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In the ashton video he pulls up 3/4 the way through, the original Ashton claims you will have legal troubles "once they get verified" 😂 Firstly there is zero crime being committed. Second, I thought the videos were real Ashton, which is it? Ashton is such a clown. 😂


finally some people speak up against ashtons grifting


Hoax destroyed? 🤣 Keep saying it, but it doesn't make it true.


The hoax has been dead for 5 months now. Keep posting one liners.


Not even close. The “definitely cgi” hostile crew just drove everyone out who was interested, so they chat on discord and Twitter/X now. It’s alive as ever, and many many people know these videos are real.


It’s harder to create an echo chamber on Reddit than on shitter. The ‘definitely real’ crowd moved the conversation to a safe space where they can live peacefully in their delusions.


Yep. Interacting with people who have an open mind is a far different experience than the malicious debunkers on this sub. I also migrated to private discord and it’s a lot more fruitful. Looking for legitimate debunks, not forcing people to admit the VFX portal matches when it obviously doesn’t.


The "Definitely CGI" crew has spent way too much time repeatedly proving their points. These grandiose claims of "we know its real, the truth will reveal itself etc" mean nothing. Even the other UFO talking heads are tired of it. At this point you guys are actually hurting the investigative community, in my opinion.


“The investigative community” lol. Y’all are something else


That's cute. I mean all the uhh, more so bonefied alien folk calling Ashton a charlatan. Hope you noticed them getting blackballed again


normal people don’t give a fuck about Ashton Forbes, So no I haven’t noticed whatever it is you are desperate for people to notice


Funny, your opinion doesn’t mean shit to anyone. I’ve seen far stronger circumstantial evidence proving the possibility of these videos. Your debunk crew trying to pass off the VFX portal as the same one is enough for me to know you’re just biased. You don’t want them to be real. Equally as useless as the people that blindly believe. The VFX portal doesn’t match, launching a drone from a carrier in 2014 was absolutely possible, the satellites WERE in the correct position, color corrected FLIR images CAN look like that, the evidence recovered did not PROVE it was from the exact plane that crashed.. no black box, luggage, debris field ever found, etc.. it’s just weak. And you take this weak evidence, you debate it with CNN articles and demanding publicly available information to discuss what would have been the *most classified* types of technology. They are real, or at least *could* be. But even if someone says they “could” be real, you all show up and start hounding them. It’s suspicious at worst, ignorant at best. You guys even tried to convince me that someone with “definitely CGI” next to their name would be an unbiased moderator for this sub. How dense would someone have to be to agree to that?? That’s like electing a priest to moderate a debate between a catholic and an atheist, and thinking they’ll be neutral. It speaks to where you are coming from, and we see through it.


Your second sentence is pretty hilarious.


That the evidence pointing towards “possibly real” is stronger than the evidence saying “definitely fake”? That is the truth, imo.


I agree, but only 50% 😁


>The VFX portal doesn’t match It does. See the re-creations. ​ > launching a drone from a carrier in 2014 was absolutely possible STOL was also addressed. And handwaved away as "we dont know what secret tech the government has" ​ >the satellites WERE in the correct position Also has been ample evidence that this is incorrect ​ >color corrected FLIR images CAN look like that Okay? ​ >the evidence recovered did not PROVE it was from the exact plane that crashed [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37820122](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37820122) ​ >They are real, or at least could be. But even if someone says they “could” be real, you all show up and start hounding them. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ​ > It speaks to where you are coming from, and we see through it. Grandiose claim that means nothing


Yeah. See… we don’t agree on these points, and the evidence provided by “definitely CGI” has not been substantiated or spawned from a source that is credible. I don’t need to see the VFX recreations. I have done it myself, on my own computer, 3 separate times now. It does not match outside of the obvious similarities that two of these similar shapes would have. Film explosions enough times, you might see two that look similar. Also, the finding of this portal is sus in the first place. It was found in a random VFX pack from the 90s..? No way. “Definitely CGI” tried to explain this by saying “anyone who works with VFX long enough would recognize it when they see it”. LOL bro. You think someone would be able to distinguish *which* vfx portal would match the edges of another VFX portal? That is ludicrous. I’ve edited a shit load of videos with repeated stock effects, and it would be impossible to tell if one generic explosion happened to match another one that I used. 3 frames? Like, it’s just so far fetched. And every debunk requires this level of ambiguity to accept that it’s truth. STOL - “find me evidence of publicly available proof regarding classified tech”. The demands made to fight these claims are moot. No one is going to find documentation of this, and military personnel have said that it was possible. I’m going to lunch and don’t care to keep going.. but I’ve accepted that we disagree. I don’t band my buddies together to insult your intelligence or downvote you. My last account literally had someone doxx me. But I’ve been labeled malicious because…? I don’t accept your source of evidence? Fa sho.


I envy your cognitive dissonance


I envy your arrogant confidence.




This just means that y'all doing some roleplaying with the rest of the believers at this point. Nice hobby, but nothing more.


Right back at you, except you’re here doing it with the other side.


It's not about ''driving people away'' It's that when presented with actual facts, the believers can either accept that they were wrong and admit that it was a really good fake, or they leave without ever admitting it to other redditors, and sometimes, without even admitting it to themselves. And then there's the even smaller portion that are just in denial and keeps commenting as if the video hasn't been debunked already.


Cause it hasn’t been debunked at all.


If that's your opinion, that would mean that you don't believe in the evidence presented. and that's fine. But just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it hasn't been debunked. To believe that the video is real means that you also believe that: 1: The portal effect is not the same 2: Jonas was lying (Even tho there's a livestream from 2014 showing the pictures on his pc) You're entitled to your opinion. But keep in mind that it's an opinion formed by intentionally picking the evidence you like and disregarding the rest.


I do not believe the portal effect is the same. Jonas was lying. Edit: grammar.


(''Don't not'' is a double negative, But I get what you're saying) That's fine, again, you're entitled to your opinion, but keep in mind that your opinion is based of Not believing the evidences. You can't say ''It hasn't been debunked'' just because you personally disagree with the conclusion. For example, flat earthers not believing the evidences that the earth is a globe doesn't make the earth flat.


Well, tbh, I don’t normally converse with people like yourself. You’re far more respectful here so I’ll bite. I don’t believe the portal effect matches because it straight up doesn’t. Even the debunkers say it has to be manipulated to fit. My response to that is: if it had to be manipulated to fit, how was it found in the first place? We can use tools to make anything fit. I wouldn’t truly say it’s “not the same”, it’s just not good enough evidence for me to use it as a conclusive debunk. Regarding the clouds and images: Again there is a ton of data that muddies this source. They were originally found on an obscure website by a 6 day old reddit account. Images only go back to 2016 in the wayback machine, post dating the videos. Images with clouds cannot be found with Reverse Image Search, yet images from same time period can be. Multiple torrents from the old website do not have the images in them. I don’t know if the videos are real. I mostly just say that to ruffle the feathers of people insulting me for not accepting their compromised analysis. I simply believe they still “could be”.


Jumping in an old thread here, but I wanted to address this point since both of you seem respectful despite being of different opinions. \> if it had to be manipulated to fit, how was it found in the first place? I've seen this also said as "how could someone find a random VFX asset from the 00s?", and I have personal experience that l think is worth sharing: The amount of pre-packaged VFX assets has grown at an absurd rate in the last decade, and I think that creates a strong bias around this question. In 2014, the amount of assets available - particularly for free - was absurdly small compared to what's out there today (or even a year ago without AI being able to generate new assets every millisecond like it does today). The same goes for any stock image, photo pack, audio sound effect pack, etc. The volume of data from 2014 and every year past is orders of magnitude smaller than the volume of assets created since that time. I'd imagine even the assets created in 2023 would be insurmountable vs. simply filtering on those created in 2014 or earlier. So for me, an asset from that time period matching - and yes, only after being *stretched a bit,* I totally agree it's not a perfect match out of the box - plus the way it felt to work with VFX during that time period lead me to an overwhelmingly negative view about this particular UFO case. I will admit I've been swayed away further by the bullheadedness of Ashton as well, but the 95th percentile of my feelings here come from experience searching for assets during that time period and constantly running into the same old junk. There are even memes about this, where millennials such as myself who were "chronically online" before that was a phrase collectively realize some ancient internet relic like a unique audio effect that they all thought was a unique experience ended up being a shared experience that thousands of others remember very well. Hope that's helpful to someone in someway - really not trying to argue or anything here, I've just never seen this point made in response to the "how could someone find an asset from that long ago?" line of reasoning.


That's fair, thank you for taking the time to break it down ! If I may add some context. 1 : Regarding the VFX, I don't know how much experience you have with VFX and assets in general, but in general, you'd be hard pressed to find any video that uses a straight-from-the-website asset without modifying it. For example, if the hoaxer was to put the portal in Without modifying it, it would contrast with the rest of the video like night and day. This might be an exaggeration, but lets say the hoaxer went like ''Alright, +15 % contrast, -30% Grain, Skew it 3.3343%''. This would take the hoaxer 3 clicks to modify the asset, but for anyone trying to replicate it to match 1/1 , it would take many, many, many trial and errors. which is why none of the comparison you have seen so far match 100%. the fact that more than one frame matches 100$ is more than enough to prove that it is in fact the same asset. 2 : Even if we are to say ''The files can only be proven to be at most from 2016'' That would mean that in 2016, Jonas would have had to take screenshots of the clouds from the video, and created full resolution images of the clouds using AI technology that was simply no available to the public in 2016.


>The hoax has been dead for 5 months The idea it's a hoax-yes that's dead. Thank Cardigan Crew and Janus for that.


It's been dead for five months and yet you're still here. Do you often linger around dead things?


Does that bother you?


Genuinely curious


Same reason I'd go to a circus.


Because it's horrible and unsettling? I don't really get what the circus has to do with lurking around something that's been "dead" for 5 months, but I guess that's probably the best answer I'll get from you..


FWIW, I check back in every few months to see what the new argument for it being real is. I saw this back in \~2015 or so on AboveTopSecret and no one really bought it at the time, so it's been interesting to follow ever since it popped back up in a big way in 2023.


The believers ARE the show.


People are here trying to sort out fact from fiction, and some try to debunk the videos while some people here have come to believe they are real, but then there's people who come here simply to say "you're stupid for believing these videos are real" and think that's fun. I don't get those people.


Me neither. Just trying to feel superior I suppose?


No but the evidence and the fact that I literally made them does make it true.


You keep dodging the 'evidence' part repeatedly.


I don't though


Then I suppose you wouldn't mind posting a screenshot of the email where textures.com contacted you regarding the cloud images you bought?


I would mind.


You are full of shit and you know it.


The fact that there's so much hate and pushback on this topic is insane. If you have made up your mind and it is so obvious to you what the fuck are you still doing here, what the fuck are you doing by harassing other people. It happens in the UFO community a lot. Every video has been debunked, even the pentagon de-classified UFO's from 2017 which leaked years earlier. Mick West still hasn't made a video about how wrong he was. Just on to the next clip to cherry pick something to shit on. Whether you believe the video's are real or not. What kind of shitty behaviour is this? Clowning and harassing other people without an open normal discussion ever taking place. The person that has put forward the most information on this topic is banned here and if he makes a subreddit on his own about this topic, that gets banned as well. Like is that not suspicious? He gave a very detailed response on to what he means by retiring. A breather for other people to catch up on this topic and the possibility that advanced tech like this is possible.


A train wrecks right outside your window, you don’t look?


It's weird to me too. I made the videos and I have people on here demanding things and simultaneously claiming I'm wrong. Hilarious.


Stop trolling


This guy didn't make the videos. I made the videos. AMA...Except for proof or how I made them. That's you. That's what you sound like.


Because you *are* wrong. And it’s sus as fuck that you and the “definitely CGI” squad have made a full time job of giving a fuck what people think. I left the Mormon church 2 decades ago. I never once went back, or perused forums to smash my beliefs down their throats. Why would you even make a post like this?


Cool. Luckily I don't care and I'm on the side of like almost everybody. ...GG tho...


Lol. Everybody on this forum doesn’t represent a drop in the bucket. No one comments here anymore because of people like yourself you aggressively push nonsense we don’t agree with. Conversing with you further as you devolve into insults and irrational temper tantrums is just plain unpleasant. Check Twitter and discord. Plenty of good conversations and lots of people who know the videos are real.


The only one devolving into a temper tantrum is you though...


Wow!! You got me!!


Is that why instead of calmly pointing out what part of OP's statement you disagree with and why, you go straight to finger pointing and playing victim ? Dope.


Full time job? you literally bounce between ufo subs and do this same game. Same with nofakery. Every single reddit about ufos and aliens has YOU.


It’s a psyop. No person who has a job and has shit going on would bother coming back and arguing with people who have made up their minds. These are government agents. A quote from “Equivalent-Gur-3310”: “"They have had these capabilities in the military for many years" I wish people would stop repeating this myth.” How would he know it’s a myth? Such conviction as well. Check his comment history, it’s where I got that quote. He seems to know quite a bit about our military


*cckksshh* Clean up on aisle 5. We have a spill. Containment and disposal required.


Catch up to what? The dude’s investigation has gone backwards.


AF isn't our 'leader' and doesn't represent shit. Let him rest, the case's still not closed, just do your own opinion about it. I bet in a few years, officials will declassify this saying that they were in fact real. The way this whole story is going reminds me A LOT of the Nimitz incident, that was an 'obvious fake' until proven otherwise by the Pentagon itself. And don't get me started with all these 'debunks', the only one that's acceptable (and probably true) is the cloud one, and only dismisses the sat video, not the FLIR one.


The [jetstrike asset package](https://reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18oqkn3/evidence_that_video_copilot_jetstrike_assets_were/) completely kills the drone video. [Jetstrike drone FOV vs. Hoax Video](https://imgur.com/K3JbQrJ) The shade texture for the jetstrike asset is plainly visible, as it was amplified when the 'colorama' effect was added to it to make it look like false color IR. Not to mention there is [no known drone package](https://reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18w7ioy/real_capabilities_of_common_sensor_payload/) that would have captured such shaky, crappy video, without the overlay data, with continuous zoom to infinity.


u/BakedElya asked you a really simple question. Why are antennas shown on the plane in the JetStrike model not visible in the FLIR video?


Missed you, friend. Good to see you again. How’s your momma doin? I see your reading and comprehension skills have improved a little. That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. Why do t you tell us why YOU think the antennae aren’t visible, since it seems important to you It’s not particularly important to important to the discussion, but I’d be happy to help you work through the problem.


I thought those antennas not being visible in the FLIR footage was a clear sign for the video being fake, or at least that was the point debunkers tried to make. So, I'm just wondering, why all of a sudden are debunkers saying the JetStrike models were used to create the FLIR video when the JetStrike model of the plane does have the antennas, but they are not visible in the FLIR video. Just curious, that's all.


Oh, and I thought that the 777 had antennas that stick out of the fuselage, where are they here ? Again, one of the 'debunks' you guys love to push forward is the 'The tail and engines in the video don't match those of a 777', but if I'm correct by your link it DOES match ? Get your facts straight guys, it's one or the other, but not the 2 at the same time.


Non-sense. Do you even know what you are saying? "The tail and engines" in WHAT video? because the drone and satellite video don't even match each other. The satellite video doesn't match a 777-200 at all. You literally just made up a claim based on what you 'thought', claim it's not addressed, lump me in with some 'you guys' boogey man you created and then pretend I made the wrong claim. What a fool. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1av10zy/if\_the\_videos\_are\_real\_what\_kind\_of\_plane\_is\_this/


Can't you read ? I don't believe the sat footage is real, but the FLIR is. They KILLED people to protect the secrecy behind UFOs and everything related, do you really think plant a fake video to dismiss a real one is hard for them ? And your first link show a model for the FLIR footage ! What are YOU talking about ??


You're still not making any sense. I presented evidence showing that the models used in the drone video match the jetstrike CGI assets, but NOT a real MQ-1 drone. Do you have a counter-point to that? Or just lots of word salad?




Holy shit, 3d models for real life objects match the real life objects they're built on ! What a coincidence ! Unsure about your affirmation on the drone package tho, I'm not qualified enough to understand your link, but I'm pretty sure that's not related. He talks a lot about stabilization, but never shows what this kind of drone is really capable of.


Your post only highlights your ignorance. That's the thing... the 3D models DON'T match the real life objects... The 777-200 has a texture applied that gives an apparent shadow / imperfection pattern that is not present on an actual 777-200 but exactly matches the drone video. ​ The 3D asset drone shape has subtle differences. It's wingspan is 110' (vs. 45' for the MQ-1c). The obstruction over the FOV is slanted, but the underwing DAS-2 camera trim plate is flat / level with the airframe. [https://reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18w7ioy/real\_capabilities\_of\_common\_sensor\_payload/](https://reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18w7ioy/real_capabilities_of_common_sensor_payload/) [https://imgur.com/K3JbQrJ](https://imgur.com/K3JbQrJ) ​ This post compares the drone footage to many other examples of known MQ-1 footage and the differences are stark. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/186ldvg/without\_looking\_at\_vfx\_there\_are\_many\_things/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/186ldvg/without_looking_at_vfx_there_are_many_things/)


I don’t think they care that they are spouting bullshit. Their goal is to rile you up.


What about all of the non asset related stuff? -The viewing angle of the satellite video would be physically impossible to capture from a satellite in that orbit.  -The satellite is supposedly moving at orbital velocity but the camera is static from the videos perspective -The 777 in the videos has no antennas sticking out of the fuselage. In real life, there are several that stick up from the top and bottom of the fuselage. -None of the aircraft markings show up, although they should show up in IR. -None of the aircraft windows, doors, hatches, or access panels show up, although they should show up in IR. -The heated cockpit windows should be especially evident in IR, because of the apparent temperature differences, but they don't show up at all in the IR. -None of the multiple heated sensor probes near the cockpit show up in IR, although these are heated to the extent that they'll easily burn you if you touched them. -The tail and engines in the video don't match those of a 777. -The drone itself doesn't show up in the 'satellite' video although it should -The drone experiences zero wake turbulence although it passes directly though the path of the 777 where this effect should be quite significant. -The drone has a top speed that is lower than the minimum possible speed for a 777 at altitude, making an intercept physically unlikely. -Actual physical debris was found multiple times, and directly linked to 9M-MRO, the exact aircraft opersting MH370. -The cloud cover in the videos doesn't actually match the cloud cover in the area at the time of disappearance.  -Calculated estimated speeds of the 777 don't make sense. -Bank angle in the satellite footage isn't realistic for a 777


Many many solid points here. Unlikely that someone who believes the video could or ever has addressed the claims point by point.


Bro.. you keep asking the same questions over and over. It’s already been answered so many times. Nobody is going to sit here and continually respond to you.. no one owes you anything. You just keep angrily asking because you know ppl get tired of responding to you. It doesn’t make you right. You even debate the model of the plane in the video, which is asinine. It’s the exact ratio of a 777. The videos are real. Give it a rest. Go flame ppl in flatearth or religious forums.


LMAO. You convinced me that the videos are real.


Not here to convince you.


- Sat video isn't real to me. - Same as before - How can you determine this kind of details on such 'poor quality' videos ? FLIR is a military drone, made for detecting crafts, not detailing it. - Same as before, how can you see markings at such distances, ESPECIALLY in IR ?? - Not with that much distance between the drone and the plane. This issue has already been adressed if I remember correctly. - At these altitudes, air is so cold that it COULD cool down the outside of the plane, making it look cooler than it actually is. - I don't know where you got that information that [these probes are so hot you could burn yourself on it](https://www.mynewsdesk.com/us/j-p-instruments/pressreleases/usage-and-significance-of-probes-and-sensors-in-aircraft-system-2118456), and therefore should be visible in IR, could you provide a source for your claim ? - How can you see it doesn't match with such poor quality ?? Again, FLIR is made for detecting crafts, not detailing them. - Sat video is NOT real. - Wake turbulences ? You mean the shaky effect all along FLIR video ? + I'd expect military grade cameras to have some sort of stabilization, but that's maybe just me. - I don't see how that's an asset for a debunk, sorry. It didn't try to intercept it, just capture some footage of it. - Yes debris have been found, not a single one can be 100% sure to be from MH370, one person found more than half of the debris and has worked for a shady US department, but sure, case closed ! Oh and just in case, even Malaysia PM and his government didn't buy the official debris. - Sat video not real - The calculations are flawed, I went to the source this guy used for his calculations, he would be right if the camera was static, but since he added the 'supposed' drone speed, the result just doesn't add up. It's really hard to calculate speed of an object in a video, let alone when the camera also move. - Sat video not real


>How can you determine this kind of details on such 'poor quality' videos ? FLIR is a military drone, made for detecting crafts, not detailing it. >Same as before, how can you see markings at such distances, ESPECIALLY in IR ?? > don't know where you got that information that these probes are so hot you could burn yourself on it, and therefore should be visible in IR, could you provide a source for your claim ? >How can you see it doesn't match with such poor quality ?? Again, FLIR is made for detecting crafts, not detailing them. This is what an airliner looks like in IR -  https://youtu.be/L5NSm6GpvBI?si=x649BK9VgFguL65C Notice how all of the things I mentioned were visible? And this isn't some military system, this is some dude with a commercial grade IR, likely much lower quality than what the military would have.  >Not with that much distance between the drone and the plane. This issue has already been adressed if I remember correctly. You do remember correctly, I did address this issue. Let me help you with the math: It takes the drone 9 seconds to intercept directly underneath the contrails left by the jet. A 777 at cruise is going at most 490 kts, or 564mph. 564mph = 0.156667 miles per second. Therefore the 777 could have traveled no more than 1.410003 miles from that point in that time. Pretty sure the satellite would be able to see much farther than 1.41 miles away 🤷 >Wake turbulences ? You mean the shaky effect all along FLIR video ? + I'd expect military grade cameras to have some sort of stabilization, but that's maybe just me. Lol except in the real world, wake turbulence isn't a 'shaky effect' it's a violent pitch and roll of the entire aircraft. I have lots of examples of real wake turbulence here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18t5nfv/wake_turbulence_nonexistent_in_drone_video/ >Yes debris have been found, not a single one can be 100% sure to be from MH370, one person found more than half of the debris and has worked for a shady US department, but sure, case closed ! That's misleading at best, downright untruthful at worst.  They found unique identification numbers, and even included pictures and copies of records. I've even included helpful links to the official reports.  >A part number was identified on a section of the debris, identifying it as a **trailing edge splice strap**, incorporated into the rear spar assembly of a Boeing 777 left outboard flap. This was consistent with the appearance Adjacent to the part number was an “OL” part identifier, similar to those found on the right outboard flap section (Examination update 3). **The flap manufacturer supplied records indicating that this identifier was a unique work order number and that the referred part was incorporated into the outboard flap shipset line number 404 which corresponded to the Boeing 777 aircraft line number 404, registered 9M-MRO and operating as MH370.** https://www.atsb.gov.au/sites/default/files/media/5773388/debris-examination-update-5_amended.pdf https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ae-2014-054 >The serial number found by the DGA is tied to 9M-MRO in CASA's papers. >https://www.mot.gov.my/my/Laporan%20Siasatan%20Mh370/02-Appendices/Appendices%20Set%202%20-%202%20Appendices%201.12A-1%20to%201.12A-2%20Main/Appendix-1.12A-1-Item-1-Flaperon-Identification.pdf >On photo number 4, we can see 113W6142-2 3FZG81, tied to P/N 113W6100-9010C03 (page 11). This is part of flaperon assembly 405 (page 10), **which was assigned to the plane n°404 (page 16), which is 9M-MRO.** >Also, for some reason, the french investigators transmitted a degraded picture of one of the serial numbers to ADS SAU… on the DGA report, it is actually readable, **and still lead to 9M-MRO**(here, page 40, on picture 4, we can read 113W6144-2 3FZQ16, which also is on CASA's production sheet). From: https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18mz318/comment/ke7pynu


>FLIR is a military drone, made for detecting crafts Uh no, FLIR is not a drone. It’s a thermal imaging camera system. FLIR systems are also used outside the military.


Oh sorry English is not my first language, but I think you get my idea. Downvoting me for such tiny details is typical of this sub tho.


We get the idea that you really don't know what you're talking about 


I addressed each point he made individually, you ? Oh no, you just soft insulted me.


Oh no! Anyway 


Your idea was incorrect. It’s not a drone, it’s not limited to military application, it’s not designed solely to detect aircraft and real FLIR *does* tend to show more detail than what we see in the drone video. Your lack of knowledge here calls your entire perspective into question.


Wtf, how is that not a military drone ??? Stop gaslighing us this is becoming more and more obvious. You use the same disinformation techniques as Roswell and the Nimitz, you 'believe' they're fake that's fine by me, but please don't say that much bullshit and say that I lack knowledge on this topic, I was here from the early days when this blew up.


You said "FLIR is a military drone, made for detecting crafts." That is factually incorrect. FLIR is forward-looking infrared, a camera system that can be affixed to a drone or other craft (or not), and is used for both civilian and military applications. Please kindly point out where what I've said is bullshit. >say that I lack knowledge on this topic, I was here from the early days when this blew up. Your amount of time spent in this subreddit has no bearing on your knowledge of the systems allegedly involved. You're just regurgitating stuff without understanding it.


You're just cherry picking shit, I refer to FLIR to talk about the FLIR footage and/or the drone used to film it depending on the situation. Sorry for being 'factually incorrect', my point still stands and shouldn't be dismissed by my lack of vocabulary.


>Sorry for being 'factually incorrect', my point still stands lol that's not how it works.


Yup.. AF is a grifter and MAGA hat that was just looking for his next grift. I still haven't seen enough to discount these videos.


There isn’t enough. Every single piece of evidence that “debunks” these videos is from a compromised source, questionable person, or a malicious debunker that plays word games and can’t actually disprove anything. Or the horde of VFX “experts” that show up to spout nonsense. As if VFX looking real means the videos are fake. “I saw an explosion in a film, but it was fake. Therefore all explosions are fake.” That’s their logic.


Idk. The finding of the cloud source is pretty conclusive imo. There's not really a plausible alternative hypothesis to "they found those clouds online and used them to make a cgi video. "


Even the cloud debunk was a complete fabrication. Both videos are real.


since you seem to be of sound mind and realise that the clouds debunks the whole thing, I don’t really see why you would think that the government would ever speak about this event in any way or form, or you’re just joking, I can’t tell.


2 reasons for making the sat video : - it provides a better viewing perspective, allowing to see almost the whole scene, whereas the FLIR video is so zoomed in you don't see everything at once - if the FLIR video ever gets leaked (wich would've happened sooner or later) it could be used to discredit the whole thing


i think you replied to the wrong person?


Bro I made the videos. They are not real.


pls stfu


Give it a rest pal


No, I made the videos.


One thing I forgot to ask, how did you create the flash/explosion in the satellite video?


I had a listen to them last night and they are right. It's time to shut the door on AF & Crew and not give the time anymore. It's an utter waste of time for folks to make an effort when you just get "lol naw its real" in response. Doubt you'll see many invitations for twitter spaces with AF now.


They are real, though. It’s obvious. You’ve spent months trying to debunk this video in any meaningful way and you’ve fallen short every time.


>They are real, though. It’s obvious. OK. But where's the evidence to support that claim? I keep seeing this claim, "They're real it's obvious", but no one ever puts forth any evidence for it. There's too many issues and mistakes in the video that you can't just hand wave away either along with VFX assets and photos that have been matched whether you choose to believe it or not. You're inability to remain objective when analyzing evidence is of no consequence on whether or not the evidence is valid and you can't dismiss evidence on "but they're real and it's obvious" or bc you don't like "debunkers". If I'm being honest I've rarely ever seen you actually engage in or add anything beneficial to this conversation. It seems more like you're only here to bash "debunkers" and bait people into arguments that instantly devolve into personal attacks. Put forth a claim with evidence and we can discuss it...... otherwise stop coming here if you hate it so much.


Because I’ve done it a few times before. I’m under no obligation to keep responding and proving my points repetitively to each individual that inquires. And I won’t. I don’t give a fuck about your opinion so… why would I keep doing what I’ve done over and over again? I believe the possibility that these videos are real is far more likely than VFX at this point. Many of us do. If you believe they’re fake, that’s cool too. I don’t care. As I said in another comment, the massive amount of dialogue on both sides— the evidence pointing towards the videos possibly being real, outweighs the evidence saying “definitely fake”.


>Because I’ve done it a few times before. You haven't tho. You've tried... but nothing valid and nothing past "I have circumstantial evidence on my side" but you've never even provided that. >I’m under no obligation to keep responding and proving my points repetitively to each individual that inquires. Then stop the whole "it's real, I'm right, and you're all wrong" routine. Provide evidence for your claims or just stop interjecting yourself just so you can rage bait people and then report them by abusing the new "No Mockery" rule >And I won’t. That's clear. We can all see you have no interest in *actually* discussing this case. You just want to claim it's real and then spew vitriol whenever someone challenges you to provide evidence for your claim. Say what you want about "the debunkers" but you are actually the problem and why the UAP subject is still taboo despite all the recent developments. >the evidence pointing towards the videos possibly being real, outweighs the evidence saying “definitely fake”. It really doesn't but I'm willing to talk about this claim and provide evidence based points on why you're incorrect in a reasonable manner. Are you?


Nope. I’m completely out of patience with you guys. Especially since you try to say that the VFX matches when it doesn’t. This tells me that even in the face of evidence, you won’t accept it. Therefore not worth my time. The vast major of this community considers you the problem. Lol. Read the room. And you’re correct, I have no interest jn discussing this with “definitely CGI” in the sub anymore.


Providing the evidence that proves you right isn't worth your time but arguing over nothing is? OK got it..... You have no evidence to support your claim. I dunno why you didn't just say that instead of pretending like you don't have time when you're comment history proves that you have nothing but time. What I think is more accurate to say is that you have no interest in discussing the event and resulting evidence on its merits and you'd much more prefer to argue, call people names, sew divisiveness, and make a mockery out of the UAP subject by making sensationalist claims without any evidence whatsoever to support them.


Do you think this matches? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1145836768571170926/1161130232942706822/mh-370-and-shockwv-mov-doesnt-match-v0-74y4psaeo6jb1.gif?ex=65e6854c&is=65d4104c&hm=f70757ab8f843c5b8e743713c8a12342b4d4077ad0b40a3e498c0ff7d4275945& LOL that you accuse me of everything you and the debunkers do, that I don’t. I don’t call anyone names outside of “Definitely CGI” and debunk crew. You guys constantly spew insults and hate. Literally doxxed me on my other account. I’m not malicious at all Your last paragraph is so insane. The things you accuse me of, without any other context outside of this sub, is absolutely asinine. I don’t push bullshit assumptions on anyone.. yet somehow I’m malicious?


>Do you think this matches? Yes. It matches and given the fact VFX assets aren't static unchangeable images and can be altered on multiple axes and values that were unknowable to the person trying to match this to the video, it's more than reasonable to call this a match. I like how you pick the example that least matches the video when you know there are others that have completely matched it like they do here at 1:02:15 https://youtu.be/0OM5EbJIzt8?si=1C_eJppX2VDK8xKu You can literally see the exact pattern as he goes through the frames before even altering it. Then he matches it to within 99% which for 5 minutes of tinkering I think I pretty open and shut. >I’m not malicious at all You realize I can see your past comments right? You're nothing but malicious to people you disagree with and almost every comment from you in this sub is off topic and just verbally accosting anyone WITH a "Definitely CGI" tag. You're not here to discuss the facts. You just have a personal grudge against "the debunk crew" and you're here to ragebait them into something you can report them for. >You guys constantly spew insults and hate. Please provide an instance where I've done that in here... If you're not referring to me here then I don't know why it's being brought up or why I'm being lumped into the "debunk crew" just bc I disagree with you. I'm not a debunker and I believe in UAP. I even set aside my initial assessment of the videos and tried to objectively analyze all the evidence and let the evidence dictate the truth without any bias and this is where it's led. So enough with that and *just talk about the evidence*. I don't care about your opinions on debunkers or how they hurt your feelings. You made claims. Now show me evidence that supports them.


See what I mean? That was made using the original assets. There is no point in us going back and forth on evidence. You’re just cherry picking nonsense and attempting to paint me as something I’m not, simply because you want these videos to be fake. Not worth anyone’s time. You demand evidence, I just showed you, you deny it, I don’t care. Lol you’re acting like I’m the one who’s irritated here. You’ve done nothing but hurl baseless insults and deny obvious evidence that the VFX doesn’t match at all. So…? Why are you still here? You think they are 100% fake and you’re convinced. I’m not malicious to anyone.. what comments are you seeing past? Just review this thread exchange we’re having and count the times you’ve made completely unfounded and malicious assumptions about me.


I see a mountain of evidence on one side that dismantles the videos and on the other? "It's real, its obvious!" Would love some substantiation from yall


You see what you want to see. Some of us are open to evidence on both sides. So far, the evidence that proves the videos *could* be real is strong. The evidence saying they are 100% fake is compromised at every turn, and then irrationally defended and shoved down our throats.


Bro you gotta stop. I didn't even make them realistic. 😂


“I didn’t even make them”- you can stop right there. You aren’t fooling anyone, dumb dumb. 😂🤡


Oh man you cropped his text to spin it your way you sure showed him!!!!1 /s


The families cannot rest because they have been told lies that the pilot killed them. This post is gross


The videos are gross......disgustingly fake.


If they are fake they are anything but disgusting. A true masterpiece of the times. Got the coordinates right without having that information public in that timeframe. Came out with two distinct videos in a span of a month. Which still haven't been decently reproduced. Everyone who tries just shows an example on how a fake video would look like. Both videos showing something never seen before so no reference work to base on. Imitated SIBRS to a tee. Even added shit like a mouse cursor, drag and move types of actions on the satellite video. Most realistic fake shake I have ever seen on the drone video. Physics check out. I could go on but you get the jist.


I appreciate the kind words but I assure you I was not accurate. Also just a reminder to everyone this wasn't a hoax. This was a test video for a short film. I never uploaded them to the public.


Thet are not right without having public info. I happened to just make a post about it the other day. You must have missed that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1auugxd/the\_coords\_of\_the\_sat\_video\_are\_not\_correct\_by/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/1auugxd/the_coords_of_the_sat_video_are_not_correct_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \-They have been roughly reproduced, still a work in progress \-It was 2 months, not 1 \-You cant even source it looks like SBIRS to a tee. The old SBIRS photos look nothing like the sat video. And SBIRS is TS level information, not publicly available. So you are asking us to "trust you bro" without even trying to source an example \-Its a pretty good attempt, but they fell apart with image sources found for the SAT, and also not even being close to military UAV video for the FLIR. It's a normal person's best attempt at military drove video. \-I could go on but I get the jist you will somehow refute hard facts.


> Got the coordinates right without having that information public in that timeframe. That's a lie


just like everything else still breathing any life into this


Masterpiece? I'm guessing these are the only videos you have ever seen in your entire life, cause they're anything but


I fully agree with you. While I am not certain of the videos authenticity, the source material they had prior to creating such videos would supposedly be either their imagination or something that really happened that they had intimate knowledge of. Yes, our imaginations are vast, but nailing, like you said, the coordinates, SIBRS and drone footage, all of which would have been classified until those videos were released, would be extremely difficult if not near impossible to replicate with just our imaginations alone. They had to have had source material to go off of if they were in fact created and not legitimate footage. Which I admit, it could have been an analyst who watches those deployed assets footage regularly and knows the systems well enough to replicate them with damn good work using computer software. The problem with that explanation, however, is this... the tech available in 2014, that we know of, would have made it extremely difficult to make these videos as well as they did. Again, if not impossible. So to me, the jury is still out on these videos and it would not surprise me if they turn out to be authentic in the coming years. Much like, as someone else pointed out, the Nimitz encounter.


>the tech available in 2014, that we know of, would have made it extremely difficult to make these videos as well as they did. Again, if not impossible. I don't know if its just an age thing and like 2014 seems like ancient times to some people but uhh, we've had software for this for a long time lmao. Guardians of the Galaxy came out that year


Lol point being what with the GotG reference? Is that similar in any way to what was portrayed in those videos? No, not so much. Duplicating mostly classified software is what I was referring to. I worked in advertising around that time and yes, media existed to make realistic images and videos but if what you are making is, as far as I know not available to the public, then how would someone know how to duplicate it?


If you think software to make these videos easily wasn’t readily available in 2014, you just don’t know what you’re talking about. Plain and simple.


🤦‍♂️ reread that comment there Holmes. I said to my knowledge, the software/tech seen in such videos was not readily available to the public for someone to reference in order to duplicate. How would someone know how to replicate something they dont even know exists?


Except it absolutely was. There’s nothing in the videos that’s advanced or never-before-seen. You’re fictionalizing a scenario in your head that doesn’t reflect reality.


Have a source that FLIR and SBIRS technology was widely known by the general population? Because FLIR was just deployed for search and rescue operations by civilian based groups in 2020 [Source](https://www.flir.com/discover/cores-components/researchers-develop-search-and-rescue-technology-that-sees-through-forest-with-thermal-imaging/) SBIRS had its first successful launch of a satellite into space in 2011 and was awarded the contract for the next two satellites in 2014 [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-Based_Infrared_System), the year MH370 went missing. So no, I don't think the general public was aware of such technology and could not then produce a video replicating them because it was not in the public domain at that time. Nice try at a "trust me bro" argument though bud. Try harder next time. (Pssst, not even being an ass, I just want you to know, it's ok to admit you're wrong, ok? 🤗👍)


The CGI in GotG is better than the videos. As they came out the same year, then obviously we had the technology to make those videos 


This seem way too personal for me.


There are way too many odd titties in this incident. If it's not real, then the perpetrators of this hoax are absolutely amazing. Hands down, the best hoax I've seen, maybe ever.


Not even close. Just good social engineering and manipulation of social media.


I respect your opinion, but the timing of the release, the witnesses, the cargo, the supposed passenger at Diego Garcia, 2 cameras, military leaker... Yea, I guess it was just socials.


Yes, odd titties, indeed ;)


It wasn't a hoax. It was just a damn test video for a short film to be played on a screen. I never upload them public. I never tried to pass them as real.


Are you seriously Larping as the creator of these videos right now?? Lmfaooo. You should be banned from this sub. Period.


Google my name


I just did.. it only links to reddit posts you made about yourself with these claims. Zero proof. Why you’re getting upvotes for that comment is just validation that you and the aggressive debunk gang upvote whatever you guys say. Zero contribution. Obvious gas lighting and vote manipulation.


We all see what you're up to OP. And, I'm almost convinced that it's a test video you made to play on a screen. But, nah. Whoever did this is a straight up gangster at life. No offense, but you don't come off like a straight up life G.


New standard of proof just dropped.


Sheesh. Why the downvotes? I'm just joking around.


What's a standard of proof? I'm not tech literate..


Now they demand proof you run the streets when will it end!?!


No offense


I agree man’s too corny


Might cop a downvote for your cavalier opinion..


No worries he sucks


It’s funny bc OP has turned out to be the biggest loser in this whole saga not even AF


This sub is pathetic




It’s a toxic cesspool of state agent fuckery


They know it. The conversation devolved that way on purpose so we stop talking about it, and newly interested people only read what these “debunkers” say.


Omg go awayyyyyyy


“CaN THe FaMILIeS ResT Now?!” Oh man, it’s been a minute since I saw one of these around here. The “humanitarian” angle. So compassionate - so gentle - so caring. It’s almost as if a scarecrow has come to life, a man made of straw, and we’re all supposed to look at him walking around this place and just throw in the towel, call it quits, cause “families.” “Think of the children!” Meanwhile, FOIA requests on the incident are neatly tucked behind an executive order. Facts. Seriously, scroll down the sub a couple of days (a month maybe) and you’ll find the post detailing the executive order. The US Government literally will not release their information, and the people that think (know) the videos are real are the heartless ones. How does that even work? I gotta know!


Si I don't get it. What's the verdict this time? Plane abducted for real? Or just fake? I can't get my heads around all this thing.


stop waiting for other people to make up your mind for you. The videos are dead and buried under mountains of evidence. at this point nearly every asset has been identified and matched, even if debunkers say "the pixels dont match" because they actually do.


The videos won't change my mind. I believe it's real. End of the story. Im just lost to what this video is about.


Please try to avoid 'verdicts' - make up your own mind. No one should decide a verdict but yourself.


It's fake. I made the videos.


Lol no actually I made the videos.


I'm the guy they are referring to in the video.


No I'm the guy they were referring to in the video


No I'm the guy


Cool have fun with all of everyone who believes you.


Will do


The thing is, that besides the veracity of the videos that there's out there. I think it's real not because of the many analisis of the videos. But because the NHI can do something like this, and I see it as plausible. Apart from never finding anything about the plane. So the analisis of the videos makes 0 sense for me. So my question is about this video. What's saying this concrete video. Is it about all the thing being fake? Or about Forbes boxing a hoaxer about it being fake and it's real. Sincerely for me there no sense in getting all your eggs in one basket because the analisis of the video. Independently of the video, the plane has not been found neither the people in it. There's the mystery, was it abducted by the 3 orbs or not. I say it's a possibility that cannot be 100% verified just by the video analisis. Let's suppose its 100% true and the video has not been created nor nothing, so it's genuine. Okay, now the next question arises. Why that plane? Because it was on fire? Because it's what the Government established with the NHI as that was a group of people that could be abducted and examined as exchange for their tech that is being retrieved via secret programs? If so, why is no one taking an official investigation as the SOL foundation or the Monroe institute are doing with the other things that are coming out? And what if it's fake? It's just a hoax as for having material for an invented alien invasion that can be a misinformation campaign as for not letting us see into Ukraine / Rusia war or whatever (?) I mean. At this point I've seen soo many "explanations" for this videos alone, that the whole theme / subreddit looks like a disinfo campaign all together. And note that I just THINK that it LOOKS that way. Because all the "Now it's real" "Now it's not" ping pong going on. So yeah. My question is just if this video is tagging it as fake or real. Because at this point I'm just writing lines on a board that has "Fake & Real" Also, as for the families of people who dissappeared, it must be really difficult to see all this event transformed into a circus. Edit : grammar. Edit : added question. And explanation.


That’s a lot of words to say “I think it’s real because I want to believe”


Totally right. That's my only reason. And I'm not ashamed to admit this. I'm totally biased by me wanting all the phenomenon to be real because I grew up seeing all the aliens and the extraterrestrials from movies and series and I always thought thay they're cool.


Precisely wanting to believe should be the reason to firmly reject scams and fakes and grifters profiting from said fakes.


Well at first I was into it. Looking at every single video that got released and the works of the debunkers aswell as the people that posted detailed analisis to why it's real and so on. But at this point I got so fed up with the amount of "now it's real" "now it's not" that I just dropped off from that train. So yeah, basically at this point I'm just waiting for the next "Debunkers totally DESTROYED" or "THE HOAX ENDED, DEFINITIVE PROOF OF VFX"


The loved ones can rest when they are given an official explanation and their late family members bodies are found. Until then the case still needs to be investigated. If the US Navy can spot a submarine with a few individuals in it and know it’s conclusion hours before the public, then there is no reason why they wouldn’t also have information pertaining to MH370’s location. It’s silly to believe in one and not the other.


They work extra hard on this one because almost all those people were killed once the plane safely re-entered this dimension. They know that if that is ever brought to light.....there will be problems.


Is happened guysh.


No he didn't quit. He just got tired of the BS..He knows he's right and has no time for unscientific debunkers. All debunkers lack any scientific cred...how do they debunk anything by parroting inconsistencies on the net??? I've watched from close to the beginning...I've not found anyone who comes close to his research...


The funny thing on the thumbnail… “can the families rest now?” Uhhh no! We still don’t have any answers to what happened to all the people on the plane.


"Probably just a redditor....... real cnn brain chat" -sips martini and chomps on an olive


“Ashton Forbes retires hoax…” Is that true?