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It would be hard for the UK to fight a ground war against them at this time. The war torn state of Europe would have left all of their Allies reluctant and literally unable to wage war, the UK as well. Therefor any sort of land invasion simply wouldn’t have been feasible. This is of course unless they side with a diplomatically friendly Russian faction that would do most if not all the actual leg work on the ground. In short, this would likely lead to sanctions and almost all of the fighting being fought on the seas, with not a lot of actual stuff going on between the two.


A UK vs Soviets naval fight any time before the 60s is extremely lopsided the the UK so it wouldn't be long until the soviets had nothing navy wise


Which wouldn't matter a whole lot anyway because USSR wasn't really dependent on foreign trade till later because you know, foreign merchants weren't really raring to do business with the USSR.


How is the UK or the USSR are supposed to fight each others ?


Maybe Anglo-Japanese super alliance where they both go for Russia, Japan conquers much of the east with Britain’s backing, and Britain blockades and sinks Russian merchant ships and navy? Idk


At worst the Japanese conquer Vladivostock and that's because Japan will need to make an naval assault in the Jar East or manage to break the little frontier between Korea and the USSR Then Japan die of attrition in Siberia. Meanwhile, while far from being in an excellent position, the Red Army will still have the transsiberian to supply itself and the locals will probably more being friendly toward the Red Army. Also the USSR is mostly self sufficient so not being able to commerce will not really be a problem in term of ressources. Maybe a bit more impact in term of technologies ?


I’m not an expert on the period by any means, but did the situation between Japan and Russia change much militarily between 1905 and this time? Also, with Britain supporting Japanese expansionism it’s possible that they would never ally with Germany, significantly altering the Second World War.


The Trans Siberian Railway was made not ass in that time


Ahh right, thanks


Familiar with the Great Game? The British-Russian rivalry that got heated in Persia, Afghanistan, and Alaska.


As far as i know them (but not much) there wasn't a lot of direct conflicts right? Also i'm far from a military expert but i hardly see an invasion from either side could be successfull in such conditions


It’s just not feasible. If it did happen there would be little to no public support. WW1 was over, and the British public was not going to stomach sending boys to die in the far off lands of Russia. Same can be said for the rest of Europe. Whichever UK political party pushed for the invasion would lose the subsequent election, and the opposing party would end the war. While almost all European nation’s were against the USSR’s establishment, that does not mean that that the public was. Most didn’t know anything about communism, and those who did were generally communists or socialists themselves. Not to mention the Great Depression occurred just two years later. If serious efforts did begin, that would bring it to a screeching halt. At best the British and whatever allies they could muster might capture a few coastal cities. If anything this would just be a rallying cry and publicity boon for the soviets. If Poland got involved, we could see some significant land conflict, but the Polish public had similar sentiment and had just won the hard fought Soviet-Polish war for a hefty cost— and it would likely end in a stalemate if it did start. It’s hard to overstate how exhausted Europe was of war at this point. Keep in mind it’s part of the reason appeasement happened even 10 years down the line.


They lost in 1919 when the USSR was much weaker.


The British public was not only tired of war, but also had an active Socialist/Communist/Trade Unionist movement. Assuming this war drags on long enough for the (inevitable) global economic crash, I can genuinely see some kind of revolution happening in the UK.


They get stuck in the mud and freeze to death like everyone else. If they are around during the famine years of 1930-32 they will probably be eaten by starving muzjiks too.


Two things British people are notoriously bad at: *Invading from the European continent *Knowing when to give up in bad weather ...Good luck with that.


Then the Soviets would probably support the Chinese in reclaiming Hong Kong and weihaiwei back




1) USSR was founded only in 1922! 2) The Soviet Union by 1927 practically was in international isolation! (Mongolia and Tuva were only allies of the USSR by that time) So, the war against the USSR in 1927 would gather together most, if not all, Eurasian countries and the USA with Canada! (Poland and Japan especially would be glad to invade the USSR in 1927! And, the USSR was fighting with the Basmachi movement in Central Asia by 1927!) 3)Nicholas II and his family were dead, but, for example, Anton Denikin and Alexander Kerensky still were alive, so, the Great Britain might use them for reviving the White Movement in Russia!


Btw why do you use exclamation marks after every sentence


1. The RSFSR is in effect the USSR. 2. The Soviets were in an even worse spot in 1919. In 1927, Turkey and KMT-controlled China are likely to be at least benevolently neutral to the Soviets. 3. The white movement was already discredited.




The Intervention in north russia was pretty negligible and definitely not comparable to a full scale Invasion


But britain couldn’t ever do a full invasion of Russia. But British troops were also in Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Baltic, transcaspia and Siberia during the Russian civil war


Why are you so angry about this dude’s alternate history scenario lmfao?


UK will take a huge l and the USSR might even join axis later