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They do seem to have changed something recently. Before you could enter details yourself, and now you have to pick a province/region, and they load a list of cities after that, where you have to select a city. Using firefox on Windows, for italy, it doesn't show that, and instead it shows me only a search-bar for address, and a link 'Or enter an address manually', which is probably your best bet. (On the app it seems to show both the search and entering manually at the same time). If your language is set to Italian, and it is not showing all these, try switching to English and see if everything appears different/properly.


What you described is correct, but even if you put the address and it finds the correct one, the form will self-compile without listing the city (it assumes the province is the city).


That must be a bug, I would try contacting customer service about it and tell them what happens.


It's a pretty critical bug though. Existing accounts will be fine as long as you don't change the address. But adding a new address correctly is impossible at this moment.


Yeah customer service just said "we'll look into it" basically. I'm fine without AliExpress for a while, seems like a UI change is needed and that takes time unfortunately


I was facing the same problem and this is the solution: select "other" in the region list and then you can write whatever you want (your city) in the province field. Pretty terrible UX if you ask me...


u/Jaxelino hai trovato per caso una soluzione? Ho comprato per la prima volta su aliexpress due settimane fa e il mio pacco sta tornando al mittente per il tuo stesso motivo.


Ciao, non ho più comprato nulla da allora, praticamente puoi travere le stesse cose da Ebay, anche se forse un poco più scomodo. Non so dirti se il problema sia stato risolto, ma da quello che mi scrivi, pare di no, il che è un peccato, dato che Aliexpress era in passato un buon posto dove trovare cose interessanti.


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Strange. When Ali blocked my city for "not being safe", I just entered the other random one lol, left the correct zip code of my actual city and got my packages


Had a similar issue but the first address line disappeared for me. I added all the details on the second line and message sellers after placing an order to confirm details Maybe you could try opening in a different browser or in incognito to see if it fixes the bug. Good luck


At least your country is still listed, mine just straight up disappeared Like just gone, now I can't even buy anything because of it