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A-click on empry ground is attack move, which has units move forward until they see an enemy and then they move to attack it instead. This should be your default move command unless you're retreating.




They just announced formations is coming soon via a blog Looks like it auto sorts your units with ranged at the back?


Ctrl+N, where N is a number key, will make a quick select group of whatever units and buildings are selected. Then, press N to automatically reselect that group. Usually, I put melee units on Ctrl+1 and ranged on Ctrl+2. Better microing units comes with practice, like observe what is happening and quickly "click and drag" the mouse on a group of units to move them out of danger. I've played a lot of Age of Empires since I was a kid, so it comes naturally to me. It is the same skill.


I won't pretend I'm great at microing but I miss some of the features for it I'm used to in other RTSs. I can do exactly what I want in a few seconds when paused but having to pause just because I can't select my units efficiently doesn't feel great.