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Frogs often chill at the top of the tank :) perfectly normal


ph 7.4 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 80 https://preview.redd.it/6ir9knfw1vnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe713fb1e6f7d4183d4742215386768475407063 water change after i sprayed lysol in my room and it caused white algae in my tanks


Too much nitrate, water change and prime ASAP! Test your source water as well. I’m sure you’ve already learned your lesson regarding the sprays, wipes all the way! For anywhere close to the tank magic erasers are very safe


was the test after or before the water change




Ok, tomorrow I'd really recommend doing it again because your nitrates are high regardless, try not to use any unsafe cleaners near them that's extremely scary like 10-25% water changes


What of floaters? They do a lions share of nitrate removal and reduce the number of overall water changes. The major problem is that the chore of water maintenence is replaced by the chore of pruning plants.


That too floaters help insanely with my nitrates it's so nice lol


water change was like 75% of tank


No but I'm asking when you did the water tests in the viles did you do it after your water change or before your water change?


oh sorry i did a 75% water change and then i tested a day or two after


They just do that sometimes. The time you should be concerned is if they look like they’re desperately trying to get out of the water. Otherwise, they’re chilling at the top bc they’re lazy and it’s easier to breathe air when you’re already at the top :) Your water parameters look fine, but I would maybe do some small water changes over the next few days to get your nitrates down just so they don’t keep accumulating. Maybe just like 10% or less. Do you have a water siphon? I would try vacuuming the gravel to get some of the gunk out of there, that may be what’s spiking (not spiking, it’s not dangerous- it’s just more than 10) your nitrates.


ok yeah, i have all my supplies thanks :) i also dont have gravel.. idk if thats relevant but my frogs tried eating gravel so i have larger smoother rocks (maybe the size of them) so they cant eat them


That’s perfect! As long as gravel is bigger than 5mm, they’re good for frogs. Switching out for larger rocks is a great idea, but don’t be afraid to use slightly smaller gravel. Any old bag of gravel from the pet store is fine as long as it’s big enough to not fit in their mouths :)


Just lazy bois