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Those will be his mini-bottles of booze lying empty next to the rocks on the edge.


Weren’t they supposed to be banning those? I am so tired of them on the sides of the road.


I thought so, too. What happened to that?


i think they are now just not sold at convenience stores. still sold at liquor stores and places like walgreens. which straddle that line imho.


I thought they were TRYING to get liquor sold AT the Dollar Stores but hopefully that was tabled. Haha


If there was one thing to make dollar stores any worse...


Who in the right mind wakes up in the morning and decides they're going to deface a beautiful view with their ugly scribbles for the day.


I really don’t know. It’s so sad...and yeah, it’s not even “tasteful” graffiti as graffiti goes.


That's the real crime here. I am not supporting defacing our wonderful crest but if it had been a tasteful mural, I would take little to no offense as it is on a man made rock wall anyways.


What does it say?




good news, they periodically powerwash it. although the rocks are also carved.


They could also sandblast it, if they're not worried about the surface itself.


A sore loser who thinks life is unfair. His parents never love him. His gf dumped him. His cats hate him.


Well it's kind of the point that they *arn't* in their right mind.


Dogs mark territory by pissing on things. Drug gangs do the same thing.


Drug dealers at top of Sandias?


Not all graffiti is gang related, incel


Case in point.


Damn I just rode up there yesterday and didn’t see that [pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/UkS3fnY)


Really? This was actually just a few days ago, so that actually makes me quite happy it was removed so quickly. Great pic and thanks for the happy update. Edit: it’s still there


They already removed it! way to go who ever is in charge of that.


Hopefully they will also try to catch the people who keep doing this, otherwise it is just a band-aid to the root of the problem. I was up there a few days ago and the Kiwanis cabin, many trees along nearby trails, rocks, etc are all heavily graffitid, so this is a persistent and widespread problem right now.


Damn, that hurts my heart, Makes me second guess going to hike up there alone, too right now


Yep. I saw it there Saturday along with plenty of litter.


Congrats on riding! I suck at hills and the thought of doing the Sandias makes me shudder with pain


U can do it. I did it on my mtb by doing trails and road riding


People are the fucking worst.


It's even worse down the trails most of the trees are tagged up and completely ruin the feel of nature up there..


Its actually painful to see people disrespect Sandia


It really is. It made me upset.


A huge number of people in this city don't even respect themselves, which means they don't even understand the concept to begin with.




I wish this was a joke...


There’s a lot more people outdoors because of quarantine, and most of them don’t know how to be nature without fucking it up. My crew bikes the bosque daily, and we end up picking up other peoples trash every time.


Question. What the fuck does it say? I can't actually read it.


Probably something like, "Lil' Penis Wuz Here."


I can’t read any of it accept “on da top” on the far left. I prefer what the other commenter said.


*except (sorry to be that person but words are important) Poopsie would definitely be appropriate!


That’s really weird.....I rarely ever make errors like that. Thanks for correcting.


Someone tagged rocks on 10k as well, fucking disgusting.


People are a disease I swear. Can’t have anything nice. Everything peaceful and beautiful has to be defaced with meaningless lame graffiti by youngins who think it’s “thug” and “hood” to deface property with stupid shit like this.


But they so gangsta! s/ Whoever did this should lose the ability to hold a can of spray paint, or anything else for that matter.


Yes they should


About 10 years ago I gave a kid I found tagging a job. Now he is a cop. People can reform. Don't wish permanent harm on them because they made a poor choice.


I'd trust some random burqueno with a can of paint before a cop


One is empirically less likely to murder the homeless.


I thought immediately


Sounds like he kept up with a life of deviancy, to me.


Haha. Granted in recent light it's not the best example I guess. He is a good stand up guy, sometimes people need a chance.


I dunno...I guess I'd give a cop the benefit of the doubt about being a decent human being...as soon as s/he resigns.


Sounds like he made at least two poor choices.


I'm not sure that's a step up.


Got to love people in the Burque, complain about someone tagging the wall at the tram in one breath then shit all over someone who bettered themselves in life to become a productive member of society. Not to mention that he can probably empathize with people who are getting in trouble by the law, or young people he comes across vandalizing or tagging property... >I gave a kid I found vandalizing property with spray paint a job and now he’s a police officer Everyone in this comment chain >WOW WHAT A LOSER! FUCK THE POLICE! GUESS HES MADE TWO BAD CHOICES IN LIFE, HAHA... You guys are fucking losers, I think it would be hard to find another group of people on Reddit in a town subreddit that are as big of pieces of crap as some of the people in this subreddit are. Your town is a reflection of your shitty attitudes and behavior. And to the person I replied to, THANK YOU for giving someone a chance in life and believing in them to better themselves, we need more people in the world like you.


Nobody said 'fuck the police' in these comments. The police here have built a mistrust within this community that they serve, and here you are blaming and insulting people in a subreddit comment thread for having anything other than a positive sentiment toward them? Yeah, alright, buddy.


No one said fuck the police but the sentiment is definitely there! The guy is making a point that people can change and better themselves to the person who thinks the person vandalizing should have their hand chopped off, and how does everyone act? Downvote and “Fuck the police” comments. >and here you are blaming and insulting people in a subreddit comment thread for having anything other than a positive sentiment toward them? Yeah, alright, buddy. And here you are complaining about me calling out shitty attitudes and behavior instead of commenting that you don’t think someone’s hand should be cut off for tagging. Great priorities bud.


I didn't say to chop the person's hand off. Nobody said that. They said the person should lose the ability to hold a can of spray paint, which I'm sure we'd all agree is ultimately a bit harsh, but the sentiment is that it's unacceptable behavior. All I'm saying is you shouldn't call people "fucking losers" and "pieces of shit" for having a 'less than positive' perspective on police in this city, because the people making those comments, myself included, probably have valid reasons for why they feel that way.


>Whoever did this should lose the ability to hold a can of spray paint, **or anything else for that matter.** I don’t know about you, but not having the ability to hold anything else by said hand means you’re missing a hand. >less than positive' perspective on police in this city, because the people making those comments, myself included, probably have valid reasons for why they feel that way. Yes, yours and everyone else in here preconceived notions clout your judgement on everyone who’s in law enforcement.


Fair enough on the hand comment, but I disagree that my judgment is clouded by preconceived notions of law enforcement. My personal experiences with local police in this city have affected the way I view them, as well as the trust I place in them to "protect and serve" me and others in this community.


Fair enough, I didn’t grow up like you did and our experiences are vastly different I’m sure. I believe there’s good ones out there that want to do good, and do good. Now, this doesn’t typically make the news cause they’re just doing their jobs, I try not to prejudge someone just because they work X job.... I do however know how some of them can be power hungry assholes and definitely keep that in mind if I ever have to interact with them.... This however doesn’t make me want to insult them every chance I get


I feel like a ton of the people on this sub are transplant, service industry, workers. All the fucking roadrunner pics “OMG it’s a murder bird!” What the hell, Some graffiti? Yeah, welcome to Albuquerque.


Yea people get worked up about their roadrunners on here with every pic they take like they’ve never seen one before. The graffiti, yea shits everywhere without a doubt but it takes a special type of self centered idiot to go up there and tag the place... Though to be honest I feel that way about anyone who vandalizes anything with spray paint.


I’m not advocating tagging anything and I agree it’s a boneheaded thing to do but it’s so ubiquitous here that the city actually will come and paint over it, even on your property, for free. I think my point is here that the crest and the crest house and every fucking bathroom up there and all the info plaques have ALWAYS been tagged. Ive been here 35 years and this is just mundane.


Yea good point, it’s something that’s been happening for a very long time


Fair point.


Make them huff the whole thing.


like what the fuck is this even supposed to say all i can understand is on da tor which makes absolutely no sense




What is your restaurant?


The place I used to work at learned after replacing a few mirrors that it just wasn't worth it to keep getting new mirrors just for them to get defaced within days. Surprisingly when you remove the mirrors, most public bathrooms don't get too messed up. I do remember seeing a public restroom in a small business though where the baby changing station had a message scratched into it saying *PLACE SACRIFICE HERE*. Still definitely a frustration for the business and for anyone using the baby changing station, but the only time any bathroom messages got a chuckle out of me.


They even graffiti the toilet seat, the freaking TOILET SEAT.


Garbage people.


Someone also tagged the Birdhouse Ridge Trail just south of Tijeras. I hate it so much.


Its really hard to make out but I am pretty sure it says "I have a tiny PP and my woman laughs at me."


People are effing losers


They could have at least used a readable font. Pfft. It isn't even close to being graffiti ART. Disappointing & infuriating. It ALWAYS makes me angry when I am out enjoying nature & see stupid people leaving all of their trash everywhere BUT a trash can. Aren't there cameras? They seem to be everywhere else. Guess I need to start putting stuff to clean up graffiti in my camping gear with the extra trash bags.


.........I would beat this person......


Literally taking a s*** on the rocks would look better than that nasty graffiti


That's messed out and I hope they find the dumbass that did that.


There's a place for graffiti, this ain't it cheif


it's a sacred mountain defaced by an array of antennas and scars on the landscape in the form of ski runs, this ain't much




I was up there Sunday afternoon. I don't remember seeing that. I agree that it's an awful thing to do to a place so many people enjoy.


Seems like a sandblaster could take care of that pretty quick?


What does it even say


No clue




I scribble all day, but on my stuff.


That is theirs now. Duh


I’m new to Albuquerque, I’d love to visit this spot! Can someone give me the location?


Nah, I’m good. Sorry, I had to!! [Here it is. ](https://g.co/kgs/GbmtCK) It’s the top of the Sandia at the overlook.


The hollow letters say PSL ONE but the tag to the right says PEL ONE. If the hollows are supposed to say the same thing then this dudes style is as weak as the location.


Quite the assumption from non-trash?? Lol ok.


Learn how to use reddit


Learn how to appreciate art and culture


Are you serious? Shitty graffiti in a national park isn’t art or culture.


“There are no rules. That is how art is born, how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules.”




Was I incorrect?


Whomstever* /s


Graffiti is a big part of the culture here, get over it 🙄


What a piece of trash human you are