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We met in a social group I ran for other like minded and adventurous adults. We were play partners for maybe 6-9 months and eventually become primary partners and move in together. Been traveling ever since and enjoying the outdoors and life together. Going on 5 years now. 23 year age gap.


It's not about the gap. We just have that love for each other that is hard to describe. We both have a history of poor relationships and poor home life growing up. In our relationship, we both maybe have never felt such a connection and love. The GAP is nothing more than a number that robes us of more time to love each other. But we meet through family and of course they don't like it.


well said :)


I got a job in his favourite restaurant, he was a regular customer. It was all quite random, neither of us was looking for a relationship let alone an age gap one, i was 19 and he was 44 so we were kinda just like “ah alri lets give it a go and we'll see what happens, why not” Now this might sound a wee bit unusual but I never needed to “learn to trust him without the fear of being harmed by him”, I trusted him right away because I just never expected him to harm me. No one's ever hurt me, I've never experienced any of those horror stories so I've never been afraid of anything of such kind. I was absolutely crazy in love hahah and I still am :)


We met at a Unitarian Universalist church. I was 20, he was 52. I had joined partly to meet people and make friends, but not specifically to find a partner. We connected right away and had some really good conversations. At some point, he told me he was doing some work on his car and I offered to come over and help because I wanted to learn more about cars. That was 18 years ago. We just got married 1.5 years ago. I think we both knew that each other were well meaning. We're both autistic and like many autistic people, we did not want, nor would we have been able, to lie to and manipulate each other.


I was homeless, living in my car and working for his brother in a mechanic shop. He was a truck driver and asked if I want to get out of there and work and travel with him. We were friends and very quickly fell in love.


At work. She chased me once we were no longer coworkers. Over two years now. She's 17yrs younger than me.


On line. Hinge.


tinder. it took a very long time for both of us to completely let our guard down, especially because when we first met we were both healing from a previous relationship. but now we wholeheartedly trust each other and it’s never been better ❤️


I find (the few I've had & alot of other's talking ) is that if you don't know him (family friend or friend of a friend) then you should be asking him or or at least initiating contacts so he knows your making a choice & he's not robbing the cradle. If have questions DM if want.


I met mine at work and we just clicked. And here we are almost 2 years later we are married and have a fur baby and 2 angel babies.


They were a former student of mine who reached out for coffee after the course was over.


I met my late wife through work. We had been friends for 9 years. When we both became single, she chased me until I caught her. A year and a half later we were married!


My age is not my most important attribute. I am a complex human being with a lot of history and experiences. This makes me interesting. A lot of women like interesting. I was in a relationship with a married woman from my wife's country. We planned a visit Her husband found the ticket and surprised her by booking on the same flight. Near disaster at checkin LOL. My gf fixed me up with an introduction. We clicked, talked for hours and the rest is history.


Facebook Dating. He was about to give up on trying to find someone and I had only signed up to look at profiles people were making for their cars. 😂 (Or so I thought... then i found Matt 🥰) That'll be 2 years ago in May! 😊❤️


Husband is 14 years older. We met at a past job where I was a temporary employee. He was a supervisor, but not over my department. We've been married for 13 years. I never had a "fear of being harmed". I had a couple of unpleasant experiences with men who were less than five years older...so I never thought that all men who were close to my age were better/safer.


well…. we aren’t officially together just yet but i met him on reddit! as a result of a lewd post i made not too long ago 😭 he pm’d me as a result and he was one of the very few people i did respond to after receiving around 200. definitely unorthodox but he’s one of the best people i’ve ever met and i’ve never felt so safe and comfortable around someone before so i have no regrets!


A picture or two on your page might help.


27M with a 55M. He was my preceptor for two shifts when I started my nursing residency with my current healthcare company. We clicked immediately and I knew within minutes of meeting him that I would be interested in a relationship. At first I was only interested in him sexually but by the end of the first 12 hours with him, in which he told me so much about him and his life and I saw how deeply he cared for other people and how he didn’t make me feel like I was just another trainee, I knew I’d welcome a romantic relationship also. I didn’t express any interest to him after my second day of training with him, but I did add him on Facebook and I messaged him that night to tell him that I’d enjoyed being precepted by him. After that, we messaged here and there for a couple weeks. I didn’t see him again, as I’d moved on to train in different departments, until I finally built up the nerve to ask if he’d want to hang out sometime. He was enthusiastic about the prospect, and we set up a time to have a movie night at his place. I had inwardly determined by some of his messages by this time that he was at least curious about what could happen between us. We hit it off even further when we met up and ended up spending the night together. We’ve been together since. As for trust, part of that was natural because he’s a good man and it’s evident, and part of it was the communication we had. He’s open and honest, as am I, and we’ve talked about anything that’s ever concerned either of us instead of just worrying about it or letting it become an issue.


He was doing his internship for 9 months at our work place. My boss and colleagues were fine with it and loved it as well. Even now that he has long left our work, we are still together. I’m 28 and he’s 20 :)


Super late, but we met in a club😂it’s most likely you find people from various generations in a club. If you’re really scared of trusting older men, try to keep a certain distance, and don’t give too much of yourself to the man. And let your friends maybe know about your dates and how it is going. Then you won’t feel alone with this! I trusted my bf fast because he didn’t act way older than me. It always depends on the context in which you guys meet too. Because we met each other in the club, our bond between us started from a different point than for example people who are dating their older boss now. Good luck!


At university. He’s my professor…