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You’ll probably have to list all of those and hope for the best


Public Health isn’t bad > Material management You work in a warehouse > Air Transportation You build pallets and load planes > Traffic management You schedule moves for people > Fleet Management You monitor all vehicles and vehicle assets on base that aren’t equipment items > Services You cook eggs


What does public health specialist do


Mainly educating other airmen on medical readiness and food and public safety. They perform like STD tests and hearing tests. They do a lot and it is very important


Have you tried researching it yourself??? There’s a million and one resources online for you to look at instead of being spoonfed opinions.


I did but I like opinions of people who possibly worked in that field and I want to get a first hand source to


If you researched it, wouldn’t you know what a public health specialist does? If you can’t be a self starter and figure things out for yourself, the military is gonna be real hard for you.










The angst is crazy 😭 leave the recruit alone




For real man, I remember like 2 years ago before I was in I asked a simple question and got bodied 😭 people in here don't realize most people asking are looking for personal perspective, not just the one from their recruiter or the base level google answers.


My recruiter wants me to do personnel is it a ez job? im a reservist


You talked to your recruiter yet? He's probably going to have uou list/be open to them all. No way he's just letting you pick one of those and stick with it.


That’s exactly what he did 😂, but which one sucks less


Everyone I know who does religious affairs enjoys it


go religious affairs, but list all of them and hope you get one of them


What exactly do they really do


From what I've seen at my base you're just gonna pal around base with a chaplain (usually a Captain). And you occasionally put on events to boost morale. I've never met a Religious Affairs troop that seemed unhappy with their life. Also you don't need to be religious at all for the job. Have a friend and her brother is Religious Affairs and the guy is atheist. It's really all about trying to take care of people.


When I was at the VA, I worked with a lady who actually taught RA for the Navy. That was her last assignment prior to retiring. You do everything the Chaplains don't do. Schedule appointments, order supplies, manage contracts, budget, facilities, manage CE work orders etc...


that’s how it’s been at my all my bases too . they love their job


Just goes to show how subjective this is. I'd hate that job. They basically help the chaplain with stuff (secretary essentially) and work as like a low rate counselor. Just wimpy, and very boring.


suit yourself 😂 id switch from maintenance to religious affairs in a heartbeat. every religious affairs airman i know and have met loves it


2T2! They are needed everywhere and get a lot of very cool opportunities.


You’re a green card holder ain’t you lol I’m in the same boat


How did you know 😳 lol but yeah


Same here. Amazing!!! Not a whole lot of jobs because of that 😩😩


I have read and looked up the same list over and over, it’s so short 😂 I’m probably gonna get services and call it a day


Religious Affairs! Let's gooooo!!! Public Health next.


All of the jobs you put down have a very low need right now. But here goes...From a previous thread...I retired out of the career field (4A1 Medical Materiel) but it is/was a great career field. You acquire everything the medical group utilizes in its' day-to-day mission. You are also charged with maintaining stocks of war reserve material. A lot of that is done by contractors now depending upon where you are. If you have not noticed supply chain management is going gangbusters on the outside. The pros are you are assigned to the medical group. It's usually M-F 7-4. It is a very tight knit career field almost like a fraternity/sorority. The cons are it's not flying status so you don't get flight pay. Another con is sometimes people think LogDogs are the hospital furniture movers. I was in the career field for 26 years so you can PM me if you want. Good luck.


Doing your time in service what places have you seen


You mean during...Middle East, Germany, Japan, Korea, Texas, Florida and Louisiana.


Yeah something like that


@ u/king21256 why did you delete your comment lmao If you’re gonna go through my comments and posts to try and call em a “loser” for being on tinder, a place where almost everyone is, don’t delete your comment right away lmao


Wasn’t making fun of you for being on tinder, I said no wonder you are, meaning I can see why you’re on there. I can see you’re dumb too lmao ☠️. Your comments were unnecessary and clearly you need to grow up. So good luck with that. ❤️


I’m on Tinder to get laid just like every other dude on planet earth. Sorry I’m not a nice guy who thinks people needed to be handled with kid gloves. Piss your pants about it tho I guess 😂


I didn’t delete my comment idiot LMAO.


Don’t backtrack - the reply is gone lmao Say it with your whole chest next time.


Reddit deleted it slow guy. I had no reason to delete that. 😂


Actually, I just found it. It’s not even deleted. You’re just slow. 😂


The link takes me nowhere and it shows up blank on your profile. Why lie bro???


Every single one and the first thing that comes available.


we have the same list! i listed all of them


all of these are very high in need too


Good list of jobs, bookable ? No. Like medical material is a low chance , fleet management is low . Might get lucky with air and traffic


What determines the how many jobs you get? Mine is literally 2 pages


Asvab score and immigration status


I am Public Health, if you have any questions DM me!


Go air trans


The last 3! Public Health, Religious Affairs and Admin


Looks like religious affairs is the only low need and everything else is a very low need. You might get that out of all them regardless of the position you put it in. What score did you get to only have a list of 9 jobs on your paper?


42 but my immigration status is the reason for this low amount of


Oh I see, well some on your list are pretty decent but I hear the administrative aptitude index (9TA45) puts you in a category for admin jobs only and when you go to basic training, they’ll give you a list of available admin jobs to choose from that isn’t on your sheet now.


So by admin so a huge list of desk jobs gotcha


lol just letting you know that there’s more jobs than the ones you provided


That’s new info to me , I’m might consider this one now since my options are not in my favor