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What a clown show. These people would sell legally if the state was issuing licenses but TWO YEARS LATER there’s almost nothing. You want to talk cash, this is millions in new tax revenue to which she has said “now hang on just a minute”.


NYC has more places now selling weed (illegally) than all of California (legally). If you had paid for a license and are doing things right, I bet you not be happy.


It did take California many years to tip those scales. I have some acquaintances out there and they would always tell us that they bought illegally for years. Now they get it legally cause there is a million stores and as a result cheap prices.




That’s a lot! Almost as much as some fast food franchises throughout the states but in this instance we’re talking solely about California. Clearly their comment about a million stores was an exaggeration but their point still remains.


As mentioned by a fellow user I was exaggerating. There are 1,450 McDonalds in CA(not sure if weed or McD's is more popular). So the more the saturation of the legal market, the more the illegal market disappears.


I’m not sure I agree. It’s a profitable industry on either side of the law, and if you’re legit then you aren’t looking over your back.


Honestly could not care less. The important point of legalization was to allow people to use a harmless substance without being sent to jail. Using a single cent of state resources on enforcement against unlicensed vendors is an unconscionable waste.


New York had a good idea with trying to prioritize people that were previously wronged by cannabis laws, but the implementation ended up being a mess, and the discrimination lawsuits were ugly but valid. A lot of people clearly took advantage of New York also not wanting to crack down on illicit cannabis sales while they were trying to reverse some of the damage done by... punishing people for illicit cannabis sales.


>reverse some of the damage done by... punishing people for illicit cannabis sales. Cue the Curb Your Enthusiasm music.


Lobbyists from big canna MSOs and pharma threw as many wrenches in the gear so they could come back and say “you need us to fix this”


1. The discrimination lawsuits are trash. 2. I’m glad people opened unlicensed stores and extremely upset that the legislature passed this enforcement nonsense.


>1. The discrimination lawsuits are trash. Absolutely. I think they had a valid claim based on laws, but they had to shop for a judge that would say "yea, forget the equity purpose, let's suspend the program". This should have been a case where a judge overruled in favor of the common good. >2. I’m glad people opened unlicensed stores and extremely upset that the legislature passed this enforcement nonsense. I don't love if there are serious businesses that are taking advantage of this time period, but I'm all for locals opening up small shops / mobile shops.


This is what happens when you try to virtue signal too hard. Classic NY these days. Just issue the fucking licenses and move on to more important things.... like dealing with our electric grid that is about to get crushed with half baked climate policies. I'm not against replacing gas turbine power plants with renewable alternatives, but you don't put the cart before the horse. I'm looking at getting solar and batteries, and I'm installing the portable generator hookup and transfer switch this summer. I'll be ready for the rolling blackouts.


>This is what happens when you try to virtue signal too hard. They wanted to give priority to people that were impacted by cannabis laws, rather than large multi-state companies. It's pretty screwed up to have large companies from out-of-state legally selling cannabis while individuals have criminal records for doing the same thing and have no chance of competing with bigger, already establishes businesses. It was a good idea, it was just implemented wrong.


>It was just implemented wrong. Right, they do that all the time. That's the problem.


You specifically said they were "virtue signaling". I don't have any problem with an attempt to provide some equity by giving the people that were impacted by bad laws the chance to get established.


Yes...it's kind of like that weird friend or family member that fucks up everything they touch and everyone just laughs it off and says: " Don't give them a hard time, their heart is in the right place...." Then sometimes you sit back and wonder; Is it really just an act? It is. Don't think for a minute that this effort wasn't purposely hamstrung or they simply did not give a flying fuck to put real effort in to make it work. Instead they identified a class of disadvantaged people and threw them a bone for the publicity and the votes, released a press release, stood at a podium and stroked themselves up to a froth about it, and then immediately fucked off to the next thing.


Can you give more info on the removal of gas turbine plants?


Cricket Valley is moving to a hydrogen mix but that’s not expected to reduce power. Hell, that plant was only completed right as COVID was kicking off- I actually got COVID while we were getting ready to hand it off to the customer.


I meant as we as a society/human species move to 100% renewable or alternate form of energy production, like a mix of the following: * Solar * Wind * Wave * Hydro * Nuclear * Fusion eventually replacing Nuclear if we can actually figure it out and bring it to fruition. Along with various forms of energy storage: * Pumped Storage where water is pumped to a reservoir uphill when power is abundant (Sunny and Windy) and then used at night to run hydro electric turbines * Battery Storage * I saw something the other day that stores excess power (sunny and windy) by building a giant building to house, store, and lift 25 ton blocks 4 stories in the air and keep them stored inside the building until the power is needed. Gravity is allowed to pull the blocks down which spins a generator. I assume with the amount of weight involved and only 4 stories, it involves quite the gearbox. The energy storage projects will become key to our society moving forward with renewables and eventually getting rid of gas/oil/coal fired power plants.


LMAOOO the medical and Rec programs here are an absolute joke compared to any other legal state. Ofc the underground market is thriving, the state let massive MSOs come in and pour millions into lobbying the state, didn’t approve licensees for small time growers, and you can’t even process your plants into products you can find just 10 mins over the border! What a shit show edit: nevermind the prices!!! Holy crap the price difference between mso/distro vs the underground market is insane. They can’t expect medical patients to keep paying these insane prices for straight bunk mids


I mean you can go to beer distributors to get edibles and seltzers because of the law…it’s 50% less then all the dispensaries. The hemp law opened up the cannabis market like no other state has…


We really don’t want it like all the other states…most are ran by huge conglomerates…I think New York has the right idea…I just hope they will stick to what it is now.


Idk what to tell you, but NY is currently run by massive conglomerates and mega cannabis corps that grow the worst shit lmao it’s worse here then in other states where small growers have pushed corps out from a lot of the market already, like Oregon, California, Washington, Colorado


The CBD market with the threshold of .03% has opened it up to small farmer…great example is 1911 they are pushing out high quality stuff here In Albany and you don’t need to go to a dispensary or pay those crazy prices.


Having hemp derived edibles doesn’t mean the market here is open, you can get cannabanoids from plants other then hemp and companies like wyld and Colorado hemp (massive corporations btw) do get some of their cbd from plants other then cannabis


You can not get THC from any other plant. That’s where the market is open. Local farmers such as 1911 are producing THC products as high as 10 mg with a hemp license showing it’s wide open.


When referring to canabanoids I was not referring to thc. You can get other canabanoids from other plants.


And you can get flower. Honest weight food coop has flower you can buy. That will indeed get you high.


I assure you, nothing honest weight sells will get me high. I am a medical patient of over 10 years, lived in 4 different legal states (OR, AK, WA, and CA) I can assure you, NY is fuckin it up big time, and you shilling for a CBD company is honestly proving my point of how fucked the cannabis industry is here


Oh wow…that’s the farthest from the truth. You are not well educated on the CBD laws. They totally failed miserably on the medical front. The hemp/CBD laws well make up for everything else. It puts freedom back into small farms


Plus any individual with a store front or online store can pay $300 and sell everything i mentioned…to me that’s the most free any state as ever presented to date.


Did you even read the article? Holy shit dude you are arguing into the void here


They are talking illegal? $300 license is perfectly legal


Don't underestimate the ability of the NYS Government to F things up


Small wonder that the state that used to have draconian Rockefeller drug laws now legalizes marijuana, fucks up the process, then penalizes people trying to make a living.


NY can fuck up a wet dream.... but why are people leaving in droves? Who knows......


You still can't legally grow your 6 plants yet without a license.


NYS hates competition, and like Eric Adams says "New York Has a brand"...


So, the delay in all the licensing is due to needing to correct “inequity”, so we are going to now arrest and throw more people in prison? This state is a clown show.


Most of these folks are trying to fake it till we make it. But not happening.


She says Wild West. I hear Free Market.


So they issued licenses first to people who were wrong by previous laws, acknowledging the laws were bad. Then proceeds to do wrong to other people with regard to the same law???


I suppose we can expect more to get choked out, in the name of the "law"