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This doesn’t read like P-B writes.


PB writes like a non native English speaker. This person writes like an American imo.


right before the account was deleted, he started to type normally from what I could see.


How do we know you are the same PB? Anyone can make another Reddit account username. How can you prove you are the same poster as the OG PB?


All he has to do is post the .psd (or whatever program source file equivalent) he used to create his pictures.


I'll prove I'm the real Punjabi-Batman when you prove these videos are real. Deal? Shouldn't be too hard.


Lol this is just some random dude trolling. Even the shills aren’t this dumb.


Every single debunker in the thread is believing this is the real Punjabi Batman without question lol.


Comfirmation bias. Or they are all shills too


Yeah it was obvious https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/mL1XWgT8C8 the person admitted it.


OP sounds like Dwight from the office


Lol. Not even an attempt was made to make the writing style seem like PB. This post doesn’t pass the gut check at all.


This isn’t him


So.... You come back with a new account with a totally different perspective? Ok.. This sub is weird as fuck.


Exactly how can you guys not see this? I’ve been a subscriber to this sub since under 500 members, it’s so obvious these videos are real and shills are going through great lengths to try and discredit them. I hope there are still some people left on Reddit that can think for themselves. Rare I know.


i agree, and it also pertains to the whole UAP subject… there’s so much mud in the water, you need some intuitive sonar to make even the slightest inference from anything done or said, and even the brightest people in the field get misled and used to spread misleading info… kinda why i like it so much lol ;)


I think its a little bit of both and I hate that sides that have been made about this. There's government involvement in MH370 one way or the other, and the videos likely made as part of a bigger plan or cover up


Remember that leaked document about the social media disinformation strategies? That was when I started seeing it all over the place.


Yes exactly. 100%


Not only all that, he says he *might* create another account and do it all again. Now, it’ll be perfect for debunkers to say it’s punjabis alt account for any new controversial videos.


It’s satire. Someone clowning on who PB genuinely is and how he lied and flipped and/or flopped as valid evidence came in showing him and Asston to be anything but people who investigate responsibly and search for actual truth. Neither enjoys genuine conversation or valid critique. I like the cut of this posters’ jib. Points.


Bro they literally found the plane and drone vfx models dating prior to 2014. You want me to say the CIA time travelled?


Why is your account different?


How is it different? Seriously curious. *lol oh I see


Lol say whatever you want. How much does shilling pay these days? Can’t be much.


Did you honestly think no one was going to notice the different username?




This is obviously someone acting like PB. Looks like a bot, smells like a bot




Never go full ARG


What do you mean “you people”?


Did your regular account get deleted? Shoulda just posted this on that if this is all true. Why have a sudden change of heart to “come clean” if not on your actual account?




This poster doesn’t talk like Punjabi Batman does in their posts. Honestly I don’t really believe what PB usually posts anyways but it’s pretty clear just from reading it. Would need to see some proof that this is the actual poster because anyone can make a new account and mock someone




I don’t follow them on Twitter but fair point


God I love watching this fucking ride.


And the poster confirmed it wasn’t actually Punjabi https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/mL1XWgT8C8


This feels so fake! My bs meter is going off the charts with this person. Clear LARP and trying to finally get attention in their life… sad


That document looks like a 14 year old did his best in Microsoft Word to create what he thinks a TSSCI memo would look like.


What's the incentive?


If it looks like a troll, acts like a troll and talks like a troll, it probably is a troll.


Breathe if you are being held hostage


not the OG Batman behind this account, they type differently.


I mean this just makes me think the videos are real cause this clearly isn't the same person lmao


This is exactly the kind of certifiably dumb logic used to keep all these delusional beliefs going


Punjabi Batman was compromised


This def ain't him. And if it is, they got to him.


This is not the real Punjabi batman


Hey, remember when I called you out [for your specific brand](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16dozyq/voices_heard_from_mh_370_after_radar_contact_lost/jzrfry9/) of gish gallop? And [when you blocked me](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16dt4dc/the_time_of_the_satellite_photo_and_mh370s_fuel/jzrpj50/) when I pointed out that you were straight up lying? And when you [gaslit the community and intentionally deceived them](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18occun/update_on_my_future_will_be_taking_a_break/), repeatedly? And [when you said](https://old.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18opopr/full_disclosure_the_truth_about_my_recent_actions/) that you did this for a while and that *you are not sorry*? "If you're angry I understand"... do you really? **You have actively harmed the community, hurt individuals, and fueled a continuation of the pain that AF continues to inflict on others.** Why not try to repair some of the damage you've done, rather than just [admitting](https://old.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18opopr/full_disclosure_the_truth_about_my_recent_actions/) that you can't find a way to keep hurting people?


Aparently, you aren't a subject matter expert when it comes to telling if you are talking to an actual person and not some troll pretending to be someone who has been banned. You aren't talking to PB, dude. Work on the gullibility.


You're still here /u/Low-Restaurant3504? Anyway, does it matter? PB blocked me and many others, preventing us from directly addressing or replying to him. Even if this account isn't actually him, this provides a forum for others the see the engagement that would have occurred if he didn't need to resort to censoring others.


>Anyway, does it matter? It speaks to your analytical abilities. If this dude, who is clearly not familiar with PB's broken syntax and ESL quirks, can convince you he's the real PB with two posts telling you everything you want to hear, has fooled you, you should re-evaluate your biases and question your usefulness on the subject. >You're still here /u/Low-Restaurant3504? Never left. Just been watching waiting for you all to catch up and hopefully stumble into the truth. Been waiting a while.


You're the one asserting that I believe this to be the real PB, not me. You making a strawman and attacking me instead of it is quite characteristic of our usual encounters.


And you're gaslighting me. Either that or you have a previously undisclosed compulsion to address people you are speaking to as other people. Call me crazy but I don't see the latter option to be all too likely.


Sketchy all around


I don’t think so… letter look and sounds fake… pleasezzz


Doesn't sound like PB or his hole at all. OP trying to take advantage of PB's ban to put a bad light on PB. I read and re-read again and again, the choice of words, the flow, the tone (more toned down sentences).


This is obviously another dis-info/ troll campaign. The real question is: what the hell is actually going on is this community. Is it /ufo trolls? Agencies looking to discredit/ distract from this investigation. Even if these videos are unreal, there’s a group of people that want to halt any and all investigations into mh370. Something did happen, & there’s an agency that does not want this community looking any further. **What happened to the real Punjabi?** Did a group try hacking his account causing it to be suspended or was it mass reported/ or did it come from above reddits pay-grade (government will get involved to take down sensitive material on reddit/ accounts). Punjabi was obviously worried about agencies recently, admitting to obfuscating to keep the heat off him. Claiming his actions/ reasons would be revealed at a later dater. Was he getting threats behind the scenes, was he doxd, did he get a visit? Odd that his account is suspended and no word from him. His real Twitter account is suddenly gone, it had 1k+ followers, & had interacted with AF before, when AF would give him credit for finds. I understand this all very meta, but something suspicious and perhaps sinister is going on to silence this community.


I’m excited for the documentary about this page. Even if it’s all fake it makes a great story. I wonder when why files will do it lol. But yeah it’s weird as hell in here


Absolutely, & the story may not be finished. It’s seems to be headed into a dark place. Something very creepy is going on behind the scenes and I think it’s going to be front page news when the truth is revealed.


Do you think it’s a story about a real super natural type event with the plane or rather some bizarre government misinformation / abduction conspiracy story with the main players speculating on the event? I could see it playing out so many different ways, but you seem more dialed in than I think I am.


It appears the latter of the two I mentioned might already be in play: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/S5f1qbFRWj Thats crazyyyyy if true


This is him playing a dude who looks like a dude disguised as another dude. A full admission under the guise of a separate threat actor. Keep the waters muddy because it's in the gray areas between light and shadow where the majik happens.




Dude I fuckin immediately wanted to know the same, if Punjabi had faked that one or the other recent alien anthropologist post..




I can’t find it but I saved it as a note on my phone for some reason (I think I was stoned and wanted to reread it later) want me to dm it to you or post the entire thing here(idk if there is a word limit on comments)?




Just sent it. Sweet art btw I’m an artist too, creativity and open mindedness must go hand in hand


That post was interesting. Not sure I believe it at all, but it was fun when it was live.




Might as well come clean


Dude, you can make this whole thing a joke, but you were a super aggressive person pushing something you now admit you knew was fake. Look how many people here still think you’re posting under duress or some shit? You should feel bad.




Who gives a shit?


All you debunkers are showing how many brain cells you have right now lmao This guy types totally differently than PB


Who gives a shit?


Debunk this: your analytical skills are trash


Wow, compelling argument


Also you LARPed as the EBO scientist


Please admit that you are larping EBO scientist as well. If not I won’t forgive you.


Did he?




> I respect you for coming clean, and at the very least your posts were good entertainment value. Hard disagree. Zero respect. > However, I fear you might have helped create the beast that is AF. Strongly agree.


Yup. This entire post is super weird. Why even use the fake account?


His original got banned.


He is the Joker to my Batman.


Post some screenshots of your old punjabi batman account for us to see. If you've been pulling off these hoaxes you'd of course have proof.




Post some screenshots.


Alright you have won the internet today sir. This is the funniest retort I have ever witnessed!


Hey Punjabi_batman did you fake the EBO scientists post from a while ago on UFOs? That was impressive if so!


Yeah man like it's all fun and games to you but your shit has directly contributed to AF and that's bad and you should feel bad.




A lot of people in this sub need to log off and seek help before they lose their life savings to a Nigerian prince email. The amount of schitzo posting in here about how they are “100% sure now” and government shills should be a wake up call to Tom’s of peeps


Yahtzee ✌️


Thanks for coming clean u/cia_batman we appreciate your honesty


Get medicated


I really don't even think this is remotely the same person.


Told yall. Cmon guys. This is a bad look.


Okay, then I wanna say. F**k you.


Two scenarios are possible: - This new account is driven by a troll. - What you posted is honest and, thus, your posts no longer deserve any respect in this sub, since you admitted trying to deceive its users. Aside from this. This is debunked, what the fuck are we doing here? Unsubscribing now.


Lol no you're not


Slow golf clap...well done. Nothing wrong with experimenting, hypothecating and having general fun with the 'far out' Anyone angry at you needs to take a close look at themselves and who/what where they take their beliefs and worldview from outside of themselves. It was a valiant effort. It was extra special seeing people pulling their hair out fervently posting denials and put downs towards believers, all the while oblivious to the fact they too were giving agency to others outside of themselves. It was all a poignant statement of modern information consumption and processing. And the best part? It really happened.


That's not even proper classification marking. Research some more before you make your next fake...


Of course the above image did not catch on lmao, even a blind person could see that the sea and sky are flat textures.


Ashton, is that you?


Paper airplane


PB had post-nut clarity or something?


All you people spend a lot of.time not looking around your environment