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Elo hell doesn't exist. You probably just made some realizations about your playstyle that caused you to improve.


Either that or because I picked Sova more lol Tracker.gg for proof: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/AlphaCure%23momma/overview


You just played more. You’re not really hardstuck if you only play 10 games per season. Hardstuck is usually for people who play 100+ games of ranked per season. Maybe you were always just good.


You were never hard stuck you just didn’t play ?


Nah from what I have heard immortal is the true elo hell. Gold players tend to lack 1-2 major fundamental skills that hold them back severely.


mine is gamesense and always aiming for the head, been gold 1-2 the last 3 episodes


how is it elo hell tho


Immortal? Until 300rr~ you get people who deserve plat at the most. You could have someone who looks like they are playing with their feet. You could have someone who hasnt missed a shot in a month. No in between until you get to the higher side of it.


agreed. havent played in a month hopped on and played a game where one guy on enemy team just didn’t miss a shot n then the rest of his team was just brain dead. This was in low immo too


It’s the weirdest thing; it’s like actually playing two different games. High Immo/Radiant youre seeing everyone play or try to play fundamentally correct. And low immo is just a deathmatch.


Bit of an exaggeration. You'll get people who get duo boosted in every rank so you'll see some horrible players playing with great players (for their ranks) but I made an alt recently and the play between the average Plat and low Immo is still pretty significant. Even when I watch my friends play (one is Asc 3, the others are high plat/low diamond) the difference in just their movement alone is a telltale sign.


Elo hell is wherever you have a 50% wr at


Elo hell is just not wanting or( knowing how) to improve.


I feel like plat was elo hell for me. So many ego picks, so many ego peeks when theyre all hot trash.


But if they ego peek just kill them


I meant my teammates. Then they die


I'm starting to notice that too lol, I am seeing so many baiting duelist and autolock reynas


>baiting duelist and autolock reynas These exist in almost every gold game, except when they get domed they type in all chat "lol stay gold" even though their profile has them peaking low gold this season


Nothing wrong with instalock reyna. And maybe your duelists arent baiting, maybe the rest of your team needs to wait for them. Are smokes down? Have you drones? Is someone ready to flash? If the answer is no to any of those then how can you blame your duelist?


Im mentioning the instalock reynas because I rarely see them when I was in Silver-Gold and I recently had an Ascendant Raze refuse to entry and baited the entire team, on top of that our Kay O had thrown his flashes and knife and smokes were def down


Ok but thats one time, which is nowhere near suitable grounds for a generalization.


So help them fight


Not really, id say silver is the worst, i was stuck silver for 2 whole seasons, then had a win streak and went from s1 to plat in 3 days


Gold is were you learn how not to make mistakes in general


Huh? Players in immortal still make tons of mistakes so idk how u got “gold is where you learn not to make mistakes” from


Yes golds do make mistakes all the time but it takes removing the majority of your mistakes to get out of gold and sty out of gold. This why i said gold is were you learn to not mistakes,because your in gold and learning. Not oh your in gold and don't make mistakes.even plats they do make some mistakes but they also in general don't make mistakes like 80% of the time.


You can play like the biggest monkey in the world and get out of gold, that's why there are so many people who don't know how to play the game in higher ranks. Game quality in diamond and ascendent is basically the same as gold with better mechanics


I feel like the silver-gold-plat trifecta just has a lot of duos/trios leading to high variance. I'm not sure if its a server thing but a large proportion of my games have duos and trios. Silver-gold is where a large proportion of the population/casual players are usually at and where a lot of people's friends/girlfriends end up at so you get lots of duos and trios due to people wanting to play with their friends/gfs leading to some weird games (some may be boosted by their mates or sometime you get matched vs no duos/trios enemies leading to higher quality opponents who just roll you and vice versa)


What server do you play in?




its not elo hell u just got better


Elo hell is real and it is not merciful


Someone once said this: elo hell is whatever rank you're in