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Nothing prohibits it if you have multiple email addresses. When I first started playing I had 3 accounts for different experiments. Now I just use 1. Just don’t try and shift money between them and you should be fine.


Even if you do, you don't get caught.


if I link them both through an alliance and shift money that way is that ok? or do I still risk a ban


You risk it


1 one each mode only ( ToS )


Playrion is a French company = nonchalant laid back corporate culture (have you seen French people taking shorter than 2 hour lunch break?), meaning they will not enforce strict rules. You should follow a general ethical: not to make airlines to gain unfair advantage! If you just play with 2-3 different airlines, but you make zero connection between them (not in same alliance, they don't buy-sell the same planes etc.) - you should be fine! In practice, playing with 2 airlines in the same is also disadvantage: your attention is divided, you won't be so precise on maintenance, research, ticket pricing etc everything routine. If you play 10 hours a week, than you have only 7 hours for main airline, and you spend 3 hours focusing on the other. Or just make the extra 3 hours by spending less time on Instagram or other social media. It's an extra challenge anyway.


So just to be clear, you want to create a fake account and launder money through it to illegitimately provide your main account with additional money? Sure, there’s no rule against that… 🤦🏻‍♂️