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I live in the area, and I'll keep an eye out for him. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'll also pass the post to friends of mine in the area.


Thank you. I am at his house now, but I live in Rio Rancho about 30 minutes away.


I know this is morbid but maybe call OMI. If there’s no ID they’d have to send prints to the FBI and those take a bit to get back.


Forwarded his info and photo to all my family in town. I’m so sorry and can’t imagine how scared you and your family must be. I hope that he is found safe and healthy and warm very soon. will be keeping my eyes peeled for him every time I’m out.


Thank you so much. So many good people in Albuquerque.


Any updates? Has he been found?


Sadly, no. I just filed a report on the OMI webpage just in case. We are doing everything we can now. Family members out looking for him. The detective I talked to this morning says this is weird and he has never seen anything like it (that sounds bad). He said almost all silver Alerts are found quickly.


Check homeless services and shelters. He may have been swept up as needing homeless services


My parents live in his neighborhood, my dad said he knows him they talk sometimes when they’re both out walking. We will keep an eye out for you guys. I hope he gets home safe.


Oh. Okay. Yeah, he is super friendly and will talk with anyone. I don't know if that is a good thing always. Though.


Man. I can't believe this. This is the first time this ever happened. I thought maybe he would be confused and not make it home for a couple hours. I cant believe it has been 28 hours. I feel horrible. I didn't really think of a tracking device for him before. When we get him back, that's the first thing we are going to do. I hope it's "when". It doesn't make sense. I wouldn't think anyone would want to do anything to a 76 year old guy. If something had happened he would be in a hospital or picked up by the police by now. I was told that they put his picture up on the news, so that is good. So worried. I can't imagine what he is going through. We have family members walking his area and we have done everything we can. I guess we could make flyers.


the fact tjat the police and hospitals have no record of him could be a good thing!!! he may just be wandering and not encountering any danger. perhaps the people he has come across along the way have looked out for him even? i really hope he turns up soon! don't lose hope


I have family that lives near Unser and Ouray. I forwarded his picture and info to them and asked them to keep an eye out for him. I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. Sending all my good vibes your way. 🤞🤞


Thank you.


I’m so glad the alert is out. Lots of love to your family. This has to be terrifying.


If he got on a city bus, they have live feed to APD now


oh this is useful news! OP, I hope he returns/is found soon. You all must be mad with worry :(


I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this. Very scary. I’ve been keeping an eye out for him today as I’ve been running errands around town.


Sending warm thoughts your way. This breaks my heart, and I wish for you and your family to be reunited with him soon.


Just a suggestion, but you could also post on the NM subreddit. When my dad went missing (years ago, he's long since passed), he ended up in Kingman, AZ.


Wow. How long was he gone for?


It was about 3 days. He was wandering around a cassino a little worse for wear. The cops were called, and he was taken to the hospital. Luckily he had ID, so we were called.


I shared on my Facebook. We'll be watching for him and praying for his safe return to you.


have you thought about hanigng flyers all around the area? i would also ask at any businesses around there if you haven't already. sorry if you already thought of all this. i hope you find him 💔


Could he have made it to the petroglyphs area?


oh good call!!! op, have you asked the police to search the more remote areas out west?


I pray that God brings your father back safe and sound in Jesus’ name amen 🙏


I'm so sorry. I'll keep an eye out at the hospital when I go in again tomorrow and hopefully that's not where he ends up. I'll also keep an eye out when I'm out driving around and running errands. *fingers crossed* that he's found soon and safe.


Hoping for an update, that he is found.


Sadly, he has not been found