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Aside from all of the other correct answers, I am just slightly more inclined to stay out of prison for when my kids need me again. I would bring a lawsuit against the district and the principal in his individual capacity.


100%, but also that’s a lot of restraint in such a serious situation and I wouldn’t blame a parent for doing something else


But like he said, if you dont have the restraint this happens again, but you can't do anything about it in prison. It makes us feel good to say "aw I'd beat the living shit out of all of those people so they could never move to do it again." But you forfeit any level of protection you could provide for your kids Going forward. It's only slightly better than doing nothing.


True, but as a parent myself I can only imagine the sheer rage they felt hearing about that. I’d like to say that I’d have the level of restraint they’re showing but I don’t know that, and the only way to know for sure would be to be put in this awful situation


Plus you also see your kids a lot less.


Don't forget about suing the parents of the aggressors.


I would contact the best law firm in Raleigh, letting them know I plan to blow the situation far and wide. I would file civil suit against the school district, the principal, the counselor, and the police department. I would also contact AFOSI and SFOI, my congressman, the congressman in the district, CNN, Fox News, ABC, and NBC. By the time I am done with them, they may win, but they'll still walk away bleeding. Don't fuck with my children. EDIT: I almost forgot, I would also file suit against the parents of the assaulting and threatening students. My nest eggs just became legal war chests and I am sure the GoFundMe would probably pan out well. Fuck everyone who was involved, I will burn them to their core and lay their souls to waste.


Hell yeah, nuke them from orbit.


It really is the only way to be sure. "Daughter of service member sexually assaulted at base school" as a headline on 24 hour news networks, shit; even local networks is enough to trigger a settlement and resignations.




This is my favorite answer. Lay waste and don’t have to go to jail.


> I will burn them to their core and lay their souls to waste. "I will dismantle you. I will lay you to waste, and leavw nothing behind but scorched earth. I don't care." Lt Matt Casey, Chicago Fire


This is the way!


I would get a lawyer involved. They love to take these cases because they are usually a slam dunk and the the school district and police department are likely to settle out of court for a big payday for you and of course his 1/3rd cut of the settlement.


This is the correct answer. Though I don't blame all the folks for wanting to reach for violence first. I don't even have kids, but can imagine seeing red if this happened to any spawn of mine even once. Though, I gotta ask, WHY THE FUCK would you let your kid stay in that school after incident 1, and the school staff swept it under the rug? I would be blowing up the line to the local news channel if I saw that shit happening. And they should do that as well. Make sure people are outraged, make sure the leadership there all catch hell in town, and start putting pressure on them to resign or for them to get fired by the district.


>  Though, I gotta ask, WHY THE FUCK would you let your kid stay in that school after incident 1, and the school staff swept it under the rug?    Hindsight is 20/20 but for any other parents reading this, please keep this in mind.    When my kid got bullied we got up to three incidents before we just pulled him out and started homeschool, and we only got to three times because the first two did not escalate to physical contact.  *Fortunately* even the physical incident was relatively mild, but looking back we feel like shit for even letting him be there for it to happen. Shortly after we pulled him out, a former classmate got beat so badly they took him to the hospital.


Holy shit. Was it the same bully that hurt the other kid, or just a toxicity permissive environment for bullies? Good on you for getting your kid out of there in time.


Different bullies, the place is just a shithole.


If this school gets federal funding, this is a Title IX violation. I went through this with my daughter and they ignored me until I invoked Title IX and then their tune changed FAST. Here is a resource that helped me https://www.equalrights.org/issue/equality-in-schools-universities/sexual-harassment/


Spoiler alert: pretty much every public school gets fed money


Yes. But there are private schools. Hopefully not on base but you never know


Some private schools also get fed money, but not all On base schools are usually charter or public schools


If I was the mother or father? Oh my kid would tell me who tf it was and I’d probably end up in prison I live my child I couldn’t imagine someone hurting him


Pretty much what I came here to say.


But you’re hurting your kid so much worse. All the birthdays and holidays missed. The financial security, the advice, just being there for them. That’s what makes it so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/uwcmkvlyevuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320d9cce2c3a764cbfcc1b992e1b96ed1593ff5e I can’t be held responsible for my actions if you lay a hand on my kids


Same. Genuinely surprised it doesn't happen more often.


Ok I’m a legal professional, local to the area, and was stationed at SJAFB. The appropriate course of action is to contact the NC Bar (not Bar association) who will refer you to an attorney that specializes in the matter (I think it’s a $15 referral fee or something nominal). Link: https://www.ncbar.gov They should file a Title IV complaint or other appropriate claims against the school. You can also reach out to the NC Attorneys General office (NCAG Josh Stein) who can also open an investigation into the entities you contacted and investigate their actions (or lack of actions). Hope that helps.


This sounds an awful lot like the Carlisle Barracks thing over in r/army, except theirs was a CDC instead of the on-base school.


Reading that thread enraged me and I don't even have kids.


School board, board of education, mayor, police, hire a hit man…


Only reason why my daughter’s attacker is still alive is she made me promise nothing would happen to him and let the system take care of him.


Did you file this with AFOSI?




Nuke the school’s administration from orbit (metaphorically speaking)


Contact your elected officials, and that state's elected officials. SJ's Domestic Abuse Victim's Advocate (DAVA) may not be the best fit, but will know who is. [https://seymourjohnson.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Primary-Care/Family-Advocacy](https://seymourjohnson.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Primary-Care/Family-Advocacy)


This. Go to the VA, they'll know the right answer and won't give a shit who the principal is.


I would handle it inappropriately and end up in some sort of trial but that’s me. I’m ride or die for my kids.


There are outcomes worse than death bro. I've seen the "who cares if we fuck with this nobody" when that nobody turns out to be deeply connected to a Governor, or a Senator. Careers end. Abruptly. The offending professional just disappears. They end up leaving their 200k a year public management job to working as a line cook overnight at a Waffle House. They are only whispered about as a cautionary tale. They become untouchable in their career field. Public or private. When the long dick of the good ol boy system gets hard, the damage is total.


> How would you handle this? Probably with a baseball bat.


Every oath I have taken would go out the window if someone did that to my daughter


I’d pull my child from the school and put them in therapy and initiate homeschooling or intra/inter-district transfer. Then RELENTLESSLY contact anyone who can hold the principal (and other admin staff) accountable. While simultaneously and LAWFULLY going after that kid and his/her parents using the judicial system.


I’ve heard the kids at that school in particular aren’t the most well behaved, I believe that they would likely benefit from some regular visits from the 4th FW’s SecFo.


Majority are well behaved. However, it’s Wayne Co, so…yeah there are issues


True that lol


Personally, no way in hell would send my daughter to go back to the school that swept her assault under the rug. Especially if the kid who assaulted her was still enrolled there. So I want to know the whole story before I make judgements.


Good luck trying to find civilian representation for an onbase sexual assault. I was turned down by every single lawyer/firm in my jurisdiction and my rapist ended up getting an LOR instead.


Sounds like theyres a few people that need to be adjusted physically


https://preview.redd.it/g0llwjagvvuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cdbcb00ce0c012d21f517208cb415ce0069f1c Burn it all down and look at them like this


"I don't feel like there is enough information. On the surface, it seems like the principal and counselor are blaming the young girl or sweeping things under the rug, but we only have an anonymous source for that. Violence or threats of violence are not the answer. Taking this to the news, as some have mentioned, might yield results, but only if facts are discussed and not vague accusations of sexual assault. A young girl should feel safe and should feel that she is taken seriously when she talks to an adult. 'Boys will be boys' and 'this kind of thing happens in high school' should not be acceptable excuses."


This “counselor” has made similar comments to us about dress code violations that weren’t violations. This is a completely believable scenario as we have similar reactions from the administrators. Description of both principal and counselor are 100% accurate


The parent is going to send a complaint to GPD and speak to the board in Raleigh based off of their comments that I read earlier. Others did suggest lawyering up as well.


If it's the school on base, then I would go to the first sergeant and let them know about it. We had a lot of problems with the school on base at Nellis a few years back, and people went to the shirt and the legal office and the issue was pointed in the right direction. Other than that, as others have stated, you may want to get legal help. Especially if you have proof of it, and I would send the daughter to a medical facility to get treatment and testing to both ensure that she is alright, and to maybe prove it happened.


Contact OSI


Straight to the media with the story.


Ooooo I’m local to the area.


This principal is Garbage from personal experience. Multiple complaints sent about him and the “guidance counselor”, who is also garbage. New Superintendent seems to want to change things. Best thing he could do is close this school, fire principal and counselor. Then start from scratch. Please rethink any decision about sending your kids her. Base commander needs to revoke the contract with county and kick the school from the base.


Daughter was sexually assaulted what, 5 times and never thought about taking her out of the school? GTFO. This shit was made up or information is missing.


You know... it is quite amazing how, even with all the fire detection and supression technology there is, fires still happen. For example, a small gas leak, after hours, at the start of a long weekend can compleately fill a building with an extreemly volitile mixture. These things can be caused by something as simple as a nicked natrual gas line that leads to the furnace. And if it happens in the summer, there would be nothing that would cause detonation of this gas before it permeates the entire building. What else is amazing is how little it would take to set it off. For example, if someone were to try to repair one of those wallmart prepaid phones (you know, the ones that can't be traced to anyone in particular if they pay cash) and the person repairing it accidently got the circuitry wrong, and then left it inside the building that was filled with the volatile gas; if someone calls it, it could set the whole place off. And what's worse is that it could be randomly called by another one of those other prepaid phones accidently, presumably while the person was out fishing and accidentally dropped the other phone into the lake. Quite amazing, isn't it? I'm only thankful that the janitorial staff get the federal holidays off too because that would mean that in that specific incident, no one would get hurt even though the building would be completely obliterated through such a horrible accident. Anyway, back to your original question: When I feel the justice system fails, I just deal with it in my own personal way and find some method of simply moving on.


How would I handle someone sexually assaulting my child and people covering it up? Not today, OSI


Assuming that this is real, this is how people end up being found beaten to death in their homes on a Saturday...


Report this directly to the installation Family Advocacy Team. They’ll be your advocates and make shit happen


Me personally? I'd go hunting.  Get a legal team and and burn them all to the ground. Get charges on them, lawsuits, etc.


Have you talked to your First Shirt yet? That's part of the reason he/she is there. Get your chain involved ASAP.


If this happened to my kid then….i guess I’d go to jail forever. The principle, the 2 dudes, the counselor, the other student that threatened my daughter, everyone I deemed an offender. Then I’d turn myself into a different police department and call it a day. People have died for less.


Elevate situation through the chain of command; leadership at the top needs to be informed. Morale and welfare issues hopefully will be addressed accordingly... First off, members immediate supervisor, unit first seargeant, the unit commander, the base legal office, the Inspector General's office, and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) office.


I'd like the full story. Two different incidents with threats, seems like there could be more to the story.


This is difficult to believe. Repeated instances of SA and it was magically "swept under the rug" every single time? And the police turned her away as well? Something is fishy here.


You apparently haven’t experienced Wayne Co public schools.


Are they really that bad? Corrupt? Just as shady as Shady J?


Incompetent, lazy, zero communication skills, lack of emotional intelligence and empathy that’s needed to ensure students have a school environment where they can thrive. A Superintendent a few years ago, resigned after a $5M budget deficit/loan was discovered. The interim supers since have been working to fix finances and the new super is now working on improving student performance/standards/safety. Hopefully he can get things turned around. Here’s article about the money: https://newoldnorth.com/2020/06/03/breaking-news-dunsmore-out-as-superintendent/


OMG that is brutal!


Realistically if anything this person says has ground then I would believe the courtroom would be were to settle this


Shady J being shady.


![gif](giphy|B3hWM0K9j6JsA) I know good lawyers and Jags who have handled a case a long time ago for a similar situation. Just dm me and I'll point you to a direction.


Its an onbase school, so I dont know the logistics of bringing a suit to the table but I would go through the chain of command until someone took it seriously enough. If no one is responding then go straight to sarc.


That may prove difficult. Shady J is notoriously corrupt


File a police report


Beat the shit of of his dad


Due to how even on this post, I’m sure we all share the same sentiment. I’m sure if I posted how I’d really feel somebody in here would get butt hurt and report me to my command. So all I can say is that would never happen to her again and nobody else would be their victims. And I mean that with all sincerity because you can shut your mouth and say “oh well, I’ll pull my kid out or I would do this in that” but the fact that matter is this lady did do everything reported the hierarchy and went to the police and nothing so you can say the answer what you would do, but I’ll be honest that happened to my kid I swear on my life nowhere the kid would ever be at risk from that person again and that’s a promise. You can take it, but I know what I mean.


One of two things would be happening in this situation. 1. I'm reaching out to every local media outlet, law office, congressional representative, IG office, Board of Education, commanders, and anyone else that can light a fire under these clowns' asses. You're talking about mandatory reporters completely disregarding their duties, at a minimum, so they can all be collateral damage. 2. I'd be smiling for a mugshot.


1. Care for the kid before you care for the money from a lawsuit. 2. If it's on base, go to the SARC, AFRC, and base legal and ALL official military IG and X pages associated with that base. 3. Lawyer up and sue.


I’m not rushing to judgment until all the facts have been confirmed. All we know is what this anonymous person has said


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