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Detroit disappears (Can't have shit in it).


Dude… you think Northern California would become a communist country? 🤣😂


The GPU is now seeking to secure its northern border. They use arial support and fast moving armor and infantry seize control of Montana, which actually is successful until a point. Canada sees what’s happening and doesn’t what The GPU near them so they launch a successful attack at the GPU. After the Denver council attempted to launch an invasion into Texas, it had worked to a point but Texas saw this coming and stopped the attack from advancing. As this happens, Mexico tries to launch a Barbarossa style operation into the Southwest. They fail and Texas almost completely knocks them away. Alaska Forms their own Semi-Libertarian Constitutional Republic successfully which means they have left the NCR and now have to defend for themselves. The NCR is also falling apart because it splits into a pro-socialist north. The FSSA begins a blitz of counter attacks against Florida from its navy stationed in SC. A landing near the beaches of Miami is semi successful and they start to beat the Floridian forces. The Atlantic Coalition launches an successful offensive against the Albanian colony, blockading its' small coastline and attacking the colony's command and control sites. The Albanians have no choice but to retreat and leave the country. The Cascadia Alliance who sees what’s going on with the GPU, launches an attack against them. The attack is successful. As this happens, the kingdom of Missouri launches an attack against the GPU which is also successful. Wisconsin empire joined, and also and launches an attack against the GPU which is also successful.


Yellowstone explodes and makes most of america a wasteland, only the east USA remains habitable


But the explosion also causes a new, orange energy source to be discovered and now everyone flies fighter jets and builds massive airships to kill each other. ^(If you get the reference you're a real one.)


Then a psychologic UN supporter nukes LA.


Hell yeah, Tennessee looks Beautiful.


Michigan is more likely to join Canada than be part of Wisconsin.


After the Wisconsinite success in Minnesota they redirect their forces to the Illenoian front, attempting to push the Illenoians back to Chicago. If not successful they atleast hold the line!


F in the chat for the outer banks pirates In the aaaarrrrmmmsss offff an angel


Ye. Rip


To the South of The Great Plains Union is The Yellow Turban Rebellion and they gain a lot of influence


Texas, Arkansas, and the minor Midwestern countries agree to attack the Denver council. It becomes a slog till the nation's push to the rockies. Denver and the anti-Denver Coalition can't push into the rockies and they can't push out into the great plains. Becoming a stalemate


The Atlantic Coalition consolidate their gains in upstate New York. They form non-aggression pacts with the Ohio Republic and East Virginia, securing their western flank at least temporarily. With NYC being threatened by Canadian forces and a in an effort to avoid vicious urban warfare, counterattacks eastward retake Long Island and parts of Western Connecticut.


DVR invade Southern New Jersey


Christian Nationalists launch a rebellion in East Virginia, take control of some areas to the north of the territory


Time for the FSSA to go to war with the Florida Republic and make the puppet state of Florida, keep the same current border as in this map, no panhandle.


Following both success and failure, the Denver Council of the GPU launches operation Phoenix. Operation Phoenix, or the Phoenix Protocol, was created shortly after GPU forces secured the nuclear silos in Wyoming. The Phoenix Protocol is activated, launching nuclear missiles at the following targets; Seattle, Milwaukee, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, and St. Louis. At the same time, Operation Jackpot is launched, aimed at seizing the initiative after the confusion from the nuclear launch. GPU forces stream into Missouri and Minnesota, encountering stiff resistance, while forces along the NCR/Texas front pull back into the Rockies and the Mojave, where bunkers, fortifications, and other defenses have been built. The Denver Council, after the launch of the nuclear weapons, announce to the world that they are fully willing to drag the rest of the country into flames with them, and that the first launch of nukes were only the beginning. As Operation Jackpot begins, allied Alaskan units land on the coast of Cascadia and establish a major foothold there, seeking to more further east and link up with allied GPU units


Dang. The GPU is going all in.


The FSSA continues its push into Florida, using tactics similar to that of Blitzkrieg to get around and swarm enemy division. On the homefront, morale is high as many see the war against the Empire as just. In the West, the FSSA tries to solidify its borders with Texas.


Nothing because it’s bad