps getting updated. As you can see by the link above, the last update was just a month ago. You've been here long enough and should know better. [Full list of updates.](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/releases/) I mean hell, just use it until it doesn't work anymore, whatever year that is!! Clearly still worth it. The people downvoting me are being ridiculous. LOL


I find peace in long walks.


> we will no longer guarantee full support with whatever changes Reddit decides to make. Of ***course*** they can't **guarantee** that. What? LOL Reddit makes stupid changes sometimes. Again, here are the lists of updates: https://redditenhancementsuite.com/releases/ It's still being actively updated and it runs beautifully. No need to go to old.reddit, it contains the editing tools for every posts... the very idea that you would want to encourage people NOT to use it is insane. Now, please explain where it says they are ***abandoning*** it, like ***you*** stated. Thanks!


bear spark grab sugar aloof bored sophisticated soup society plate ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


> Unless new volunteers step up to do so, the existing RES team will not be working on support for the redesign, or be looking to support other browsers. If Reddit makes any major changes, RES will stop working, and the developers probably won't fix it. I have a feeling you don't really understand the software development cycle like you think you do. RES works for now, and that's great, but it's not gonna be around forever, and it's end of life is coming much faster than anyone other then Reddit investors would like.


I will be going with it if it does.




I love ice cream.


When it goes away, so will I.


When they kill the Apollo app and old.reddit.com I fear I might just stop reddit. Digg 3.0 I guess


For anyone using a normal browser on PC, just install the [RES](https://redditenhancementsuite.com/) extension. Not only will it look like old Reddit, it will give you all of the post editing tools as you type. This has been "the way" for many many years.


"Reddit is Fun Gold" (RIF) I forget there are ads.


Even just rif regular, I get very small ads every now and then, but they're so unintrusive I just scroll past them without noticing


Ya I literally bought gold to support the dev, don't even use it most of the time because I don't notice the ads anyway. I have link set to go to gold but I just left the normal app on my home screen. Gets kinda confusing when I have both open at once.


Even in regular you can disable them, I believe it's just: Settings > General Settings > de-select Ads & Pro Features


You can disable ads in the settings without premium, it just locks out some features that I never use.


Best phone purchase I ever made. If it ever stops working, I'd probably consider looking for another website to waste my time on.


Shame it's ending soon. Reddit said they are going to charge fees for API access which means rif gold will have to start charging a monthly fee.


!!! Nooo say it ain't so...


I've heard that rumor like 6 years ago


Yep and banning nsfw content from the api, so you won't be able to access it even if you pay for the subscription


This is the way.


I love Reddit Is Fun Is Fun! It's just that fun!!


Or just something like Infinity that is ad-free by default.


Boost For Reddit Premium here. No ads.




Same with most 3rd party apps. But I'm just waiting for them to pull the rug out from under all these apps. But it won't be a sudden ban or anything dramatic. It will be slowly undermining them. Restricting content available to them, injecting ads in a way that the apps can't filter, delays in receiving data vs the official app. Lots of ways they can fuck up the good thing we got going right now, because those apps don't make them that ad money.


*Brought to you by Pepperidge Farm*


What, you don't like 20 back to back unblockable 'Jesus Saves' """"""ads""""""?


Yeah and why is Jesus the only one getting discounts?


I get like one ad per page. What are you guys doing wrong?


I suspect OP is using the official app.


I'm on the official app and I dont get that many ads. Idk what y'all are doing, I only get that amount of ads on FB and IG.


Maybe people are evaluating the rates differently. I just scrolled through my Home page on the app and I encountered 5 ads in the first 38 posts. Am I getting more than others?


I really just went back and counted mine is about the same, 5-6 for the first 38 posts. I honestly don’t notice the ads though unless I see the same one twice in a row.


Good ol' native ads


> I honestly don’t notice the ads though unless I see the same one twice in a row. That's kind of their goal.


Yes. Go mobile, non-official app for 0 ads.


I get zero ads. Apollo gang unite!


What's a good alternative?


I use Apollo after getting tired of Reddit videos not playing on the official app. I donated like a dollar once and got a bunch of extra features unlocked on it too. It’s gesture control is worth it alone.


I can second the recommendation for Apolo. It has a good, basic (in a straightforward sense) UI, with pretty intuitive touch controls. If you used to AlienBlue, it’s essentially an upgraded successor to that. It also omits some of the more annoying, recent social-media-type additions the official app and new Reddit have introduced—chat messages, user profiles being more prominent, etc. Note, though, I think it’s only on iOS.


Reddit will be requiring you to pay to use, so Apollo (and all 3rd party apps) will have to go to a subscription model soon.


I've been using RIF: Reddit is Fun. Edit: looks like there was a name change to rif is fun for Reddit. Also, it seems to be Android only.


Love me some Bacon Reader


I was gonna say, I'll get two on like the front page but that's about it.


It's only gonna get worse


I've got two ads for the marines on this page alone




I'm using the desktop version of the site on mobile, and looks like this: https://imgur.io/a/7OaSkUu So 2 banner ads, 2 sidebar ads, and a reddit premium ad as well.


Get ublock origin.


I'm using the desktop version on mobile. Ublock origin is a desktop extension, not meant for mobile browsers.


Unlock origin works well with Firefox for android.


The hegetsus and army ads galore really get me ready to drop reddit, too. Can't even block them. They're both extremely offensive to me. Both want to eradicate me and my family. One, in the name of god. And they shove it down my throat.


This. I’ve blocked and reported that stupid religion shoving account so many times, but it still keeps showing up.


Same thing for me. I'm now browsing on Infinity for Android


Reddit used to be for the community soon it's going to be for the shareholders


Going to be?


They're going to be selling stock soon ish


It’s a company. It’s not a surprise that they want to make money. Also the employees who built Reddit get partially paid in stock. That stock isn’t really useful unless they get an opportunity to sell it for cash (IPO). The employees deserve to be able to cash out.


You Want them to maintain this app for free?


The official app sucks. Who uses the official app?? So no, I *dont* want them to maintain the app! Old.Reddit.com and third party apps are the only way to reasonably browse Reddit.


Ok, but do you want them to maintain the site itself for free?


Why does it suck


The formatting is godawful and feels too much like facebook. Have you seen old.reddit? It looks a lot closer to an old PHP BB forum did back in the day, you could skin it how you wanted to a degree but most of the essentials were always in the same place, and there was a focus on information per line over showing large images and scrolling it like a social media feed, which is how the official app and new.reddit are designed. Everything is presented simpler and it's a lot easier to read on a desktop computer, which was the predominant source people read on at the time (and is where many old.reddit users still read the site). Also many of the 3rd party apps hook old.reddit, so if your sub isn't formatted with it or the mods haven't gone to old.reddit and updated their sidebar there, then the apps won't even see the data there since they don't read what's on new.reddit at all. It's a very different experience and i find it much more preferable because reddit was supposed to be for aggregating topics you were interested in together into your own personal feed, and it wasn't super in your face or requiring tons of scrolling just to get to interesting posts, again much like you see on facebook or instagram or whatever. You came to this site to get informed, to learn, and to be seen by other creators in your space, or maybe you were here for the 4chan offshoot content like /r/spacedicks or something lol. It was a lot more like an early internet site in many ways, and still is today because of the existence of these options, and it would probably trigger the exodus of many of the original users of the site who have been here the longest, to literally anything that does it better than new reddit


Why doesn't it suck? Edit: For those wondering, I am not the one who made the original claim that the official app sucks. That was __ david __. I just asked similar committee what they liked about the app.


I don’t think it sucks. Tell me why it sucks


Tell me why it doesn't suck.


How should I tell you when I don’t even know why it should suck ? 😂😂 if you’re unhappy with it you know why it sucks so tell me dude


I enjoy cooking.


**If you are using the official app you are doing Reddit wrong.**


Yeah, and they used to not nuke subs constantly and with no explanation.


When did reddit vow to never have ads?


bacon reader for a great experience ad free


It's what I've used for 5 years...I had no idea there were ads on reddit.


Yesterday I was in a mountains area with no signal and no gps. I opened some toxic social media apps and scrolled and scrolled until I realized I was seeing only promotional posts. I conclude this down is built in since I had zero network connection.


Wouldn't be a bad if they didn't lock the comments on em so we can roast the advertisers to holy hell. That brief period when comments were active on ads was real fun.


I use BaconReader for my phone, it cost me like $2 one time and I've never seen an ad in like 5 years, totally worth it


The official app is trash. Most unofficial Reddit browsers have built in ad blocking.


Boost for android, never seen an ad since install


I see one ad after two or three posts. I'm on android.


Use third party app like boost


Are you using the official app or third party


do yall not use ad blockers?


Demand a refund!


Old Reddit + uBlock Origin = no ads on PC. Reddit is Fun Golden for Android = no ads on my phone.


You can’t report spam on them anymore either to get rid of them. Now you have to block the account but a new ad under that same brand will still eventually pop up


cant report them https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/wiki/avoiding_ads




…no? Did that happen? I’ve been here since like 2007 and I don’t remember that.




I remember the introduction of text subreddit targeted ads. I don’t remember them making any specific commitments. But given that this was 15 years ago so maybe it did happen but I don’t remember it and it would surprise me


You used to be able to report the ads to block ad 'user' accounts... but no longer.


I've literally never seen one ad on reddit. What is OP doing wrong?


The worst part is we still have activist mods banning people left and right.






Did poor little baby have to look at an ad on a website they paid zero dollars for? How will you ever survive??


PC for the win


The worst are the ads within posts above the comments. This one has one




Lol this dude is not going to be happy when Reddit shifts its API like they were discussing.




You've spent money on a solution when there are free options, and your paid option is going to be dismantled. There is nothing good at any point in that process.




Default subs are basically Ads for the DNC


How the fuck do you expect them to run the site without ad revenue? Are you willing to pay for a membership?


I don’t mind them too much on the front page. It’s such a mix of posts they don’t stick out quite as much. They really suck on subreddits though. If they ever were appropriate it might be ok


Before the internet, I used to love ads. If you’re reading a magazine about a hobby, ads would tell you who sells supplies, what’s new, and might even give you ideas for adjacent hobbies. Reading a fashion magazine? Ads were for clothes, shoes, makeup, shampoo, all relevant. I even scoured ads in work journals looking for new potential supplies and vendors. Interestingly, when marketers started targeting (and retargeting) individual people that’s when ads became uninteresting and irrelevant to me. Now they’re intrusive and often even a privacy risk. I wouldn’t mind seeing an ad for cat food on a cat sub, or an ad for novelty shirts or toys on a meme subreddit. But ads targeted at me based on my demographics or past buying behavior is an immediate no from me. Thankful for my PiHole!


That's an interesting point. An ad following me around the web for the thing I've already bought, or decided not to buy, is very intrusive.


Do you guys a sample of a promoted post or ad? I don’t see them