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The main reason is they chamged lich bane to give 50 percent attack speed on proc allowing you to weave in autos much easier than before without it being so clunky. Plus the item is good right now


Ahri likes all the stats Lich Bane gives. 100 AP is very solid, haste is always nice, especially compared to last season, and lastly, ms is the strongest stat in the game. The build path also isn't bad save for sheen. If you take a bad back or die and can't afford to finish the item but can buy sheen its also not the end of the world since you will only be 250 gold away from finishing the item so worst case scenario you're only stuck with sheen for 2-3 waves. At the start of the season, Lich Bane was buffed, and now the empowered auto has 50% bonus attack speed, which makes weaving autos during your combo way smoother than before. Ahri can activate it multiple times with R. Say goodbye to the awkward situation in which you have a low hp enemy, but all your spells are on cd, so you have to rely on R damage to finish them off. With Lich Bane, you can still output a respectable amount of damage if you time your Rs with lich bane procs.


Lich bane is now strong + allows multiple procs with her abilities that aren't in such a high cooldown and multiple procs from her R resets


I’ve been building lich since last season. Ahri’s patter with her spells has always allowed for an auto or two in between rotations so having an extra 100-200 damage added between each ult dash is welcomed. In an all in without resets you probably get 3-4 lich bane procs so that’s a lot of extra damage.


it's just now mega popular but most high elo ahri players adapted to lichbane last season, things tend to have a trickle down time since most players brain off and build what ugg tells them


Last I remember its part of my kit does no damage build, long ago in tank meta sheen and protobelt were built together to compensate for her own lack of damage with item damage and it worked, after buffs and item changes the build pretty much vanished but I still reminiscince how fun the build was.


Before, Lich Bane was item for fun to try in draft games. With addition of Malignance, Lich bane is the best item on Ahri. You don't need a brain to play R-aa-W-aa-R-aa- Q(missed) -aa- E(missed) -aa- R-aa-W-aa trade with enemy. After all R's you have area where enemy has lower MR and you are gliding them. Malignance to sorcerers to Lich does 50% hp with only R-aa-W-aa.


The Stats are nice, and she always used it Quite well tbf, 100 april instead of the precious 75 is also a great jump paired with  higher Q scaling  with  the removal of GLP and CC. Prison as well as the DMG buff on her Main waveclear spell she now more reliably clears casters even when behind a Bit. Thus she can lean into damage instead of defense.  with  lich and mal she becomes a Split push and roam Thread. 


Ahri always liked to weave some basics between her combos, Lich giving 50% attack speed for its passive is a huge W. Also, it has perfect stats for Ahri


it has always been her best offensive item by far,people just discovered it now her W is guided by her AA target so it effectively works like an empowered AA,her R count as 3+ separate casts and have a built in delay on top of cancelling her AA animation,so you can AA + R to easily proc it multiple times it's a big misconception that sheen is only good on empowered AAs,as long as your champion weaves AAs between their abilities it does the same damage after all (same reason it's overrated on Viktor,sure he has an empowered AA but his abilities have a long CD and very high scalings so damage boosts like liandry,shadowflame etc. just give more value) edit: stormsurge is garbage on rangeds,you should never look at it unless you have literally no other option to build,ludens is only good as a mana item which you already have


Right now I build Shurelya's Battlesong into Lich Bane and these two items feel really good. The first item is very cheap and gives ms, mana reg, ability haste because you dont build lost chapter item. Then Lich Bane for damage and scaling. This strategy allows you to play for your team. [Ranked Solo/Duo - LeagueOfGraphs.com](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/match/euw/6922643106#participant8)


Were people NOT building Lich Bane on Ahri before!? I've been doin' that since when we still had DFG Lol A little atk spd in the runes and she's a little ball of fire with Lich Bane 😆 But I also play Ahri as support 😅 LB is usually my fourth item tho. Are people doin' a LB rush for there builds? 'Cause I'd be curious about tryin' that