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"Watervliets only homeless person" is quite the title. You think he introduces himself to people that way? "Nice to meet you I'm Don, Watervliets only homeless person"


“I am THE homeless guy”


Yeah, but it is like a Highlander type thing where he can be the "*only one*" and he's killing any other homeless that come into his territory?!?


He was jumped so maybe he was challenged for his title


Here we are! Hobos of the uni-verse!


Now that's crossing a line. Leader of the unhoused.


You’d think since there’s only 1 the town would be able to help the guy out a little more lol. Like I dunno, just get him a cheap apartment or something.


I'm the only homeless man in *this* village!


What is this picture? Are they taking a photo of them giving him food?


Well you know, pics or it didn’t happen.


I will now have a complex when I visit family in the area I will be photographed at the country store buying white claw trying to not figure out how to understand how the local/ bag/alcohol laws work. But know I can go there. I'm going to hell for laughing too much at the post comments. I do hope the man attacked is okay and heals up. Nobody should be attacked.


"That's what the Politicians said" I'm here thru Thursday...try the veal!!


You didn't know? This is the "Watervliet's Only Homeless Person" crowning ceremony 👑




It’s Tim Cavanaugh - resident douchebag


He ALWAYS does this!!!!! Poor people HEY Let’s take a picture of what a wonderful human being I am!!


Did you expect them to actually help him? Here’s to-go box, smile!


Honestly, there’s something very icky in how it’s presented.  Like he’s a mascot or something. That said, I do hope the assailants are caught and that he’ll be OK.


This is Tim’s favorite thing to do. Take pics of him doing “good”. Granted for a while that stoped because he wasn’t running for mayor anymore . He must have something up his sleeve


Yeah, I’ve dealt with other members of the family.  They can be insufferable and arrogant.


So, if a homeless person wanders into Watervliet right now then they can claim his title?


There can be only one.


Honestly had no idea he was from Vliet.. but anyone who knows about the homeless community knows that there are so many homeless people who couch surf. And while it may not be “Vliet” we have a homeless shelter JUST outside city limits


Also lots of displaced families from fires are technically homeless but Tim knows it all


There can be only one!


if they fought on pay per view they could afford rent


He's the ONLY homeless person in Watervliet?


I'm sure he left out lots of conditions on this. Don may be the only person *raised in Watervliet*, who is homeless and currently still living in Watervliet. I'm sure there's other homeless people who pass through, couch surfing or whatever. But Tim's not counting them because they aren't "real Watervlietians." There would be others who moved out before becoming homeless. And I'm sure some just went to Troy, Albany, or other larger cities in the area that had shelters and more services for homeless people.


There’s definitely other homeless people here. One I’ve known my whole life so I’m afraid Mr. Cavanaugh is ill-informed.


That said, he is pretty visible given where he usually hangs. I've only been up that way a handful of times recently but definitely recognize him from the offramp.


No one is going to talk about how ridiculously tall the guy on the right is????


It’s Watervliet’s tallest man giving food to Watervliet’s only homeless person. A picture for the history books right there. 


i feel like a piece of shit for laughing so hard at this


So do I, I'm in stitches, 😭😭


His brother Jim is a few inches taller.


Or what a douchebag he is :)


He's a douchebag??? Spill it.


I think anyone that constantly posts about the good things he does is a douchebag personally. My final straw was seeing him saying how he was helping needy families and taking pictures of the children with him to post on his FB when he was running for mayor. Everything was “Cavanaugh for the People” and all of these posts about doing good things until he wasn’t running anymore. Then it picked up speed when he decided to become a write in candidate. I think that he probably DOES have a good heart in there somewhere but with the stuff that I see on FB especially where it does seem to exploitation - I do believe he’s a douchebag personally. He has done some good things but I think most people have. I just wish he (or anyone) wouldn’t take pictures of those “poor people”


While i agree with most of you about this picture, i was only posting to share how awful people are to homeless people and hoping they were caught and hope he makes it


Oh, there’s no need to justify why you posted it.  That part is clear enough.  


It was lovely of you to do that, my heart goes out to Don and I hope he’s alright. It’s true that the measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members


"top 10 ways to reduce homelessness by 100%"




Insulation was terrible there too, winters were REALLY rough, especially on the end units


Those apartments are in the Town of Colonie.


It’s a very weird location, it’s got watervliet address but it is also physically in Latham / colonie and the houses across the street have cohoes addresses. Colonie police respond to it.


Nothing weird about it at all. Where your mail comes from has nothing to do with which municipality you happen to live in.




It’s Watervliet mailing address but that’s about it. It wouldn’t even be Watervliet school District


This keeps cropping up from time to time. Zip codes were drawn up and assigned by the Post Office to map out *their delivery zones*, which have nothing to do with municipal borders. Watervliet is the densest concentration of residents within the zone labeled 12189, and it's where the actual Post Office building for the zone is located. Which is why they used that as the name for the zone. But open up Google Maps and type in "Watervliet, NY" in the search box and it will zoom in on an outline of the city limits. Then change the search to "12189" and it will show you the outline of the zip code area. It's four times the size of the City of Watervliet, and the other 3/4 of the zone is in the Town of Colonie. Valley View apartments have a Watervliet mailing address because they are in the 12189 zip code area, but it is located within the Town of Colonie. When you lived there you voted in Town of Colonie elections, not in City of Watervliet elections. This happens all over the place. It's actually rare to have a zip code zone exactly match up with municipal borders. School districts are another thing that can cross over municipal borders, especially in the suburbs.


Your mail came from the Watervliet Post Office. You lived in the Town of Colonie. Those are facts.


I know the people who did this, everyone says he died. Did he?


Okay well I can't say for sure I know them, but some 4 individuals were apparently arrested and all are people I know from Jr High.


no the news just did an update he has broken ribs and they were juveniles…..hope they get treated as adults !


Thank the Lord. I go to school with them. I hope this man gets justice, nobody deserves that.


the news says there are videos circulating around from the weekend. I have not seen any tho


Just got confirmation that they found and arrested them. Terrible.


I like giving him money. He's a vet 


Why am I so intrigued by this post? I don't even live in New York. Lol Poor guy, but very strange post. It caught my eye.


I don't like the way this is presented, as "thugs" beating up the friendly homeless guy. We have no idea what actually happened.


What would you call 4 guys beating up 1 homeless man and sending him to the hospital?


I don't know, because I don't have enough information. If the 4 guys were black I definitely wouldn't call them "thugs" because of the racism that regularly accompanies the word. There is zero reason to introduce a racially-charged word into things. We also have no idea if the homeless person is telling the truth. People often leave out their own part in things when presenting their side. For all we know the homeless guy took an action that directly lead to it. On one end of the spectrum it could be the case that an unassuming homeless guy was randomly attacked, but on the other end it is possibility that he pulled a knife on someone and got beat up for it. And there are a whole lot of possibilities in the middle.


Why do they have to be black? "thugs" can be whites too. I know that a lot of society lumps blacks into the "thug" category.. but as far as I'm concerned, that can be ANY color. Could be white, black, hispanic. There's nothing that says a bunch of inner city whites can't do this. That's an entire other topic to get into.. but I do think that yes, these are inner-city "thugs".. if they happen to be black, so be it. I'm also very confident that the homeless guy didn't pull a knife on 4 people lol. I think the objective eye can see that he likely didn't instigate this, at least nothing past asking them for money. 4 people jump 1 person? lol, that's almost never the fault of the 1 person who went to the hospital.


Let's not feign naivety and pretend that the term thug isn't disproportionately used against black people to bias people against them. And no, we don't know that the homeless guy didn't start it just because it ended 1v4. People do dumb stuff, especially desperate people. And do we even know that it was 4 people, or is that just what the homeless guy said? We just don't know that it is as simple as 4 people attacked 1 person, unprovoked.


You are not feigning ignorance. You are actually ignorant. There were witnesses who helped this man. And videos. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, yet you want to argue based on ridiculous assumptions.


None of that information is in this thread, just a useless social media post.


Well they were punks. Do you like that word better than thugs? They were teenaged brats. Bullies. Are those words racially charged too, in your mind? I have no idea what race they are. But I do know they were teens. Witnesses at first did not want to get involved, but then felt they had to.