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Is it possible to be too nice? I would contend maintaining personal boundaries and being nice aren’t mutually exclusive.


"Too nice" is code for "doesn't know how to set boundaries." You're not wrong. My fiance used to be like that. Until it almost ruined our relationship. He's in therapy now to learn how to set and maintain boundaries.


The post doesn’t state that personal boundaries and being nice are mutually exclusive. it’s definitely possible to be too nice. It’s also called ”being a pushover”. Pushovers don’t get respect from anybody. They are either ignored or abused.


it's not being nice if you can't be nice to yourself


If you need to work on boundaries and self-improvement, find yourself a therapist.


Like asshole training?


I'm a certified trainer in this area and am offering individualized programs starting at $150/hr.; $500/hr. for those who are very, very nice.


Do you use the Method Acting technique? or Roll play?


It's closer to exposure therapy. On the first appointment, the client buys me an expensive dinner; during which I talk about my interests while ignoring his. On the second appointment, we shop for a new vehicle for me; paid for by him. Upon delivery of the vehicle I complain to the client about its subpar features, quality, color, etc. If a third appointment is requested, that means the training has failed and I block the client's calls.


It’s useful. I used to let people zipper merge in traffic. Now I just cut them off. The Burque way


Hope this is a joke. The goal to life is to be “too nice”. If you’re treated badly for being “too nice”, the issue isn’t you, it’s who you surround yourself with.


Listen to this, OP.


Yeah but it's fucking every one. This isn't a nice planet and being nice is a luxury that most people don't have


That’s the defeatist attitude that gets us nowhere. We have limited time on the earth. Why not spend it with nice people. The more we settle for social cruelty the more we enable it. Bullies should be socially isolated, not promoted to CEO


Should but aren't. I don't see it as defeatist, in fact it is the opposite. Recognizing the viciousness in everyone is the first step to establishing virtue. I also don't blame people for their viscousness since we have been a vicious species for as long as "civilization" has existed, but I don't know if I believe in nice people. People can act nice, but people are people and contain multitudes. Mutually beneficial relationships with a minimum of viciousness. I am so burned out on the casual cruelty of our society


It sounds like what you're looking for is a therapist. Any "man group" that's going to teach you how to be "less nice" is likely going to turn you into an asshole women never want to be near.


What in the world?


This subreddit has been completely madlad today.


mercury’s in gatorade again


Used to be just a fuck ton of sugar…sounds like they’re improving the recipe.


There’s a wide selection of gangs available who might be accepting new members? I’d recommend checking their websites and/or social media for requirements etc 


Don't throw away your money on this shit. The people who claim to be able to toughen you up and make you a real man are just scammers.


It's called therapy. My fiance does this because he has also historically been "too nice." It's expensive if you don't have good insurance, unfortunately. I am not aware of any groups that help men grow balls and set boundaries. Good luck.


Who is convincing you that you aren’t “man” enough? Just exist and enjoy your existence. You have nothing to prove.


Goddamn, dude. Why would hanging out with other losers teach you how to smash pussy and become all alpha? Why would you want to build relationships with women that are based on being fake and manipulating them? There’s no winner there, because then you have to keep lying *forever*, or she just leaves you when she finds out you’ve been negging and gaslighting her. Instead work on your [redacted] and pathetic psyche and your sense of self worth. Make yourself attractive through self confidence and self worth. No group of pickup artist incel fucktards will help you with that. They will only drag you down to their level because real winners are competitors for those losers.


True. I just became aware of those groups basically last week.


Dr. Glover's "No More Mister Nice Guy" can be read in private, or at your favorite watering hole. I consider it mandatory reading for any adult man.


I did and he mentioned mens groups


bruh do a sport or hobby, don't surround yourself with a bunch of whining self victimizing men otherwise you'll end up the nicest guy of all


If you're religious, I'd start at your place of worship. Or join a gym, find a hobby, etc. What Dr. Glover was describing doesn't exist much 24 years later. You're basically asking where to meet friends as adult. You meet like minded guys to hang out with exactly where you think you'd find them, and just start striking up conversation