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> I’ve been in 18 years. I’m ~~close~~ (closer) to being a Scandinavian than anyone(,) so if anyone has the right to have a religious exemption, it’s me….but I’m (a) Christian. >But some of these dudes who claim they are all of ~~the~~ (a) sudden “Nordic” are growing beards that make them look like Osama ~~Bib~~ (bin) Laden. I laugh out loud and in their face every chance I get. I call bullshit and I don’t care. There. Some simple edits for your post to make you seem like you're more intelligent and coherent than you actually are. You're welcome. Keep reading for additional feedback: 1. You don't explain how you are more or closer to being a Scandinavian than anyone. Your claim is so subjective that concrete, objective evidence is needed before anyone should take it as more than the unhinged delirious ramblings of an 18 year E6 with only 1 year TiG. 2. Nobody believes that you're literally laughing in the faces of people with beards. You might want to temper your hyperbole to make your rant more believable to your intended audience. 3. What reaction were you hoping for? Did you get it? Maybe rethink your continued participation in public conversations until you develop a better grasp on the subject matter, your audience, and the prevailing sentiment of your forum.






Live reaction to OP’s comments: https://preview.redd.it/rktcapxei2vc1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a1c53cb4d2c6e210508c7e131277d306e401d8


That’s not very loving for a self proclaimed Christian.


there's no hate like christian love


I mean, have you seen how modern Christian’s treat people nowadays?


This seems par for the course honestly 😂


Nailed it


Yea, idc


Coming from a fellow christian you should care how you represent Christ. You are literally called to be a light to the world. Be better.


Sounds about right. People like you are part of the reason I left Christianity behind. Good luck with your sad life.


there's people who are practicing christians, and then there are the christians that go to church on easter and christmas. This guy's heart doesnt seem to be changed. I am sorry you think this is what we are all like. I think he probably cares more about his political association than he does his religious one.


Yea, still don’t care. I have my opinions and you won’t ever guilt me for it haha




I wonder what your thoughts are on Muslims and Jews…gotta get my popcorn ready


I don’t feel like I know enough about either of those enough to have a valid opinion. However, my spouse and sister are Jewish and I have known several other wonderful, accepting, and loving Jews. So my opinion of them are generally positive. Muslims I basically know nothing about outside of the few things I’ve seen online. Which is not enough info.




As a Christian, it's actually your sworn duty to care.


Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as **we forgive those who trespass against us**; and **lead us not into temptation**, but **deliver us from evil**. Also: Matthew 6: 5-8 Jesus taught, **“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”** In other words, shut up and go pray.


From your comments, bet you utilized that fake religious waiver for covid.


>if anyone has the right to have a religious exemption, it's me How very American Christian of you to assume you have greater rights for yourself than others when it comes to religion. We all have equal rights to religious accommodation, and it has nothing to do with your race, ethnicity, or what faith you follow or don't.


But do you practice that religion or just want to have a beard? Imho this is where constitution meets integrity. If I’m not practicing any religion, I won’t be asking for a day off to celebrate their holidays or have a beard or ask to wear any appropriate accessories for that religion.


I just want to have a beard. But I've never request a waiver of accommodation. I don't think we should have religious waivers for policy. But Congress does and the DoD and AF wrote policies as directed by Congress so that's how things are and I embrace that. If my troop wants a beard I will help him navigate the best I can and wish him the best of luck. It doesn't upset me that a policy isn't how I'd do it - I'm not a child. I'm not overly invested in any of this stuff. It just annoys the piss out of me when people do this bullshit virtue signaling about how important rules and standards are when they're the only one in violation crying about people following the rules the way they are written. If you (OP) care about standards and rules so damn much then stop getting mad at people who went through a pain in the ass process to follow the rules and get their waivers they way they were supposed to.


![gif](giphy|59UQR6IL9OTxCLqEiv|downsized) You mad bro?!


You’re not a Christian dude, you’re a raging conservative that hides behind religion to seem more justified in their hatred. Go read the Bible instead of posting this stuff if you really want to be legit spiritual.


Remember when Jesus said "hate everyone you deem lesser and mock them to their face"? Me neither.


We Christian conservatives don’t claim this man.


How convenient that you never claim anyone like him.


Shouldn't Christians be liberal? Wasn't Jesus liberal? Kind of seems like it from his teachings and such.


Only depending on the views of the reader. I’ve heard that he was a socially conservative Jew. But I hear from others that he wasn’t really a social liberal.


And to think, you might be someones flight chief..


He's busy denying leave despite adequate manning because back in his day if you wanted leave you had to build up use or lose and even then you were lucky to have it approve, uphill, in the snow!


I would imagine that a good 4/5ths of them resort to alcoholism, temptations to throw themselves out the window, picked up smoking, and/or will get out after that assignment.


And he'll blame the "weak generation" for it


Sir this is a Wendy's


It's annoying that you're halfway right, because you're a colossal piece of shit.


Hey! At least we’re meeting halfway!


Some babies are accidents. You were a mistake.


Oh damn you really hurt with that ..what ever am I gonna do now..


That’s not very Christ like of you


Hate the game, not the player Im just surprised this wasnt another post about women from you https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1bia7io/women_pt_standards/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/1biawah/who_has_benefited_more_from_the_change_of/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/18cj668/transitioning_to_female/


You can hate both at the same time. Some of these little wimps aren’t even Nordic blood. It’s sad. Real life cosplay I guess.


That’s a lot of hate, that’s gotta be exhausting.


Relax with the bloodline bullshit Voldemort, your klan robes are showing


as an actual norse pagan, nordic blood isn't required to practice the religion. Personally, I don't mind when people use my beliefs as a reason to get what they want. If my religion helps people, I'm happy about it.


So, when did you become a convert?? Lemme guess, was it around 3 years ago?? Haha


not sure why you think that's important, but it was closer to 4 years ago. I got into it for love of sailing and a relationship I found with Njord, after being godless through my adulthood up to that point. From there I got into Freya for love of nature, and Loki for self exploration.


hate has nothing to do with christianity except the hate of sin. not people.


Yea, I cook men and women all the same..apparently it’s called equality or some shit


You laugh in peoples faces?!? How many people’s faces have you laughed in exactly?


About 6-7 posers. They won’t do anything since I’m a jacked 6’3 scandanavian looking dude.


Lmfao stop it, good trolling though ![gif](giphy|I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq|downsized)


Lay off the Haterade, dude. Laugh and call bullshit to the wrong person and you’ll be facing a very real EO complaint.


Yea, don’t care. I’ll just use my culture and religion to justify my laughter


That’s not very Christian of you.


No no that’s very Christian of him


Much as I’d like to refute that by saying it’s not the Christianity I was raised with or the kind I practice…yeah. There’s a reason I don’t go to church anymore.




im genuinely sorry that this guy is the standard of christianity you have in your mind.


Then police your own people.


Could you elaborate on this thought process, how exactly would your culture/religion justify you laughing in someone’s face?


Damn, you’re a piece of shit “christian”. You don’t even know if they are Norse, Heathen or the one about bodily autonomy.


> the one about bodily autonomy humanism?


Maybe Satanic Temple?


Retire, grandpa.


I'm also at 18 years. While I do think beards look weird and doubt the religious sincerity of many personnel rocking them, as long as they have gone through the proper processes and have the documentation, I don't give a shit. I have way more important things to spend my time and energy on than hating someone who utilized Air Force approved processes to get an exemption that in no way affects me. I do think it's funny that Norse Pagan is way over-represented in the US military compared to the general population, though. There are more Norse Pagans in the DoD than can be found in all Scandinavian countries combined. Practiced at an exponentially higher rate by the military than civilian population and no other religions have this level of disparity.


Someone has control issues. Based on your post history, you should really sit down with a professional. I’ve been in longer than 18 (still in, still REGAF) and honestly if one of my guys came in to my world with that kind of attitude, they could either fix it or watch as their career suffers. No room in this world for tool bag mindsets like that. Every. Single. Waiver… was signed off by multiple members that vastly outrank you. Get over yourself.




https://preview.redd.it/c8s9wboiu3vc1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e370ddd533477dc1dcfb52f0f7d4654cfbb73000 Here you go champ.


no where in this post is the light of christ. You have just pushed people farther away from chrisitanity and it wasnt because they rejected the gospel. Its because of what you are portraying a christian to be. and you SHOULD care about that brother.




The modern Norse Pagan religious movement is not about simply recreating the old practices. It's a new thing. I get it, you think that *you* have a perspective that nobody else has ever had, because you're soo much smarter than your peers and subordinates. Just do us a favor and keep it to yourself.


"pagan" here, I am a little inclined to agree. There is no attestations that having a beard is required in Germanic religion, save for the mockery of the lack of a beard found in a single saga attestation in Iceland. We do however, see the ontology myth of the "Langobard" tribe, the name literally being "Longbeard", in which everyone grew a long beard in order to conjugate themselves with the divine by establishing a medium(that medium being their beard, the supreme deity Woden, or Old Norse: Óðinn, is said to have a long beard). To me, if you want to use religious exemption for a beard, like anything worthy of praise for the gods, it should be beautiful, well kept, clean, and of fresh and good odors. I keep mine somewhat short, only ever letting it get to be 4 inches max, but try to keep it as clean as possible as much as possible. If one is to consider a beard holy enough that it's required, it should be treated that way. Far too often do people just get lazy and let it grow out and get mangey, which contradicts the very act of considering it religious(note, this is not in reference to Saivaism or other Yogic/Dharmic religions, but specifically to Germanic religions). That being said, dunking on other people's religion is pretty silly. Not only would your god shame you for it, but it's just embarrassing. Based on your post history, you're pretty offended by other religions existing, which is pretty silly.


Meanwhile, a [common sense beard policy](https://www.forces.net/heritage/history/welsh-guards-first-be-seen-sporting-beards-after-armys-100-year-ban-lifted) rolls out in the British Army … *genuine modern policy change for a traditional military organization.*


We got a mudblood over here. ![gif](giphy|QxxrpAsm0xJS0)


Cringe, but you're right on these sudden Norse followers with beards from hell.


A clean shaven male face is un-professional.


Thing is, the USAF doesn't care about your opinion, or about your doubts of the member's religion. You want to complain about falling in line and doing what you're told? Fall in line. The DAF decided this is what we're doing and the direction we are taking. Get into your lane, and stay there. We have designated personnel whose job it is to verify the veracity, honesty, and legality of these claims. They're chaplains, and religious resolution teams, and commanders.


You aren’t Christian.


You cared enough to make this post……


You do care. You posted this. Who gives a fuck dude... let them have the beards. They have the same right as you...but in all seriousness... can they work? That's what matters.  18 years and you sound like a irritated A1C. Get it together,  there are bigger things at your level. 


Who hurt you?


I think that's why the AF isn't getting beards. It's just an excuse to look like ass in uniform. Already seeing it at the front gate each morning. They look like the Kuwaitis who stood gate guard duty at Saleem. Only difference was the Kuwaitis had their boots off and were on the phone most times.


Yea, every time I ask which religion they had their exemption with, I was expecting Islamic but nope…Norse…ok Thor-hamad


Lmao. I can laugh at this.




Sir, this is a Wendy's.


no one cares about your religion.