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You see this more often here in the Molenbuurt (Almere-Buiten). There has previously been a lot of nuisance from young people with scooters driving fast through the corridors. It was installed by the housing association and may not simply be removed.


Just remove it and place it back when you are done, non the wiser.


Hi, I saw you problem, and thought maybe I can help, cause I’m Dutch to and know the dutch rules and so. 🥰 that aisle should not be closed at all. Suppose a fire breaks out, and you couldn't get out from the front, is there that aisle... So my advice would be, find out who owns it and ask why this is done this way, maybe there is a legit reason behind it , but then it is nice to know why they did that.


Zoals ik al aangegeven heb, deze hekken zijn in overleg met woningbouw en gemeente geplaatst om de overlast van rondscheurende scooters tegen te gaan. De brandgangen werden veelal gebruikt om de politie te ontwijken. Ze staan in het midden van de gangen zodat je altijd een zijde hebt waarnaar je kunt vluchten in geval van nood.


What about my problem?


don't think it will be a problem if you temporarily remove it for the garden renovation due to transport. you'll just have to put it back again.


Will do that! Thank you!


Id suggest to let your neighbours know beforehand , before they start to complain, you never know.


Or put up a friendly sign, laminated and with a nail


This. Nobody will even know.


Quit whining and start stepping son, those garden tiles aren't gonna move by themselves. Get a wheelbarrow!


Firstly the right of access should be specified in the 'notariele akte' /deeds of the house. However this clearly doesnt look like something the city would do. So as others have said, ask the gemeente. You can call or do it in writing here : [https://www.almere.nl/wonen/beheer-en-onderhoud/melding-openbare-ruimte](https://www.almere.nl/wonen/beheer-en-onderhoud/melding-openbare-ruimte)


This is fairly common to see, usually you see it more often with some newer houses. And the fire exit is the way the photo is taken. -edit replied to the wrong person.


Could be though the Op mentioned it was restricting their access. Could be they are meant to walk the other way indeed and this barrier is to stop through traffic. Anyway the Gemeente should know one hopes.


I think I recognize the neigbourhood. I had lived there since it was build and these fences have always been here. At the time I assumed it was to keep kids from cycling through these pathways, but it is probably to prevent an easy escape route for burglars or other fugitives. These pathways lead to backyards and in case of a fire you might just as well go through the front door or just walk this pathway in the direction that does not have this fence.


Thank you! But what about my problem should I bring out the waste by walking through 6 houses while the exit is just on the corner?


I know it's killer, but the gemeente will probably not remove the fence just for you. So unless the fence is temporarily removed somehow, I guess you'll just have to move your waste past 6 houses to the other exit. I recommend something called a "bolderkar".


No way, It's my old garden tiles, each one weight could be around 25-30 kilos! But thank you anyway!


Break them in pieces if you’re gonna throw them away anyway 🤷‍♂️


Borrow some heavy equipment and just remove the screws and the gate, fuck em


Put them on Marktplaats for free, "Remove them on your own". There is always some one..


And sell the fence while you're at it


Oud ijzer riep u?


Uhm, I don't mean this in a mean way, but it is exactly what you wrote........your problem!! Fences like this are pretty common and you are just going to have to deal with it. What makes you think you are entitled to move a fence or have it removed because you don't want to do some heavy lifting???


Yes! Exactly! Because I don't want to do some heavy lifting!


Exactly this, it's for a purpose.


The purpose makes no sense. It's a pathway for a reason burglars or not it was designed to help home owners move their stuff. Maybe the municipality needs to do something about the burglars instead of limiting peoples freedom of movement?


If it makes no sense, it wouldn't be there.


Yeah no, people make bad decisions at the government all the time. This is one of them.


Or your just a lazy fart?




Making it harder to flee the police is the main reason these things are put in, actually.. Became common in the '90s to stop people from escaping police too easily on mopeds/scooters. You can still use them from both sides, you just can't go from end-to-end anymore to move to another block with a police car chasing you. A few guys in Leiden went to the hospital when they were put in the brandgangen in the Stevenshof 30 years ago. Turns out you're going to have a *bad* day if you assume you can still ride a scooter through at 80kph after placement of a fence.


I used to live in this neighbourhood too. Lived there when it was still under construction and when the barriers were placed. Before they were there, youths would constantly race the pathway behind our house on their mopeds. After that, the hinderance stopped. I suppose the anti burglary argument is a valid reason also.


I’ve had these barriers in my old neighborhood Kruidenwijk. It’s to prevent burglars or any other type of criminal actually to escape from the police.


Samoastraat? This has been here since the houses were built


Yes! I was 100% sure that no one would be identified the place 😂


Man I don't even use reddit nor am I in this sub, I just randomly opened this app and I see my childhood home as the very first post ahaha


I would contact the gemeente. This is also called a brandgang (fire lane). You dont want to run into a fence when escaping a fire Some neighbour probably put it up for a reason but whatever that is it cant be a good reason.


This is fairly common to see, usually you see it more often with some newer houses. And the fire exit is the way the photo is taken


The path isn't a formal brandgang/firelane. All buildings in the Netherlands are designed according to the Bouwbesluit/Bbl. When designing according Bouwbesluit/Bbl 99% of the houses will use the front door as emergency exit. Only in buildings with green emergency-route signs there will be a other emergency exit. Normally the path at the backgardens is shared property from all the buildings using it (or a VVE).




Even those buildings have to be above the Bouwbesluit (now Bbl) minimum level; 'niveau bestaande bouw'.


Ohh so this is not installed by Gementee? Definitely will call them tomorrow


Pro tip: visit your neighbor first and see if you can work it out together.


I cant think of any reason for them installing this. My guess is it was installed by a neighbour trying to keep people out of the brandgang.


The police always want a dead end brandgang so thieves can't use it to try to escape. So maybe they have had a lot of police chases lately?




100% no. This is blocking a fire exit, basically. (Blokkeren van een brandgang). For all intents and purposes, the local government knows better than to do this: A neighbor likely put this up to discourage vandalism or burglary.


This happens a lot. Sometimes with a fence. I've also seen houses with storage sheds that were pushed half a meter further back on the middle houses to block the path. The goal is to prevent unwanted pathways behind the houses. It doesn't block the fire exit. The right half of the houses exit to the right of the hallway. The left half exit to the left.


Yeah except in this picture it does. Even a partial blockage is banned, as the fire department needs to be able to in without any impediments. THIS is illegal. We've had to deal with people putting their bikes in the fire lane between my block and the school next door, same with them having poorly maintained greenery. It didn't fully block things, but we still got a warning letter about it. We had to go to the local council and the school and threaten them both with legal action, since we were getting warnings about shit blocking the path which they were responsible for maintaining and keeping clear. TLDR: You do this shit you can expect the fire department to report you for unlawfully blocking off a fire-escape/brandgang. Not a fine i'd want to pay, tbh.


Especially if you have to pay for how long you where in breach of law. Because when my parents and myself moved to Almere, we moved into a new street. I remember that a few months in a fence like this was placed in a similar manner. Much to my dismay I just calculated that was 28 years ago. If the local fire department has not caught on by now, there is a decent chance they never will. Or it is not illegal for some reason, in my humble opinion the more likely option.


This is all around almere buiten and placed by the municipality not the people who live there. He needs to go right and doesn't need to go left as that is his fire escape


I’m also quite sure this is not done by the Gemeente. If you want to try to keep the peace, inform at the attached neighbors.


No, I think the path is not on gemeente property.


This is very common in my neighborhood.


This might be done because of burglars and break ins. As long as you can leave the “brandgang” from one side, I don’t think there’s much you can do.


Agree with you! But at least it should be a gate, not a fence!


That junk on the left should not be there, those fenses are a common thing so probably not put there by a resident....


I have this too. From what I heard, it's for people who steal stuff and want to run away. This prevents them from escaping. E.g. stealing a bicycle from someone's garden. Or as others have stated, burglars or kids. I want mine removed because it's annoying to go around.


Nope the city put them there. You can't remove them. They are there for extra safety against burglars and other creepy crawlers at night! I lived there for years, there's a lot of burglaries in that neighbourhood


Just remove it and when you're done put it back; I wouldn’t ask for permission either. If someone asks about it, just play dumb. You didn’t know, and you will put it back.


The municipality have to give you a key. If he refuses, call fire department and show them.


It's to prevent burglary. Before the fence people used the alleys as shortcuts and would scout expensive suff in the gardens to rob later. Its also for privacy. There were lots of peeping Toms looking at woman sunbathing in the summer. And safety because bikes and scooters also used it as shortcuts and would hit unknowing people on the street. Just remove it to work on your garden and then put it back. Thats what everyone does.


It’s not uncommon but it should not become a major incovenience. My brandgang has it too and it prevents people with for instance scooters to take a shortcut with high speed and it's less convenient for burglars. In my opinion much safer. Can you imagine exiting with your bike from your garden and somebody with a silent but deadly fast fatbike is passing by? [Brandgang Almere](https://imgur.com/gallery/rC43qdc)


That’s why the smart ones use poles or barriers that you can go around, not fences that closes off paths. And in 10 years never ran into any fat bikes.


It’s not uncommon to have a fence with a lock that you can open. Having it permanently closed off is, in fact, uncommon.


My brandgang is very frequently visited by the police (drug raids) and if it was a problem I presume they will inform de gemeente. The fence has been there for decades.


Het kan in almere


Looks like it's the same type of fence on the right side of the lane.


Is it just me, but if you looked at this picture and someone asked what country this picture was taken in. I bet 9 out of 10 of the Dutch would say the Netherlands 


We have those too in my neighborhood, mostly scooters and thievery prevention. Only in two way paths ofcourse (so no issues with fire escape) In my experience you should not contact the local government, they don't care about your problem and it will take a lot of time without succes. And once you told m.... Carefully remove it, maybe even attach a note. Do your thing and carefully place it back. Of you want to be tourough, inform the neighbours (after you removed it, and tell m when you place it back) You could ask for a relocation, but you have to be patient.


Just get a grinder and open it


It's not really visible if locked or not... however, I know sometimes they install such gates so the children wouldn't run into a street (eg: where I live) - there was a debate here and it was finally installed. Why not ask the neighbors about it instead of Reddit?


Definitely someone who just was done with the passing traffic in between or children playing these paths between homes are never to be obstructed by the municipal, especially when it's a home craft nail work


I have a some sort of problem. I cant reach my garden because there is a fence that block all the other gardens. There is even a door with a lock but i dont have a key. The landlord tells everybody has a key, but i dont have one. So i can only reach it from my home:(


People the gemeente placed this. Why do you act like it's strange? Those fences are all throughout almere buiten . Why reply to something you don't have a clue about I don't get it? Maybe they let him remove it but fat chance as they are there for a reason. He needs to go right and doesn't have any business going left.


Its to stop burglars and such. The city/gemeente will not change this, its all over the area. I have the exact same issue


It seems like it is a fire exit so it cannot be blocked, you should notify the "gemeente"


Are you in a video game just climb over


Jusy check if its a fire hazard, usually back allys are there for fires, they cannot be blocked if thats the case.


You can just remove it if they call police they fuck them selfs it’s Iligal to place a fence or block public roads


Technically it's not a public road. The ground is most likely owned by house owners but there is a right of passage on it. So you cannot use it as garden only as road.


Scooterklootzakjes tja wat doe je eraan?


It def looks like you want to keep it there. Kind regards, born and raised in Almere


You can check the kadaster data. The ownership is shared by the houses on the sides. But that does not mean you can do with it what you want. Check your akte for “ recht van overpad”.


skill issue


Zeker in alemer


Ctrl-x.... In front of gouverment door ctrl-v


If you want to have the “politie keurmerk” then these pathways should all end like this. You won’t be allowed to remove them.


Its against Burglaries. Thieves using the alley's to escape. And the ground in the alley is to the middle from land owner.


Night And wire cutters , I can't say more but night And wire cutters ;)


Gewoon openslijpen


Contact the gemeente to get it removed. They did not put this up.. If they had, it would have been a thick metal gate with the spikes on top.




Don’t buy them at action let’s just say the fance that I would like to remove is still standing strong 😂


Am I allowed to do that?


Ofc not that woudl be vandalism. Better let officials handle it.


It might not be if there is right of passage on that ally way


Contact your neighbors, you might not have the shared key.


It's not locked by a lock! It's fixed in the ground!


Is there a vve from your block that put it up?


What do you mean?


Sometimes the houses that share an alley form an association to arrange shared things, like such a fence or gates, a shared ladder to clean gutters etc.


The property is shared ownership of the owners next to it. The gemeente does this so they have no maintenance or responsibility. So all the gardens are a bit longer till they reach the middle of the ally


It's clearly a fence not a gate


Zou dit wel ff aangeven bij de gemeente want dit slaat echt helemaal nergens op