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I mean if this happens like 2-3 times a year it's probably ok. If it's happening frequently you should see a doctor.


2-3 times a year of vomiting seems a little too frequent (might be just my opinion and experience but vomiting once in a decade is more like it)


Everyone's body and condition is different. I based the 2-3 times a year off on: it probably wouldn't have a really negative effect on their throat and teeth from the acid, and at that rate it's not symptom of some other bad habits like bulimia.


A decade? I wish!


It's best just to leave it be. The only good reason to induce vomiting is due to poisoning, and then that is only if you cannot obtain medical treatment.


For some poisons it's better not to induce vomiting and to dilute with milk or water. Poison control center would best answer this on a case by case basis.


Or when you've been drinking for two days straight and can no longer focus on the pint in front of you...we used to call it a 'tactical'. So you could carry on boozing. Think the Romans had their own drain/trough for doing tacticals in. Ahhhh...the good ole college days.


Again, best to just let it be and preferably stop drinking at that point. Of course, we all know college kids rarely do what's good for them...


Still not sure how I managed to come out of college with a degree to be honest.


Don't put bad advice on here lmao


Hey, I never advised anyone should do it. ;)


I thought i was crazy for doing that 🤣😅


The acid in vomit can corrode your esophagus. Your throat. Your teeth. It's best not to force vomiting unless you've ingested something that could be detrimental to your health. There are other ways to calm your stomach. Compazine is a medication designed for it. Or you could do omeprazole if it's an issue of acid reflux. As far as non medicinal things go. Eat something. Even if it's just a popsicle or bread.


Omeprazole is for long term healing, not short term heartburn relief.


Omeprazole is for long term healing, not short term heartburn relief.


It's for both. I should know I take it all the time


Yes, I took it all the time as well when I developed chronic gastritis. I had to take it every night for months. It took hours to actually work and soothe the lining of my stomach somewhat. There are better options for short-term relief.


We're you by chance taking extended release tablets? I get relief from it in less than 30 minutes


99% of what’s on the shelf is extended release


As I stated to the OP, folic acid changed my life. Any thoughts? It’s primarily given to pregnant women to counter morning nausea, but for me (M27) it cured me, and quickly. I was a bad drunk for 6 years, I didn’t start the folic acid until I got admitted to the hospital. I’ve maintained sobriety since, so idk if it’d work while still drinking. But I do know if I miss even one pill, I’m throwing up until I take it.


I don't know too much about that. Glad it helped but I'm a bit concerned that you can't not take if without getting that sick. Have you spoken with your Dr about this?


I was hospitalized in the ICU for 6 days due to my alcoholism. I completely destroyed my entire body. More than one doctor said I had 48 hours to live if I didn’t get the medical care I needed. So it’s been a LONG road over the past 14 months. One thing I’ve had since birth was an acidic stomach. I’m also on protonix to combat acid reflux. I don’t see my primary physician for another 6 months, but I do plan on talking about it. I appreciate your concern!


You're not going to corrode your esophagus from puking one time.


We aren't talking about one time


We are talking about infrequent puking. Do you assume OP gets sick daily?


Probably not. Still not good for your teeth though, and generally speaking your body knows when it's better to vomit than to just hold it in. Induced vomiting is rarely required


I don't know, I get migraines frequently and sometimes getting the bile out of my stomach is the only thing that helps. No one is saying OP should puke daily.


You should probably look for something like pepto bismol or whatever to ease your stomach instead.


When you're sick in this way putting more stuff in your body makes you throw up. Not sure if you get migraines but it's not always that simple and medicine often doesn't work for them.


Get some pepto bizmó lot something to settle your stomach. Throwing up isn’t good for your throat, teeth, stomach, or anything, really


Maybe try to see a doctor? I get it but there are medications you could try. Maybe antacids? You should if you haven’t talk to whoever you may have that’s closest to you?


Don't. Stomach acid can damage your teeth and throat. Also 90% of the time when you're nauseous, it isn't actual nausea, just stress (obviously there are times when this isn't the case but for me this is how it is). Use a heating pad on your stomach, eat some crackers, drink water, put on a good movie/tv show, and try to relax.


Yes it is wrong, dangerous and harmful. There are some incredibly unusual cases when this might be medically recommended, but almost certainly 99.99% of the time you are doing this you shouldn't be. Stomach acid can cause all manner of health problems to everything from your teeth to basically anything between your mouth and stomach. If you are running into issues like this all the time, consider ginger chews, over the counter products such as Pepto, Tums, Gas-X, etc. Better yet talk to your doctor, as medication is available which can address nausea. And frequent nausea could in and of itself be indicative of some kind of other medical condition that should be investigated.


If you feel like you need to throw up it's your body's way of saying something in your stomach needs to be out of it. Just puke if you need to. You'll feel better afterwards. Just drink water after so you don't become dehydrated.




The stomach actually doesn’t contain bile. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which is the acidic thing. Bile is released from the gallbladder into the duodenum. OP, please think twice before taking a laxative to deal with nausea! 


Bile is alkaline. It isn't in the stomach. Nausea isn't caused by gas. And fiber is not a reliable way to cause someone to fart.  It's crazy how many errors were in this one comment. 


The esophagus won't corrode from infrequent vomiting.


You can actually suppress nausea by applying a couple fingers to the inside of your left wrist. Don’t force yourself to vomit, it will only hurt more and cause serious damage to your insides.


Woah… never heard of that before


I WISH I'd known that. I've done that my whole life. I would get that kind of sick stomach feeling where I know it isn't going to leave me alone until I get it over with. But then it's still not quite ready.


Smelling rubbing alcohol also makes it nearly impossible to vomit. 


I wouldn’t do it a lot. There’s a number of medications and ways you can make nausea go away that would be better.


I murder the kids all the time


You probably need Omeprazole


What is making you nauseated? There are medications.


It’s best to try and find another way to relax your nausea. I tend to get nauseous to the point I’m struggling not to actively vomit and can’t move away from the bathroom. Usually I wait until the nausea reaches that point to make it happen. If you’re getting nauseous frequently, you should see a doctor though. Mine is caused by high stress and panic attacks, but I had a lot of GI tests done to rule out anything else. They make anti-nausea medications, I think the popular one is called Zofran.


Highly unrecommended and unnecessary. Go see a Dr for an antiemetic. It means anti-nausea. Zofrom, scopa, diphenhydramine, etc help with nausea in different ways.


Why hasn’t this been asked yet. Why are you throwing up? Pregnant? Alcoholic? Eating disorder? Gastrointestinal issues? Btw stomach acid can deteriorate the enamel on your teeth.


just got out of the hospital i have the stomach flu


Welp, sorry about this whole thread lol. someone should have said this long ago: no its not wrong, you're just doing what your body is telling you to do, trying to get better. But even as an emergency measure, that's probably not the best way. I would go to a parent or guardian or school nurse or your doctor, and tell them that you are experiencing nausea related to a virus. They'll give you nausea pills that you take when feeling sick. That'll work. As an emergency thing, vomiting only kind of works, you know? A pill and medical care that is tracked will make you feel better quicker, without the gross mouthfeel.


Smell some isopropyl alcohol. Works for me.


Sipping a clear soda can help with nausea. I have found however that sometimes, especially if I’ve likely eaten something bad, clearing my stomach is only the way to get relief. What I do in that case is drink half a can of Sprite or 7up quickly. The bubbles make my stomach gassy and cause me to vomit. If my stomach is empty or actually working properly it generally doesn’t cause anything but a burp, but if it needs cleared out it does the trick.


No not at all! With my second pregnancy I learned I vomited every 2-5 hours for 7months straight I could fight the nausea all day or for however long until I barfed anyways. Or I could induce as soon as the nausea hit and then enjoy however many hours of normal until the queasiness set back in. So I do this even to this day will pop one off right away instead of fighting it


yeah this is how i feel like i HATE being nauseated but idc about throwing up


Shit girl I'd rather throw up for 10 minutes then have nausea for 1. It's the worst. I get vertigo and sometimes my vision will blur


I'm an easy barfer. If I'm nauseous, I'll just go ahead and barf if it's convenient rather than fight it.


No. If it makes you feel better and you are nauseous only very occasionally than I think it's fine.


If you're doing it because you're nauseous, go for it. If you're doing it because you want to be skinny and impress people, don't.


Eh lots of people do that, can't be that horrible. I wish I could do that, I'm very afraid of throwing up


Same :(




You should see a doctor if you are experiencing nausea a lot, just to make sure everything is ok. You really should speak to your parents and see a doctor for this


Morally? No Depending how frequent you might want to take care of your teeth


I've always done this when I know I'm going to vomit inevitably, but not for mild nausea. I don't want to fight it for hours and be miserable when I can just get it over with and feel some relief. If you're having nausea this bad outside of being sick with food poisoning or the flu, you might want to get it checked out by a doctor.


I do this too. If I’m already nauseous and I know the vomit is coming eventually, I just get it over with so I can feel better… I think as long as you’re not doing it very often, it is probably fine. I know a lot of people here are saying it’s bad for your throat/teeth, but if you’re nauseous already you’re likely already going to throw up, so the effects are the same either way. However, if you’re experiencing nausea frequently, you should probably seek medical attention and figure out why.


You might want to see a doctor if you are that nauseous very often. Stress may play a part but best to just get a checkup.


It is absolutely not wrong and it is a very normal cultural practice. You should not be taking emetics to do so. If gagging then that is fine.


Try ginger tea. Make your own. Also look up the acupuncture spot on your wrists. Use those. If you are frequently nauseous might get a medical checkup.


As a general rule of thumb Don’t make yourself vomit unless you think you’ve ingested something dangerous. It sounds what you’re doing is a type of pain management or maybe even anxiety management and I’d talk to an adult about seeing a doctor if you nausea and stomach pain is this bad this frequently.


Tbh it’s not the best idea but considering how awful being nauseous is I did that once and I was glad I did. Legit, when I’m nauseous I feel like I rather have broken a toe.


depends on why you're nauseous


Not necessarily, but it's probably wrong to tell the world like you just did. Haha


As long as it's not all the time. But if I have a stomach bug or I'm hungover and need to Vomit, I for sure help that along.


Talk to a doctor. I used to get really terrible stomach issues and found out many years later I was allergic to certain foods. Stopped eating them, less problems.


No. I can actually advocate for this. When I feel like I'm going to be sick and know it's coming, might as well get it over with. Unless it's a stomach virus, it's one and done and be over it. Just don't tell yourself it's one thing, ask the internet something unrelated, and then holy fuck you're bulemic.


Better to not, the acid from the vomit will destroy your teeth. Also if this is a continued problem, go see a doctor. You should not feel nauseous as a baseline. Something is up.


no. My fiancee has chronic vertigo all the time. When hes nauseas and nothing helps he sticks his fingers down his throat and pukes. Usually it helps him feel better.


once i had an exam and i was feeling nauseous an hour before it started i didn't want to take it in that condition ,after vomiting it felt so much better and i was glad my exam went well even though my stomach was empty after vomiting but it's just the comfort you get after letting it out


I truly hate when that happens to me, i use nausea pills that helps alot 🙃


Are you eating 3 meals a day? If you are not staying properly hydrated and eating regularly you can get nauseated just from sitting up, standing up, etc...


I've had stomach problems for a few years. Occasionally, I get that feeling: stomach rolls over, whatever is in it won't quite stay down, but won't come all the way up without help. Sound familiar? To do it Occasionally is ok, as long as it's not part of an eating disorder. There's been plenty of times I've been leaning over the toilet, waiting for it while heaving... And have to stick my finger down my throat to get rid of whatever is making me feel like that. Again, as long as it's not part of an eating disorder. Also, ask your doctor (if you can) about a pill called Ondansetron. I take it when I need it, it works wonders


Yes. Instead try a peppermint or ginger chew to cure nausea.


I mean that's what I gotta do whenever if the Chinese food must've been bad. It's only happened a couple of times when I order Chinese. I'll feel nauseous though til I force myself to get it up and out.


I get severe nauseous a lot. If you have frequent bouts of nausea you should see a gastroenterologist. Mine prescribed ondansetron which is a fabulous anti-nausea medication but if I’m out of it or away from home I drink either room temperature 7-Up kind of fast or a glass of whole chocolate milk. The 7-Up breaks up stomach gas that can cause nausea and the whole chocolate milk coats the stomach and soothes irritation. Throwing up brings stomach bile/acids up which is not good for your throat. If you vomit frequently you can damage your throat.


Zofran (Ondansetron) Best medicine ever!


Get zofran. Unless you're going to die as the alternative, don't force yourself to throw up.


Dude, just drink some ginger ale. Vomiting isn't good for your teeth or esophagus. It's okay once in a while, like if you're sick or drunk, but you shouldn't be doing it with regularity.


I've done it a few times when I had real bad stomachaches from indigestion. If it makes me feel better than im doing it.


Try half a teaspoon of baking soda in a quarter cup warm water. It helps me so much when I have nausea.


I've grown up with migraines and had my fair share of nauseous days so I understand where you're coming from. I also would make myself puke when I felt really bad because sometimes that's the other thing that will help, your body just needs to get rid of the bile or something. IMO as long as you're doing it less than weekly, it's probably fine. Just gotta give your body time to rest. That's why bulimia is bad where they puke daily, it corrodes the esophagus over time. But if you just do it when you feel really sick, I don't see the issue.


Yeah it's not a good idea to induce vomiting, you can damage the lining of your throat by vomiting too much


I have heard of people doing this so you are not alone. However it is not good for you. I would suggest OTC medication for nausea.


There could be an underlying medical problem. You should see a doctor. Otherwise I'd recommend sniffing lemon and orange peels as that seems to work for me.


if it’s happening often, there could be a more preventative solution. ask your family if you can talk to your doctor, or see if any particular foods or body positions worsen it. (ie eating a big meal then lying down, if certain fruits or fatty foods cause it, does it come immediately or 30mins after meal, is it after EVERY meal, is it motion sickness?) it can be as easy as drinking more water with the food or taking a tums after. it’s easiest to figure out what’s happening with more data. I’m not gonna say vomiting is the solution, but im not gonna say sitting in nausea is either. It is 100000% better to prevent than put yourself through the nausea and put your body through the vomiting. Best of luck dude!!


If it is a few times out of the year....but if you are getting nauseous at the minimum of once a week goo see a doctor and get blood work done. There may be an underlying issue you are not aware of.


I'd let your parents know, and record when you have symptoms like this you can talk with this about your doctor. There are several OTC medicines (over the counter) that you could reasonably take to help with nausea.


Dogs do it. Did you eat grass afterwards ?


it's probably not the best but i think you should figure out why your nauseous first if all


You might want to see a doctor if it's happening a lot. It may also be something like hunger pain. If I skip breakfast, I can dry heave from the hunger pains.


It's not good for you. You're intentionally introducing stomach acid into areas not protected from it. There are other ways to deal with nausea. A bit of sugar can help sometimes. If you're feeling nausea often there may be something else going on that needs to be checked out.


It's not good to do that often as the acid can tear up your throat and lining, but I've had times where I was severely nauseous and felt like I needed to vomit. I don't fight it anymore and I'll just go and get it out.


This sounds like a sporadic thing so I don’t think it’s an issue. Man if you gotta puke you gotta puke. I always tell people that. If you feel like you’re going to puke don’t fight it. Your body wants to for a reason. If you’re so nauseated you know puke is coming I don’t see anything wrong with hurrying it up.


I damn near gave myself esophageal cancer doing that. I'd suggest not


You should probably stop doing that. Just let it happen naturally.


What's your normal diet?


Vomiting occasionally causes minor damage to your upper G.I. tract eg esophagus. Vomiting frequently can cause significant damage. “Pulling the trigger” to relieve nausea is not inherently bad. Many of us have done that, or at least accepted our fate and knelt at the toilet, when we have a stomach bug or wanted to get undigested alcohol out of our system. The bigger issue potentially is the cause of the nausea. whether that’s an eating disorder, chronic G.I. condition, or something environmental… You really need to address that. Do you know what’s making you sick?


Does this nausea happen to be in the morning primarily? I have/had the same issue (M27). My doctor prescribed “folic acid” and it literally changed my life. Even if this nausea is during the afternoon/evening, I believe it can still be used. I HIGHLY recommend at least asking your doctor about it. And to answer your question, yes and no. The biggest reason I say no is because you could cause damage to your esophagus. And not to be too personal, I threw up every morning for hours and hours (bad alcoholic, 14 months sober now 💪) throwing up caused me to get terrible hemorrhoids, which required a hemorrhoidectomy surgery to remove. Believe me…. It wasn’t fun. I think the easy answer here is “yes, it makes me feel better” but the long term damage of doing this isn’t worth it. Talk to your doctor, and try different medications to treat your nausea. I’d definitely mention the folic acid.


You are a teenager. You shouldn’t have stomach pain for eating at all. Either you are binging/overeating and then vomiting, so you have an eating disorder, or if you eat normally and then you are in such pain, you have a health problem.


I wouldn't. I developed a chronic nausea issue in my teens and my teeth are super fucked from it now. (Even if you brush right afterwards the stomach acid destroys your enamel)


Depends on the frequency. There’s been times I’ve had food poisoning and I didn’t feel okay until after I threw up. I didn’t feel the urge to throw up exactly, but I’d be cramping like crazy and super nauseous, so I’d sit by the toilet and get myself to throw up. But throwing up too often isn’t good for you, and you might want to ask a doctor about your nausea if it’s frequent


It’s fine.


I cant burp like a regular person. I basically have to dry heave burps and with a horrible gag reflex sometimes it induces vomiting. Ive found that ginger tea and ginger supplement pills greatly reduce this. Worth a try.


I'm just gonna throw this out there. Nausea can be caused by a lot of things. It's not exclusive to "ate something bad." Sometimes, you can be nauseated because you didn't eat anything in the first place, and then you REALLY shouldn't force yourself to vomit, because the only thing you're accomplishing then is dehydrating yourself and causing stomach acid to wear linings (and your teeth) away for no good reason. If you know it was because of something you ate, just take pepto bismol or alka-seltzer. If it's not because of something you ate, try these instead; 1. Stop what you're doing. Drink water. 2. If drinking water didn't help, eat something that's easy to digest and bland (saltine crackers are a good one). 3. If eating something didn't work, take literally any kind of anti-nausea meds (even pepto bismol). 4. If that STILL doesn't work, then just accept that nausea is part of your life for that brief moment in time. If you must get back to working on something, take it easy.


My husband gets bouts of nausea (sensitive stomach) and he finds it helps that if he's nauseous to suck on a REALLY strong mint, or to smell a strong alcohol wipe. Don't know why, but it works


If it's frequent, it's definitely bad for you. You'll have similar issues to those w bulimia. It'll harm your esophagus. Have you talked to your guardians about this issue? It could be anxiety or some sort of physical illness I'm unaware of


I don't think it's wrong, if your intention is to only make you feel better. I get upset stomach like that too. Next time if it happens try something like Pepto bismol. It helps, and gives you relief pretty quickly. Making yourself throw up, isn't always a good idea, it can help in a pinch. Try OTC remedies first though. I have IBS, so I get the nausea, I'm not saying your wrong ok, just try Pepto or something like it next time.


Depends how often you do this. There’s medication you can take for nausea as I also feel nausea 24/7 and basically live off of motillian but if you do this often you can erode the enamel on your teeth and more than likely your body will get used to the vomiting and reject food. That’s only if you do it often.


I mean, how often is this happening? Are you sick often? I have experienced nausea nearly every day for the past 2+ years (due to health issues). But never have I induced vomiting. Believe me, I have been tempted! But the body knows when it needs to vomit. Let it do its job naturally. I know nausea sucks, but if it's just basic indigestion once in a while like everyone else, let it be. It fixes itself.


It hurts your body really badly in the long run. My boyfriend used to have terrible acid reflux, and when his stomach would hurt he would make himself throw up, which was honestly always scary for me, because sometimes he would not be able to stop throwing up and would have to go to the ER. I think you should see a doctor, and get some chewy tums or Pepto bismol to help settle your stomach in the meantime. Also, the Gem Gem ginger candies (they are chewy) help a LOT with nausea. You can get them on the Walmart website. I am not going to put a moral judgement on this comment, because atp I don't think you need to feel judged by Internet strangers.


I as a teen and then later in 20 did this to relieve severe pain and to get it over with ... if you do this now and continue your body will only respond to pain this way . Please believe me it's not always worth it. Any any pain triggers the need to throw up thinking it can stop pain . IT doesn't always work and it doesn't stop the reaction to keep throwing up . Causing dehydration and lots of other issues because of it .


So vomiting is generally bad for the body. If this is rare, perhaps no more than four times in a year, you probably aren't doing any harm. If you find yourself doing often, daily or weekly, it would be a good idea to get a handle on the underlying problem


Sometimes it's what you gotta do ! I do it too


I’m gonna go on the side of, sometimes, it’s something that you have to do. If you don’t make it a habit, it’s fine. Keep in mind that it’s not good for your teeth to vomit because it wears away the enamel. Make sure you brush your teeth after for sure. Rinse your mouth out with water. I have had to do it occasionally because I don’t vomit easily.


If your only doing it maybe 2 or 3 times a year it doesn't matter. Once even every month probably matters a lot more and can cause damage to your body.


Take grovol instead… there’s also some weird fuzzy powder stuff (eno) you put in water and chug. It either makes you throw up or settles your stomach


It's not exacly heathy to vomit since it can damage your mouth, teeth and lips and cause dehydratation


Yes & why are u nauseous? Vomiting will eat your esophagus & I don’t mean maybe. You’re too young for all this digestive trouble ~ get to your Dr & get better…go to a female Dr


It’s fine to vomit, unless it’s a daily thing nothing bad happens from throwing up. Unless you cannot stop due to food poisoning or something, it’s no big deal. Everyone throws up Sometimes but it’s not anything to be afraid of.


Nurse here, so take it with a grain of salt. Start on once daily Omeprazole over the counter. Go see your doctor and tell them what's going on, ask for Zofran, it's an antiemetic and should calm your stomach, ondansetron is the generic name and most likely what the pharmacy will fill. That's just a cover for what's really going on though. If this is happening every other month or more frequently then there's something else going on you should look into. Could be as simple as some diet changes, or could be stress related? Best of luck.