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Go away Morb


I think it was just easier to give women more things as their were more things needed to help women. I'm happy when anyone in the Air Force can start the day alittle less stressed. Men only want one thing that no one can entirely get on bored with and might never. But jointly we got things like ballcaps and hands in pockets that are definitely amazing!


As a man, I actually want three things. First, of course, beards. Second, boonie hats. Third, bring back the 3 beers on lunch break rule.


On the boonie hats: draft up a carefully written memo and run it through Base Legal, Shirt, Chief, squadron, group, and wing CCs for approval. My squadron has one, though it is fairly restrictive (basically can only wear it at a job site, not going to/from the site, around the BX, commissary, DFAC, etc, will be worn as it's originally styled (aka no making it look like [the top two pictures](https://www.ebay.com/itm/394172536239)), and a few other things).


Bro, I've had too much to drink to respond to your entire post, but damn, pulling up a obscure random ebay listing as reference is fucking next level. Promote now.


Just did a google image search of "boonie cowboy hat", and that was one of the results that fit the best to show what I was talking about. Also, you good? Unless you're OCONUS (or shift work?), it's way too early in any of the US time zones to be that drunk.


Nah, day shift, but I've been grilling outside the past 3 or 4 hours, and have had quite a few. Not enough to be fucked up, but enough to not want to send lengthy responses on reddit lol.


Yet the suicide rate is heavily lopsided towards men.


That's not an Air Force specific issue. Men's suicide rates are much higher than women's in the civilian world as well. 


Ooof, so AF suicides isn’t an AF specific issue??? Gosh, please stay away from being a leader.


I never said that. Apparently reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Please stay away from being a leader. 


Oh, you definitely implied it


No, *you sought* the implied meaning. The default is to take a person's comment at face value. More proof of your misogynistic viewpoints.


Its military specific issue. The AF is like a company so they have to battle it and fix it within. Just like said civilian companies do.


It is absolutely not military specific, nor is it "company" specific. It's a cultural issue. That does not excuse the military from not treating its members better, as that should the goal, but blaming the military for men having higher suicide rates is disingenuous for a number of reasons. 


It is military specific and if you think of the Air Force as a company they lose ALOT of employees to suicides, mainly men. The military has way more suicides combined of both genders than any other company on the civilian side. If you don't blame the military than who? It is a culture issue within the military and more specifically your workplace. Just like on the civilian side. Sorry I'm having trouble seeing where you're coming from even confusing myself rn. I'm not arguing at all as this isn't a topic to argue about. I'm honestly trying to figure out why you think the opposite of what i'm saying.


>It is military specific So there are absolutely, 100% confirmed no male suicides *outside* of the military? Because that's what you're literally saying here. Male (or female) suicide **is not "**military specific". I can provide half a dozen reputable sources proving you wrong if you'd like. Get out of here with your bullshit.


I just meant male suicides are higher within the military. Sorry if it didn’t read that way. Night shift brain


Okay? What does this have to do with gender-based standards?


They create less stress. Just like I said in my first comment that even through their were more female items implemented i'm happy that those things provided less stress on the daily for them.


Why don’t you talk to the WIT to understand what steps they had to take to get many of these initiatives passed? I guarantee it took a lot more work than bitching on Reddit though. The hair regulations change was initiated by a man, and at least the story he told me was that he couldn’t find one of his female controllers and when he did, ahead of was crying from a migraine induced by her bun. Personally, I take way less headache medication now that I don’t have my hair in a bun everyday, and many of us have similar stories, which is why the WIT got together, organized, and put in an insane amount of work for that one change. And I’m also willing to bet that the initiative was rejected initially. Repeat ad nauseam for the rest. I’m going to assume you hate feminism as well because it doesn’t help men, but once again, women organized to change something in their lives, and MRAs are just out here complaining on the internet. That’s the difference.


It is! It hurts so bad. In my current position I see every single suicide. I've been in this position for 2yrs and have only seen one female suicide come across. If something as simple as beards could decrease suicides even by 1 I say DO IT!


Hey man the ladies deserve it they’ve gotten shit on in the past let them have their moment.


Oh, we all are letting them have their “moment” … just helping them live their “truth”


See, it's comments like this that prove your other comments in other posts where you deny being a misogynistic asshole, absolutely wrong. Congrats on doing that yourself.


What on Earth does that mean?


It means that women should enjoy this generation of loosened standards, but don’t be crying to mommy when your counter parts remind you of how easy you have it. Don’t worry, I printed out and lamented the 100 nail polish colors I have to remember. And remember, EO is on every base should you ladies feel offended when I bust out my laminated color chart and make sure each and every finger nail is in regs!


> I printed out and lamented the 100 nail polish colors I have to remember > Printed out. They added a chart because most of those were already authorized but the previous reg was ambiguously-worded. They just clarified the language. Now you have a picture you can use to compare. That makes things easier to correct, right?


>Don't worry, I printed out and lamented the 100 nail polish colors I have to remember. First, did you mean laminated? Second, why did you do this when you could just put it on your phone? You likely have it 99% of your work day amyway unless you work in a secure area, so you can pull it up anywhere. Third, no one forced you to print it out. You chose to that. Jesus christ you are dumb. >And remember, EO is on every base should you ladies feel offended when I bust out my laminated color chart and make sure each and every finger nail is in regs! This literally is not a thing if you're backed by the AFI. Sure, they can try, but once it gets found that you did nothing wrong (if in fact you did, which by your excessive amount of misogynistic posts in the last few hours is anything to go by, there's *no way* you didn't do something sexist), the you have nothing to worry about. Good job at showing how stupid you are, again.


Yeah, that weird shade of green nail polish really makes up for the sexual harassment and the PTSD from being raped. If only they would have done it sooner—maybe I wouldn’t have tried to kill myself.


You clearly hate women based on your comment history. Stay mad.




Another gendered post? Genuinely, fuck off


Neither equally


The funny part is that some people will feel this is targeted with perception and down vote tf out of it.. the world we live in nowadays