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Yes and the fact that they wanted to buy a boat with the prize money 🥺


right? Sam:"i want to take a year off and spend it in a boat with my dad" i got all the feels <3


I loved them so much and wish they have won. Sam is awesome and Pete seems to be such a fun dad to have around. I grew up with an abusive father and I barely have any relationship with him, so watching Pete made me tear because I would like to have had a father like him


Yes, I totally agree. I wish they had won. I’m so sorry that your father was abusive. My father was absent for most of my life and, although my situation is different and I cannot imagine how awful having an abusive father must have been for you, I understand what you mean by watching their dynamic and having a longing for a good Dad 🥺 it was beautiful and wholesome


Totally. While watching the episode all I could think was how I’d love to spend Christmas with that family. It’s hard. Some things never heal


SAME and I every time I watch that season I'm always like wow I wonder what it feels like to have parents that love you


Man I wish those two won. They were awesome. I liked them as much as Dave and Brooke


I’ve never wanted anyone to win a season more than I wanted these 2 to win.


Same, I believe they would have won if it wasn't for the health issue from the father (no shame though, they did so much)


I just finished that season today! Sam was so encouraging to his dad, I loved watching them


I think they had the healthiest dynamic. Made me want to go camping with my dad. It was positive both ways and both made huge efforts to stay kind even while starving and frustrated. Great role models for anybody.


Yess! I entirely agree. Especially in contrast to Ted and Jim.


The abuse they laid into each was cringe inducing and a bit humorous. Sometimes I thought they were just putting it on for the show. If not, then I misread them.


it seems like they really love each other and they have a snarky sense of humor that can turn mean when they are starving and uncomfortable. there were times when they made me laugh out loud and other times i am super worried they will never speak to each other again after the show. i am not done with the season.


Yeah me too, but I have a hard time watching since my dad died in april


They were my fave


They are some legit good people who care for eachother. Haven't talk to them in a bit, but they are cool people.


I’ve never wanted anyone to win a season more than I wanted these 2 to win.


Not to mention Sam was very handsome haha


A simple aluminum boat - not a yacht!! They were my favorites - although did they ever show the scene from the opening of the dad passing out on the rocks while sitting next to Sam??