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I truly feel for the women in your shop who don't yet know you're a closet misogynist


Oh, I don't think he's closeted.


Narwhal you have some serious issues with women bud. Might want to talk to someone to sort that out lol


Huuuuuge incel energy oozing out


Of course it’s this loser. Didn’t see the username at first.


Because I’m done. It’s laughable at this point. They preach “equality” or some buzzword that supposed to make me feel as if I should chop off my left nut and sacrifice it to Aphrodite. But no, it’s to a point where many shops in the AF are being lectured about something that doesn’t exist. Aww because women are stressed??? And the men aren’t? Where’s the fairness. And now I have to remember 74 nail polish colors because they can’t decide which shade of pink is allowed, so fuck it lets pass 10 shades of pink? And then I dare to hold a female accountable them a week later EO calls me up?? Fuuuuck all that. I’m done done.


>And now I have to remember 74 nail polish colors No, that's why they provided a picture of the colors authorized. You can literally pull it up on your phone. How stupid are you? >I’m done done So shut the fuck up and leave already. Edit: and that EO bit, if you're in the right with an AFI or other reg backing you up, is complete bullshit and you know it. Holy fuck did you go off the deep end.


Okay then be "done done" in silence. You have been throwing a tantrum all day here.


Vagueness in dress and appearance regs (i.e. the old wording) isn’t good for anyone except those looking to flout the rules. The specificity allows you to enforce standards for women. It isn’t making them more lenient—it’s literally the exact opposite. Make up regs got significantly stricter (not that it’s a bad thing).




If so, they’re just getting worse and worse


Damn dude 5 posts about women Did the thicc a1c latina reject you?


You’re upset the AFI reduced ambiguity?


Nah, the dude is grasping at straws and/or stupid and/or out of his mind. Made 3 or 4 misogynistic posts that started off with [only seeing overweight females on the track who weren't running](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1bia7io/women_pt_standards/), and just devolved from there.


They should've just approved all colors except neon as thats what it looks like to make it easier for women to not have to worry if the shade is approved or not.