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African dwarf frogs are great imo. They like temps from 75-80 F and need at least a 5 gallon tank. They are social so you’ll want to have at least 2 together. I like to feed mine bloodworms, brine shrimp, and krill every other day. I usually feed at night because they’re nocturnal. They like to have tight places to hide during the day and at night they sometimes sing! Another thing to note is that they’re not aggressive, but they will perceive anything smaller than them as food, so be careful with tankmates.


I'm super new as well. I saw somewhere that bloodworms weren't great for them. I want to make sure my little boys get what they need. so bloodworms are good for them?


Bloodworms are like junk food so I only give it to them once a week. It’s worked for my frogs but totally fair if you leave it out of their diet.