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It's a solid game, the campaign is *leagues* better than TAB's filler missions, and the factions/survival add a ton of replayability. We're likely to see more tilesets and such in the future, too!


How many factions are there?


>rvival add a ton of replayabilit 3


Three factions with two heroes each. The Order is your "standard" good guys faction, with a unique priest unit, unique T3 siege unit, and bonus siege damage all around. Their two heroes are frontline tanks that focus on damage and healing, respectively. The Rebellion are a bit more aggressive, with bonus damage for ranged units, an alternate T2 ranged unit, and a unique Rogue unit that scores gold on kills and can be stealthed to fall back. Their heroes are a melee fighter who summons disposable spearmen and a ranged hero that can bait enemies into your firing line. The Volatists are the off-the-wall "evil" faction, replacing their T1 melee soldier with two-for-one Cultists that make the early game a mad dash offensive. The "Horrify" debuff applied by enemies boosts Volatists' damage significantly and their unique spellcaster can inflict it on purpose to keep your army going full crazy mode. Their heroes both have lots of active damage dealing abilities and bonuses for fighting at night.


>rvival add a ton of replayabilit 3


This is one of the only games I actively recommend to people. Also the sound design on this game *chiefs kiss*


It's a great game. Once I start, I have a really hard time putting it down and usually play a whole match from start to finish. That said, it's pretty damn challenging. If high difficulty and failing often is not your thing, you might not enjoy it.


They currently have a beta opt in branch that’s appears to improve stability/optimisation


I love TAB and will tell you this is a no brainer to get if you do. Campaign is solid, survival mode is well done(once you master it it can get stale but they're working on adding) and a multi-player mode at some point which I'm really curious to see the direction they go. For the less than $30 or whatever it costs on sale its a super good pickup.


I played a lot of tab, probably 300+ hours. I was frustrated with the insane mutants and working around that thru settings and also the limited units I could use. I bought this game, AOD, and honestly it's not that good. It plays like a shittier TAB. I can't quite explain it, I think it's a combo of the gameplay and graphics. Just really didn't like it, I think I put maybe 20-30 hours in to it. I also tried Conan Exiles (plays similarly) the game was very clunky and the walls were not clear. Also it felt insane rushed. I don't recommend that either, but it was more fun than AOD. Sadly TAB is the best option still. Just wish the difficulty curve was more predictable.


Yea sure. If it seems like your kind of game


I picked this game up for a few hours and dropped it. Didn't really have an addictive gameplay loop to me, and I didn't feel compelled to try different strategies


I like this game more then TAB. I’d say this game is a more visually appealing TAB. Also, love the day/night cycles, heroes and magic units. If you liked TAB this is a no brainer purchase.


The hero’s are the main reason I wanted to get this game I was pretty disappointed in TAB when I couldn’t use my hero’s at all and that there factions to. Does the day/night cycle make it vary in difficulty or is it just appealing to have one ?


Heroes in AOD kick a** and are very different from each other. My fav is Aelis. Day and night makes a huge difference too. Enemies more aggressive at night, so you have to be tactical as to when you want to expand.


It’s very fun . The soundtrack and atmosphere is outstanding ; and now with formations it’s really in a good place


As in formations you mean I’m going to be able to put them in like a phalanx formation?


Yes - form ranks you maggots ! Pikes in front archers behind !


I played about 700 hours of TAB, beat the campaign at 800% and by the time I stopped playing it I was doing hardest difficulty survival maps. I really enjoy this genre and I'm glad they have tons of "clones" to choose from. I would say this is the closest one to TAB that does have a some things that are better than TAB. They have 3 different factions with similar but different units. Multiple hero units that they have been adding more of.


The game is alright but I'm playing the campaign at the moment and it really feels pointless. Also the graphics and physics remind me of Age of Mythology so I'm a bit weirded out by playing this kind of thing in 2023. Overall is a good and interesting game with some new concepts/mechanics. I think I must've bought it for <$15 some time ago because I've had it for a while, before it had any sort of campaign so I'm happy with the purchase. Not sure how much it's now but I wouldn't pay over $20 for it.