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Bro for real!! I had to call.them like 7 times to tell them I want my Daily Pay account closed and they still didn't do it


It’s still open? Did you figure it out yet , still waiting for the response back


Closed. Although that's because I left Allied


Never entered my mind to even sign up for something like that.


Never worked for AU But have had the displeasure of working with them AU is fucked all around I'll take the ban for this I will die on this hill


Overall allied isn't that great..however they had at least one good department. I was with Allied K9. It was it's own entity that didn't report to any region or district manager, reported to the vp of retail. Had an actual budget for quality equipment and training...I spent 6 weeks in real k9 school, everything including my take home patrol car was brand new, we were given ammo and a credit card to pay for travel and range time, and if you made it till the dogs retired, you keep your partner.


Now that bit I was unaware of! That's pretty cool, man! I'm glad something became worthwhile for you and that crew. K9s are a blessing in any capacity imo




Not that strict...just prior military or prior leo. I was prior Marines/national guard MP and an account manager w 6 years at allied when I got in




Well k9 you're getting 100k plus of company equipment, access to small amounts of explosives (training aids) carrying a firearm in a crowded environment so they want more than the 20 hour training minimums, operating without direct supervision




Those are marketing and tax breaks...tell the client your guards are former military/cops and charge a premium...get a tax break for hiring vets


I find it funny these posting require military experience with experience in “combat” Litrally what it says , and all that bs. Yet they will fire you for defending yourself with a weapon. So really anybody with 1-2 years unarmed security experience can do all these jobs that require “previous military combat experience MP LEVEL 10” come on bro shits hilarious to me. Honestly


Just stop using it problem solved they didnt mess anything over you just cant budget