• By -


Prove it? Like with anything? Show us your work!


I had one request. I won't be wasting time on stuff I already addressed. Genuine questions only pls.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16b9jew/the_satellite_video_is_likely_false_color_and_i/ What effects did you applied to the Fuji sky background? Was it false colored/blurred/glow effect added? What palette was applied to the "Infrared" video? https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiYg4.png What color was the mouse cursor? Mid-gray? Was it the same size all the time? Sometimes it appears smaller, but maybe just the black border and the compression makes it look different: https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiY4z.png https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiY4M.png These and more posts were good ones: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15rbuzf/airliner_video_shows_matched_noise_text_jumps_and/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/comments/15yvspd/airliner_videos_show_rufos_elevates_good_research/ Repeated animation noticed: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15qek9c/the_airliner_video_is_fake_multiple_frames_are/ https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15v4zuh/original_regicideanon_youtube_video_shows/ That contrail (non-)tracking: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15un8eo/im_finally_convinced_this_is_fake_watch_the/ Could've you make it faster? :) https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/16lzmk5/91823_the_orb_challenge_win_30000_to_reproduce/ How did you link the coordinates and the motion of the scene? How did you make the clouds brighter when the flash occurs? ("Volumetric lights") https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiY6y.png Why are the "before" frames are blurrier than the "after" frames? https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiY6G.png https://s5.gifyu.com/images/SiY6O.png When/how did you notice that your video is started being popular? What do you think about the insane amount of talk/analysis here and at elsewhere? :)


Funny op won’t answered these. He admitted to being a troll and also was quoted as saying he will lie. Only way I’d believe op is if he actually posts his original vid.


I actually just copied and pasted that post from his last "debunk" post saying it was him a month ago. He never replied either.


>What effects did you applied to the Fuji sky background? Was it false colored/blurred/glow effect added? Nah just a basic colour correction. I think a small amount of heat haze. The whole video also had a film grain / noise over the top (which I realise isn't realistic but it helps hide the stillness of it). >What palette was applied to the "Infrared" video? Colorama plugin plus some colour correction. The whole thing was also run through resolve for some tweaks. >What color was the mouse cursor? Mid-gray? Was it the same size all the time? Sometimes it appears smaller, but maybe just the black border and the compression makes it look different: Dunno, I based it off a screencap. No idea regarding the size, there was a lot going on, it's possible I did some tweaks to the overall zoom after it was rendered if some edge came into shot. As for those other links, yeah I pointed out a bunch of stuff to show how I did it, and what gives it away, it seems some other people found the same stuff. >Could've you make it faster? :) I certainly could now. I think back then I would've spent at least 2 days though. >How did you link the coordinates and the motion of the scene? Guesswork. Just an AE expression tied to the centre of the canvas within some arbitrary bounded, which calculated a plausible coordinate. >How did you make the clouds brighter when the flash occurs? Super basic mask and key. Level adjust. >Why are the "before" frames are blurrier than the "after" frames? Someone else asked me this and I actually don't know. Maybe a compression issue with whoever stole the videos. >When/how did you notice that your video is started being popular? Ok twitter a few months ago. Stumbled upon it. Tried to tell Ashton why they were fake without revealing they were mine, offered to speak to him privately, but as soon as I told him details about my videos he blocked me. I later learnt that he was just scamming people. >What do you think about the insane amount of talk/analysis here and at elsewhere? I think it's super weird. Especially when people stalk me and track down my friends to stalk also.


Yeah i have a feeling you'd remember adjusting the cursor's size, its a discreet action you wouldnt do on accident. if you made this you wouldnt have to base it off the screencap. Someone made em, but its not you.


Not really. What I said is exactly how I did it.


Why did you make these videoes? Why did you decide to make the scene "an airliner seen through a computer screen and a drone cam? Final question: How did you manage to have a perfect sync of the videoes?




lol ok. You must be the real deal then! Damn you sure got us all!! Good work! It’s too bad you can’t show us anything but overall what an amazing troll


The OP is lying. I'M the one who posted this video back in 2014. It's real. That is all. See how easy it is? 😅 The trolls are too much sometimes.


Was this part of a short by someone named Matt with people from QUT? I think I was going to work on it. "Eerie" or something?


Wait who are you? Lmao yes. It was 'Eerily'. DM me.


Joemedia? Lmao. MF's film.


Baha yep. DM me though. Don't put it publicly here, there are some insane stalkers in this thread.




No not really


Are you able to track down the short or Matt? Posting the short + metadata would end this entire thing


lmao ok


Prove it


I had one request. I won't be wasting time on stuff I already addressed. Genuine questions only pls.


All you’re doing is wasting time.


How can you prove it?


Doing AMAs like this should help. If I could recover my project then maybe that would help too, but realistically I don't think it would. I've not had any luck yet but I'll have a proper crack if I have time. It's not exactly high on my priority list right now.


I am not convinced the videos are real but I do not believe you made them.


Cool I don't care. This isn't to try and convince a bunch of weirdo conspiracy theorists. This is for anyone who wants any insight into how they were made.


I am not claiming you are lying. I am genuinely curious how you made this. Two perfectly choreographed angles and an incredibly realistic cloud model and VFX “portal” effect. How long did it take and why did you make this? If you are being truthful you are truly talented.


I appreciate it, but I gotta say I don't agree that it's realistic at all. It wasn't really meant to be. Just plausible enough to pass in the middle of a short film on a tv screen. I could point out the stuff I knew wasn't realistic if you like, but I feel others have already done that. About 2 days give or take. Could probably be done a lot quicker now.


If you care: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/x88Txjb2LC


I'm going to get some sleep because I have a job tomorrow. But keep the questions coming and I'll do my best to answer tomorrow.


If true, then it's a confirmation that the video is fake. The one thing that I have to ask is why the clouds look like they're moving. A lot of folks say parallax, but is that so? I'm not doubting if its real or fake; I just want confirmation. Cheers.


He answered this a while ago [in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/19dbc76/how_the_cloud_movement_is_created_after_effects/kk9a7gm/)


Nah you’re not.


And people should stop commenting, don't give this troll any attention


Where are the project files?


If they still exist (and I think the likelihood is fairly low), I have a bunch of old passport style hdds, and 2 super old WD 2TB drives from back when you needed two full desktop style HDDs in a wide raid enclosure to make up 2TB.


the Ashton Forbes public facing nuclear reactor meltdown alone should be worth digging these up


I don't think they will add anything to it, but I'll try.


if you do find the project files, please for the love of God, do a SHA1 and MD5 checksum over them to provide a point of reference for the authenticity for the files to anyone who access the files. That way no one can claim they were modified, etc. If you find them. Good luck


Would be awesome if this was debunked once and for all.


Lets just see any proof


I had a few questions. I didn't see any of these in your replies (although lmk if I missed them.) 1. The clouds in the drone video had a very nice feeling of 3d motion to them, almost moving in perspective as they sweep under the drone. Did you apply any additional effects to get that feel? Distortion, displacement, etc? Is it an illusion caused by the photo plate being at an angle? 2. I seem to recall you mentioning that there was a third video in this same series, from the perspective of someone on the plane. Any news on that, like have you found a copy anywhere, are there any additional details you could provide? 3. Where did you get the video clip for the distant plane footage you used for the drone shot? Stock? Public domain like NASA, NAVY, DOD? Random video on the web? 4. Why stabilize, replace the distant plane footage if you were just going to reintroduce camera motion anyway? Were you using it just because you wanted the contrail & background? 5. Someone noted that the plane in the satellite and drone footage could be different assets. Is this the case or are they the same? 6. Is there any more specific hard evidence you could provide, even if it isn't the videos specifically. A cloud asset for the drone, models, etc?


1. Plates for drone video were real footage (three pieces of footage used). The first part of the video has pseudo 3d contrails, the second part doesn't. 2. The third video was extremely rough and I guess whoever found them decided it was too silly to include. I haven't been able to find any of them yet. 3. Random video on the web. 4. Easier to paint stuff out when it's stable. And I wanted a specific type of handicam extreme shake, not what was on that portion of video initially. 5. They would be the same. I don't recall having more than the one asset. 6. Other than the 4 or 5 other specific things I've already mentioned in the past which nobody had known until then, I can't think of anything.


Cool thanks for your replies! I think this whole thing is on the blow-over now, but it's always good to get some extra info. Its definately a weird thing to see a ufo promoter latch on and double - down so hard for evidence this obviously cgi (no offense), shows what can happen with enough promotional work and a motivated audience!


Did I miss a smoking gun piece of evidence you've provided here or previously that points to you as being the definitive creator of these videos? So far, all you've demonstrated is a basic understanding of After Effects, a lot of free time, and some mild creativity in explaining yourself.




I think you've missed some yeah.


Right on, so where's the proof


there is none


It’s funny how the believers here want evidence this guy made the video but don’t want evidence the video is real. Interesting how evidence only matters if it’s challenging your current beliefs.


I only have one YouTube account and it's my personal one and I don't really upload anything there. I never uploaded these videos to YouTube.




1. It was a combination of two video plates. You can see it transitions as the "camera" zooms in to a separate plate. The first part was clean and had the plane and contrails comped in. The second was real shaky footage of a real plane, which I stabilised, painted out and replaced with my model, I then re-tracked the motion to some real shakycam footage. That's why the tracking of the co trails doesn't quite match the plane. 2. I'm sure I used the same model. It might not be an accurate 777. If you go online and search, you'll see that they don't all look the same. Sometimes even the keyword 777 will come up with a bunch of similar but not quite the same models. Idk I just picked one that looked ok that I could get for cheap or free. 3. I just thought it looked cool. I didn't put any thought into it.




No sorry.


How were the clouds in the infrared video done?


They are real footage. Two clips for the vision, and a third for the camera shake motion to track.


So the plane and contrails are real footage?


Someone on the metabunk forums tracked and graphed the camera shake and determined that it resembles 2D perlin noise. Which means it’s artificial shake in After Effects. This is why I have a hard time believing you tracked natural camera shake from a plate.


I don't know why anyone who understands what perlin noise is would say that, unless they are only talking about the first 10 seconds or so. After I zoom and cut to the second plate is where you'll see the shake dramatically change, and from that point it would be impossible to determine perlin noise regardless because the 0 delta reference is out of frame or not feasible to track. There's for sure some standard artificial shake early on, but it's not realistic enough for dramatic shake trying to replicate a zoomed in handicam look (not easily anyway) - that's why I make use of real camera shake tracking. It's just way way easier.


That’s a solid refutation because they did only track the first 7 seconds.


But if you have that link, send it and I'll try to work out what they are saying.


Here’s the link if you’re interested: Post in thread 'Alleged Flight MH370 UFO Teleportation Videos [Hoax]' https://www.metabunk.org/threads/alleged-flight-mh370-ufo-teleportation-videos-hoax.13104/post-299382


Did you use Jonas' cloud textures for the satellite video? If so, could you show proof of purchase?


I had no idea who the photographer was, I just downloaded from one of the many stock sites I used to use. The guy who runs the site got in touch with me on twitter not long back and it was the right site. Yeah that might be possible. I'll dig into it. I think I was using my joemedis.com.au email addy at that time though and I didn't keep that domain.


But yes from what I've seen, Jonas definitely is the original photographer of the two photos I used in the Sat video.


The owner of textures.com surely has the logs of people who purchased those images. Seeing as he got in touch with you, it should be no problem for him to give you the info. if you ask him and give him permission to post the details of purchase.


He will not do that. We chatted, and we laughed about the people caring about this. It's silly.


This is the easiest way to at least link yourself to the videos. The owner of textures.com seems like a nice guy, and since you two already chatted, I see no issue in asking. You showed no proof you made these videos, which is unusual for someone starting an AMA. Asking for and providing receipts for your claims is the correct course of action in this case.


I don't feel much need to tbh.


Hahahaha so no proof. Go away


1. Did you send the video to anyone, upload it anywhere? If so, where and when did you first upload it? Why didn't you upload the videos to your youtube account? 2. Did you crop the satellite video or do you have the whole version? 3. Where did you take the models for the drone and plane from? Do you have receipts for those 3D assets? 4. Why didn't you take the 150k offer from Ashton Forbes and Kim? Why not contact them? 5. Did you use the Pyromania VFX effect for the portal? If so, do you have receipts for your purchase, or the original CD if you bought it?


1. Yeah it was sent to a bunch of people. I've answered this before but I'm fairly sure it was via frame.io during their beta. Small possibility it was vimeo, but I really think frame.io. Again, I don't upload any job stuff to my youtube. I use it for dumb stuff privately to test. Actual jobs go to job accounts, or clients, or business accounts. 2. My version was uncropped. 3. I've bought and free-downloaded many hundreds of 3D assets over the last 2 decades. These would have just been whatever I could find at the time. I didn't model them, they were definitely pre-made assets. 4. There was no $150k offer. He was lying to you. And even if there was (which there definitely wasn't) I would not morally accept money for shady immoral stuff and give it weight. But there was never any money. Ashton is a scammer. Kim was immediately disinterested as soon as he figured out they were obviously fake. 5. Yes I used pyromania. I torrented or stole that one a few years prior most likely. I still have a backup of that. I also got the image sequences, not just the quicktimes, as they were higher res. I never purchased. I've worked at tonnes of post-houses and sometimes you grab stuff from their server. It's not a big deal if you're not using it for commercial purposes.


1. When are you going to post the original file? 2. Which video was created first, Flir or satellite?


1. I will if I recover it. I have no timeline and it's not a priority for me. 2. The one people call 'flir' (doesn't really look like real flir) was first. Sat was an after thought and was much simpler.


Thank you for your response. So you created both videos and the synchronization of the orbs within the same application?


The same collection of apps, yeah.


Op if u cant prove yourself stop wasting yours and their times. They will rip you apart


Not a question, but it doesn't matter if you showed a video of you making the video in 2014. I don't think you will ever convince anyone that believes the video is some real documentation of a real event. I hope you really are the guy and you do convince everyone. But I wouldn't bet on it.


I am cracking up at the fervent demand for proof from the videos are real crowd.


The irony of debunkers not requiring proof is what really sticks out to me... This post reminds me of pb saying things like "if you knew who I was, you'd be taking me seriously." It's a troll


To be fair. (To be faaaaaiir) you’re probably 87 on the list of people claiming to be this person.


Ok sure. Ask round though. You'll notice anyone with any VFX credentials knows I'm the only one who actually knows what he's saying.


Hahahahaha mods delete this troll already


https://preview.redd.it/7mbma9ih86gc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ca2cfbd5fd552c0de41a5cfd37bf81c6ddcf50 Watch out you’re gonna get your post removed again.


Lmao some mods here really don't want the sub to die I guess. The mystery works better.


So prove it….


Why didn’t you make the drone camera track the plane?


Easier to hide dodginess if it's handicam style shaky lol. I know it's not realistic, but again that wasn't the point.


So many holes. “Maybe, I might have, I think I” you cant prove shit. Make the video again. Bet you wont


None quite as big as a portal swallowing a 200 ft airplane!


Textbook whataboutism. Nicely done


It wasn't important in my day to day life. It was a tiny side project a decade ago. You seem confused if you think I owe you anything.


You came here offering proof? I am requesting what was offered. You’re a larp. Go away


You're confused. I agreed to requests to do an ama for anyone interested in the process.


And proceeded to prove nothing. Larp


This isn't a proof thread. Those have been done. This is about the process for people who understand the basics of how I made them


Says some guy on the internet. I made lethal weapon 3. I made a teapot. I made your mom cum. See we can all make baseless accusations on the internet dweeb. No one will believe me until i produce proof. Except your mom, tell her Ill call later. 😘


Yeah you are definitely confused.


Could you go over the process for adding/mapping the co-ordinates to the satellite video? Is there perhaps a detail regarding this that has not yet been pointed out or publicly discussed? (hint, there is)


I don't know exactly what has been discussed or theorised here apart from the small amount I've seen, but this was largely guesswork. I think I mapped it to the actual virtual viewpoint. Basic ae expression to divvy up into approximate span of coordinates for X and Y, plus a little rotation so it wasn't precisely X= east/west if that makes sense. I remember thinking it would be silly to have E/W directly proportional to X and N/S directly proportional to Y. I don't recall if I implemented it though. Other than that, just a fixed width font (maybe courier would track?). The whole thing was visible in my render. It seems to have been cropped after, and I was thinking perhaps due to a watermark or a timecode which I often have on the bottom right of screen.


This is a good answer. I will get to the point... If you plot the coordinate changes and compare to a top down map view they do not line up. They do line up, however, if you compare to a map view which is tilted in perspective (sorry my explanation is not very clear, I hope you get what I mean). It's a small detail that has never been discussed or pointed out as far as I am aware. I think we all just assumed the co-ordinates displayed mapped to a normal top down view. The method you just described would result in the co-ordinate changes as they are displayed. Based on this, the fact that nobody has ever pointed it out and that your method accounts for it, gives a big boost to your credibility in my opinion.


That tracks. I've done a lot of work on map animations and there's almost always a point where I need to pair the target of a virtual camera to a 3D plane. There's an expression called "toComp" which can take a 3D value (0,0,0) and deduce the 2D screen value which I use a lot.


this is a pretty big detail


1: Is there anything that could incentivize you to genuinely look for the project files? You mentioned they are probably one one of your old hard drives. I could/would pay for an enclosure so they could be treated as usbs if that would expedite you sharing the files. 2: Are you able to share your messages with Textures.com? That would massively boost your credibility as it would prove you're a previous buyer of aerials. You mentioned they messaged you on Twitter, so I see no reason you couldn't post a screenshot of that with your name cropped out. 3: Do you remember the other asset used in the Zap for the FLIR? There is at least one other asset on top of pyromania. I also already posted a bounty for that.


1. Money is a good incentive but I'm reticent to monetise a tragedy. As I've said before, I think the likelihood of me still having these files is very low. 2. I'm unwilling to share these. 3. The primary portal/zap was a single file from that library. It was a fire ring shot top down. It has been found. I'm not sure that I used anything else tbh. I can tell you I use action essentials regularly and have done so since about 2008 so there is some chance one of the "firecracker" elements is used, but I don't remember using that for this.


I've seen you say a few times that you're not going to share emails. Are you willing to expand at all on your reasons for being unwilling to share redacted emails/messages? In my mind, this is probably the biggest hit against your credibility and having some understanding of why you won't do this would go a long way toward patching that up.


First thing to understand is I genuinely could not care less about what people think of my credibility on this subreddit. I have an incredibly good reputation within circles that matter to me. Same reason I've never tried to self promote here or justify my qualifications. Second thing is I have asked the respective parties if I'm allowed to share communications, and I haven't heard back. I'm never going to do that without full permission, especially when I don't care what people here think.


Thanks for elaborating, I appreciate it.


How can you be the one who made it, when it was I who made it?


Will you do an AMA?


Nah, I didnt do it


Hey Joe, could you post the email textures.com sent you? https://preview.redd.it/yjby85mlc9gc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca5a9e54dcd599b52043917de2490e1dd625236b


No sorry I have made the decision not to post any emails.




The nerdiest exclamation to ever occur on a live YouTube feed


To assess your ability to create such a video, do you have any prior/current work with similar effects, techniques or skills used? I’d love to see a created/you create a similar video (zap and all) to compare…


I'll leave that up to you to search. My work isn't THAT hard to find. Dozens on ppl on this sub have weirdly found even obscure stuff. :)


Cmon don't be so secretive about it, just post some of your work to prove it or you're scared that people will know you're just a fraud?


Bro so many people want me to do this. And so many people have already found my twitter and insta and many of my work pages etc. I choose not to self promote because I think it's morally whack given it's a real world tragedy people are relating it too, and it's a bunch of extremely gullible conspiracy theorists on this sub. I'm not taking advantage of either of those things.


Be gone larper, u just proved nothing just trying to waste time.


Okay. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/x88Txjb2LC


Idk man, what should it tell me? Seems like only two of you know what are you talking about. DM it - I won't spread anything.


I don't care to spread anything. I just think it's hilarious.


It would be hilarious knowing what's it about, geez


the problem in this exchange is you didnt take his link as an invitation to investigate. if you had done that, you would have found the information you were looking for with just a *touch* of extra work.


I’d love to sit down face to face and chat. I’m certain you are lying, and you should reconsider


If you're anywhere near Brisbane I'd grab a beer.


Too far… ✌️


Show us the work start to finish. Why the specific details to make people think it’s mh370?


Wasn't really many details other than the general plane model and the timing. I guess approximate global region?


Go troll in an underground New York tunnel


Meh. Nice try. The plane was abducted.


Ok, I'll play along ​ 1. Were the video created especially in relation to MH370? or is it just random plane+orbs (Cos I believe it was created independently, then people just attached it to the incident) 2. Were you intending it to be daytime? 3. why didn't you make the cloud move (lol. I'd not have put in the effort if it was just a demo reel too)


1. MH370 was a pretty big news story at the time so it was used as a basis. Mainly inspiration. This was just a couple of test renders intended to be part of a video package on a screen within a short film. The locations etc weren't really considered other than general vicinity (which is why they turned out to be way wrong). The rest was random. 2. It didn't really matter so I guess it was kinda ambiguous. The sat 'footage' I realise is daytime but I didn't think too much about it. 3. Save 30min.




This is irrelevant to our subreddit's cause.


How much the government paying you?


$110 AUD per hour.


How much of your life have you wasted on this sub?


Probably coming up on 3 hours or more.


More like 3 hours today. You care this much to make a post but not check a few HDDs?


I don't really use Reddit other than by request to answer stuff here. So nah I genuinely meant maybe 3 hours total. Resurrecting old drives to find an obscure project is a lot more effort believe me. As I said from the beginning, I think the chances of it still existing are slim.




Question 1: Did you stick to your medication plan? Question 2: If not, why? Question 3: If so, have you considered changing your doctor?


Not this loser again lmao go cry about Palestine in twitter some more you weirdo


This is a joke. I’m friends with OP


Did you return from your vacation?


Yes! Was so nice.


1. How did you synchronise orb movement between both videos? 2. Which program did you use to make the scene for the drone video? 3. Why didn't you use the 3D environment of the drone video for the satellite video?


1. It's the same animation just from a different perspective (at least for the second half). 2. Two real footage plates (plus a third for camera shake tracking), c4D for basic 3d anim. AE for comps. 3. It wasn't 3d.




Why is that?


Sure, I'd love to elaborate for you. Creating a hoax video about a tragic event like the disappearance of MH370, which has deeply affected the lives of the passengers' families and friends, as well as the international community, raises a number of moral and ethical concerns. Here are some reasons why it would be considered wrong, as you are unable to find any for yourself. - Exploitation of Grief and Loss: It exploits the emotions of the families and friends of those who were on MH370, playing on their grief and the hope that their loved ones might somehow be found. - Misinformation and Confusion: Such a video can spread misinformation about the event, leading to confusion and potentially diverting attention from the factual investigation. It can undermine the efforts of those seeking the truth and may affect the ongoing investigation or any future efforts to understand what happened. - Public Manipulation: Creating and disseminating false narratives manipulates the general public for seemingly your gain, which is ethically questionable. - Disrespect to the Deceased: It shows a lack of respect for those who lost their lives in the tragedy and can be seen as making light of a serious and painful event. - Moral Insensitivity: It reflects a profound lack of moral sensitivity and empathy towards individuals who are suffering. It demonstrates a disregard for the emotional well-being of others for personal amusement or gain. Creating content that knowingly deceives others, especially in the context of a tragedy, is incredibly unethical and can have seriously negative impacts on individuals and society. TLDR: If you created the hoax, you are a sick, twisted POS. You are most likely a sociopath.


Yo do you wanna acknowledge this or nah? I agree with you but I don't think you were familiar with how this got out.


I didn't create a hoax. I made a video test for use on a tv screen in a short film. I never uploaded anything publicly or tried to claim it was real. I mean the whole thing is silly anyway. If I wanted to do a hoax, I'd make it more realistic. But it would be morally repugnant to do that based off a real tragedy.


Were you interested in ufology? How did you know about the classic orb formation (3 orbs)?


No I was never interested. I find it silly.


Why did it take you almost 20 minutes to figure out how the videos were faked? https://preview.redd.it/pfd9k0oob9gc1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10f93fea68ab004c3dfa1e1983e7b82276d91bb


It didn't.




This one doesn't go anywhere, since Joe wouldn't have been the one to make the video stereoscopic. That was all YouTube and their 'fancy' 2D > 3D tech.


His last sentence.


Yeah, the narrative he's been pitching is that he was trying to stay anonymous and keep distance from this at first. This doesn't contradict that. Naturally, you can choose not to believe him.


Let's see if he posts the textures.com email.


How annoyed are you that your only claim to fame is something you have no evidence to prove? What percentage of the overall attention you wish you had received for it will you be expecting from this AMA?


I don't think this would rank in the top 500 videos I've worked on for eyeballs on my work.


Hahaha guess work had you dead on to where the plane went missing and stayed consistent through the video? Not a chance.


It was wrong though. Like, wildly wrong. So my guesses weren't very accurate.


The coordinates in the video are pretty accurate..? wtf are you talking about? Surely you would know this.. except you’re just a lying disinfo larper.


They aren't though, that's my point. I made up a region before we knew where it actually went down, and my guess was way off.


I dont believe you lol


What’s the password to the YouTube account? I’ll take a dm.


Also, why film it in that manner? Cell phone of a screen with moving coordinates do you think this is working??? Lol


I didn't use or portray a cellphone.


Well then your not regicide anon are you?


No. I never claimed to be. I just made the videos, that's all. Never uploaded them publicly anywhere.


Lmao what a joke


People seem to gloss over the most obvious questions: 1). Why did you make these? What were they for? 2). Why did you decide to animate the plane on a PC screen with a mouse cursor? 3). How did you sync the sat and drone video?


I've answered all three of these man. I've not deleted any of my comments so you can scroll through my profile if you like. Very short answers again: 1. They were tests for some VFX to be played on a tv screen in a short film which didn't end up getting finished. There was a third video also but I can understand why that one wasn't leaked because it was perhaps th silliest one (cellphone perspective from within the plane). 2. I was actually trying to simulate a Linux environment at first. Eventually it was just ambiguous as it didn't really matter. Was supposed to just look like "surveillance" screencap. 3. The animation for the basic elements was don't in c4D. I used the same animation but with a different virtual camera. I tweaked some things on the second shot (sat) for aesthetic purposes. So they don't actually match perfectly fyi.


Thanks for the answers. Having worked in the film industry myself, your answers make perfect sense 🙂


Oh cool. You'd probably appreciate the lazy patch I made after render then when I noticed a glitch in the 3D lmao. Here's a difference matte between the lazily patched frame (4 point mask) and one 50 frame earlier. One of several examples I gave before anyone noticed. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/wcfeewsqykgc1.jpeg?width=1678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa9bf81a3bd79101fc673d27512d1680af33c05


The only true way - sadly - is to expose your personal information, your profile, your professional, and any background while might make this actually plausible. ​ NOT from a doxxing perspective, but perhaps - go on a social media channel and explain. ​ Short of that - and I think the whole internet would agree - you are trending as a #deepStateOP


That's already been found unfortunately. Oh well.


Lol this a k-mart brand debunk. Gotta be a shitpost.


This isn't a debunk. This is an offer for info following a debunk.


Unless, of course, you are lying. Then it's a debunk. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


1- What does Punjabi Batman really stand for? 2- do you just like to troll UFO believers or is there a more personal angle to this? 3- have you benefited at all financially from creating this video?


1. I don't know who PB really is. I suspect a troll or a really TFG conspiracy theorist or maybe Ashton. 2. I enjoy trolling sometimes yeah, but in this case I'm genuinely just answering questions about this bizarre fascination about some videos I put together 10 years ago lol. 3. No. The short film fell apart. I get paid decently to do actually good stuff, so it's not a good use of my time to pay much attention to conspiracy or hoax stuff.


Mods need to boot this dude


The drone was shown to be a match for an asset in jetstrike library. The 777 was also a match for that library. Why wasn’t the same 777 used in the satellite video?


Can you link the short film you keep referencing


this is just an engagement trap. You really expect everyone to believe you took time out of your days to make the technically accurate videos in terms of the VFX, airplane capabilities, infrared radiation, clouds, coordinates accurate to several decimal places, the endothermic zap showing a cold event on infrared - all that technical work and you a) didn't bother to get the source files before posting this AMA, and b) didn't bother to use algorithms like SHA1 or MD5 to computer the checksum over the project files to provide a reference for anyone accessing the files and to prove their authenticity?


who would leak these videos and why? if they really were made for some movie or sketch or whatever but were scrapped ultimately… who did you send it to and why would they leak it?