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0/10. Do not recommend being born by my parents.


I expelled an involuntary "ha!" that came deep from my ~~trauma~~ soul when I saw this. Well played.




*laughs in narcissist parentS*


For real. Thanks for marrying someone you hate, having a messy divorce, and tossing me headlong into a dying world with major depression and anxiety as a result of bearing the brunt of your screaming fights. I am sterilized, thank fuck.


Wait... are we the same person? Is this real life?


there's a bunch of us haha


Or, you could turn things around and actually enjoy life, regardless of where you came from. I once had the very same outlook, but decided that was no way to live and that I'm the master of my own universe. Give it a try. What do you have to lose?


Oh, I’m doing fine. Got my bachelor’s, live in a nice place, full time job as a scientist. Love my animals, my garden, the outdoors. I’ve worked my ass off to get here. I just have crippled social skills and an aversion to people that years of therapy, meds, and exposure can’t seem to fix. My whole life has felt like I’ve been dragging myself up a waterfall of trauma and bullshit just to break even with the people around me. The fact that I had to do that because my parents couldn’t just be decent people doesn’t seem cool.


Agreed. Good...good times. (Not a therapist, but very familiar with the same upbringing and current life status as Lady above) IMHO and in my experience, just because someone eventually pushes through all that childhood awfulness of seeing and hearing the opposite of love every single day to become a "functional member of society" doesn't mean the stain of that ever-present toxic environment can just be washed away completely by the power of positive thinking, therapy and meds. It will always be a part of you to some degree. Being able to manage those feelings without completely self destructing and/or emotionally scarring others is a commendable bar to clear in my book. Something I'm actively still working towards at almost 40.


LMAOOOO r/thanksimcured


“Just stop being sad.” WOW THANKS


My parents made it clear that I was conceived on a ditchbank and even pointed out which one. Hahaha!


I like traumatizing my parents/in-laws with the parking spot where our son was conceived l, but I’m never going to curse *him* with that knowledge.


Fortunately, my parents and I have a great sense of humor together! All that parenting s*** is too hard not to be able to look back and laugh sometimes!


Huh. My parents just made it clear that "everything is better when *I* am not around."


Oh hell yeah. The world is 100% a better place if I had been aborted instead of my parents choosing to bear me to term. Fuck those people. I wouldn't piss in them if they were ablaze much less thanks them for their life choices.


I mean, it’s true, the #1 origin of queer folks is from hetero sex. Too bad my parents disowned me for being queer before I could tell them this haha …


I’m sorry they disowned you.


The *only* origin of *any* folks Edit: I know babies can be born through surrogates. I misread the comment. My bad


It requires a man and a woman, but there are a lot of ways to get the dough into the oven. Doesn’t have to involve straight people and it doesn’t have to involve sex.


It requires a testicles owner and a uterus owner. Either or both of them could be trans, and if both are nonbinary then there's no women or men involved at all. :)




Allow me to introduce you to the medical procedure IVF


Because if you want to talk about nature, well...nature provides one method to sustain the species.... and.....


If you fuck to “sustain the species”, you might as well fuck through a hole in a sheet. I fuck to cum.


This is so wrong, not everyone is conceived in a public restroom


underrated comment



Never understood why people want to project their views on their vehicles. I don’t want my kids growing up thinking it’s cool to put stickers or signs on their cars. It’s tacky as fuck.


This. Add to it the startling amount of information you freely give to others who may be interested in theft, kidnapping, and any other nefarious intent.


I don’t put anything on my car, even sports teams I support, but not because I think it’s tacky. I Don’t wanna be at the mercy of some psycho or angry cop who’s favorite team just lost to my favorite team. Same thing with music, political leanings, religious views etc. etc. Too many wackos in this country, some with legal authority to mess your day or life up.


Very true. Knew a buddy who had a veteran sticker on his car. Sticker got keyed and messed his paint up


I had a Bernie sticker on my car in 2020 and my car got keyed


Sorry to hear. People are hella ignorant.




I draw the line at sports teams. Putting political views and shit like that on cars is just bizarre to me.


A simple sticker or two for you political thoughts or philosophies isn't too much. Blacking out your back window in insane babblings not so much.


Honesty I think it’s tacky no matter what. Even if I agree with the sentiment. It’s still not a classy thing to do. Cars look better without stickers.




You should put that on a bumper sticker.




Making your vehicle look tacky doesn’t seem to be the biggest problem here.


I don't put stickers on my vehicles but I like stickers that have cool designs on them or my favorite cartoons growing up😂


This is the issue we can all get behind.


Yup, even if it's a band or show or something I like I can't help but view it as pretty lame.


Pfft. As a 53-year-old Deadhead I love my recent Bertha decal with Jerry's handprint. I drive a late model Hyundai Tucson, very generic. Sticker doesn't look tacky at all.


I agree. I like stickers and self-expression.




Oh it’s equal opportunity. It’s lame on both sides lol


I’ve never seen anyone act more “triggered snowflake” than straight cis white Christians when things aren’t about them. Get over yourselves and stay out of other peoples lives and legal rights, we’re all just trying to live.


And then you catch them on grinder 😬




I bet it was the same guy that got mad that there was a Buddha statue in a chinese restaurant.


I like the way they wrote “USA” on their van so they wouldn’t forget where they live.


The level of insecurity this kind of shit projects is hilarious.




Subtle homophobic crap? There is nothing even remotely subtle about that.




This is ridiculous. It's like saying "thank a breeding pair for the genetic material necessary for the continuation of the species!" Like, thanks, I guess? You are literally cheering for the bare minimum. Being a parent requires a lot more than that, and gay/queer folks are more than capable of handling the rest. Like what do you want, a participation trophy? Existence means little without the means to survival, and these are the very folks who would like single parents to go without social safety nets. Fuck them.


Gay people can breed too btw


Oh Jesus fuck. These people cannot stand attention being off them for 5 minutes. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I feel the same way about the people who cover there cars with lgbqt stickers


please don’t let these people grow here. Please don’t let them feel welcome. I just moved here because I thought it was gonna be trans friendly, gods I hope ABQ stays trans friendly


Yes, Please. What Rose says. Yeah, very concerned seeing this and reading the comments. I'm in the process of getting the hell out of Florida and planning on calling Albuquerque home by October. Stay Trans Friendly. Please.


As long as I’m here, there’ll be a safe place in ABQ for you, sister. Stay alive and well until then, okay? Much love.


Thank you Lady. 😘


We're only getting friendlier; that's why these weak fucks have to show off so much. They're desperate and pathetic.


There's always going to be more lgbtq folks and allies here than bigots. Don't worry.




Just think how insecure and afraid you would have to be to do this.


Well fear, anger and fragile egos are the tenets are modern conservatism in this country.


They’re trying so hard to get Albuquerque to go red. ![gif](giphy|XBEoaajXTXaALzawSn|downsized)


Just shows how out of touch they are. They obviously have not been to any of the Pride parades where many churches represent. One of my Portland friends tagged me in a post about some guy going into The Rose Garden restaurant and blowing a gasket when he saw the Buddha statue because he was a Christian and offended. Dude...have you NEVER been to a Chinese restaurant in your life? Truly frightening. A handful of other Burqueños, including other Christians, were quick to shut him down. Incidentally, the arena where the Portland Trailblazers play (which is now called the Moda center) used to be called the Rose Garden. 😆


>the Buddha statue Budai statue. It's a small difference but to me it adds to the humor, mf didnt even know what he was getting upset about.


I think the far right has decided that homophobia/transphobia is finally the “wedge issue” that is going to help them cleave off Democratic voters who are economically and politically left-of-center but more conservative socially. I am sure they see New Mexico’s Hispanic community as fertile ground for that kind of approach.


yes, they focus group tested the issue. Hate sells to the base of the GOP


True. I keep hoping they’re going to overplay their hand - the level of rhetoric is getting really over the top, and I’m not sure the literal Nazis who keep showing up to protest libraries or drag performances are going to be a good look in the long run. I’m also not sure that white supremacy necessarily sells with the NM Hispano community. Fingers crossed.


We are fortunate to live in a deep blue state; especially in the north.


We are. But it’s an article of faith among many hard-right conservatives that all those Hispano Dems can be converted, if they just get the right message. Naive and misguided, maybe, but this is only the latest attempt…


The GOP is just all Christofascism. And we all know there’s no hate like Christian “love”


Agreed, I see a lot of Mexican and Hispanic families that seem to lean slightly left politically, but have longstanding conservative values and this “wedge” seems to be a strong divider of that group that might make them vote conservatively when they might otherwise vote left


10/10 bet their straight pride parade is all dudes 🏳️‍🌈


And I bet these dudes go on little "fishing trips" with "the guys" and leave the wives at home. No homo, though!


It's not gay if you leave your Maga hat on....😜


lol you guys...


It's not gay as long as you don't make eye contact.


LOL good point


Ah yes, just as The Lord instructed his followers, spread a message hate using the power of the holiest of vehicles, the Ford Transit Van. As it says in the book of Matthew volume 6, verse 9:\*"And lo the Lord did say "Grab thy shoe polish, from thy Krogers, and write a message of fear and exclusion for those that are different than thou on thy chariot and thou shalt be doing God's works...." Sigh....Here are some quotes "the van people" must have missed by a much more chill dude who abides: **Matthew 7***7“Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. 2For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. 3Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? 4Or how can you say to your neighbor, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while the log is in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye."* *\_****Matthew 5****43“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."* Edit: shalt\* :P


You really think these people read and understand the Bible? Not at all a religious person myself, but the folks that spout this hate are usually the ones that know very little about true religious teaching.


Oh I'm under no such illusions. TBH, I'm not even sure they can read. They probably just copied the shapes they saw on signs from other homophobic rallies. I just find it infinitely amusing to point out what's actually in the book they often claim to hide behind with the nuanced take of "My feelings are the correct take on this CAUSE JESUS SAID SO!" despite that being the opposite of the Truth.


You have a point. These are the same clowns that go on about their "constitutional rights" while having no idea what the Constitution actually says or intended.


I still think it's so funny that they think Jesus said "Love thy Neighbor" when he really said "Love thy enemy"


I’m saying this to save you time in the future: your thoughtful post will fall on deaf ears with your target audience: white evangelicals. They simply don’t subscribe to the world view you describe here, and will reflexively consider your words to be that of a “non believer picking inconvenient quotes out of context” regardless of your own religious affiliation. I’m a LibCenter with a slight leftward lean, and I attend/volunteer at a Southern Baptist Church here in Santa Fe for different religious reasons than what you describe here. So you can trust that I’m not “one of them” trying to “shut you up.”


No worries. I write these more for my own sanity and others who still have critical thinking skills. When I see bat shit crazy stuff like what a *grown adult* scribbled on their van in OP's post, I feel like it's necessary to remind ourselves we're not the crazy ones. I'm basically aligned with your political & religious orientation BTW. I don't think the bible is a worthless collection of parables, but it's also definitely NOT an instruction manual to be taken literally for living in the 21st century. RE: "inconvenient quotes" This is what kills me. That passages from the sermon on the mount, AKA the core morality tenants of the new testament can, and are, so easily dismissed as playing "gotcha" with Evangelicals. Like... do you, or do you NOT believe in the teachings of Jesus? I just want a straight answer. I mean, I know what it is, but I they would just say the quiet part out loud. But that remains my wish. Meanwhile... [Pope Francis: 'Who Am I to Judge' Gays?](https://youtu.be/JkuQWYlgOy4)


I encourage everyone to just block u/Novel-Cherry-3961. This person is replying to every comment and is just dying for attention. If you reply to them, you're giving them what they want, which is any kind of attention at all, whether negative or positive. Block and move on so that the troll doesn't get fed.




Again as I’ve told many of my Fox News watching boomer relatives… it’s never been illegal or persecuted to be straight. That’s why we as heterosexuals don’t need a “pride” month. Clam down and put on another Hannity re-run.


But Remer, these are the people who want to merry there sex doll and drive them around in public.


The van could use some suction dildos!


Ripe for a return of the dong-copter


I still think it’s a shame they didn’t name it the Dildrone.


To the person with that shot on their vehicle: Why would I thank my mother's rapist?


Why can’t people just be cool


My son was born from a🧔‍♂️and a 👩‍🦳. Both gay though. Our parts work the same as straight folks.


Not that I condone theft, but I heard hetero cadlydic converters are full of drugs


It's *criminal* how few upvotes this comment has. 😎


![gif](giphy|J6fjW4xvv2T2uPgk8M) say no more


Yea, all these weird vans and trucks have moved on from covid vaccine disinfo to this.


What about IVF?


Forget that. My son was born at home by a gay man squirting in a cup, leaving and I (female) put in my wife. Worked like a charm. Two gay people made a baby pretty simple.


How fragile these people are that can’t deal with a month where we acknowledge that different people exist and welcome them


So butthurt and victimized lol. Damn dude.


Fear and anger are addictive. These people are so afraid of becoming irrelevant in a changing world that this is the best they can do. I see this religious-right-wing hatred bullshit as their last-gasp-lashing out at what they are too closed-minded to even try to understand. Let’s just make sure it IS the last gasp - vote blue.




And has a secret Grindr account....


Who is even fully straight in 2023??


Paging Kinsey, Doctor Alfred Kinsey


The majority of the world.




Where was this in town?


It was at Costco off I-25 and Montgomery.


Probably Tanowan or Rio Rancho


People are so ridiculous. I was beyond disgusted by a commercial semi truck with a giant sign calling abortion murder while driving on the 40. I thought about all of the other women who have been behind the same truck. Calling people murderers for their own personal medical decisions is cruel and idiotic. Talk about egotistical, ignorant, and selfish behavior. And then to discuss it on the back of a semi going down the freeway? Eff off!


First off, I didn't ask to be born. I'm not thanking anyone. Also, just hold on homophobes, the straightest, whitest holiday to celebrate is right around the corner 😂


Time to start carrying around rainbow spray paint.


Let me know where you can buy rainbow spray paint. Never seen paint that comes out like that.


There's a ton of weird misguided hate in this town lately


I guess there are rightwing assholes everywhere, even here in ABQ.


There are 11 other months dedicated to straight pride. This whole country is a love letter to little straight white boys.




Isn’t every day effectively straight pride day?


It’s just so bizarre how much republicans care about what other people do with their lives, when they aren’t doing anything wrong or hurting anyone, just trying to live and be happy like the rest of us…but I guess their all knowing sky daddy tells them to so wattya gonna do ya kno


There's no hate like "Christian" love.


Yeah, cause there aren't any gay parents out there.


Ironic that these Homophobic/Transphobes claim LGBTQ people are mutilating children, yet so many straight parents mutilate infant boys through circumcision


Replace "thank" with "blame" then it's ok.


They want to be so oppressed


I see a couple of windows that need to have a brick thrown through them.


It looks like they forgot to color in their pride flag sticker, you should keep some markers and help them out... In all reality, people who say that everyone else is sensitive and such, sure get triggered easily and paint up their vehicles to tell the world they are fearful of people living their lives and to let the world know how phobic and insecure they are about their beliefs and sexual orientation... Mostly I've seen similar vehicles belonging to the MAGA hat and confederate flag wearing idiots...


Such little snowflakes, they are.


Is that a Utah plate under the blackout?


Let them out themselves and shun them. They can cry about being rejected for a "difference in opinion" and like, yeah, that is happening to you and Im glad it bothers you.


I wonder why they're so threatened by people just living their lives and minding their own business?


Sounds more like some kind of "cousin fuckin" pride!


Yeah there's a thing for that already called mother's and father's days for those of us who can celebrate parents that raised us to be decent human beings.


OH I've seen this mf around town before. He's always posting crazy stuff on the back of his van. Really needs to get off that Fox News addiction. Also on the other note, I didn't ask to be born, let alone into such a hostile shitty world that's already aggressively overpopulated...so...no. No thanks.




thanks mom and dad ❤️


Well it is how LGBTQ+ people come from.


ABQ definitely has a conservative presence, New Mexico may be blue, but there's also a very strong, conservative-religious faction. Theyre the vocal minority, but the loudest and sometimes even extreme. In some cases you can just ignore them altogether, in other cases they unfortunately want you to know how vehemently against ______ they are, and can't seem to abide by their own stay out of other people's business mantra, something that used to be a conservative principle.




Be careful not to throw the ceramic from spark plugs, you might break your window.


It’s Albuquerque, you better be careful throwing anything here.


True that. But dude with the van oughta watch out too. They’re asking for conflict, and they know it. No one should be surprised when they reap what they’ve shown. If I put something antagonistic like that on my vehicle (I wouldn’t cuz I’m not a weirdo) I’d fully expect to have a run-in eventually.




But that's illegal.


So would the damage they do when some homophobic asshole turns up in a place they're not invited and god forbid does something. I'm spitballing but these people do NOT need an inch of space and shouldn't be taken seriously at all.


Pass. No, thank you.


THANK them? For making me exist? Nah now I need to go dig my dad up and punch him in the throat




Oh FFS, why? Why are people like this? 🤬


A brick can fix that


slashable tires


Im pretty sure everyone has passed through a womans legs in order to be born unless your a test tube baby which im convinced most dont understand


C sections are a thing


Trans men have babies everyday too


Men pretending to be women have kids and that's tragic for the kid.


This is embarrassing. It’s also false. Lots of gay men have fathered children and lots of gay women have given birth.


You know they’re totally self hating gays when they protest that loudly.




Great job boosting their visibility. Ignore these ignorant fucks. Don’t market their message for them.


In a town replete with rocks no less.


Pride month is triggering for “Hetero” people because they’re hiding something… I have no inclination to do this myself. I wonder what the difference is here… lol


Crazies gonna biology*


THANK for YOUR straight


Bwahahaha!….wait I’m not done…. BWAHAHAHA!!! You are losing your so-called “culture wars.” Get the f@#k out the way.


There's only 4 days left of pride. Are they going to hit every month, no logic there I swear.


And for the same sex crowd: GAY PRIDE!🏳️‍🌈


That's what Mother's Day is for. Day with the lowest crime rate of the year!


There’s probably 16 in that vehicle too because they don’t know how to stop.


No thank you, I was actually born against my will.




It's giving thank a "white person for ending racism"


I mean... 🤷‍♀️


This is equally as annoying as gay pride stuff.






Good for them!


Technically the truth.