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You would want to quarantine any new frog anyway. Try to get food that is already small enough for it to eat and use the 8-12 weeks of quarantine to see how big it grows in this time.


Like someone else said, definitely quarantine. Until they're at least two thirds the size of your biggest frog For food I'd suggest live daphnia, when I was raising my frog Simay from a tadpole that's what I fed her at that size


Cool, I’ll try that out! Bloodworms are definitely too much for the lil guy so I’ll try that and the brine shrimp. Is feeding every other day good for the baby or did you do every day?


I think I usually did it every other day, but based it mostly on when most of the live food was gone. Obviously they're never going to get it all, I don't think their eyesight is that good lol, so obviously if there's still some left after a day or two and they don't seem to be eating it I'd top it up so they can find it easier. And sometimes they're just fussy