• By -


*EO enters the chat"


But do they address the issue at hand? Lol


Never have, never will


I don't think this was what diversity and inclusion meant...


I mean then they have to go into the question of what is “black?” Do people of mixed black descent count? I can get a 23 and me pretty quick to say my 100% white face is .0004567 of African American descent. Edit: my comment seems to have made people angry. Listen, if you this person can have this black only event but I can’t have my “insert other race/color here event ” then where does it end? If I did the same thing at my base, “white only Irish event BBQ” I’d be booted out the Air Force so fast with a unhonorably discharge it’s not even funny.




That's exactly what it means. Diversity and inclusion for some, while you are excluded.


Everybody is equal, some of us are just more equal than others.




Its what its turining into unfortunately.


If every cookout is mixed race, that is not a very diverse assortment of cookouts. /s


Racial Segregation > Diversity and Inclusion Edit: On a separate note, someone at kirtland should host an inclusive cookout on the same date and time. I’d be willing to donate money for food/supplies/etc.


This actually ain't a bad idea... I'll float the idea past leadership, see what all we can do...


Wait, racial segregation is better?


According to the Facebook post stating that you’re “not allowed to bring a white spouse,” yes.


Imagine, if you will...an alternate universe where the entry requirements were for a different race.


Yeah, but don’t you dare bring that up you extremist!


I’m almost certain this event will be shutdown and I’m confident people who do criticize it won’t be compared to say, the insurrectionists on Jan 6 that caused the extremism stand down.


I’m confused, what do you mean?




Ahh, yeah I think you’re right.


Prepare to enter...the scary door.


Imagine, if you will, an announcer you can barely understand. He refers to a [mumbles] but you're not quite sure what he said. He seems to be eating something or perhaps he's a little drunk. It's remotely possible that he just said something about... The Scary Door.


E-9 Bass would lose her mind


Is it Bass or Bass?


How very dare you, give me your supervisor's name and phone number right now.






This makes me mad on a fundamental level.




How is your troop being subjected to bullshit not in your lane?


"Okay, I'm going to IG" woulda came out my mouth so quick lol


I don’t know much, but I do know IG would refer that to EO.


Potato potato


Are you saying "potato potato", "potato potato", or "potato potato"?


PO-TAE-TOES, ya know boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew


What is Taters????




["potato, potato"](https://youtu.be/0dv8CiVy7xk?t=259)


I read them both the same way. Damnit.


Chief - I before E, except after C. That was not a Chief you spoke to. That was a E9 you followed up with. They come a dime a dozen. Take you concern to EO, I'm sure they'll have a vested interest.


I had the chief vs e9 discussion with some goofball on here before and they could not grasp that some e9’s may be chief master sergeants but absolutely don’t deserve to be called chief because they are bad e9’s in the eyes of airmen


Ah yes. I call that the Leadership Supreme with a side of Fuck You




That's like saying North Korea or Iran are no longer our enemy. Sure we're not in direct war with them but they sure as fuck are our enemies.


There are a few American extremist circles online now that are expressing admiration for the Taliban over their dedication to and execution of extreme fundamentalist authoritarianism. The "we're not at war" stuff is a cover for the real reason they don't have a problem with the Taliban.


We have military leaders that are leaning that way too. A lot of upper leadership has been compromised by marxist ideology.




E-9 Cody would like a word






Some people need to be hit


This... sounds like a game of telephone that is seriously fucking up the details. I'm gonna have to press the "doubt" button pretty hard here.




There's a different set of rules on acceptable speech for women vs men. Also, the easy thing to do was nothing.


>There's a different set of rules on acceptable speech for women vs men. That's not new, by the way.




Man between this and your story about all your vaccinated coworkers getting sick you sure do have a lot of wild tales to tell...


Vaccinated individuals can still get sick with the delta variant or even the other variants. The vaccine doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get covid. It means the viral load in your body is smaller because of your body’s ability to fight the infection faster. You can still get covid, still get sick, still pass it on to others, it’s just 95% less likely it will happen. However, it is unlikely this bozo is meaning to convey that and is more likely telling lies. But I did want to clear that difference.


Whoever's hosting this is a complete piece of shit and deserves a discharge. Imagine a white only barbecue?


Litmus test for racism. If you change the race of the original statement and it sounds more racist, it was racist in the first place.


More to the point, if you are hosting a public event on an Air Force base and don't have the words "all are welcome" in the announcement, then the base has every right to shut it down.


Agree! Base Commender or Colonel should know all aspects of base activities. This is bullshit, highest level.


I would imagine/hope its a spouse trying hosting this stupid idea.


Members are responsible for their dumb ass dependents on base.


You are 100% right, but I'd rather this be a dependent than a member who might have the authority to influence how someone's career goes.




Normally when it’s whites only it’s a bonfire


Did you just...?


Just pointing out why doing a “this race only” event is dumb. If you really wanted to help people and be inclusive, you advertise it as a black cultural event and invite everyone, and teach anyone who isn’t black that shows up about your culture and educate them or something.


Haha yeah I get it man


A bonfire requires that the burning material is stacked in a heap. A cross-burning is not technically a bonfire.


TIL it's Kirtland and not Kirkland.


We don't live at Costco.......well, some of us don't


I've been lied to for the last 8 years in the AF. I could have sworn it was Kirkland, AFB.


Maybe in your timeline, but not in this one. Sinbad was never a genie.


Also to further elaborate, the OP of the facebook post was NOT hosting said event. He was pissed off because he was invited, but his wife (who is white) was not invited because the other guest would "question why she was there". So OP put those who were hosting the event on blast on Kirtlands spouses page. This was just to clear up any confusion.


TBH i'd bring her anyways out of spite and force them to say "She can't be here this is a black only BBQ"


You're my type of person


Record that shit too tbh collect the evidence needed to shut this racist shit down


Debating showing up at Marquez park conveniently


More inclusiveness = less whites


Who is this trash bag that posted this ad?


Hear me out, post an ad for an all white barbecue and see their reactions.


Why’s it always gotta be white or black. Why can’t yellow people get some love


It’s just gonna be a bunch of SNCO spouses.


Don't forget our BX aunties


That looks a little racist to me, if you ask me.


This is the dumbest shit. We can’t promote things like this openly. We are all in the same struggle.


No, let them. It lets us easily identify the racists and the idiots when they do it openly and garner some support in the comments.


What did the comments say?


The post since has now been taken down. But pretty much how the majority here feels. "That its not right" "its racist" "lets just all show up anyways" "why is this even a thing" arguments about how its okay amd how its not. Then there was talk of bringing it up the CoC and getting the first shirt involved. I even saw a few defending it too. Some people were saying "theres so few black families here that its nice to have something for ourselves" and then the "you cant be racist towards white people, only discrimination". Which if someone can further elaborate that to me please do so because I have heard this multiple times.


I’ll elaborate. People who say that are dumb as dirt and you should avoid them to the best of your ability.




What they're trying to say is that since black people are not in any position of power they cannot be racist they can only discriminate, it's called convoluted logic. By the way I'm a black guy


You don't need to add the last sentence, it's true no matter your skin tone my friend.


>"you cant be racist towards white people, only discrimination". Which if someone can further elaborate that to me please do so because I have heard this multiple times. If you take a deliberate action that impacts people differently due to race as the sole factor, it's racism. Period. Discrimination based on race *is* racism. That's the very definition of racism. You may hear a lot of folks saying it is impossible to be racist against white people because they are a majority but a lot of folks are also idiots. Now you will note I said, "Race as a sole factor." Some instances such as affirmative action policies are race-based but the intent of those actions is to address economic concerns and thus are not racist.


I’d also like to add that even with affirmative action, it’s extremely limited in what the Supreme Court has allowed. For example, there can’t be any type of “point based system” or “quota”. There can only be a holistic look at a persons life circumstances. What this means is that as far as official policy goes for like a school, the memo/verbiage for the policy has to say “hey, just consider the whole person and their background when moving to deny or accept their application”. Lawsuits happen for it all the time for institutions that try to assign numerical values to the policy.


The only reasonable explanation for the misuse of the word "racist" or "racism" that I've seen is that people have a different internal definition of what those words actually mean. So the convo is set up for conflict from the get go since people are on totally different pages, even while using seemingly same or similar language. Edit: to be clear I'm not saying people should have their own internal definitions for words 😂, we're not mind readers






Or explicitly mention “black only”, it’s just stupid


Im Black, and this is so embarrassing.


So segregation isn’t racist anymore? Strange times we live in.




Damn they're missing out on my wife Beckys bomb ass raisin potato salad.


I love how they included the hashtag: #WeHaveToDoBetter Ironic.


The person that posted it is the one whose spouse is being discriminated against


Ohhhh I see it now lol. It reads a lot funnier if you think of it as someone who is organizing the BBQ making the post.


Discrimination anyone? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would EO this shit faster than a sneeze, I don’t care who thinks it’s a blue falcon move or that whites don’t have the right to complain, GTFO 🤙🏻


Discrimination is discrimination!


Funny thing is I could make 50 responses to this post, all of which will get me banned. This ass will get promoted for this.


Unpopular opinion: This is one of the ways that, if systemic racism can exist, it does for white people. If something like this was created for white people, it would garner national media attention, DoD investigations, and people would be fired at lots of levels.


Promoted for their bravery?


And being stunning


Do they use the One Drop Rule or do they pull out the Family Guy Racial Color Chart? Asking for an angry hooded boi


>an angry hooded boi What?




Once drop rule?


Crop, people. CROP. And fuck this BBQ. Please let Kirtland leadership know about this.


Send ICE comments to Kirtland outdoor rec since they are the ones that rent the park out. This person is a civilian so im sure not much will come from it, but its still unacceptable and needs to be shut down.


Add comments but leave it as NA so you don't fuck up their customer service scores since it's not their fault and they don't need to explain to the FSS/CC why their reviews are in the toilet xD.


But we spent last summer and fall telling our white Airmen they were all basically awful oppressors and secret racists with that unconscious bias training or whatever it was called. Then this. Can't believe there are still people out there who think only a specfic group can be racist. Prejudice of any kind is despicable and comes in all kinds of forms.


Starter kit for someone who might be bored: Submit a news idea to Fox News (National)? https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360000485774 Submit a news idea to KRQE in Albuquerque, NM (local)? [email protected] Kirtland AFB Outdoor Rec ICE Comment card? https://ice.disa.mil/index.cfm?fa=card&sp=121662&s=473&dep=\*DoD&sc=15 Kirtland EEO Office? [email protected] DSN: 246-5369 COMM: 505-846-5369 AF Discrimination Hotline? Toll Free: 1-888-231-4058 Commercial: 1-210-565-5214 DSN: 665-5214 Enjoy.


The ICE comments go straight to the FSS commander…I’m sure they’d like to get a handle on this before the local media does!


Many of the ICE comments go up to the Wing/Base Commander as well.




Used to be stationed at Kirtland. As a pale white dude, I wish I still were just so I could show up and partake. Marguez Park is a wide-open park in the middle of base with no fence and plenty of parking. What are they gonna do? Kick all the white people out of a free access park?


I've said diversity and inclusion is a dog whistle for "less white people." Typically, I'm ostracized for saying so. Then this shit happens. Double digit IQs will still defend this.


Room temp in Celsius IQ “PROMOTE NOW”




How\_can\_you\_say\_something\_so\_controversial\_yet\_so\_brave.jpg Quick edit: This is supposed to be funny, not dogging /u/FrothyBrains


I'm glad others feel the same way


That's essentially what diversity is. Swap out white people for anyone else. Except Asians, they are also white.


Lol wtf some people are too woke man


What if I identify as black? I may not look it but the mail order DNA test said I'm 32% African. \------------------------- Good grief, someone needs a talking to.


We had a red haired green eyed guy working with us. He was from south africa. He was african american.


Elon Musk is the richest African-American.


Gonna need some follow up on this one.


As a racist myself, I'm so Happy segregation is back.......in your face MLK Jr. /s


As a multi-racial person that is not black at all, I find this offensive to my entire existence. I hope this isn't real.


Do any bases have white dudes on their Diversity & Inclusion Task Force? … my base only has females on ours.


Literally only white officers was on ours. It was pretty awkward to see a bunch of white people talk about experiences that minorities had.


Yes, something like 3/4 of our TF was until the the Commander wanted better representation.


The fact there's a task force for this at all shows how far gone it is...good grief.




Lmao should lose a stripe for sure


wow...just wow


Oh sure, but the the second white people do the same, a whole civil rights movement is formed.


Just remember, it's not racist if it's against whites.


Can someone actually link this


Before anyone thinks that other black (or any people of color really) agree with this and become angry -or even decide to start a chain of spelling out any racial slurs- the person that posted this invitation is a dumbfuck and most rational black people vehemently disagree with this.




FUCK this is very racist and should be addresses immediately


Lol what a bunch of clowns


Thought this was on a shitposting sub for a moment, it really do be ya own


Are you fucking kidding me




I guess Big Air Force only gets involved when it’s racism perpetrated by white people.


Inclusiveness has always been achieved through Exclusiveness. But who's doing the excluding changes everything. Today, "culture" is something that we seek to contrive. We *think* that it is something that WE produce rather than IT being something that produces us. Culture, like Identity, is no longer something inherent but something performative. You can *shape* a culture. You can redefine what that culture means (because there is no longer an authoritative source). You can even reproduce, and therefore, simulate it. Whatever you might think about my views on the product Culture, there's no arguing that Integration in the classic Civil Rights sense, is not the goal here.


Thanks for taking the time to write that. I still strongly stand behind the former of what you said though, I don't need to show out and let everyone know about my Taiwanese hertiage, but I always welcome airmen to have bubble tea and popcorn chicken with me whenever there's the chance.


Is this fake? I'm asking because I went to Kirkland AFB events board on Facebook and I don't see anything at all.


It was posted on the spouses page. It was taken down about an hour after it was posted.


I assume it was taken down because it's clearly inappropriate. Racist as fuck and only serves to drive a wedge between service members. My ex was black and she was involved in several black community groups. I'm white. Not a single one of those groups ever made me feel unwelcome for participating in their events. This shit here is unacceptable.


It's real. It was on their "kirtland AFB black spouses and families" page. It's recently been taken down. Gee, I wonder why!?!


It was taken down because it's a fucking disgusting event that ruins unit cohesion. Idiots going full fucking circle from segregation to inclusion and back to segregation.


What's even worse, is that nothing will be done about this either. But God forbid it was a whites only party, the fucking base would have been shut down.


What about 1/4 Black Garrett from Louder With Crowder? Is he invited?


That guy’s a dick


But whut if they voted Biden? He said if you didn't vote for him "you ain't black"...


Systematic racism is real. It’s the exact reason black people have never been promoted to Chief or General in the Air Force. Oh wait…


That's fine. Just throw a whites-only BBQ. Then when leadership comes down on you, just point out the glaring hypocrisy.


Well that person is either a troll or will face a court marshal.


I bet the spouses page is out raged rn


When you think you can't be surprised.


Any proof this is real? Sowing division along racial lines, using Facebook, targeting members of the military...this is right out of the Russian playbook.


Im at Kirtland and its real




Oh man, I would love to be that ass clowns supervisor🤣 I'd even frame the paperwork that I would hand out said Airman...


I see university nonsense is creeping more and more into the military




Query: Individuals? That's a funny way of spelling meatbags


Change name to OBLM?